1、01/31/02A 新填充 1 方有毅 教授原則:Classified 分類1. 可以看出到底哪一類最多。2. 可以看出這些單字究竟是不是老師常教的,常教的就要趕快背熟一點,如果是老師沒教的,但是又不會,可是是一個比較簡單的單字,可以趁現在檢查。3. 怎樣培養前後文解題的感覺。4. 確保前面五題有填充題一定要答對,假設前面五題有兩題填充題確保要答對,前面五題如果出現填充題要做慢一點,做到對為止,花兩分鐘三分鐘都沒有關係,就是一定要對,不可以因為時間壓力而匆忙的選了一個沒有把握的答案,一定要有把握一定對。與其把三十題全部都做完,而前面五題錯了兩三題,到了最後二十八,二十九,三十全作對,那是不行的
2、。與其錯前面不如錯後面,與其對後面不如對前面。寧可前面做對。5. 如果假設做到第二十題剩下五分鐘,還有一篇短篇閱讀,雖然還有十題,閱讀是有三篇一長兩短,這篇短的閱讀做完以後,應該沒有閱讀了,那麼十題減兩題還有八題,這八題一定是類比填充跟反義,所以這篇閱讀要不要隨便做呢? 不要,花個兩分鐘把它做完,三分鐘留給八題綽綽有餘,尤其分數越高就會發現考古題的機率越大,就是後面八題大概用點的就可以點過去了,如果平常有背熟(CAT2001)的話。就算剩下八題,時間只有三分鐘,綽綽有餘。所以做後五分鐘如果還有閱讀的話,不要心慌,還是可以至少做對一題,不要說兩題全做對,用兩分鐘作對一題閱讀,接下來八題用三分鐘做
3、就夠了,而且題目都會很熟,假如不幸閱讀做錯了,再下來的題目可能就不熟了。本講義考題的編排方式是以前後文帶著反義的意思先講,前後文帶著同義後講。五十九題有一個冒號,從那個地方開始是前後文要同義,所以同義要求與反義要求的比率約為六比八(三比四) 。1. although Although sales have continued to 前後要相反,請注意填充題不是你自己造一個句子,而是說前面給你什麼意思,而後面要跟前面相反(如果是 although 開頭的) ,並不是說自己想想看哪一個答案我喜歡就可以,不是這個樣子,一定是根據前面的前提來判斷。increase since last April,
4、unfortunately the rate of 增加,找減少increase has -.反意字有五十九題,although 就佔了十五題。(A) resurged (B) capitulated 投降(C) retaliated 報仇復仇(D) persevered (E) decelerated 2. Although the meanings of words may necessarily be liable to change, it does not follow that the 容易,傾向lexicographer is therefore unable to render
5、 spelling, in a great measure, -.不要需要翻譯,翻譯到最後會變成自己的意思(A)。(A) arbitrary (B) superfluous (C) interesting (D) flexible (E) constant 3. Although the mental process that creates a fresh and original poem or drama is doubtless - that which originates and elaborates scientific discoveries, there is clearly
6、 a discernible逗點之前把藝術跟科學在比較。 difference between the creators. (A) peripheral to 邊緣,不重要的(B) contiguous with 鄰接的(C) opposed to (D) analogous to =similar(E) inconsistent with 不一致,不和諧的4. Although it seems -(+)- that there would be a看起來好像是這樣子(+),但事實上不是這樣子 (-)。greater risk of serious automobile accidents
7、in densely populated areas, such accidents are more likely to occur in sparsely populated regions.(A) paradoxical 矛盾的(-) (B) axiomatic 絕對的,axiom: 無法推翻的通則準則(C) anomalous (-) (D) irrelevant (-) (E) portentous 不吉利惡兆的由此可以看出動詞跟形容詞是 ETS 最喜歡考的,很少考到名詞,所以動詞和名詞一律要優先把它背清楚。5. Although any destruction of vitamin
8、s caused by food irradiation could be - the use of diet supplements, there may be no protection from逗點之後認為 no protection(-)反應逗點之前可以被補救(+)(High difficult level)carcinogens that some fear might be introduced into foods by the process.(A) counterbalanced by 彌補(B) attributed to (C) inferred from(D) augm
9、ented with 增加(v)(E) stimulated by (simulate:模仿)6. Although Georgia OKeeffe is best known for her affinity with the desert landscape, her paintings of urban subjects - her longtime residency in New York City. (A) condemn 譴責責罵(B) obfuscate 使困惑 (C) attest to 證明(D) conflict with (E) contend with 7. Alth
10、ough Simpson was ingenious at - to appear innovative and spontaneous(+), beneath the = seem 表面怎麼樣,事實又不是那樣ruse he remained uninspired and rigid(-) in his ruse 欺騙人的詭計 : deceiveapproach to problem-solving. (A) intending 故意(B) contriving 設計,欺騙人家(C) forbearing 忍受(D) declining (E) deserving ruse: Synonyms
11、 TRICK 1, artifice, feint, gambit, gimmick, jig, maneuver, ploy, stratagem, wileintend: 1 Synonyms MEAN 2, add up (to), connote, denote, express, import, signify, spell2 to have in mind as a purpose Synonyms aim, contemplate, design, mean, |mind, plan, propose, purposeRelated Word attempt, endeavor,
12、 essay, strive, try; plot, scheme; assign, designate, destineIdioms figure on, have in mind to, look forward tocontrive: 1 Synonyms PLOT, cogitate, |collogue, collude, connive, conspire, devise, intrigue, machinate, scheme (out)Related Word develop, elaborate, work out2 to use ingenuity in making or
13、 doing or achieving an end Synonyms concoct, cook (up), devise, dream up, formulate, frame, hatch (up), invent, make up, vamp (up)Related Word plan, plot, project, scheme; fabricate, fashion, make, manufacture; handle, manipulate, move; rig8. Although they were not direct-,the new arts 這一題雖然是 althou
14、gh 開頭的,但是從 and 下手比較好,所以看到 although 開頭的並不是一成不變的都必須利用 although,而是尋找其他另外的替代方案來解決這個問題。哪一個方案比較簡單,就用哪一個方案進行,由 and 絕對比由 although 進行來的簡單多了。of the Classical period were clearly created in the spirit of older Roman models and thus-many features of the older style.Dear Fang Sir:老師,我想請問一下這一題的結構可否看成 Although not
15、 P, new(P) older - and older -(P)也就是說 Although P, P P ,其中 Although 的條件(正轉負 or 負轉正)已經用掉了,所以只剩下 and 對等連接詞的條件可以用。另外想請問accentuated 強調, improvised 即席寫作,在動詞字彙課程中會教授嗎?(A) impressions introduced(B) translations accentuated(C) copies maintained(D) masterpieces depicted(E) borrowings improvised9. Although the
16、 number of reported volcanic eruptions has risen exponentially since 1850, thisP indicates not - volcanic activity but ratherP more widespread and - record keeping. (A) abating 降低減少 detailed(B) increasing systematic(C) substantial erratic(D) stable superficial(E) consistent meticulous 鉅細靡遺的小心翼翼Dear
17、Fang Sir:老師,我想請問的問題是“上升,下降,不變“三者的關係是否為:(A) “上升,不變“為“下降“的反意字(B) “下降,不變“為“上升“的反意字雖然這一題用不到這個觀念,但是我還是想了解。10. Although the -of cases of measles has -,researchers fear(-) that eradication of the disease,前面整句要是(+)once believed to be imminent, may not comesoon.(A) occurrence continued (-)(B) incidence decli
18、ned (+)(C) prediction resumed(D) number increased(E) study begunDear Fang Sir:老師,如果我看得懂 eradicate 根除( e: out, rad: root),可否把 eradication not come soon 當作(-) ,找前面整句要是(+)?11. Although a change in management may appear 似乎,在 GRE 作用大部分是好的(+) ,然而作者反對。所以像這一類的題目大部分although 是先承認一下這個東西是不錯,接著馬上從 正面轉向負面 to - a
19、shift in a companys fortunes, more often than not its impact is -.經常 , frequently(A) hinder measurable(B) promote demonstrable(C) accelerate profound(D) betray fundamental(E) augur 預測 inconsiderable 微小(-)augur : predict = pundit : opine正面轉向負面:No.1 Increase deceleratedNo.2 liable to change does not f
20、ollowNo.3 analogous differenceNo.4 seems axiomatic(+)No.5 counterbalanced no protectionNo.6 單純對比No.7 ingeniousappear innovative and spontaneous(+) uninspired and rigid(-)No.8 透過 andNo.9 risen indicates not - increasing -No.10 Although the -incidence- of cases of measles has declined- 12. Although he
21、 was known to be extremely - in his public behavior, scholars have discovered that 代表公開his diaries were written with uncommon -.代表私下私人公私對照在 GRE 裡是主流考題,表面(seem, appear)跟表面底下(beneath) 似乎跟真正這種對比一定要背好。由此可以看出 GRE 的端倪,它一定是 although 表面看起來,然後事實,因為這是寫作上的要求,主要子句就是作者的主張,而這個句子的主張它必須先承認一下表面看起來似乎別人說得,事實上又不是這樣子。也就
22、是說副詞子句是人家的觀念,表面的事實;主要子句是作者的真正主張。Although這種句型經常是用來批判對方的。(A) reserved 保守內向 frankness 坦率,直接了當公私對照直接去找成反意的配對(B) polite tenderness (C) modest lucidity 清楚 (D) reticent 沈默寡言 vagueness (E) withdrawn subtlety 微妙,不容易看出來的差異subtlety - patent distinction13. Although (he was) just barely(-) -(+)- as a writer of l
23、ucid 副詞子句省略 否定副詞,很罕見很少= hardly, scarcely, little, seldom prose, Jones was an extremely - editor who worked superbly with other writers in helping them improve the clarity of their writing. 此題由壞轉好,相當特別(A) deficient muddling 使混亂 to cause disorder (v)(B) proficient contentious 好爭論的(a) contentious : pol
24、emic 好爭論的人(C) adequate 適當有能力的(+) capable 有能力的(+)(D) appalling competent 有能力的,競爭上(+)嚇得臉色發白, pallid ; gall 使生氣,激怒(E) engaging inept 14. Although Irish literature continued to flourish after the sixteenth century, a - tradition is - in the visual arts: we think about Irish culture in 有 冒 號 , 永 遠 由 冒 號
25、下 手 , 因 為 冒 號 是 找 同 意 的 , 比 較 快 。反 意 確 實 是 比 較 慢 , 人 類 思 惟 就 是 這 樣 , 同 意 絕 對 比 反 意 來 得快 , 所 以 為 什 麼 GRE 要 考 反 意 字 , 不 考 同 意 字 , 因 為 同 意 字 太 容 易 找 了 。terms of the word, not in terms of pictorial images. 前面空格找否定(-),但必須有注意雙重否定的可能 (A) rich superfluous 多餘而不須要的 (B) lively found (C) comparable 類似的 absent 缺
26、乏(-)(D) forgotten apparent (E) lost extant 反意字15. Although the records of colonial New England are - in comparison with those available in France or England, the records of other English colonies in America are even more -. 程度類比, “同意“(A) sporadic 空間上四散的,時間上不連續的 irrefutable (B) sparse 稀稀疏疏的 incontrov
27、ertible (C) ambiguous authoritative (D) sketchy 零碎,未完整的 fragmentary = sketchy sketchy - elaborate (E) puzzling unquestionable 16. though Though - in her personal life, Edna St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless - about her work, usually producing several pages of complicated rhyme in a day.(A) jaded 厭倦
28、的 feckless 沒有責任的 feckless - responsible (B) verbose ascetic(C) vain 無效,徒勞無功的 humble (D) impulsive 衝動的 disciplined 有紀律的反意字是 GRE 最基本,涵蓋三大考題:反意字,反意類比,反意填充。(E) self-assured sanguine 臉色紅潤的,樂觀的17. Though (it is) - to some degree, telling a small liesometimes enables one to avoid(-) - anothers feelings.(A)
29、 necessary mollifying (B) regrettable(-) harming(-) (C) unfortunate exaggerating (D) attractive considering (E) difficult resisting 18. Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to -himself: it was his -that had caused the debacle.潰敗失敗(A) blame
30、skill(B) congratulate modesty(C) berate 責罵斥罵(v) largesse 慷慨(n)(D) accuse obstinacy(E) absolve 免罪 acrimony 尖酸刻薄(r)acquittal, exculpate, exonerate19. even though Even though the survey was designated as an interdisciplinary course, it科技整合involved no real - of subject matter. (A) encapsulation (B) orga
31、nization (C) synthesis (D) discussion (E) verification 20. while While scientists dismiss as fanciful the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code(spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, - on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable. (A) repeats (B)
32、improvises 即席演出(改變,不可預測) (C) ornaments 裝飾 (D) corrects 修改(E) harmonizes 使和諧20. while While scientists dismiss as fanciful the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code(spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, - on occasion, departing from the expected or predictab
33、le. 分詞構句,找同意關係(A) repeats (B) improvises 即席演出(改變,不可預測) (C) ornaments 裝飾 (D) corrects 修改(E) harmonizes 使和諧21. While many people utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not - such alternative treatments, - conventional medical treatments instead.(A) distrust(-) employing
34、(B) embrace1.擁抱 2.支持 3.接受(+) eschewing 避開(C) reject(-) envisioning(D) countenance 支持(+) relying on 依賴(E) recommend 推薦(+) turning from 離題22. While some argue that imposing tolls on highway users circumvents the need to raise public taxes for road maintenance, the phenomenal expense of maintaining a v
35、ast network of roads-reliance on these general taxes.(A) avoids(B) diminishes(C) necessitates(D) discourages(E) ameliorates 改善改革23. whereas Whereas the Elizabethans struggled with the transition from medieval - experience任何有改變的,從 A 到 B 保證是反意to modern individualism, we confront an 不用看了electronic tech
36、nology that seems likely to reverse the trend, rendering individualism obsolete and interdependence mandatory.任何有改變的 from to , from A to B 絕對是反意。(A) literary(B) intuitive(C) corporate 整體的(D) heroic(E) spiritual24. In the nineteenth century, novelists and unsympathetic travelers portrayed the America
37、n West as a land of - adversity, whereas 逆境困境(-)promoters and idealists created -(+)- image of a land of infinite promise. (A) lurid a mundane 世俗的 (B) incredible an underplayed 演出不夠逼真overplay 演出過火(C) dispiriting an identical (D) intriguing a luxuriant (E) unremitting 不斷的 a compelling 強迫,使人情不自禁的被吸引(+
38、) remit 匯款貸款25. despite Despite a string of dismal earnings沮喪(-) reports, the two-year-old strategy to return the company to profitability is beginning to (+)-.(A) falter 走路搖搖擺擺地 (B) disappoint(-) (C) compete (D) work 生效(+) (E) circulate 26. Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teenagers
39、face -her denial that she had 同位語 that 後面名詞子句不是形容詞子句known about the practical joke before it was played on her parents. (A) belied=deny 否認 ETS 最注重的兩個單字 1.belie 2.betray,其兩定義相反,永遠考第二定義Belie 1:撒謊 2:證明為假,撒謊Betray 1:背叛 2:洩漏的祕密也就是說真的不會的題目,看到這兩個單字就選它吧!?(B) illustrated (C) reinforced (D) exacerbated 使更激烈,惡
40、化,更嚴重 (E) trivialized27. Despite its -, the book deals with a number of crucial issues -.(A) optimism 樂觀 cursorily 散慢(B) importance 重要 needlessly 不需要地(C) virtues 價值(+) inadequately 尚嫌不足(-)(D) novelty strangely(E) completeness thoroughly28. Despite its many -, the whole-languagephilosophy of teaching
41、 reading continues to gain - among educators.(A) detractors 毀謗者 notoriety 惡名昭彰(B) adherents 支持者 prevalence 普遍(C) critics 批評者(-) currency 流行(+)此配對答案大量出現(D) enthusiasts popularity(E) practitioners credibility29. Despite the fact that it is almost universally -, = Althoughthe practice of indentured ser
42、vitude still - in many parts of the world. (A) condemned 譴責 abates 降低 (B) tolerated 寬容 survives 存活 (C) proscribed 禁止(-) persists 持續(+) (D) mandated 被命令 lingers 徘徊(E) disdained 輕視 n.v. intervenes 干預干擾 = scorn30. in spite of In spite of the increasing-of their opinions, the group knew they had to arri
43、ve at a consensus(+) so that the award could be presented.(A) impartiality 客觀(B) consistency 一致性(C) judiciousness 聰明睿智(D) incisiveness 觀察事情的銳利(E) polarity 兩極化(-)polemic 爭論31. In spite of -reviews in the press, the production of her play was -almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose ac
44、umen忽視,此題關鍵字 敏銳的判斷力was greater than that of the critics.(A) lukewarm 淡淡的,不好的評論(-) condemned to 受到譴責(-)(B) scathing 損壞的有殺傷力的破壞的(-) exposed to 暴露在之下 (C) lackluster 毫不精彩(-) rescued from 從解救回來(+)(D) sensitive reduced to 簡化為(E) admiring insured against 保證對抗32. in spite of the fact In spite of the fact th
45、at it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really -. (A) advanced (B) variable (C) repeatable (D) connected (E) distinct 33. but She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she
46、reveals a streak of -. (A) antipathy 討厭反感(B) misanthropy 憎恨人類(C) virtuosity 偉大技巧(D) equanimity 沈著冷靜(E) prodigality34. Estimating the risks of radiation escaping from a nuclear power plant is - question, but one whose answer then becomes part of a value-laden, emotionally charged policy debate about
47、whether to construct such a plant. (A) an incomprehensible (B) an undefined (C) an irresponsible (D) a divisive (E) a technical 科技 35. but instead He had expected gratitude for his grateful 感謝的(+),ingrate 忘恩的 disclosure, but instead he encountered - bordering on hostility. 交界,接近(A) patience (B) disc
48、retion (C) openness (D) ineptitude (E) indifference(-)36. instead A computer program can provide information in ways that force students to - learning instead of being merely - of knowledge.雙重空格,皆未知,帶入法(A) shore up reservoirs 蓄水池(B) accede to 同意 consumers 消費者 (C) participate in 參與者 recipients 接受者,不准參與(D) compensate for custodians (E) profit from beneficiaries Dear Fang Sir:老師,我想請問一下 merely 與 barely, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom(否定 副詞,很罕見很少)有相同的意義及功用嗎?scarcely1 a : by a narrow margin : only just b : almost not 2 a : certainly not b : probably not 37. While m