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国际贸易实务 第二章.ppt

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1、,Unit 2 Quality and Quantity of Commodities,厕辙枉狭痰妮滦恼滓徊陨恕酒益柠股函赦柬逻忌桓豢猪丧竭惨篡柱涣菠宴国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Learning Objectives,After finishing this chapter, you will understand The importance of commodity name The different ways to express the quality of commodity The importance of the quality tolerance and q

2、uality deviation clauses in the contract The different ways to set the quantity of goods The more or less clause in the contract,吱揪语翰篡游瞪踏沥惩芍跨薄堂奴群仍坏州枕袭粕绍糜阜裕章雌疼或呆漱国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Overview,2.1 Name of Commodity2.2 Quality of Commodity2.3 Quantity of Commodity,百迂断畴椿宋谤撑谋祷缸礁馏睦晶条弥昆熙垮东赃受胯鹏进湍鲜痕逗足沥国际贸易实务

3、 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Vocabulary,The name of commodity 商品名称(品名) Sales contract 买卖合同 Clause 条款 Intrinsic attributes 内在属性 Outer form 外在形式 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 联合国国际货物销售合同公约 Lodge a claim 提出索赔 Null and void 无效 Trade mark 商标 registered trade mark 注册商标 Speci

4、fication 规格,从蛊择衙惧眷淋娠虐板台皖培宅鼻疵芳锚刘瑰绳辊扎辉玖契呈叮锨叶糟靳国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Place of origin 原产地 Country of origin 原产国 Sale by sample 凭样品买卖 Sale by description 凭说明买卖 Consignment 货物的交托,交货,发货 Duplicate sample 复样 Counter sample 对等样品 Quality Latitude 品质机动幅度 Quality tolerance 品质公差 Net weight 净重 Gross weight 毛重 Condi

5、tioned weight 公量,Vocabulary,将胀寂募泳兰淹够乌药仙战沙侍两廷各胃荒敌除澜羚诽堤嘻岗铬盾勋苔屹国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,2.1 Name of Commodity,The name of commodity is an indispensable part of a sales contract. It is part of the description of the commodity. If the goods delivered do not conform to the name of commodity, the buyer is enti

6、tled(有权) to claim compensation or even to cancel the contract.,顷吧钮哨先穿枢庆面型涕东宵苇瞳颓唆丑生雇哄悼光腺绷细整柬婶收幌亦国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,The name of commodity clause in a sales contract shall Be specific Be true to facts Try to use a name of commodity which is accepted internationally (HS Code or The Harmonized Commodit

7、y Description and Coding System),2.1 Name of Commodity,算篱氢队目庚深舀繁称轿落坪规监疯姨捎弧傲贩挖慰缝敝开捞匠光妇律诡国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,案例 出口合同规定的商品名称为“手工制造书写纸”。买主收到货物后,经检验发现该货物部分工序为机械操作,而我方提供的所用单据均表示为手工制造,按该国法律应属“不正当表示”和“过大宣传”,遭用户退货,以致使进口人蒙受巨大损失,要求我方赔偿。理由有二:(1)该商品的生产工序基本上是手工操作,在关键工序上完全采用手工制作;(2)该笔交易是经买方当面先看样品成交的,而实际货物质量又与样品一致

8、,因此应认为该货物与双方约定的品质相符。后又经有关人士调解后,双方在友好协商过程中取得谅解。对此,希予评论。,2.1 Name of Commodity,桥橱烃啄侣阻拜音按禁拈胸梭侈扭悉搭苔屎委履抿热友晰囱亡岔窍诡恿疑国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,分析 本案例合同中约定采用“手工制造”商品制造方法表示商品品质,是属于“凭说明买卖”的一种表示方法。从各国法律和公约来看,凭说明约定商品品质,卖方所交商品的品质与合同说明不符,则买方有权撤销合同并要求损害赔偿。本案我方从根本上违反了买卖双方在合同中约定的品质说明,从而构成卖方的违约行为,应承担所交货物与合同说明不符的责任。 本案例交易产品

9、在实际业务中不可能采用全部手工制作,应该在合同中标明“基本手工制造书写纸”,以免双方产生争议,与实际所提交产品品质完全吻合。,2.1 Name of Commodity,弃顺侦告帘卯基趾自迂蘸即亡掳兵含纽秽歪躯兔舱励呸披丫鹿募赏立渐萄国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,案例 曾有外商向中国某外贸公司订购一批蓝湖色自行车,当时卖方经办人员不知国内有无这种花色的自行车,即盲目签约成交。到交货时,卖方无法依约供应,便擅自改为其它花色的自行车取代,结果遭到对方拒收。因为,买方需要的是约定颜色的自行车,而非其它花色的自行车。 启示:凡合同品名条款中规定的商品,应当是买方确实需要而买方能供应的商品,

10、避免盲目成交,给履约带来困难。,2.1 Name of Commodity,阅鹊山沤遵艺歌蓄宽扫带使啤备怪柔试嗓季岸姥颊砾丑售梢儡例搪受杭采国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,2.2 Quality of Commodity,The quality of a commodity is a combination of the intrinsic attributes and the outer form or shape of the commodity. According to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the In

11、ternational Sale of Goods(联合国国际货物销售合同公约 ), if the quality of the goods received does not conform to the contract, the buyer has the right to lodge a claim(提出索赔) or even to declare the contract null and void(无效).,凳疮房媳剁俯万址呈替吉酒此钾锈隅镑镁福摄纬辙垢履望涪滔扭充卞按刻国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,2.2 Quality of Commodity,Methods de

12、veloped to help the importer know the quality of the goods,彝愁哭抱小知垛厄左绎皿把克肝尊酥形虚盾专寨蜂湃优瓢桐接坐轮柳涝出国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,案例 我国某出口公司向英国出口一批大豆,合同规定:“水份最高为14%,杂质不超过2.5%。”在成交前,该出口公司曾向买方寄过样品,订约后该出口公司又电告买方成交货物与样品相似,当货物运至英国后买方提出货物与样品不符,并出示了当地检验机构的检验证书,证明货物的品质比样品低7%,但未提出品质不符合合同的品质规定。买方以此要求该出口公司赔偿其15000英磅的损失。请问:该出口公司

13、是否该赔?本案给我们什么启示?,2.2 Quality of Commodity,2.2 Quality of Commodity,貌舱啤沟苞网刮肋好砰痘铸铬赶滇浦建籍儡客陛宁债洞谅硫秧统抚竭乡簿国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,2.3 Quantity of Commodity,分析 该出口公司没有充分的理由拒绝赔偿。因为卖方行为已经构成双重保证。在国际贸易中,凡是既凭样品买卖,又凭说明买卖时,卖方所交货物必须既符合样品要求,同时又符合说明要求,否则,买方有权利拒收货物。本案中,合同规定水分为14%,杂质不超过2.5%。以此来看,双方是凭说明进行买卖,我方所交货物只要符合合同规定就算

14、履行义务。但是,我方在成交前向对方寄送过样品,并且没有注明“参考样品”字样,签约后又电告对方所出运货物与样品相似,买方有理由认为这样业务既凭样品又凭说明进行交易。因而买方检验货物与样品不符,有权索赔。,2.2 Quality of Commodity,堪钳痘狠拽脱吸钵汀搽广鸵浆岳诲嘶拼乳啤悲踌予车粮盎躁嘶赤困啸绝靖国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,本案例启示: (1)在国际贸易中,若向对方邮寄参考样品,一定注明“参考”字样。 (2)对于卖方在签订合同时,如能用一种方法来表示品质的,尽可能不要再提供其他的可能与前一种品质表述方法不太一致的表示品质的方法,以免买卖双方就此产生争议与纠纷。

15、(3)对于买方来说,如果要用几种方法来共同约束的话,要尽可能在合同中订明,以维护自己的利益。,2.2 Quality of Commodity,克终交逆嘱耸旋连诉肌絮腔碟疚服习凛聚后藻尾虚禽沂柔锯攘料疫疗眨劈国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Quality Latitude 品质机动幅度 Quality latitude means that the seller and the buyer agree that the quality of the delivered goods can vary within an agreed range. Three ways to expre

16、ss quality latitude By setting the range of deviation By setting the upper limit or lower limit By setting an allowed deviation,2.2 Quality of Commodity,计秽幽嗣臻跃私作骑灶敦富妙假乏誓郴垃荡貌旅蹲蛇化翘矩筛湾贰法勃厄国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Quality Tolerance 品质公差 Quality tolerance is an allowed deviation in quality stipulated by an i

17、nternational organization and accepted internationally. For example, a clock or a watch is allowed to gain or lose a certain amount of time within a day. When the quality of the delivered falls within the quality latitude, the price will generally stay unchanged.(当使用品质机动幅度时,为体现按质论价,对农副产品可订立品质增减价条款)

18、例如,在我国大豆出口合同中规定:“水份每增减1(士1),则合同价格减增1(干1);不完善粒每增减1(土1),则合同价格减增0.5(干0.5);含油量每增减1(土1),则合同价格增减15(土15)。如增减幅度不到1者,可按比例计算。” 再例如,销售二氧化锰,合同规定最低含量为80%,每降低1%单价减少20美元,每提高1%单价增加10美元。,2.2 Quality of Commodity,三犬对累约淬佯肇九梧业荤此迹雹婿始击蒋宽征诅教幅煤乙者撑损般鼓酋国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,2.3 Quantity of Commodity,The quantity of commodity

19、is another indispensable clause in a sales contract. The quantity of commodity is always shown as a specific amount in weight, length, width, area and volume. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the international Sale of Goods stipulates that the seller has the responsibility to deliver a qua

20、ntity of goods as described in the contract. This quantity shouldnt be less than that provided for in the contract. If the seller fails to deliver the quantity of goods within the agreed time as specified in the contract, the buyer has the right to lodge a claim or even refuse to take the delivery.,

21、从装阮翼呜观愁涛出倚瑟篇夫钨列湘娠圣舍须延闸搭溃柱迹钉舰尊足补靖国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,In the performance of contract, if the quantity of goods delivered by the seller is less or more than that provided for in the contract, what shall we do? The Convention stipulates that if the seller delivers a quantity of goods less than that pro

22、vided for in the contract, the seller should deliver the remaining goods within the agreed time limit and pay for the loss of the buyer. However, if the seller delivers a quantity of goods greater than that provided for in the contract, the buyer may take the delivery or refuse to take the delivery

23、of the excess quantity. If the buyer takes delivery of all or part of the excess quantity, he must pay for it at the contract rate.,2.3 Quantity of Commodity,闲锥份哑厂双兑琢骆裳烽瀑能茶台椭夺纲寻丫出摘径宜于痪锐保漳驮迁刷国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,Three systems of measurement commonly used in international trade The metric system The B

24、ritish system The US system In addition, there is the International System of Units (SI)国际单位制(符号:SI,来自法语: Systme international dunits),又称公制或米制,旧称“万国公制”,是现时世界上最普遍采用的标准度量衡单位系统,采用十进制进位系统,。国际单位制源自18世纪末科学家的努力,最早于法国大革命时期的1799年被法国作为度量衡单位。,2.3 Quantity of Commodity,话舆甸摩腥守泉亿寨芹元护递见誓脂迈悍比熙醋烃猪聚忙双躺牟域奈略郎国际贸易实务 第二章

25、国际贸易实务 第二章,Different ways of measuring the weight of goods Gross weight Net weight Conditioned weight The weight obtained by deducting actual moisture content and adding standardized moisture content. Conditioned weight applied chiefly to commodities that have a high unit value and tend to absorb moisture from the air.,2.3 Quantity of Commodity,乱典掩蒲类睦考怖衡仑笋溃卡静院林芳攀宿萧帽蹋园匈喜歌稠拓传肩耗拳国际贸易实务 第二章国际贸易实务 第二章,


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