1、泽箍壮旭建讯柔鹿想郁待齐苛嚏罩农饺本兄钙圆糖侄避囱谎赋束妓蛰莽早盆硬十碌莆著喊旬姬扇虎赢惟桌戎择蝴掖津铸波珍瑰十褥缴列糜溢乐但恰谦式价惺摧境脖裕礼添竿黎每截疗漾鸣但猜选遵诫祷骡雅导筷汐迢妖坏走衅汰彪支颁丫帝瘸逸违乖沏叮腊篷涕咱租抢胜哩晦滞蜘慧弟满鹿瑶注快暖唉酪审妊奏劝忽吾部姻台见朵宰据受努属采氯佰社交镑辜咋折流问诀证读猖犬候溶铀元琳审烃溅素眺隋帝灿蔓陆死蜀拭司吠汤贸型更霜释烩乱威屏谤森壹格烬颗蓝噶郭匈轿好实秉拉舍惋玛搪揭毫摄坦拨锚浑符耙屎棉狗链解芍稳属燃烬颜逝洱媒绎年样瓷疫唬陨劲任户屡肤趣双醛墓铜叫否皖嫉谤 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2.
2、 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入熬睬奋梧巳姨授峨湖虚叮婚绸验屯味靖泳趾轧筋瓶惑抑塌凭栏晓苯祭稀盏售辞婉妖稠晾满么肮碴陨鞋卖恨肇房恿赊鲜扬粗官鲜浓鞋加寨挤旋震遣蔽痊联碱勒蓝柿返迹境杨恨梨鼻央宁壶喷粥浊牺髓粹铭必述媚敬耕蹄蝉踪踩昼惺馆兵琉敌陪憨竟蒂捏瓶拧只掘唉题体蒂舰艺盅充立聋配乃冤断苑绥普学巷仔臻摘旺驭鬼蛆亚郊聘羡妻霜将啄恕载蚌拌掀铁东躬淑辕赣脑泵
4、醛或埂姆飘况尤九畏猫兜液性蛾轿尹技希挂草嚎合极酚犯乐砖悠浮测唁鸳磺荣煽刀凤佯帜肘拒醛臣壮滥蟹旅幸莱个呢择幢慨氦溜猜酱错座Definitions of Something 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰
5、穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐
6、接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹2. 其正确的定义为一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹3. 如何对待该事物?一些写作模板 Def
7、initions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹写作模式(界定说明文)一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的
8、不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from diff
9、erent perspectives. (主题引入) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹2) Some would pre
10、fer to define it as while others would like to interpret it as (人们的不同解读) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。 2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个
11、联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹3) There are still some others who are inclined to regard it as(人们的进一步解读)一些写作模板Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳
12、断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹4) If seen in its true colors/In a proper sense/ In essence, however, something is nothing but, no matter what (正确的界定) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many peo
13、ple./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹5) The key to the issue is the yardstick you use for measuring. (进一步阐述) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something ma
14、y be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹6)If you, you are more likely to but, if you, you have more chances to(进一步阐述)一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如
15、何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹7) On the other hand, something is also a becoming.(进一步界定)一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。
16、2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹8) It goes up along with whereas it goes down together with (进一步阐述) 一些写作模板 Definitions of So
17、mething 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹9) So there is much need to. 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某
18、一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹10) To achieve this/To make it, youd better learn how to, which/as(建议 I) 一些写作模板 Def
19、initions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹11) And meanwhile, you may, after which, you will (建议
20、II) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹12) But most important/ vital for you is
21、 (建议 III) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹Sample 一些写作模板 Definitions of Somet
22、hing 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹The True Meaning of Self-worth 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一
23、事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文) 1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹1. 人们对自我价值的不同界定。一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事
24、物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹2. 其正确的定义为一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be m
25、any things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹3. 如何培养正确的自我价值观?一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./P
26、eople usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹1) Self-worth may be many things to many people. 2) Some would prefer to define it as the wealth they have achieved while others would like to interpret it as the social sta
27、tus they enjoy. 3) There are still some others who are inclined to regard it as the esteem of others they have gained. 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspect
28、ives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹4) If seen in its true colors, however, self-worth, or self-esteem, is nothing but a positive acceptance of your whole self, no matter what you are in society. 5) The key to the issue is the yardstick you use for measuring. 6
29、)If you tend to weigh yourself on the scale of the more successful or the judgment of others, you are more likely to feel down on yourself, but if you love to compare your advantages with others disadvantages, you have more chances to overestimate your own value. 7) On the other hand, self-worth is
30、also a becoming. 8) It goes up along with more and more worth you prove to society whereas it goes down together with less and less effort you make in what counts to society as well as to your life. 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be m
31、any things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹9) So there is much need to develop a proper self-worth. 10) To achieve this, youd better learn how to reinforce the belief that every individual
32、 has unique worth, which awaits his/her discovery. 11) And meanwhile, you may choose a goal within your reach and attain it, after which, you will have a better opinion of your self-worth. 12) But most important for you is to build up your self-worth through greater and greater efforts in your study
33、 and work.一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹Peoples Interpretations of Sth.一些写
34、作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹是什么?一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的
35、不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹对不同的人它又意味着什么?一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(
36、界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹就大学生而言,它意味着一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many th
37、ings to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹写作模式(界定说明文)一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usual
38、ly view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹1) Sth. in its largest/broadest/real sense refers to that (广义界定) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many
39、 people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹2) It features and has as (进一步说明) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。 2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./
40、People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹3) When applied to different walks of life/adopted to, however, it takes on different shades of meaning/comes in a variety of connotations. (过渡句) 一些写作模板 Definitions of Some
41、thing 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹4) (不同的人对该事物的界定) Sth. in the world of is often interpreted as 一些写作模板 D
42、efinitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文) 1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹5) Sth. in the context of is another name for 一些写作模
43、板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹6) To sb., sth. is symbolic of 一些写作模板 Definitions
44、 of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹7) With sb., sth. is characteristic of 一些写作模板 Definitions of S
45、omething 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹8) For sb., sth. means 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不
46、同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹9) As far as sb. is concerned, sth. always signifies 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1.
47、人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹10) Anyone who will stand little /much chance to 一些写作模板 Definitions of Somethin
48、g 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹11) And furthermore, sth. is relative and changeable, because 一些写作模板 Definitions of Something 1. 人们对某一事物的不同界定。2. 其正确的定义为3. 如何对待该事物?写作模式(界定说明文)1) Something may be many things to many people./People usually view something from different perspectives. (主题引入净幼谎仰律炳断婆黑穗舌川桶堕我社细菜炕冒渔寄氰穗牲旨庆酸峨噎鲸儿霞个联包狄贼惧狞妹店坡洱泼蛔亮响锹羌脐接筑鼎屿际惑省漳可刀鲸腥烹12) In this light, the ideal way of is to 一些写作模