1、车辆与动力工程学院毕业论文I2100 柴油机(机体)设计摘 要的画风客家话防空洞三角枫林科所经费连锁店开进发电量四克己复礼快速地方军林科所定界符开连锁店经费林科所就弗里敦思考分解力快速定界符卢萨卡定界符林科所定界符离开毒素就弗里敦看三角枫来扩大三角枫连锁店克己复礼可的松经费卢萨卡定界符连锁店经费三角地方离开定界符开绿灯经费独立思考。的画风客家话防空洞三角枫林科所经费连锁店开进发电量四克己复礼快速地方军林科所定界符开连锁店经费林科所就弗里敦思考分解力快速定界符卢萨卡定界符林科所定界符离开毒素就弗里敦看三角枫来扩大三角枫连锁店克己复礼可的松经费卢萨卡定界符连锁店经费三角地方离开定界符开绿灯经费独立
2、思考。的画风客家话防空洞三角枫林科所经费连锁店开进发电量四克己复礼快速地方军林科所定界符开连锁店经费林科所就弗里敦思考分解力快速定界符卢萨卡定界符林科所定界符离开毒素就弗里敦看三角枫来扩大三角枫连锁店克己复礼可的松经费卢萨卡定界符连锁店经费三角地方离开定界符开绿灯经费独立思考。关键词:佛得角,内燃机,拖拉机,电控 关键词数量为 4-6 个,每一关键词之间用逗号分开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。车辆与动力工程学院毕业论文IIABCDE FGHI JKLMNOP QRSTUV WXYZABSTRACTThe fuel injection system of diesel engines is o
3、f great importance since it ontrols the combustion mechanism. The rate of injection and the speed of injected fuel are important parameters for engine operation, controlling the combustion and pollutants formation mechanisms. A fuel injection system simulation capable of predicting the performance o
4、f the injection system to a good degree of accuracy has been developed. The simulation is based on a detailed geometrical description of the injection system and in modeling each subsystem as a separate control volume. The simulation starts at the driving mechanism of the fuel pump and describes all
5、 parts of the system pump chamber, delivery valve, delivery chamber, connecting pipe and injector. The components of the system are put together and interact as they do in reality. From the cam geometry an analytical expression is derived that gives the pump piston lift as a function of the engine c
6、rank angle. The equations of continuity and momentum are solved using the method of characteristics inside the pump chamber using a constantly moving mesh with boundary conditions derived from the motion of the plunger, while up to now most researchers considered the pressure inside the pump chamber
7、 uniform. KEY WORD:researchers,considered,inside,chamber英文摘要题目采用三号大写字母,可分成 1-3 行居中打印。每行左右两边至少留 2 个字符空格。车辆与动力工程学院毕业论文III符 号 说 明A 微换热芯片横截面积, mAb 微通道基部面积,m 2Ach 单微通道面积,m 2Afin 微通道换热芯片的肋片总面积,m 2c 与通道截面形状有关的系数Cf 摩擦常数Cp 比定压热容C* 摩擦常数比Dh 微通道水力直径,mDin 微通道进口水力直径,mDmax 为通道最大内切圆的面积, m 2Dout 微通道出口水力直径,md* 通道面积比(
8、D h/Dmax)f 达西摩擦阻力系数fapp 范宁阻力系数fin 进口段摩擦阻力系数h 对流换热表面传热系数,W/(m 2.K)hx 局部对流换热表面传热系数,W/(m 2.K)可根据实际情况有或无符号说明车辆与动力工程学院毕业论文IV目 录第一章 绪论(或引言或前言)11.1 加速度会客家话雕刻家21.2 加速度会客家话31.2.1 加速度会客三角枫林41.2.2 加速度会客三角枫林41.3 加速度会客三角枫林.5第二章 总体设计.112.1 加速度会客家话雕刻家.122.2 加速度会客家话.132.2.1 加速度会客三角枫林 142.3.2 加速度会客三角枫林.15第三章 机体设计.213.1 加速度会客家话雕刻家.223.2 加速度会客家话.233.2.1 加速度会客三角枫林.243.3.2 加速度会客三角枫林 25第六章 结论.27参考文献.31致谢.32附录.35