1、,高二英语(人教版)选修 模块七第一单元备课指导,厦门市海沧中学 罗明华2011.2.18,一、论文选题的价值和意义,备课指导,一、学前准备 二、课标研读 三、教材分析 四、目标导航 五、资源整合 六、教学建议 七、评价设计,一、论文选题的价值和意义,一、学前准备,教师:课标、教材、学情,了然于胸 学生:教材、课堂、方法,效率为上 内容:学期整体备课,教学进度安排(师)教学内容导读,学习计划制定(生) 方法:常规方法、创新之举 时间:科学、合理、有弹性 要求:思想准备、材料准备、其他要求,一、论文选题的价值和意义,二、课标研读,英语课程目标(结构图) 课标总体要求(八级) 语言技能目标(八级)
2、 语言知识目标(八级) 学习策略目标(八级) 情感态度目标(八级) 文化意识目标(八级),综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际 文化理解 文化知识,话题功能语法词汇语音,写读说听,英语课程目标,一、论文选题的价值和意义,课标八级的要求,目标总体描述 (八级):有较强的自信心和自主学习能力。能就熟悉的话题与讲英语的人士进行比较自然的交流。能就口头或书面语言材料的内容发表评价性见解。能写出连贯且结构完整的短文。能自主策划、组织和实施各种语言实践活动,例如:商讨和制定计划、报告实验和
3、调查结果。能有效利用网络等多种教育资源获取和处理信息,并根据需要对所获得的信息进行整理、归纳和分析。能自觉评价学习效果,形成有效的英语学习策略。了解交际中的文化内涵和背景,对异国文化能采取尊重和包容的态度。,一、论文选题的价值和意义,语言技能目标(八级),一、论文选题的价值和意义,语言知识目标(八级),一、论文选题的价值和意义,学习策略目标(八级),一、论文选题的价值和意义,一、论文选题的价值和意义,三、教材分析,本单元是高二年级模块七的第一单元。教材内容是以“Live Well”为话题,围绕“残疾”、“残疾人的生活“展开的,介绍残疾人积极进取的生活态度,紧扣本单元“身残志坚”的主题。“热身”
4、(Warming Up)部分,先引导学生谈论对“残疾”这一话题的看法,再看图阅读,让学生了解一些残疾人所取得的成就,并组织简短的讨论。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分,让学生了解Family Village 网站的基本情况。让学生借助标题和图片,讨论该网站的主要内容和作用。“阅读”(Reading)部分,由残疾人马蒂菲尔丁在网页上叙述自己的故事,他因为患了一种至今还无法认识的肌肉疾病,从而身心倍受摧残,但痛苦的磨练也帮助他变得更加坚强,更好地认识人生,决心要过好人生的每一天。马蒂菲尔丁的自述向我们展示了他复杂的情感变化过程:希望破灭后迷惘、焦虑、恐惧、对同情和理解的渴望,以及自我接受、被
5、人接受后重新燃起的希望和喜悦。在教学中要重点引导学生去体会马蒂菲尔丁的情感变化,提高他们关心、理解、帮助他人的的意识。,一、论文选题的价值和意义,三、教材分析,“理解”( Comprehending )部分,设计了三个教学活动引导学生理解阅读内容。第一个活动要求学生阅读故事,完成表格,填出马蒂菲尔丁的疾病给生活带来的困难和他克服困难后所能做到的事情。第二个活动要求学生用简短的话对故事的五个段落进行总结,归纳出段落大意。第三个活动引导学生思考讨论阅读材料中的问题,帮助理解马蒂菲尔丁是怎样的人;生活中最困难的是什么;他应该怎样做才能改善其生活;让学生换位思考一下,如果自己得了马蒂菲尔丁那样的病,又
6、会怎么样;我们健康的人应怎样去关心、帮助残疾人。“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分,分成两项内容。第一项内容是学习本单元的词汇,设计了四个练习。练习1是有关构词法中的派生知识(derivation),通过这个练习,一是让学生复习本单元所学词汇;二是引导学生了解和归纳派生过程中形容词和名词常见后缀;三是帮助学生扩大词汇量。练习2是用本单元的词回答问题或让学生组词造句。练习3是短文填空,讲述唐氏综合征患者谢莉坚强乐观地改善自己生活的事迹,让学生既复习了阅读课文中的词汇,也受到了一次精神洗礼。练习4是一道开放性题目,让学生就谢莉故事自编对话。再一次加强重点词组的巩固练
7、习。第二项内容主要是帮助学生复习归纳动词不定式。阅读课文中有许多含有动词不定式的句子,可让他们先自行归纳,教师再结合情况做些必要的讲解,最好再结合实际,补充一些练习帮助学生进一步巩固动词不定式的用法。此外,这部分还安排了一项新知识:不定式的完成式(to have done).,一、论文选题的价值和意义,三、教材分析,“语言运用”(Using Language)部分,提供了丰富多彩的材料与活动,帮助学生提高语言综合运用能力。第一项是听与说的活动,共有六个练习。听力材料是一段电台记者(Joan)采访残疾人(Barry Minto)的对话。练习1是听前活动,让学生讨论并列举盲人和视力差的人在爬山时可
8、能遇到的困难。练习2让学生听取关键信息,在听之前,要让学生熟悉对话双方的姓名发音和基本情况,以及乞力马扎罗山的简要介绍(可特别强调正常人攀爬此山的困难)。练习3是一个记录对话中数字的活动,着重训练学生听取并记忆数字的能力。练习4结合听力内容开展小组讨论。练习5让学生再听采访对话的后半部分,听写一些表示“祝贺和祝愿”的用语;练习6要求学生用 “祝贺和祝愿”用语自行设计情境对话,后面方框内提供了其他表示 “祝贺和祝愿”的用语,鼓励他们在自己的对话中尝试使用。第二项活动是阅读、讨论和写作,共有6个练习。练习1看图说话,讨论行动困难的人在电影院可能会遇到什么困难;练习2阅读一封信,内容是一位读者写给电
9、影院建筑师的信,请求建筑师充分考虑残疾者的需求,然后让学生把信中的建议要点列举出来;练习3是回答问题;练习4要求学生找出信中的礼貌用语;练习5分组讨论社区是否方便残疾人进出以及改进的方法;练习6要求学生仿照读过的信件给某建筑师写一封建议信。“小结”(Summing Up)部分要求学生对所学内容、词汇、语法做归纳和总结。“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分,让学生了解使用英语词典对英语学习的帮助。鼓励学生多用英语词典,以培养使用工具书提高自主学习的能力。,一、论文选题的价值和意义,四、目标导航,一、论文选题的价值和意义,四、目标导航,一、论文选题的价值和意义,五、资源整合,(一)资源整合
10、的原则:1.适合学生的认知水平 2.有利于课程目标的达成 (二)教材整合的方式:1.适当补充或删减教学内容2.替换或扩展教学内容和活动3.调整教学顺序 4.调整教学方法 (三)练习册整合方式:1.穿插进行式 2.零星处理式 3.集中处理式 4.调整替换式5.闲置备用式 6.取舍删除式7.师生探讨式 8.情境体验式,一、论文选题的价值和意义,五、资源整合,(四)本单元教材整合的建议: 1.第一课时:课文导入及课文整体教学。Warming up; Pre-reading和Reading 整体阅读。完成Comprehending 的三个练习。(适合生源好的学校)(生源弱的学校可分二课时完成。)备注:
11、(1)Warming up 补充一些残疾名人图片,介绍或设问, 增强感知。(2)Pre-reading后布置有条件的学生上网络查找“Family Village”并阅读其内容,选一篇作为第二天上课前“Daily Report”的内容。(3)教师可以在本节课后发放事先印好的残疾名人的名篇材料作为泛读。 2.第二课时:语言知识教学。Reading 部分的语言讲解,完成Learning about Language(P4)中Discovering useful words and expressions的四个练习,同时完成(WB/ P48)USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS的三个
12、练习。备注:生源弱的学校P5中的Ex.4需替换成其他类型的内容或布置成课后练习作为下 节课前的Daily Report的内容。,一、论文选题的价值和意义,五、资源整合,(四)本单元教材整合的建议: 第三课时:语法教学。完成Learning about Language 部分的Discovering useful structures的 四个练习。同时,完成WB/P49 中USING STRUCTURES 的四个练习。WB的 Ex1是汉译英,教师对基础较弱的同学可适当给些提示语。针对Ex4教师应调 整活动形式,用不定式完成进行采访设计难度太大。 第四课时:综合语言训练听、说。完成 Using L
13、anguage (P6)的Listening and speaking。 第五课时:综合语言训练-读、说、写。完成P7 的Speaking, 以及P8的Reading and writing。 第六课时:评价教学。,一、论文选题的价值和意义,六、教学建议,1.话题导入话题导入是单元教学的开篇启局,新颖独特的导入将引人入胜,发人深省,是培养兴趣、吸引注意力最佳环节。在本单元中教师通过Warming up 1 的三个问题 引导学生思考,启发学生把以往的生活体验联系到学习中来。通过残疾名人图片或视频材料引入本设计话题。若条件许可,建议制作一个PPT, 把众所周知的残疾名人图片配上介绍或说明播一下,以
14、增强学生的视觉冲击和对残疾人、残疾人生活以及残疾人顽强意志和所取得成就的求知欲。,1.Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? 2.Does this disability make it difficult for them to do some things? 3.What have they done to try to overcome these difficulties?,Warming up,一、论文选题的价值和意义,Look at the pictures below and read what these
15、 people have achieved even though they each have a disability.,Warming up,Vincent Van Gogh,Epilepsy(癫痫症),painter,Mental depression (精神抑郁),Steven Hawking physicist / mathematician,Speech impaired 损害,(Black holes theory),Beethoven (1770 - 1827),Deafness,Musician,Composed: Symphony of Fate,Franklin Roo
16、sevelt,A famous president of the US,Paralyzed (瘫痪),dumb and deaf,blind,Does this disability make it difficult for them to do some things?,loss of an arm or leg,mental disability Downs Syndrome brain injury hearing problem Loss of arm or leg,difficulty with eyesight learning difficulty Infantile para
17、lysis walking difficulty,Summarize the 4 students achievements. Can you guess what kind of the following disabilitiesthe students might have?,Pre-reading,The “Family Village” is a _.,1. To give young disabled people the chance to share their stories with others. 2. To inspire other disabled people.
18、3. To get non-disabled people to understand more about the challenging life the disabled people lead.,website,The purpose of the website:,一、论文选题的价值和意义,六、教学建议,2.阅读教学本篇阅读是叙述类文体,阅读这类文章主要是对事实的了解,即故事发生的时间、地点、人物和事件的发展过程,弄清五个W和一个H(who, when, what, where, why, how)。 “阅读是学生大脑对文本符号的信息解码过程,学生必须要有充裕的时间与文本进行对话,才
19、能达到自我建构和内化提高的目的。”阅读教学的目的有三:1.获取语言信息; 2.培养阅读策略; 3.发展语言思维。本课阅读策略应包含:1、预测(Predicting) 2、略读(Skimming for gist);3、查读(Scanning for details);4、细读(Close reading for further comprehension)。评价学生对文本信息的理解程度除了课本P3的两道练习之外,建议老师:1.把课文缩写后设计成填空题; 2.根据P3 Ex1给出关键信息词,让学生复述课文3.把P3 Ex3 设计成正方反方辩论的形式。(适合生源好的学校),Lets read Ma
20、rtys Story which is from the family village website.,Martys Story,Reading,Marty was_ person.A.a healthy B. an illC.a disabled D. a rich2. Marty has _ disease. A.a mental B. a muscle C.an eye D. a leg,the text and answer the following questions.,Skim,3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The doctor co
21、uld give Martysdisease a name.B. The doctor knew how to make Marty well. C. Someone in the world could curethe disease. D. No one could give Martys diseasea name.,4. From the passage we can infer that _. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him Marty never loses heart Marty is afraid of being made fu
22、n of Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger,a muscle disease that makes him very weak,clumsy and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people,to work in the computer industry,invented a computer game,going to the movies and football matches and keeping pets,to l
23、ive one day at a time,Feel sorry, make fun, ignore,accept, encourage,scanning,Summarize the main idea of each paragraph.,An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease,How his disease started,The everyday problems he has to face,How his life has become easier,The advantages of his disease,Para 1,Pa
24、ra 3,Para 4,Para 5,Para 2,The main idea of the story:Though Marty is a _ person, he never feels _ for himself and he _ his life.So what kind of person do you think Marty is?,disabled,sorry,enjoys,Main idea, What kind of person do you thinkMarty is?,Marty seems to be a fairly p_person who considers h
25、e has a good life.He is r_ about his disability but he never stops doing as much as he can. He is a mentally strong, i_ boy.,ositive,ealistic,ndependent, Why has his fellow students conductchanged towards Marty?,Because they found that Marty wasable to live as rich and full a life aseveryone else.,C
26、ompose computer program,Go to movie & football match,Keep pets,Study hard,clumsy and often drop thingsor bump into furniture,too tired to get out of bed,has missed a lot of school and lessons,feels stupid because of being behind the others after a long absence from school,invented a computer footbal
27、l game,looks after pets,Disability has made him grow stronger and moreindependent .,Retelling,A free debate,Do you think disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now?,For: Disabled people can live a happy life as normal people now,Against: Disabled people may not live a happy life as n
28、ormal people now,Conclusion,For Unable to use a certain part, butcan develop other potential 2.Happiness is. 3.Receive guidance 3.Strong desire to. 4.Successful examples 5.Get inspiration 6.Technology.,Against Shortage of properequipment, non-obstacle facilities (无障碍设施) and special schools 2. Hard t
29、o get jobs 3. Trouble others 4. Disabled in mind. 5. Given prejudice 6. ,What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful?,a strong will (坚强的意志) determination(决心) perseverance(毅力) challenge (挑战) live a meaningful life(过有意义的生活) optimistic(乐观的),Discussion,Lets join hands to make theworld
30、fullof love and more beautiful!,Because love is our common language.,一、论文选题的价值和意义,六、教学建议,3.词汇教学 (1)词汇教学目的扩大词汇量。培养词汇学习能力。 (2)词汇教学策略词汇教学中教师必须根据课标整理出核心词汇和一般词汇,然后根据词频度,按照 “认知-理解-运用-分析-归纳-评价”语言学习认知规律,确定词汇教学的重难点。布置学生课前预习,借助各种资源策略,培养自学能力。在阅读过程中遇到生词时,教师须培养学生借助构词法或上下文语境猜词的能力或教师可借助语料库进行模拟练习。对于会影响阅读和听力理解的词汇在相关
31、活动开始前要先进行集中识词。词汇教学过程中教师须逐渐培养学生按词块学习意识,从词-词组-句子-篇章。教师可以在词汇教学之后,选几个重点词布置学生造句,让他们在下节课前写在黑板上,然后进行评价。一个单元学习之后,教师可以组织进行单词测试评价。,Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1:,1. What is the action of making something suitable for a new use?2. How would you feel if someone kept talkin
32、g when you were trying to read?3. How would you describe a person who is havingtrouble breathing after he/ she has exercised?4. What would you say if you are going to repeat what you have said in a different way?,adapt,annoyed,out of breath,in other words,Useful words and expressions:,producing favo
33、rable effects or useful results make or become suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc. make sb. a little angry or impatient, esp. by troublesome actions,beneficialadaptannoy,Useful words and expressions:,on the whole make a fool/ fools of sb. be short of breath,all in all make fun ofbe ou
34、t of breath,beneficial a. 有利的,有益的 be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants.His holding has had a beneficial effect. 2) benefit n. e.g. That experience was of great benefit to me.Give up smoking for the benefit of your health. 3) benefit vt./vi.e.g. We benefit from daily ex
35、ercise.The of science benefits the whole world. rapid development,Useful words and expressions:,A benefits B B benefits from/by A,2. adapt,Most of the tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. She adapted herself quickly to her new job. Two of her novels have been adapted for tel
36、evision.,A. _- to change a book or play so that it can be made into a play, film/movie, television programme, etc. B. _- to change sth in order to make it suitable for a new use or situation. C. _- to change your behavior in order to deal more successfully with a new situation.,3,2,1,vt. (使)适合,适应;改编
37、,These styles can _suit individual tastes. 这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同品位。The organisms _ in order to survive. 生物被逼适应,以求生存。This novel _ for a film.这部小说已改编成电影。,be adapted to,were forced to adapt,has been adapted,adapt to + n./ v-ing,词组:adapt for 使适合于 为改写/改编adapt from 根据改写/改编adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于某事adapt sth
38、to 使某事适应或适合,词义辨析:adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match adapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件 adjust: 多指“调整,调节”使之适应 fit: 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合” suit: 多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况” match: 指“大小、色调、形状、性质”等相配或相称,Exercises: You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes. The shoes _ me well. A red jacket doesnt _ green trousers. No
39、 dish _ all tastes. You should _ yourself to the new environment.,adjusted,fit,match,suits,adapt,3. annoy vt. 使烦恼/生气 e.g. These flies are annoying me.I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting. ( be annoyed with sb. 对某人生气 )4. all in all = on the whole, in all 总而言之 e.g. All in all, we had a
40、good time during the winter vacation.辨析: In all above all after all,总共,总而言之,尤其是,重要的是,毕竟,5. make fun of = make a fool/fools of sb., play a joke on sb. 取笑 e.g. Its bad manners to make fun of disabled people.辨析: laugh at sb. play a trick on sb. 6. out of breath 上气不接下气相关短语: hold ones breath lose ones br
41、eath catch ones breath get ones breath below / under ones breath,屏息,喘不过气来,松一口气,小声地,喘过气来,嘲笑,捉弄,7. conduct Our monitor conducted an experiment. Do you enjoy the concert conducted by Davis? The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. He conducted himself better than expected. Copper(铜)
42、 conducts electricity better than other materials do.to lead or guide sb through or around a placeto allow heat or electricity to pass along to organize or to do a particular activityto behave in a particular situationto direct a group of people who are singing or playing music,C,E,A,D,B,The guide _
43、 the historic building. 导游引导我们游览了这座有历史意义的建筑。 Some metals _. 某些金属导热。 Your children _ well. 你的孩子们表现良好。_ disagrees with his words. 他言行不一。,conducted us around,conduct heat,conduct themselves,His conduct,他适应了伦敦寒冷的天气。 良好的饮食对健康有益。 取笑残疾人是很残忍(cruel)的事。 他总来打扰(interrupt)我们,这使我很生气。 总的来说,他的健康状况(condition)大大好转。,H
44、e has adapted to the cold weather in London. A good diet is beneficial to health. Its cruel to make fun of disabled people. I am annoyed with him because he kept interrupting us. All in all, his condition is greatly improved.,Important sentences,一、论文选题的价值和意义,六、教学建议,4.语法教学本单元的语法内容是动词不定式,学生在初三已初步认识。本单
45、元的重点是分析、归纳、总结动词不定式在“表意”、“功能”和“形式”等方面的区别并能够正确运用。适当讲解说明动词不定式的一般式、进行式、完成式和被动式。完成P5Ex1-3预设任务难度不大,但要完成Ex4生成练习,有一定难度,建议设置成情景造句.书上配置练习不够,建议补充一些动词不定式练习进行复习巩固。,(一)不定式结构 : to do (否定) not to do,(二)不定式时态与语态,不定式,to do,to be done,to be doing,to have done,to have beendone,to have been doing,-,-,(1).They pretended
46、not to see us.,(2). He pretended to be sleeping.,(3).She pretended to have known it before.,(一般式表示与谓语的动作同时/几乎/发生在 它之后.),(在谓语动词发生的同时,不定式的动作也正在进行),(完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前),(4).Were happy to have been working with you.,(完成进行式表示谓语动作发生之前,不定式的 动作一直在进行而且可能之后也继续),1. 作主语,2. 作宾语,3. 作宾语补足语,4. 作定语,5. 作状语,6. 作表语,7. 作独
47、立成分,8. 与疑问词等连用,三. 用法/ 功能,To see is to believe. Its important to learn .,(1). 主语,不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语之后, 用it作形式主语.,My job to help the patient. Your task to clean the classroom.,is,is,(2). 表语,常在系动词后面,作表语,I want to go home. The workers demanded to get better pay. I found it necessary to talk to him again.,(3
48、) 宾语,Think/ consider/ find it + adj to do,常用动词不定式作宾语的动词有:ask, agree, afford, choose, decide, determine, expect, decide, hope, like, learn, offer, pretend, prefer, plan, want, wish, refuse, manage,The teacher told me to clean the blackboard. I expect you to give me some help.,(4). 宾补,五看,watch,see,look at,observe,notice,三使,let,make,have,二听,listen to,hear,一感觉:,feel,Warn, tell, allow, help, ask, force等,+sb to do sth,+ sb do sth,