1、一种让你自由造句的英语改造法:神奇的精品五句我们英语学习了很久,词汇量看似也不少,俚语也没少学,但是说英语还是磕磕绊绊,嘴里说出来的经常不是句子而是一个个“蹦豆”似单词,这是为什么呢?因为我们不会造句子。沪江主编 Steven 潜心研究并总结出的精品五句学习法,可以很好的解决这个问题。我们现在要做的,就是暂时忘记一个一个的单词和纠结的语法,一起来大声的读句子。可能你要说,句子千千万,这么学什么时候是个头啊,我们要做的不是让你记住单独的句子,而是让你记住高频的几个句型,通过改造的方法,让你脱口而出一个个的句子。让我们一起来看看这神奇的造句法吧。句型:by doing先想一下, “我通过阅读提高自
2、己的英语水平。 ”这个句子用英语你会怎么说呢?其实只要简单的说:I improve my English by reading. 就可以了。简单吧,别看简单,我们可以通过改造的方法让这个句子变长,让你说出口的句子变得更专业。下面看我们的变换:I improve my English by reading English magazines. 我通过阅读英语杂志来提高自己的英语水平。我再变:I improve my English by reading English magazines and newspapers.我通过阅读英语杂志和报纸来提高自己的英语水平。还可以继续:I have imp
3、roved my English a lot by reading English magazines and newspapers.我已经通过阅读英语杂志和报纸使自己的英语水平得到了很大的提高。再来:I have improved my English a lot by reading English magazines and newspapers I buy quite often at the nearby newspaper stand.我经常在就近的报亭买英语杂志和报纸,通过阅读英语杂志和报纸,我的英语水平得到了很大的提高。怎么样,如果最后这个长句你可以脱口而出,对自己的英语应该有
4、点自信了吧。下面我来考考你, “我想每周经常在我阿姨工作的健身中心锻炼来保持体形。 ”这样一个长句应该怎么说呢?我们还是从头开始:句子主要的部分是我想锻炼身体来保持体形。:I want to keep fit by doing exercises. 不只这样,我想“经常”锻炼来保持体型。:I want to keep fit by doing exercises regularly.我想每周经常锻炼来保持体型:I want to keep fit by doing exercises regularly every week.好,下面我们加地点,我想每周经常在健身中心锻炼来保持体型。I wan
5、t to keep fit by doing exercises regularly every week at the fitness center.最后得到我们的句子“我想每周经常在我阿姨工作的健身中心锻炼来保持体形。 ”I want to keep fit by doing exercises regularly every week at the fitness center my aunt is working in.好,最后请大家用这种思维方式来说一个句子,看你能不能脱口而出:“我看他的眼睛,就知道他是不是在说实话了。 ”答案:(请把背景色设为白色查看):I can tell yo
6、u whether he is telling the truth by looking into his eyes.我们的文章难以穷尽所有的句型,因此,这次除了句型之外,更重要的是提供给大家这样的思维方式。不管你想表达的句子有多么复杂,都可以先在自己的头脑中对句子进行转换,像 by doing 这样简单的句式,经过转换之后都可以让你说出很复杂的句子,只要大家多加操练,相信你可以脱口而出的句子会更多。除了 by doing 之外,我们把高频使用的几个句型列在这里,每个句型写一个长句子作为例句,请大家自己练习:without doingI came here directly without g
7、oing back to my house to pick my recently-bought coat.It is/wasIt was him who helped me out of the trouble when I felt really helpless during that period of time.should haveIm really sorry that I should have gone to see you in the hospital, but I had so many things to handle at that moment.If I were
8、 youIf I were you, I would go together with him to the exhibition, since this is a really good chance to get closer to him.I must have doneI must have been here sometime before, since it looks a bit familiar to me.Who is the girl standing at the door?(介绍常用句)The boy sitting there is my cousin, who just graduated from school last year as a science major.