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1、五层框架教学楼内容简介 本结构为五层框架教学楼。采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,设计使用年限为 50 年。结构安全等级为二级。建筑抗震设防分类为丙类,抗震设计防烈度为 7 度,设计地震分组为第一组,框架的抗震等级为三级。 文件组成及目录 正文( 52 页) , CAD 图纸 21 张 目录 .内容简介本结构为五层教学楼。采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,设计使用年限为 50 年。结构安全等级为二级。建筑抗震设防分类为丙类,抗震设计防烈度为 7 度,设计地震分组为第一组,的抗震等级为三级。 文件组成及目录 建筑设计总说明 屋面框架梁平法施工图 楼面框架梁平法施工图 三、四、五层框架柱平法施工图 基础立面图粱整体平

2、面配筋图 剖面图屋顶平面排水图 摘要:俚语以其形象生动、诙谐简练的特点,成为英语语言中最活跃、最具表现力和感染力的-种语言形式。本文首先详细的介绍了俚语的定义和特征,其次,以刘重德的 信,达,切的翻译原则为准,对几个不同版本的英语小说中的俚语的翻译,进行了彻底完善的分析。为了帮助英语研究者更好的了解英语小说中俚语以及更成功的翻译出来,本文也提出了一些可行的翻译策略。关键词:英语俚语;翻译;刘重德的翻译标准On Translation of Slang in English NovelsAbstract: Slang, the colorful, irreverent, sometimes of

3、fensive language of informal speech, is an integral Part of everyday life. This paper first introduces the definition and characteristics of slang and then gives a thorough analysis of slang translation of English novels in different versions under the Liu Zhongdes translation norms. Some possible s

4、trategies are also put forward in order to help English learners understand slang better in English novels and to promote slang translation.Key words: English slang; translation; Liu Zhongdes translation norms Contents 8000 字Abstract.1Key words.1Introduction21 Slang21.1 Definition of slang 21.2 Char

5、acteristics of slang.41.2.1 Ephemerality.41.2.2 Novelty and innovation61.2.3 Ennobling.61.3 Formation of slang.71.3.1 Coinage.71.3.2 Changing forms of old words82 Problems in the translation of slang in English novels82.1 Mistranslating82.2 Loss of original flavor83 Guiding principles of slang trans

6、lation.93.1 About Liu Zhongde113.2 Liu Zhongdes translation norms123.2.1 Faithfulness103.2.2 Expressiveness133.2.3 Closeness.134 An analysis of slang in English novels under Liu Zhongdes translation norms.144.1 Examples complying with the norm.154.2 Examples violating the norm.155 Some strategies fo

7、r slang translation175.1 Understanding the content of novels thoroughly17 5.2 Grasping target and source language175.3 Analyzing the original style17Conclusion18Notes18Bibliography18Acknowledgments19我国现行税法与会计核算制度的差异及其协调浅探(字)摘 要:会计核算制度与税法的关系问题是一个历史问题,随着会计制度改革和税法改革的深入,新会计准则于 2007 年在上市公司中实施,并于 2009 年全面

8、实施,新企业所得税法也于 2008 年开始实施,至今已有几年时间。在这段时间的发展过程中,会计核算制度与税法之间的差异逐渐呈现缩小和趋同的趋势,但两者之间的差异仍然客观存在着,由于立法的宗旨、服务的对象等方面都是有区别的,所以在诸多方面都存在一些差异。本文主要从以下几个方面讨论会计核算制度与税法的几个问题:第一,介绍会计核算制度与税法的关系,包括两者的区别与联系;第二,主要从两者遵循的原则、职能、会计政策选择空间三个方面分析了两者理论上的差异;第三,主要从费用与收入两大方面阐述了两者的实务差异;第四,介绍了会计核算制度与税法差异的不利影响;第五,介绍了会计核算制度与税法差异产生的三个原因;第六

9、,着重讨论了协调两者的原则以及如何更好的协调两者差异的具体措施。关键词:会计核算制度;税法;差异;协调Research on the Coordination of the Divergence between Current Tax Law and Accounting System in Our Country Abstract:Accounting regulation and tax law relations is a historical question, as the accounting system reform and tax reform, new accounting

10、 standards of listed companies in 2007 to implement and fully implemented in 2009, the new enterprise income tax law also in 2008 began to implement, has been a few years time. During this time the development process, accounting system and tax law reduced the differences between the present and the

11、 gradual convergence of the trend, but the difference between the two there is still the objective, the purpose of the legislation, services, etc. are all objects a difference, so in many ways there are some differences.This paper discussed several aspects from the accounting system and tax law issu

12、es: First, introduce the relationship between accounting regulation and tax law, including the differences and similarities between the two; second, mainly from the principles of the theory, the difference between the two; Third, mainly from the perspective of income tax expense and income in the tw

13、o aspects of the practical differences between the two; Fourth, the introduction of the accounting system and tax differences arise for three reasons; Fifth, focus on the coordination of both principles and concrete measures, discussed all aspects of how to better coordination between the two. Keywo

14、rds: Tax Law;Accounting System;Divergence;Coordination浅析我国移动品牌的营销策略(字)摘 要:本文以我国移动品牌的营销为例,从移动通讯的发展阐述到现在营销所执行的各种政策如品牌、渠道、广告、价格、产品及客户关系开始分析,以及移动品牌营销策略的不足之处,分析现在通讯行业的营销模式,针对不足提出有用的建议,让我们对移动品牌及品牌营销有更好的了解。关键词:营销策略;品牌营销;移动通讯Analysis of Mobile Brand Marketing StrategyAbstract: In this paper, an example of m

15、obile brand marketing, explained from the development of mobile communications to the present policies implemented by marketing such as brand, channel, advertising, price, product and customer relations began analysis, brand marketing strategy and mobile inadequacies , of the communications industry

16、 marketing model now, Lack of useful suggestions for, let us have a better understanding of moving brand and brand marketing.Key words: Marketing Strategy; Brand Marketing;内容简介本项目为某地区高速公路一段设计,该项目的实施将对带动该地区经济发展、方便地方人民群众生活起到积极作用;也是联系本地与外界的一条重要通道。全线采用四车道高速公路标准:计算行车速度采用 80 公里/小时,路基宽度 24.5 米,桥涵设计荷载采用公路-级

17、。该段路线全场长 2.960 公里,全线挖方.7m3, 填方.3 m ,全线设有配套交通工程及沿线设施。总预算 5592.8844 万元,平均每公里 1889.488 万元。文件组成及目录 0 目录10 土石方计算表(共 3 张)11 土石方汇总表12 防护工程设计图(共 3 张)13 防护工程数量表1 说明书(共 4 页)2 主要经济技术指标表3 路线平面图(共 5 张)4 路线纵断面图(共 5 张)5 直线、曲线及转角表6 逐桩坐标表(共 2 张)7 公路用地、拆迁建筑物汇总表8路基横断面图(共 8 张)9 路基设计表(共 4 张)封面实习报告摘 要苏格拉底之死是人类历史上引人深思的案件之

18、一。尽管苏格拉底的审判是一个恶法的审判,而且对苏格拉底的判决是建立在莫须有的罪名的基础上,但是苏格拉底甘愿受死,以生命捍卫法律尊严。苏格拉底之死显示出他所坚持的既非实用主义的法律观,也非伦理型的法律观,而是一种形式主义法律观。苏格拉底的法律观对与维护法律权威,建造一种遵法型的秩序是很有意义的,对处于法治初创阶段的中国有着积极的价值。但是,我们必须认识到,苏格拉底式的守法观也有放纵恶法的危险,因此国家必须改善立法,建立有效的恶法纠错机制。关键词:苏格拉底之死,形式主义守法观,法律权威,守法AbstractThe Death of Socrates is one of the thoughtful

19、 law cases in human history. Although the adjudgement of Socrates is a draconian one and it is based on unwarranted charges, Socrates was willing to accept the death to defend the dignity of the law. The death of Socrates showed that he did not stick to the legal concept of pragmatism and the non-et

20、hical-legal concept, but a legal concept of formalism. It has great significance for his legal concept to maintain the authority of the law and construct the compliance order. Moreover it is of great value for China which is in the start-up phase of the rule of law. Nevertheless, we must recognize t

21、hat the law concept of Socrates has the danger of indulging the draconian law. Thus the state must improve legislation and establish an effective mechanism for correcting the draconian law. Keywords: The death of Socrates, Legal concept of formalism, Law authority, Law-abiding目 录 7700 字摘 要 IIAbstrac

22、t III前 言 1一、苏格拉底之死:以生命捍卫法律尊严 1(一)苏格拉底的审判:一次公正的 恶法审判 1(二)苏格拉底以死捍卫法律尊严、树立法律权威 2二、苏格拉底的守法观:一种形式主义的守法观 3(一)守法观的主要类型 3(二)苏格拉底的守法观 5三、苏格拉底的守法观在当代的价值 5(一)守法- 我国现阶段的迫切需要 5(二)提倡守法观,对我国的现实意义 5结 语 7参考文献: 8致 谢 9参考文献: 1 古希腊 亚里士多德.政治学M.吴涛彭,译.北京:商务印书馆,1965.199.2 古希腊 柏拉图.苏格拉底最后的日子M.余灵,译.上海 :上海三联书店,1988.68.3 徐爱国,王振东

23、.西方法律思想史M. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2003.22.4 美伯尔曼.法律与宗教M.梁治平,译.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003.38.5 古希腊 柏拉图.苏格拉底最后的日子M.余灵,译.上海 :上海三联书店,1988.72.6 英 霍布斯.论公民M.应星、冯克利译 .贵州:贵州人民出版社,2003.26.7 美 潘思.潘思选集M.马清槐等 ,译.北京:商务印书馆,1981.222.8 古希腊 亚里士多德.政治学M.吴涛彭,译.北京:商务印书馆,1965.199.9 美 罗尔斯.正义论M.何怀宏等译 .北京:中国社会科学出版社,1988.56.10 美 德沃金.认真对待权利M.信春鹰、

24、吴玉章译.北京 :中国大百科全书出版社,1998.271.11 王振东.恶法亦法理论的历史寻踪及其价值J. 法理学、法史学 ,2008.2:158.12 英 拉兹.法律的权威:法律与道德论文集M.朱峰,译 .北京:法律出版社,2005.25013 张文显.二十一世纪西方法哲学思潮研究M. 北京: 法律出版社,2006.168. 14 杨磊.论法治下的恶法J. 华东政法学院学报,1999.1:82.15 甄惠.苏格拉底与法律权威的对话J. 前沿,2005.12:35.16 周旺生.法理探索M.北京 :人民出版社,2005.235. 美元贬值对中国出口贸易的影响(字)摘 要:因 2007 年全球金

25、融风暴,美国为缓解本国金融危机,转嫁风险,采取了美元贬值的措施。而中国作为美国的外汇储备大国,出口贸易大国,其出口贸易受到了不容忽视的影响,而中国的出口也由于美元贬值而减少。美元贬值对中国出口贸易的影响,既有积极部分,也有消极部分,积极影响在于中国出口商可以借此提高出口价格,优化出口结构,改善贸易环境,而消极影响则是利润空间变小,原材料涨价,美国对中国进口放缓,本文旨在通过系统分析美元贬值对中国出口贸易积极与消极影响,为我国出口贸易提出相应对策和建议。关键词:美元贬值;传导机制;出口贸易;影响 The Influence of American Depreciation on Chinese

26、ExportAbstract: Because of the global financial storm of 2007,USA took the action of devaluating of US dollar for relieving the crisis and transfer the risks. China,as a country for huge US dollar store,has been influenced deeply,and the export of China has been decreased because of the devaluation.

27、 Its a two sides coin for the influences of the devaluation of US dollar to the export of China. The positive side is that the the export firm can rise up the prise,update the export system and improve the trade environment. The negative side is the the profit space gets smaller,the materials gets e

28、xpansive and the steps of import of USA gets slower. This report is intend to analysis the influences of the devaluation of US dollar to the export of China and propose relevant strategies. Key words: US dollar depreciation;transmission mechanism;exportation;influence 内容简介随着我国房地产市场的不断繁荣发展,房地产估价已成为一项

29、必不可少的专业性工作。在收益还原法中如何针对不同的待估对象选取恰当的资本化率,哪种资本化率的计算方法在实践操作中更具可靠性,如何尽可能地减小误差、提高精度等问题正逐渐在估价行业内引起一系列的讨论与研究。本文结合一些评估实例就目前房地产估价中常用的四种资本化率的计算方法(市场提取法、安全利率加风险调整值法、复合投资收益率法、投资收益率排序插入法)进行了介绍与比较,并分析了其各自适用的评估对象。在此基础上,还就当前在确定资本化率上尚存的一些问题及可否建立适合上海房地产市场的资本化率指数体系的设想做了一些粗略的探讨。 文件组成及目录 格式:WORD 格式,共 16 页,约 1 万四千字。1 引言 2

30、 2 问题的提出 2 3 收益法及资本化率的基本原理 3 3.1 收益法概述 3 3.1.1 收益法的定义 3 3.1.2 普遍适用的收益法原理 4 3.1.3 收益法的操作步骤 4 3.2 资本化率概述 4 3.2.1 利息理论的分析 4 3.2.2 资本化率的概念分析 4 3.2.3 资本化率的理论判断标准 5 3.3 资本化率的影响因素 7 3.3.1 资本化率的主要影响因素 7 3.3.2 风险程度排序:厂房商铺写字楼住宅 7 3.4 资本化率的确定方法 8 3.5 四种求取资本化率方法的分析与比较 9 3.5.1 优缺点分析 9 3.5.2 各种方法的适用场合分析 10 4 评估实例

31、分析 11 4.1 资本化率依据的信服度决定评估价格的可信度 11 4.2 市场提取法的一个实例 12 4.3 关于建立上海区域资本化率指数体系的设想 13 5 结论 16 我国男性化妆品行业发展现状分析及对策探讨(字)摘 要:随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对自身形象的关注度日益增加,男性与女性差异极大的生活方式促使男性对专门的功能性化妆品需求越来越大。国外大牌化妆品品牌纷纷推出独立的男性系列,并加快进入中国市场的步伐。在国内,目前男性化妆品尚未出现旺销态势,但拥有近亿成熟消费者的市场,若善加引导,其前景将鼓舞人心。本文立足于男性消费者行为心理特征,从产品定位等方面入手,探讨我国男性化妆品行业发

32、展存在的一些问题,并提出了相应的营销策略。关键词:男性消费者;化妆品;产品定位;营销策略;Status Analysis and Strategies of Chinese Male Cosmetics Industry DevelopmentAbstract:With the continuous improvement of living standards, peoples attention to the image of their own increasing , great differences between men and womens way of promote men

33、s growing demand for specialized functional cosmetics. Foreign cosmetics brands have launched independent male brands, and accelerate the pace of the Chinese market. In China, the current trend of male cosmetics Strong Sales have not yet emerged, but with hundreds of millions of mature consumer mark

34、et, a good guide will lead to an encouraging prospect. This paper discusses the cosmetics industry development in male some existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding marketing strategy based on the psychological characteristics of male consumer behavior, from the aspects of product positioning. Keywords: Male Consumers; Cosmetics; Product Positioning; Marketing Strategies;


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