1、 讲义Handout 1工序: 如何拿盘子 职位: 餐饮部员工Task: How to hold plates Job Title: Food & Beverage EmployeesStep 1检查洁净Check Cleanliness标准Standard 手是干净的Hands are clean 没有食物痕迹No food stains 没有食物的颗粒No food particlesStep 2拿起盘子(第一个 )Pick up plate (1st)标准Standard 最多3个盘子3 plates maximum 最后要被服务的客人The last guest to be serve
2、d 右手Right hand 食物和手接触Fingers coming into contact with food 手指超越了盘子的外圈Fingers coming beyond outer rim of plate 拇指在盘子的边缘, 剩下的四个手指在盘子下面.Thumbs on outer rim or edge of plate: & four fingers under the plateStep 3传递盘子(第一个 )Transfer plate (1st)标准Standard 左手 Left hand 保证盘子安全的在左手手掌和手指上Ensure plate is secured
3、 in palm and fingers of left hand 确保盘子的平衡以免食物滑出Ensure plate is level so food does not spill 使三个手指在上面两个手指在上面夹住盘子Using three fingers below and two fingers above to clip onto the plate 避免手指接触到食物 Fingers coming into contact with food 手指在盘子周边外面Fingers going beyond outer rim of plate讲义Handout 2Step 4拿起盘子(
4、第二个 )Pick up plate (2nd)标准Standard 像拿第一个盘子一样As per handling 1st plateStep 5传递盘子(第二个 )Transfer plate (2nd)标准Standard 左手Left hand 保证盘子在手臂,拇指与小拇指上的平衡Balance you plate securely on lower arm, thumb and last fingerStep 6拿起盘子(第三个 )Pick up plate (3rd)标准Standard 拿起第三个盘子但是不把它放到左手上Pick up with right hand and do not transferStep 7走进桌子Move towards table标准Standard 普通的速度Normal pace 离近自己的身体但是避免与身体接触尽量并拢手臂肘部Keep it close to our body but avoid body contact (lock your elbow) 保持平衡Maintain balance 确保盘子的水平线Ensure plates are level 不要摆动*NOTE: -DO NOT SWING