1、SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File No Revision index Page - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 1 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal
2、- ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co LtdABB Xiamen Switchgear Co. Ltd.厦门 ABB 开关有限公司快速切换装置 SUE3000调试指导A01 增加母线负载特性曲线试验功能 Andy 2005-
3、12-05 Cliz 2005-12-05 Cliz 2005-12-05A00 ISSUED Navy 2004-04-05 Cliz 2004-04-05 Cliz 2004-04-05Rev版本Issue or Revision Description版本描述Origin Date Checked Date Approved DateSUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department
4、 Date Language File No Revision index Page - 2 - - 2 - - 2 - - 2 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 2 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third part
5、ners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co LtdSUE3000 调试工作可分为两部分:1. 功能试验(冷态试验),主要为测试快切装置和与之相关的其它设备(如开关柜、保护装置、控制室、I&C 系统等)之间的接线是否正确,信息的交互是否正确,各部分功能是否正确。2. 母线负载特性曲线试验,在带实际额定负载,系统稳定运行情况下,模拟母线突然失电;通过对示波器记录的波形、测量值的分析,评估系统的切换特性,从而整定出最适宜系统切换的定值。3. 带真实负载动态模拟试验(热态试验),在实际负载情
6、况下,进行各种切换操作,通过示波器记录的波形、测量值对各种切换操作进行评估。1 功能试验(冷态试验)1.1 前提进行功能试验前,应具备以下条件: 与 SUE3000 相关的设备已经调试完成; SUE3000 与其它设备(如开关柜、保护装置和控制室等)的接线正确,且能在其它装置上模拟正确的信号到 SUE3000; 开关柜没有连接任何负载; 两个可比相的电压应备好;如果现场仅有一路电压,可以通过在 SUE3000 一个电压的输入端使用一个连接片来模拟一个电压输入失压的情况; 快切装置控制的断路器能正常工作;如果断路器仅允许在试验位置进行试验,应可通过其它方式来模拟断路器在运行位置的情况。文件要求:
7、 工程图纸 与 SUE3000 调试相关的工程数据 操作手册SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File No Revision index Page - 3 - - 3 - - 3 - - 3 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 3 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: Con
8、trolAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co Ltd设备要求: 测量电流、电压和电阻的多功能表计1.2 试验过程步骤 工作内容 电压等级/备注 符合?是 否1 SUE300
9、0 辅助电源: V2 断路器辅助电源: V3 两个可比相的电压: V4 断路器状态的检查:为了检查 SUE3000 准备就绪,必须保证一台断路器合闸,一台断路器分闸,两台断路器均能正常工作。5 检查联锁和解锁条件:6 I闭锁快切系统:该信号需要从外部模拟7 保护启动快切:该信号需要从外部模拟8 低电压启动快切(如有此功能):9 当发生短路或空开跳闸时,禁止 U2(1-SS,2-SS):先断断路器分闸指令,再启动。16 快切,方向 1-2(1-SS,2-SS):启动17 解列,方向 2-1(1-SS,2-SS):先断断路器分闸指令,再启动。18 快切,方向 2-1(1-SS,2-SS):启动2
10、母线负载特性曲线试验为了准确评估系统的切换特性,从而整定出最适宜系统切换的定值。应具备以下条件:母线带日常运行的真实额定负荷,仅带很少负荷进行的试验将没有意义。系统应在运行趋于稳定后,方可进行母线突然失电的模拟2.1 文件要求: 工程图纸 与 SUE3000 调试相关的工程数据 操作手册2.2 设备要求: 自备电池(或连接可靠电源)的录波仪 或 SUE3000 内部录波及配置有 WINEVE.EXE 笔记本电脑、U 盘SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-spe
11、ed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File No Revision index Page - 6 - - 6 - - 6 - - 6 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 6 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Rep
12、roduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co Ltd 测量电流、电压和电阻的多功能表计 电流互感器/电压互感器适配器2.3 信息要求: 负载的类型、工作电流、额定电流段别 设备名称 容量( KW) 额定电流(A) 备注 两进线电源电压 断路器的型号,分合闸时间2.4 试验过程为全面、完善记录母线负载特性,当使用 SUE3000 内置录波工具时,应充分利用其 8 个模拟量通道及 32 个数字量通道,录波时间取
13、其最大录波时间 5 秒。录波仪需要记录以下量:1. 工作进线电压 Ua2. 母线电压 Ubb3. 备用进线电压 Ub4. 差压 Udiff=Ures-Ubb5. 主电源电流SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File No Revision index Page - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn
14、 SUE-002 Rev. A00 7 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co Ltd6. 备
15、用电源电流7. SUE3000 切换8. 断路器合闸状态(对合闸时间监视的设置)9. 断路器分闸状态(对分闸时间监视的设置)3 连上示波器及真实负载进行热态模拟试验(热态试验)示波器测量是用来检查出厂时的默认参数是否与真实情况吻合,如有需要可依据实际情况进行更改3.1 前提为了执行热态模拟试验,应具备以下条件:开关柜应带日常运行大小的真实负荷。由于试验结果不能真实反映系统的正常运行状态,所以不赞成仅带很少负荷进行试验。文件要求: 工程图纸 与 SUE3000 调试相关的工程数据 操作手册设备要求:SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commis
16、sioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File No Revision index Page - 8 - - 8 - - 8 - - 8 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 8 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and i
17、n the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co Ltd 自备电池(或连接可靠电源)的录波仪 测量电流、电压和电阻的多功能表计 电流互感器/电压互感器适配器信息要求: 负载的类型、工作电流、额定电流 两进线电源电压 断路器的型号,分合闸时间3.2 试验过程录波仪需要记录以下量:1、母线电压 Ubb2、差压 Udiff=Ures-Ub
18、b3、主电源电流4、备用电源电流5、合闸命令(为首次同相切换设置)6、断路器合闸状态(对合闸时间监视的设置)7、断路器分闸状态(对分闸时间监视的设置)步骤 工作内容 备注 符合?是 否1 解列,方向 1-2(1-SS,2-SS):先断断路器分闸指令,再启动。2 快切,方向 1-2(1-SS,2-SS):SUE 3000 调试指导Instructions for carrying out commissioning work on a Type SUE 3000 high-speed transfer DeviceResponsible Department Date Language File
19、 No Revision index Page - 9 - - 9 - - 9 - - 9 -EDD-E 2005-12-05 Cn SUE-002 Rev. A00 9 of 9Prepared: Checked: Approved: ControlAndy Cliz Cliz - Internal - ABBWe reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use, disclosure to third partners without express authority is strictly forbidden ABB Xiamen Switchgear Co Ltd启动3 解列,方向 2-1(1-SS,2-SS):先断断路器分闸指令,再启动。4 快切,方向 2-1(1-SS,2-SS):启动5 残压切换,方向 1-2先闭锁快切,再启动