1、阅读理解做题技巧水道中学 曲鸿雁阅读理解一直是英语考试中的重头戏,如何在有限的时间内充分理解文章的主旨大意却是让不少学生头疼的事。英语阅读理解的命题基本分为细节事实,主旨大意,推理判断,词意猜测等几种类型。其总体遵循的规律是题目的设置顺序与原文的段落设置顺序基本一致。掌握这个规律,不仅能够帮助考生节省时间,还能帮助学生保证思路顺畅清晰,稳定心态。下面我针对推理判断这一类型做一下具体说明:做题要领:既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展做正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点。此类题的关键是要注意原文出现的语句不是我
2、们做出的推理判断,而是原文给出的细节信息,所以原文语句不能选。判断时对已知的事实仔细评价后做出的合理决定并非唯一决定,要对事实进行合乎情理的判断,有时还需借助常识进行判断。所以解决此类题要注意:一是与原文相同的细节不能选,二是文中没有出现的细节不能跳出文章做推断。解题过程中只要注意上述两点,再结合做细节和主旨的方法,即可以做出推理判断题。推理判断题分两种,即对细节的推理和对主旨的推理。主要以1.The passage implies (暗示)that .2.We can conclude(得出结论) from the passage that .3.Which of the following
3、 can be inferred(推论)?4.What is the tone (语气)of the author?5.What is the purpose(目的) of this passage?6.The passage is intended to .7.Would this passage most probably appear?等进行提问。阅读理解基础训练Passage 1The concept (观念)of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 p
4、ercent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choices based upon current medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal(法律的) and moral boundaries(界限) of society. The structure of Amer
5、ican society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary(久坐的,劳心的) life-style without any exercise.Q: The concept of person
6、al choice concerning health is important because .A. wrong decisions could lead to poor health.B. it helps raise the level of our medical knowledge.C. it is essential to personal freedom in American society.D. personal health choices help cure most illnesses.解析:据前两句可以得知不良的选择会导致健康状况变坏,因此答案选 A。选出的答案一定
7、要在原文中找到依据或理由,不能只凭常识或自己主观胡乱推测。Passage 2A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students.Eisenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten (使变得更紧)gra
8、ding standards and restore (恢复使用) failing grades.Q: It can be inferred from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they believe .A. Rewarding poor performance may kill the creativity of students.B. Punishment is more effective than rewarding.C. Fail
9、ing uninspired students helps improve their overall(全面的) academic(学校的) standards.D. Discouraging the students anticipation(预期的事物) for easy rewards is a matter of urgency(紧急).解析:问题是文中 Eisenberger 举得一个例子,通过例证题目的考点分析,我们知道一般例子前后总结性的话(论点)是解决问题的关键,这样我们就可以判断出该例要说明的问题。(答案:A)The topic sentence: A teacher ends up with uninspired (without creativity) students.译:假设老师总让学生关注奖励,或对表现一般的学生也给高分,那么学生们最终都会不求进取,没有灵感及想象力。小结:1.推理判断题:着重考察学生归纳概括、逻辑推理等综合能力。2.透过现象看本质:领悟作者思想倾向、观点、立场、语气及态度等。3.以原文内容为前提,据作者的观点理论(非考生观点),客观地对文中未明显说明的文章或事例给予合理的逻辑推断,做出一定解释。