1、Trip to Tibet,The roof of the world, snow area paradise,世界屋脊,雪域天堂,Introduction of Tibet,Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, for which Tibet is known as Roof of the World. The highe
2、st peak of Tibet, also the highest in Himalayas and in the whole world, is Everest Peak, which is as high as 8,846.27 meters above sea level. Although a part of China, Tibet has a unique culture of all there own. It is mainly inhabited by Tibetans, a minority nationality of old and mysterious people
3、. Tourist attractions include the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Jokhang Temple, and a number of Buddhist sacred places.,Tibet strategy,The Tibet Preparation,Tibet Travel,Tibet Travel,Tibetan Related,一:天珠唐卡青稞酒冬虫夏草,Tibets treasures,Tibetan Related,二 : costume : 藏装藏语意为曲巴,据史料记载,早在公元前世纪前后,藏族的服饰,就已具备了现代藏族服装的基本特
4、征了。后来由于居住在西藏各地的部、族的互相交往以及其他因素的影响,藏族服饰又在不断演变、发展和丰富了。藏族服饰的最基本特征是肥腰、长袖、大襟、右衽、长裙、长靴、编发、金银珠玉饰品等。其主要特点就是宽大、保暖、实用、一衣多用。由于西藏过去长期处于封闭性状态,总体来说,藏族服饰发展的纵向性差异不大。藏族服饰的形制与质地较大程度地取决于藏族人民所处生态环境和在此基础上形成的生产、生活方式,因此,藏装的地域性特征很明显。,Tibetan Related,Customs and taboos :一、在藏区偶见身挂红、黄、绿布标的牛羊徜徉于郊野,可不要随意驱赶、伤害,那是藏民敬神祭品。切勿以猎枪对准鹰鹫,
5、藏民忌讳伤害他们的神鸟。二、未经同意不可入庙,入庙后不可吸烟。庙内物品观看无妨,不可擅自触摸佛像、经书、拍照。有些地方不可以逆时针方向行进,有些秘宗的地方禁止妇女进入。 三、步入藏民的帐篷、居室,不可用脚踩门槛,也不可在他人面前吐痰。四、藏民伸舌头,是表示尊敬而并非嘲笑;合十则是一种礼节。,Tourism features,Travel Traffic,By train,The scenery beautiful,By plane,Navigate the magnificence of the roof,Room and Board Profile,Food: 说到饮食其实每个地方都有他与众
6、不同的地方,西藏也不例外。藏餐主要以牛羊肉和其附属产品,以及青稞等为主,大致分为红食和白食。顾名思义:红食以牛羊肉制品为主,比如手抓羊肉、风干牛羊肉、血肠、灌肺、炸羊排、萝卜炖牦牛肉等;白食以奶制品和面制品为主,比如酸奶、奶酪、酥油、米饭、糌粑、牛羊肉包子等;饮品则有酥油茶、甜茶、青稞酒。,Room and Board Profile,Accommodation :西藏住宿,各常规旅游地区的条件都较好,能满足不同要求游客的需要,住宿点大致可以分为三类,青旅、家庭旅馆和宾馆,主流当属宾馆,宾馆中又以拉萨宾馆条件最好、选择性最多。由于西藏的环境特殊,所以评星标准没有内地的那么严格。因此,在这边宾馆
7、的星级无法与内地同样星级的宾馆划等号。,Namtso is the place that must go to Tibet,Namtso Here, I am willing to a wrong again wrong,Brief,纳木错,西藏第二大湖泊, 位于拉萨以北的当雄县和那曲地区班戈县之间,距离拉萨240公里。是西藏的三大圣湖之一。 纳木错,意为天湖、灵湖或神湖,是藏传佛教的著名圣地。纳木错湖滨广阔,水草丰美是全年均可放牧的天然大牧场,每到初夏,成群的野鸭子飞来本息,繁殖后代。,Touring Route,扎西半岛羊八井念青唐古拉山,扎西半岛,扎西半岛是纳木错湖边最大的一个半岛,是一
9、西藏划分成藏北、藏南、藏东南三大区域,长700千米,终年白雪皑皑,云雾缭绕。,Pictures of Namtso,Believers legend, each to the local, so many people went to worship, lake read once the blessing.,Pictures of Namtso,Namtso lake yak is also a beautiful scenery line.,Pictures of Namtso,Standing in the heavens and the earth, stand in the sky
10、of the tangula height, the depth of the deep blue lake water seems to be an answer.,Pictures of Namtso,In the sun, the main peak nyenchen tanglha is clearer, as a terrible soldiers guarded the namtso. Plateau climate is often rapidly changing, sometimes the wind, sometimes cloudy, after the storm, s
11、till sparkling lake, with a different accent.,In winter, Namtso has less fickleness but more quietness,Pictures of Namtso,Personal feelings,Tibet is a lot of people the idea of the holy land. The worlds highest, the nearest place to heaven, life should go at least once. Dont crazy we are old !,Thank you for listening,