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1、四川大学符号学课程提纲(2009-2010 学年)第一讲:符号的定义与分类1. 符号载体2. 符号-功能体3. 自我符号4. 信号5. 无发送符号6. 潜在符号7. 符号文本应用例证一:零符号与背景应用例证二:天象与构建发送意图应用例证三:“反者道之动”第二讲:符号化1. 符号作为人的本质2. 意义的在场与不在场 3. 片面化4. 解符号化5. 符号学的研究范围应用例证一:症状的症状应用例证二:欲望的欲望应用例证三:模仿死亡与解符号化应用例证四:足球流氓与符号战争第三讲:符号表意1. 能指与所指2. 双重分节3. 符号三分式与无限衍义4所指优势,能指优势5. 试推法与解释循环6. 艾柯定义与“

2、类型符”7. 类型,现象,存在8. “客体”还是“对象” 应用例证一:时间与分节应用例证二:为睡懒觉一辩应用例证三:命名游戏第四讲:任意性与根据性1. 任意性2. 系统观3. 共时性4 有机论与符号“噪音”5相似符号6. 指示符号7. 规约符号8. 二度根据性9. 根据性滑动应用例证一:中文的根据性与规约性应用例证二:镜像与照片应用例证三:怀乡与指示符第五讲:中介与渠道1.中介与渠道的区别2.多渠道文本的联合解码3.通感4.出位之思5.隐文本,深隐文本6.体裁与期待应用例证一:贫困的标题应用例证二:白岩松谈“多媒体铁证”应用例证三:身体作为中介第六讲:双轴关系1. 双轴2. 宽幅与窄幅3. 双

3、轴与主导4. 经典与选择5. 单轴时代应用例证一:挑选于丹应用例证二:布克奖与选择应用例证三:法统与文统第七讲:符码与元语言1. 符码2. 元语言与意义3.“断无不可解之理”4. 自携元语言,能力元语言,文化元语言5. 同层次元语言冲突6. 阐释漩涡7. 元元语言与“评价漩涡”应用例证一:你看到的是斯琴高娃还是慈禧太后?应用例证二:过分常识的力量:这不是烟斗?应用例证三:禅与元意识第八讲:符号的解释1. 符号学三分科,符形学 2. 符义学3. 符用学4. 符号六因素与六性质5. 指义/延义6. 语境论7. 意图定点8. 诚信与谎言9. 符号表意的“接受原则”应用例证一:施乐公司的苦恼应用例证二

4、:为何电影全是风情译名?应用例证三:美名满天下应用例证四:楼盘洋名何时了第九讲:符号修辞1. 符号修辞学 2. 符号隐喻3. 符号转喻/提喻 4. 符号比喻的延伸:反喻,潜喻,曲喻5. 象征 6. 反讽,悖论7. 四体演进应用例证一:子女名字作为提喻应用例证二:上海宝贝与拜物狂应用例证三:广告与招牌的反讽应用例证四:禅宗美学与无托象征第十讲:符号文本与时间向度1. 叙述文本的时间性2. 文本的虚构性与事实性3. 文本的媒介分类4. 文本的语态分类5. “现在向度”的可能后果应用例证一:戴安娜之死差点推翻王室应用例证二:菲律宾革命第十一讲:艺术符号学1. 功能论2. 表现论3. 形式论4. 体制

5、-历史论5艺术非自然物 6艺术非使用7. 艺术的非外延8. 泛艺术化应用例证一:贾俊鹏事件的实质 应用例证二:歌曲求爱第十二讲:标出性1. 语言学中的标出性研究2文化研究中的标出性3. 风格作为标出特征4. 标出性的历史变化5. 中项偏边6. 正项美7. 异项的艺术性8. 标出翻转应用例证一:为何错币错票必须是“真的”?应用例证二:世界语与“英语帝国主义”应用例证三:注视者的没落应用例证四:网络与“沉默螺旋”第十三讲:从符号学理解主体与身份1. 中西文术语的某些误解2. 自我的构成3. 身份4. 文本身份5. 自我与身份,自我的位移6. 反思自我应用例证之一:户型的风水与性别应用例证之二:闪开


7、与艺术,上海人民出版社,1988龚鹏程文化符号学台北:学生书局,1992,2001藏策超隐喻与话语流变天津人民出版社,2007杨春时艺术符号与解释北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992李幼蒸理论符号学导论北京:社科文献出版社,1996李幼蒸历史符号学桂林:广西师大出版社 2003王铭玉语言符号学北京:高等教育出版社,2004王铭玉、李经纬主编符号学 研究,军事谊文出版社,2001胡妙胜戏剧演出符号学引论北京:中国戏剧出版社,黄亚平,孟华汉字符号学上海古籍出版社,2001陈宗明汉字符号学,南京:江苏教育出版社,2001张宪荣设计符号学,北京:化学工业出版社,2003杨习良修辞符号学哈尔滨:黑龙江省教



10、方法研究蒋梓骅译,北京:三联书店,1999雅克.德里达声音与现象:胡塞尔现象学中的符号问题导论北京商务印书馆,1999茨维坦.托多罗夫象征理论北京商务印书馆,2004路易.卡尔韦结构与符号:罗兰.巴尔特传北京大学出版社,1997约翰.斯特罗克结构主义以来沈阳:辽宁教育出版社皮埃尔.布尔迪厄文化资本与社会炼金术:布尔迪厄访谈录,包亚明译,上海人民出版社,1997阿尔维托.曼古埃尔意象地图昆明:云南人民出版社,2004杰克.特里锡德象征之旅北京,中央编译局,2001斯科特.拉什等符号经济与空间经济,北京:商务印书馆,2006尤瑟夫.库尔泰叙述与话语符号学天津:天津社会科学出版社 2001伊里莎白.

11、瓦尔特广义符号学及其在设计中的应用中国社科出版社,1992特伦斯.霍克斯解构主义与符号学上海译文出版社,1997吉罗.皮埃尔符号学概论成都,四川人民出版社,1988乌蒙勃多.艾柯符号学概论,中国人民大学出版社安伯托.艾柯误读北京:新星出版社,2006安伯托.艾柯开放的作品北京:新星出版社,2006翁贝托.艾柯美的历史中央编译出版社A.N.怀海特宗教的形成符号意义与效果,贵阳:贵州人民出版社克洛德.高概话语符号学北京大学出版社,1997池上嘉彦符号学入门北京国际文化出版社,1986克里斯丁.麦茨 等电影与方法:符号学文选李幼蒸译,北京三联,2002保罗.德曼符号学与修辞中国社科出版社,1998约

12、翰.费斯克传播符号学理论新华出版社 2004彼得.布鲁克斯身体活:现代叙述中的的欲望对象北京:新星出版社,2006鲁道夫.阿恩海姆视觉思维:审美直觉心理学成都:四川人民出版社,1998吉姆.麦克盖根文化民粹主义南京大学出版社,2001潘诺夫信号,符号,语言北京:三联书店,1988克劳斯.博格斯特艺术判断北京:三联书店,1988贡布里希艺术与错觉:图画再现的心理学研究杭州:浙江摄影出版社,1987贡布里希秩序感:装饰艺术的心理学研究杭州:浙江摄影出版社,1987克劳德.列维-斯特劳斯野性的思维北京:商务印书馆,1987尤利.洛特曼艺术文本的结构,湖南文艺出版社,1990赵毅衡编符号学文学论文集天

13、津:百花文艺出版社,2004Barry, Ann Marie Seward: Visual Intelligence: Perception, Image and Manipulation in Visual Communication. New York: State University of New York Press,1997Bignell, Jonathan: Media Semiotics: An Introduction. Manchester: Manchester University Press 1997Bouissac, Paul (ed.): Encyclopedia

14、 of Semiotics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998Burgelin, Olivier: Structural Analysis and Mass Communication. In Denis McQuail (ed.): Sociology of Mass Communications. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972Chandler, Daniel: Semiotics: The Basics. London: Routledge, 2001Cobley, Paul & Litza Jansz: Introdu

15、cing Semiotics (originally entitled Semiotics for Beginners). Cambridge: Icon, 1997 1999Cook, Guy: The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge, 1992Coward, Rosalind & John Ellis: Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 19

16、77Culler, Jonathan: The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981Danesi, Marcel: Messages and Meanings: An Introduction to Semiotics. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 1994 Danesi, Marcel: Of Cigarettes, High Heels and Other Interesting Things: An

17、Introduction to Semiotics. London: Macmillan, 1999Danesi, Marcel: Understanding Media Semiotics London: Arnold, 2002De Lauretis, Teresa: Alice Doesnt: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema. London: Macmillan, 1984Deely, John: Basics of Semiotics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1990Eaton, Mick (ed.

18、): Cinema and Semiotics (Screen Reader 2). London: Society for Education in Film and Television, 1981Evans, Jessica, and David Hesmondhalgh: Understanding Media: Inside Celebrity, London: Open University Press, 2005Horrocks,Christopher, Baudrillard and the Millenium, London: Icon Books, 2000 Hodge,

19、Robert & David Tripp: Children and Television: A Semiotic Approach. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1986Hodge, Robert & Gunther Kress: Social Semiotics. Cambridge: Polity, 1988Jensen, Klaus Bruhn: The Social Semiotics of Mass Communication. London: Sage, 1995Johansen, Jrgen Dines & Svend Erik Larsen: Signs

20、 in Use. London: Routledge, 1988Ketner, Kenneth Laine (ed): Peirce and Contemporary Thought, New York:Fordham University Press, 1995Langholz Leymore, Varda: Hidden Myth: Structure and Symbolism in Advertising. New York: Basic Books, 1975Lvi-Strauss, Claude: Structural Anthropology. Harmondsworth: Pe

21、nguin, 1972 Lotman, Yuri: Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture, trans. Ann Shukman, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1990Metz, Christian: Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema, trans. Michael Taylor. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974Miller, John, et al (eds), Peirce,

22、 Semiotics, and Psychoanalysis, Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000Nth, Winfried (ed.): Semiotics of the Media: State of the Art, Projects and Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990 Sless, David: In Search of Semiotics. London: Croom Helm, 1986Solomon, Jack: The Sig

23、ns of Our Time: The Secret Meanings of Everyday Life. New York: Harper & Row, 1988Stam, Robert, Robert Burgoyne & Sandy Flitterman-Lewis: New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics: Structuralism, Post-Structuralism and Beyond. London: Routledge,1992Thwaites, Tony, Lloyd Davies & Warwick Mules: Introducing

24、Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach London: Palgrave, 2002Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (ed.): Marketing and Semiotics. Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter, 1987Williamson, Judith: Decoding Advertisements. London: Marion, 1978Wollen, Peter: Signs and Meaning in the Cinema. London: Secker & Warburg, 1969中

25、心已购符号学书籍:(*已购版权正在翻译) *Bignell Jonathan,Media Semiotics *Danesi, Marcel, Cigarettes, High Heels and Other Interesting Things*Danesi, Marcel, Cool: Semiotics of Adolescence, *Deely, John, Impact on Philosophy of Semiotics*Hodge, Robert, and Gunther Kress, Social Semiotics, *Wiley, Norbert,Subjective S

26、emiotics*Pekkila, Erkki (ed), Music Meaning Media*Tarasti, Eero, Existential SemioticsAston, Elaine, and George Savona, Theatre as Sign SystemBaudrillard, Jean, The System of Objects,Beasley, Ron, and Marcel Danesi, Pursuasive Signs: The Semiotics of AdvertizingCuller, Jonathan, In Pursuit of SignsD

27、anesi, Marcel and Paul Perron, Analysing Culture, An Introduction & Handbook Hoffmeyer, Jesper, Sign of Meaning in the UniverseHuisman, Rosemary: The Written Poem: Semiotic Conventions from Old to Modern EnglishKristeva, Julia: Revolution of Poetic LanguageLanigan, Richard L, Speaking and Semiology:

28、 Maurice Merleau-Pontys Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication, Lee, Benjamin, Talking Heads: Language, Metalanguage and the Semiotics of Subjectivity, Manus Matthew, Semiotic TheologyMarcic, Dorothy, Respect: Women and Popular Music Mitry, Jean, Semiotics of FilmMuller, Jonathan, and

29、Joseph Brent, Peirce, Semiotics, and PsychoanalysisMusic and Art, Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIIRiffaterre, Michael: Semiotics of Poetry Ross, Stephen, The Ring of RepresentationRotman, Brian, Signifying Nothing: Semiotics of ZeroScholes, Robert, Semiotics and InpterpretationSemali, Ladislaus, Transmed

30、iation in the ClassroomLeeds-Hurwitz, Wendy, Semiotics and communication : signs, codes, cultures, Hillsdale, N.J. : Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 1993Silverman, Hugh J (ed) Cultural Semiotics: Tracing the Signifier, Smith-Shank, Deborah, Semiotics and Visual Culture: Sights, Signs, and Significance,

31、 Tarasti, Eero, ed, Global Signs, Thurtle, Philip, and Robert Mitchell, Semiotic Flesh: Information and the Human Body, Thwaites, Tony, et al Introducing Cultural & Media Studies: A Semiotic ApproachVolpe, Galvano Della, Rousseau and Marx and Other WritingsWhiteley, Sheila, Popular Music and GenderW

32、hiteley, Sheila, Sexing the Grooves: Popular Music and Gender外语学院已有符号学书籍:Leeds-Hurwitz ,Wendy,Semiotics and communication : signs, codes, cultures , Hillsdale N.J. : Laurence Erlbaum Associates, 1993Lidov,David,Elements of semiotics / New York : St. Martins Press, 1999Gudwin,Ricardo, Joo Queiroz,Sem

33、iotics and intelligent systems development,Hershey, PA : Idea Group Pub,2007Fontanille,Jacques,The semiotics of discourse,New York : P. Lang, 2006Preucel,Robert W.,Archaeological semiotics,Malden, MA : Blackwell, 2006Danesi,Marcel,Understanding media semiotics, London : Oxford University Press, 2002

34、Danesi,Marcel,Semiotics in language education,Berlin: M. de Gruyter, 2000Postmodern semiotics: material culture and the forms of postmodern life. Oxford : Blackwell, 1995Bax, Marcel, Barend von Heusden & Wolfgang Hildgen,Semiotic evolution and the dynamics of culture,Bern: Peter Lang, 2004European stamp design : a semiotic approach to designing messages London : Academy Editions, 1995Rauch,Irmengard,Semiotic insights : the data do the talking,Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1999


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