1、血脉与家园中澳建交 40 年启示之三Blood ties and home placeInspiration three from the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia陈育明大使在澳华人华侨新春庆典上的致辞Remarks by His Excellency Ambassador Chen Yuming at the Celebration of the Year of the Dragon by the Australian Council fo
2、r the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China2012 年 2 月 10 日 悉尼10 February 2012, Sydney尊敬的澳洲和统会会长邱维廉先生, 侨胞们、朋友们: Chairman William Chiu,Consul-General Duan Jielong,Dear Compatriots and Friends,在中华民族传统的龙年新年里,我代表中国驻澳大利亚使馆向生活在澳大利亚的广大侨胞和华人朋友们,致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿!At the beginning of the traditional Year of
3、 the Dragon, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Australia, festive greetings and best regards to the entire Chinese community in Australia.2011 年,中国实现了“十二五”规划的良好开局。 “天宫一号” 、 “神舟八号”的成功发射与顺利对接,是我们向创新型国家迈出的重要一步。2012 年我们迎来中国农历龙年,也是中澳建交 40 周年。40 年来,中澳关系龙腾虎跃,开拓进取,成绩卓著:In 2011, China has
4、 got off to a good start in its 12th Five-Year Plan. The successful launch and docking of the Tiangong 1 module and Shenzhou 8 spacecraft marked another significant step as China moves toward an innovation-oriented country.40 年来,双方各层次交往频繁,各领域互信加深。高层往来不断,民间交流活跃,往来人员突破百万人次。双边经贸往来密切,2011 年度中澳双边贸易额突破 10
5、00 亿美元,建交 40 年增长了千倍。中国作为澳最大贸易伙伴,两国利益交融,繁荣发展息息相关。 In 2012, the lunar Year of the Dragon, we also celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia.Over four decades, the China-Australia relations, like dragon rising and tiger leaping, have forged
6、ahead with fruitful outcomes.In 40 years, high level visits and exchanges at all levels were frequent. Mutual trust between our two countries in various areas has deepened.People-to-people interactions were dynamic. The number of visitors to and fro exceeded 1 million annually.Trade relations contin
7、ued to be strong. Last years volume topped 100 billion dollars, 1000 times larger than 40 years ago.China remains Australias largest trading partner. Our interests are more integrated and our prosperity and development interrelated.继“澳大利亚文化年”在华圆满闭幕, “中国文化年”如火如荼。中国赴澳留学生已达17 万,中澳友好合作后继有人。 The “ear of
8、the Australian Culture in China” proved to be a great success, and the “Year of the Chinese Culture“ is in full swing across Australia.Over 170,000 Chinese students are studying in Australia. Friendly cooperation between China and Australia is assured of young successors.侨胞们、朋友们, Dear compatriots an
9、d friends,在中澳建交 40 年的靓丽画卷中,有广大在澳侨胞与华人浓墨重彩的一笔。 In 40 years of remarkable growth of relations, the Chinese community in Australia has played a significant role.中澳建交 40 周年之际,面对全澳华人华侨,作为中国驻澳大使,我感悟良多。 As we enter the 40th year of diplomatic relations, you, the Chinese community in Australia, have filled
10、me, Ambassador of China to Australia, emotions and inspirations.首先,华人华侨的开拓、奉献精神。澳大利亚发展的 200 年中,离不开华人社会。华人华侨的友善和奉献使华人社会早已成为澳社会重要一员。我希望大家秉持过去 40 年乃至200 年来的信念,进一步加强与当地各族裔的团结,以共生促共荣。 You inspire me with your enterprise and dedication.The Chinese community has been indispensable in Australias 200-year de
11、velopment. With their kindness and devotion, people with Chinese origin have become an important part of the Australian society.I hope you will keep the faith and spirit of the past 40 and 200 years, further strengthen unity with other local communities and promote common prosperity.其次,华人华侨是中澳友好的桥梁,
12、是传递友谊的使者,是中澳合作的积极参与者与推动者。你们有崇高的使命,希望你们多走动,多发现机缘,多建立合作,多取得成就。 You inspire me with your contribution to China-Australia relations.You are a bridge of friendship and messengers of goodwill.You take an active part in and facilitate cooperation between the two countries.The mission you carry is lofty.I h
13、ope you will continue to be active, look for more opportunities, conduct more cooperation and achieve more success.其三,华人华侨与祖(籍)国血浓于水,祖(籍)国繁荣强大,你们的背就挺得直。希望你们一如继往地关心支持祖(籍)国的发展,发扬光大中华传统文化。 You inspire me with your deep sentiment towards China.You cherish and celebrate your ancestral bond with the count
14、ry of origin.You feel proud and elated when China succeeds and grows more prosperous.I hope you will continue to care for and support Chinas development and carry forward the Chinese traditions and culture.中华文化是民族的血脉,是海内外中华儿女共有的精神家园,而澳大利亚是你们的生活家园。我由衷希望,在澳侨胞与华人朋友保持文化自觉与文化自信,视传播中华文化为己任,视以中华文化丰富澳洲文化为当然
15、,创造精神家园与生活家园的共生共旺。 Cultural traditions are a nations blood ties.The Chinese culture is the common spiritual home of the Chinese community around the world.Australias is the home place where you live.It is my sincere hope that compatriots and friends from the Chinese community in Australia will keep
16、your cultural awareness and self-confidence, commit yourself to promoting the Chinese culture and enriching the Australian multicultural society, and bring about harmony and the flourishing of both the spiritual and living home.祝大家龙年吉祥、事业有成。I wish you all happiness and good luck in the Year of the Dragon.