1、翻译 英贸 1 班 李韵 2010151113闲话幽默刘福奎Humor of Gossip据现代汉语词典注解:幽默一词源于拉丁文,原义指“潮湿”,后转为“液体”,出现于医学界。欧洲文艺复兴之后,开始向社会生活领域和艺术领域转移。到了近代,幽默一词成为美学概念,指生活中不能枯燥乏味,有“足以使人逗乐、发笑或消遣”的意思。According to the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary, “humor” comes from Latin, originally meaning “damp” and late used as a medical word meanin
2、g “liquid”. After the European Renaissance, it shifted to the areas of social life and art. In modern times, “humor” becomes an aesthetic concept, which refers to the fact that life should not be dry and dull and it has a meaning of “something is interesting enough to make one have fun and laugh or
3、entertain”.幽默是智慧、学识、机敏的结晶,幽默在我们社会、家庭、工作、学习、生活中不可或缺。加拿大人朗宁从小在中国长大,他在参加竞选省督时,对手攻击他说:“听说你是吃中国奶妈的奶长大的,那你身上一定有中国血统。 ”朗宁回答说:“不错,我是吃中国奶妈的奶长大的。不过,有确凿证据证明,你是喝牛奶长大的,可见你的身上有牛的血统。 ” 朗宁按照对方的推理逻辑推出一个十分荒谬的结论,用幽默的语言轻而易举地驳倒了对手的观点。Humor is the product of wisdom, knowledge and alertness. And it is also a necessity for
4、 our society, family, work, study and life. Lang ning, a Canadian, lived in China when he was young. When he was running for Lieutenant governor in Canada, his opponent attacked him saying, “Ive heard you grow up by drinking your Chinese wet nurse, you must have a Chinese blood. ” and Lang ning coun
5、terattacked and said “You are right. But I have unambiguous evidence that you grow up by drinking milk, so you must have a cow blood. ” According to opponents logic, Lang ning draw an absurd conclusion and defeated his opponent easily with humorous language.幽默是家庭生活的润滑剂,它有助于稳定情绪,使气氛和谐融洽。一对青年人结婚不久,丈夫就
6、表现出大男子主义,对妻子说:“在这个家里我说了算,你得听我的。 ” 这种态度和可能会导致双方争吵。而那位妻子却不慌不忙地说:“行,我们意见一致时听你的;意见不一致时听我的。 ”一句话就把原来紧张的气氛缓解了。Humor is the lubricant of family life. It helps ease nerves and create a comfortable atmosphere. Shortly after a young couple got married, the husband showed his male chauvinism and said to his wi
7、fe, “I have the final say in this house, and you must listen to me.” This attitude probably lead to the quarrels of each other. However, his wife replied calmly, “OK, when our opinions are consistent, I will do what you say. But when we have difference, you do what I say.” Just one sentence lessened
8、 the atmosphere.幽默是人类生命的冬青树,它好象化学反应中的酸碱中和,常可以化干戈为玉帛,使剑拔弩张的双方相视一笑,握手言和。以盛产笑话闻名的山西荣县,两个人在争吵:“你为什么不讲道理?” , “我本来就没理,和你讲什么道理?” 一场 “战争” 被笑声制止了。德国诗翻译 英贸 1 班 李韵 2010151113人歌德在公园里散步,与一位批评家在一条仅能让一人通过的小路上相遇。批评家说:“我从来不给蠢货让路。 ”歌德笑着退到路边:“我恰恰相反。 ”幽默之后,在笑声中有理的一方消气了,没理的一方道了歉而又不伤自尊。显然,这比无理强辩和直接认错效果要好得多。笑声中,歌德将“蠢货” 的头
9、衔还给了批评家,批评家无言以对,只好笑纳。歌德不仅达到了反击的目的,而且显示了自己的智慧,留下了千古佳话。Humor is the evergreen tree of human life. It is like a chemical reaction neutralizing all types of acidic feelings. And it also can bury the hatchet and makes the tense sides smile and shake hands. In Rong country in Shanxi province, which famous
10、 for its joke. Two persons were quarreling. One said, “why are you unreasonable?”, the other replied, “I dont have reason, why should I reasonable with you.” A war was prevented by laughter. The German poet Goethe was walking in the park when he encountered a critic at a path which allowed one perso
11、n to go though at one time. The critic said, “I never give way to idiots.” Goethe stepped aside laughing and said, “Im on the contrary.” Humor, in such case, allowed the offended to be mollified without hurting the self-respect. Obviously, it is more effective than unreasonable arguments and direct
12、apologies. Goethe gave the title as “Idiots” to the critic in laughter, and the critic had no choice but accepted. Goethe not only was successful counterattacked but also showed his wit, and also left behind a wonderful story for the future generations.恩格斯认为,幽默是智慧、教养和道德感的表现。 它具有干预和愉悦生活的功能。幽默本身是轻松的,获
13、得幽默却需要繁重的劳动;幽默本身是愉快的,具备幽默的素养却需要艰苦的努力。因此,这就需要加强学习和修养, 善于从中汲取营养,把握技巧,寓庄于谐,使生活充满乐趣。Engels believed that humor is the indication of wit, upbringing and sense of morality. Its function is to intervene and delight life. Humor itself is relaxing, but it requires a heavy work. Humor itself is delightful but it needs painstaking efforts. Thus, it needs strength learning and cultivation. Learn from humor, grasp the skills and use it to make our life more joyful.