1、船东面试应对指南张晓峰著前言随着社会主义市场经济的深入,船员劳动力市场也随之兴旺发展起来。在船员国际劳务市场中,我们中国的船员所占份额较少,其中一个主要的原因是船员缺乏英语技能。不少中国船员虽然业务水平较高,但由于没有英语表达能力而被船东割爱。还有一个次要的原因是部分船员缺乏现代意识和管理能力,思想仍停留在八十年代我国航运业和船舶管理上。如船长一有事就找政委、轮机长商量办事,有时候由于部门之间矛盾,船长无法指挥轮机部等等。而现代航运业管理模式中船长是船舶管理者,一船的最高长官,是公司的授权代表,包括轮机长在内的所有人必须对他负责。船上的等级观念十分清楚,每个人都要常用“Yes, sir!”,“
2、No, sir!”,“Thank you, sir!”,“Good morning, sir!”。船长在公司代表(无论地位高低)面前也应用上述语言。船上工作按 ISM 规定,把每个人的职责都划分得很细,甚至包括除船长外每个人上一级出现意外,其工作由谁顶替。甚至下级出现突发事件其工作由谁替代等等。船东围绕职务职责提问时你如果回答不上来,那么你受雇的几率很小。本书系收集了几家较大的国内外船东在面试中的提问,并就船东的提问给出答案及应答策略以供广大有心外派的船员参考。冷梅同志撰写了“常识篇”的全部内容并完成了全书的录入工作。本书的形成应特别感谢青岛远洋运输公司叶庆东先生和广大的关爱我的船员同志给我的
3、启发,愿此书能帮助你们顺利通过船东面试。编委会成员:党兆荣、赵新英、顾佐法、安家歧、叶庆东、梁圣涛、党坤、王丽娜、黄林森、陈放、范凤祥、董耀传、谭万成、李延坤、王勃。Table of Content目录1.Record of Service 资历篇.( )2.General Knowledge 常识篇.( )3.Occupation Knowledge 职务篇( )4.Social Communication, Ability 交际、能力篇.( )Record of Service资历篇1. Nice to meet you!Its very nice to meet you!Glad to
4、meet you!Im very glad to meet you!Pleased to meet you!Im pleased to meet you!A pleasure to meet you!注:上述用语可以选一使用,用礼貌的初次见面用语可以给船东良好的第一印象。不论你的英语功底如何,一定要练得标准、流利。2.问:Whats your name?Your name?I wonder what your name is.Could you tell me what your name is?答:I am . 或 My name is .注:语言功底较差的人应记住,只要对方一提到 name
5、neim,一般是问姓名,可选择上述一个使用。语言差的船员经常说“My is.”,这是不正确的,要避免,不然船东会认为你语言功底较差。3.问:How long have you ever worked on board?答:I have ever worked on board for years.注:这是船东问资历一个主要方式,一定要注意的是 13 年至 19 年的发音中的尾音teenti:n不要发成 tytei,否则船东会瞧不起你,或者笑话你。如 19 发不准时有些象 90。4.问:Which company did you serve?Which company did you work
6、for?答:I have served for .注:最好用动词 serve 而不用 work 回答。因为船东会从中认为你的服务意识强而被选中。5.问:Where are you from?答:I am from .注:语言较差的人应几记住 where 开头,在开始时是问场所,一般是问籍贯,千万不要听成 when。6.问:Are you married?答:Yes, I am. 或 No, I am still single. 注:此句不论怎么问,关键词是 marry,一听到这一词,就是婚姻状况,最好不要答成 Yes或 No,给人一种太简单的感觉。7.问:How many people are
7、 there in your family?答:There are people in my family. My wife, son(daughter) and I.注:船东一般关心的是小家庭(nuclear family) ,不太注重大家庭(extended family) ,但若是超过 10 人以上,请最好不要用拼读的方式,不然会给船东一个英语不好的印象。8.问:Which certificate do you have now?Which certificate do you hold now?答:I have certificate.或 I am holding certificat
8、e.或 I am the holder of certificate.注:主要证书如下:master certificate, chief mate certificate, second mate certificate, third mate certificate, chief engineer certificate, second engineer certificate, third engineer certificate, fourth engineer certificate, first class radio electronic certificate, second
9、class radio electronic certificate, GOC(General Operators certificate), ROC(Restricted Operators Certificate), specialized certificate. 回答时关键是 certificate 一词的发音。9.问:What kinds of ship have you worked on?答:I have worked on many ships. Like ship, ship, and so on.注:一般做过多种类船的船员竞争成功率高。因而你需要列举。这里列出一些船舶种类:
10、warship(cruiser, destroyer, submarine, aircraft carrier), merchant ship(bulk carrier, general cargo ship, RO/RO ship, L.P.G, L.N.G, VLCC, ULCC, container ship, reefer ship, timber vessel, passenger ship), specialized ship(barge, ferry, ice-breaker, drill platform, dredger, tug, sailing boat, yacht)。
11、但 warship 种类最好不要说,以防被不怀好意的人窃取国家机密。10.问:How many countries have you ever been to?答:I have been to many other countries. For example, Japan, Russia, India, and so on.注:在列举时,不要把国名用中文译语方式说,若不然会闹出大笑话。如 Russia,而不应说 eluosi(俄罗斯) 。11.问:How old are you?Whats your age?答:I am years old.注:年龄的数字不要用拼读的方式,即一个一个地数。不
12、然会给船东一种语言功底较差的感觉。12.问:When were you born?答:I was born in .注:年份说法应分成两半,如 1965 应说成 19-65(nineteen sixty-five) 。13.问:Where did you graduate?Which college did you graduate?答:I graduated from .注:学历是资历的很关键的一个砝码。从大学、学院、中专(技校) ,英语为university(institute), college, professional school.14.问:Have you served UMS?
13、答:Yes, I have served UMS. 或 No, I am sorry, I have not.注:UMS 指 Unmanned Machinery space Ship(无人机舱船) ,一般此问题是针对轮机员的,主要考察是否接触过现代化船舶。15.问:Have you served ?答:Yes, I have served several years. 或Yes, I have served for a short time. 或No, I am sorry, even though I am holding certificate, I have never served
14、for it.注:这一项主要是考察任职经验。如有不少人虽然持有某证书,而从未做过。甚至有些船长、轮机长还没有做过某种低级职务。船东都希望聘任经验丰富的船员,且年龄又最好年轻一些。因此在回答此项时应注意你是否愿意高职低聘。若愿意可以采用最后一种答案,并提出你感兴趣的职务的意见。16.问:Have you ever studied SMS? What is SMS?答:Yes, I have studied SMS. SMS stands for a safety management system. Its annexed to(attached to) the SOLAS Convention
15、, chapter IX.注:此项千万不能回答不知道或没有受训过。因为根据国际安全管理(ISM)1998 年 7 月1 日生效的新规则,是一个强制性规则,规定了安全及防污染管理的内容。船东特别看重那些此项受过训练的船员。17.问:Do you Have ISM certificate?答:Yes, I am holding ISM certificate issued by HSA, China. 或 No, I have not. 注:HSA(Harbour Superintendency Administration)-港监。国外船东对证书的重视程度极高。因为这能说明你胜任工作的能力的证明
16、。我国近二年来各地都开展此项培训工作,没有参加学习的船员请尽快参加培训。18.问:How many harbours have you ever been to?答:Many harbours. For instance, Shanghai, Yokohama(Japan), Jakarta(Malysia), Singapore, and so on.注:这是一种变相考察船员资历的一种方法,一般是通过闲聊中完成的。19.问:What education degree do you have now?答:I have degree.注:下面把学历、学位列举一下。post-doctor(博士后)
17、 、doctor(博士) 、master (硕士) 、scholar 或 bachelor(学士) 、associate(专科) 、technology (工科) 、art (文科) 、 science(理科) 。20.问:What kinds of main engine and auxiliary engine have you served?答:Oh, several models, for instance: Main engine: Suzer RND68, 6760kW; B MAN KZ 70/1200 5300kW; B Auxiliary engine: YANMAR 6ML
18、-HTS 270kW3.注:此项问题一般是问轮机长或轮机员的问题,表述中功率的单位一定要用千瓦(kW)表述。乘号()读成 times,在此表示船上配有台数。21.问: Could you tell the power of generator which you have ever worked?答:OK. M/V Qingyun 270kW3, M/V Yucai 380kW3.注:一般讲功率时不要用 HP(马力) ,而用 kW。22.问:Are you satisfied with your study record?答:Yes, I think I am excellent. 或 No,
19、 I only spend a little time in learning. Because I have many social activities. If I paid much attention to my classes, I will be the best one.注:此问题一般是问刚出校门参加应聘的大中专学生的,因此答案要视情况而定,一般学习成绩不太好的人要多强调一些客观理由。23.问:could you introduce yourself?答:My name is . I am years old. I graduated from . I have certific
20、ates. I have ever worked on board for years. 注:这一问题是有些船东为省去很繁的问话,让你自我介绍,主要考察你的逻辑性和连续陈述的能力。General Knowledge常识篇1.问:How many departments are there on board?答:Three departments: Deck Department, Engine Department, Service Department.注:特别是对没有海上资历的低级船员,船东想通过对船舶部门划分考你对船舶管理体系的理解。有些现代化船舶无业务部,由甲板部代替。2.问:Coul
21、d you list international conventions concerning marine shipping?答:Many conventions. For example: SOLAS, STCW, MARPOL, IMDG Code, and so on.注:船东一般都重视海事法规。他们都希望自己的雇员都懂法、守法、用法,因此船员应该知道国际上生效的各种公约法规,常用的如避碰规则,值班、发证、训练标准化国际公约等。3.问:Could you tell the usage of several international conventions? 答:For example
22、: STCW stands for the International Convention on Standards of Training Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. As the name suggested, it concerns training, watchkeeping, certificate standards. 72 COLREGS concerns the International Regulations for Preventing collision at Sea, 1972. It stipula
23、tes traffic rules at sea. MARPOL 73/78 deals with marine environment pollution protection.注:船东不仅希望雇员了解海事法规的数量,而且希望雇员了解公约内容、生效时间、时间以及修正版本、修正内容等。4.问:What is the “generation“ for container ships and how many TEU can a fifth container load?答:Generally speaking, “generation“ stands for manufacture model.
24、 Because of containerization, the container ship loads more and more TEU. The modernest container ship “fifth container ship“ can load 5250 TEU or more.注:一般来讲, “代”表示产品出厂的先后,同时表示装货能力大小。第三代集装箱船可装3000 多标准箱,第四代集装箱船可装 4000 多标准箱,第五代集装箱船可装 5000 多标准箱。5.问:Where is Hawaii located? What is it used for?答:Hawaii
25、 is located in the centre of Pacific Ocean. It belongs to USA. It can be a relay port for vessels to be bunkered and transit the ocean.注:这是一个地理的常识问题。目的不是考你知道与否,而是你需要知道什么时候需要借用此港口。也考察没有上过船的低级船员的地理常识。6.问:How many important canals are there all over the world?答:Three biggest canals: Panama Canal, Suez
26、Canal, Kiel Canal. The most important Canals are Suez Canal and Panama Canal.注:该问题为常规问题。据统计,该问题及相似地理知识问题一般用于考无航海经验的低级船员或大中专院校毕业生。7.问:What is the purpose of Classification Society? Could you list some of them?答:The Classification Society devoted to evaluate the condition of the ship, the management s
27、ystem of marine company and the ships. It is non-governmental. The famous Classification Societies are such as: DNV (Norway), Lloyds (the Great Britain), and so on.注:船级社的作用远不止这些。除了对船舶定等级之外,还参与海难调查、院校办学许可评估等等。船东还要通过此项考察船员的知识面,以及能否在诸多琐事中找出重点。8.问:What is the numbering of cyclone?答:In China Waters, or S
28、outheast Asia regions, China use year and numbers to mark cyclone with Beaufort force over 8. Winds can also be numbered in services in the other countries. Like in USA, and in some countries cyclones are even numbered with Arabic numbers and names duplicately.注:台风的编号在中国一直用编号,而美国热带气旋的编号用女人名,但随着女权运动的
29、兴起,现在也用男人名。9.问:In which area do ships seldom meet gales?答:Many places such as between 5 degrees North and 5 degrees South, west coast of South American continent.注:此项问题是一个气象常识问题,也是船东用来考核船员地理概念是否清晰。10.问:Where are the “trade wind zones“?答:The Northeast trade wind zone is near 10 degrees North and the
30、Southeast trade wind zone is near 10 degrees South.11.问:How can you get weather information on board? 答:We can get it by receiving fax weather charts, weather reports broadcasted by the coast station, MSI, weather routing, and so on. 注:以上是考察船员是否关心气象学常识。一般船东在面试后闲聊中会在你无防备时提出的问题。12.问:What is SMS?答:SMS
31、is short for Safety Management System. It includes the following functional requirement: 1)Safety and environmental protection policy; 2)Instructions and procedures to ensure safe operation of ship and protection the environment; 3) Defined levels of authority and lines of communications among shore
32、 and shipboard crew; 4)Procedures for reporting accidents; 5)Procedures to prepare and react to emergency situations; 6)Procedures for internal audits and management reviews.注:这是围绕 ISM 规则问的相关问题。13.问:What does DOC imply?答:DOC stands for “Documentation of Compliance“. The marine shipping company shoul
33、d establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS. Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship. 注:本术语的详细解释请参阅 ISM 的第 11 条。14.问:What is SMC?答:SMC means Safety Management Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the Adm
34、inistration or recognized by the organization.注:本条考试源自 ISM 规则 13.4 条。15.问:What is DPA in ISM code?答:DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner. 注:请详细读 ISM 规则第 4 条。16.问:What is NCR in ISM code?答:NC
35、R is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.注:请详细读 ISM 规则第 10 条。17.问:What does Y2K stand for?答:Y2K stands for a key to 2000 year problem. We h
36、ave solved Y2K problem. If Y2K possibly occurs, we will change to Manual option instead of Automatic option. We have obtained the Y2K compatible certificate issued by our company.注:2000 年问题,也是船检的一个主要内容。因此船东在面试船员时问你,看你知不知道。18.问:Where is Good Hope Cape located?答:It is located in the southeast coast of
37、 South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.注:这是一个地理常识问题。19.问:Could you list of name equipment component on board?答:My pleasure, sir! For example: windless, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch
38、 cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on. 注:这是船东面试英语水平的惯用方法,让你列出船舶部件名称。你一定要有归纳与总结能力,条理清楚,或从上到下,或从头到尾,或从外向内等等。20.问:Who takes care of documents on board
39、?答:Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.注:这是一个 ISM 管理的一个常识。国内不少船还没有实行,国外船东绝大多数已实行,管理人是船长。21.问:What ISO standard must shipping company observe?答:ISO 9002 is the standard to be observed.注:船舶营运的标准应遵守 ISO9002 管理标准。该标准是有关营运的,海事院校则执行ISO9001 标准。22.问:Who keeps the Master key?答:The Chief Off
40、icer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.注:大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。23.问:Who takes care of medicine?答:In the past, doctor(if one is carried) will do. Nowadays, the second officer will take care of medical chest and he will assist in cases of illness or
41、accidents to crew.注:目前国外船上较流行的做法是二副管医药器具、药品,并司职原来船医的工作。因此就要求船舶驾驶员必须懂药品及药理常识。24.问:How often will you have a life drill or fire fighting drill? 答:One month interval.注:救生和消防演习是全船都要关注的问题,因此应该知道演习的频度.25.问:What does flag signal “Oscar“ stand for?答:It stands for man overboard.注:人员落水时应挂字母“O ”旗,放三长声号笛,并转向。目视
42、跟踪落水者,向落水人附近抛救生圈等。26.问:Could you list different mooring equipment on board?答:Yes, sir. For example: open chock, cleat, closed chock, bitts, open roller chock, padeye, bullnose, dolphin, and so on.注:船上的缆桩,一般是用于系拖缆和盘放本船缆绳的,在不同部位的形状不同,其英文的名称不同。27.问:Could you talk different names of pier?答:Yes, sir. In
43、addition to pier, many other names are widely used. For example: wharf, dock, terminal, jetty, quay, berth, pontoon, and so on.注:码头有不同种说法,但意义不尽相同,如 wharf 指一般有仓储功能的码头,dock 指船坞码头,terminal 指集装箱码头或油轮码头,quay 指具有吊货功能的码头,berth 指泊位,jetty 指突出的泊位,pontoon 指浮码头。28.问:Could you list different kinds of ships surve
44、ys?答:Yes, sir. For example: Annual Surveys, Docking surveys, Special surveys, Immediate Surveys, Surveys for renew certificates, and so on.注:船舶检查有许多方式如前所列,检查由港口国检查、船东检查、船级社检查等等。29.问:Could you list the parts of a stockless anchor?答:OK. It includes shackle, shank, crown, fuke, hinge bolt, tripping pal
45、m.注:上述名称分别叫:锚卸扣、锚干、锚冠、锚爪、横销、突角。30.问:Could you list the parts of an electric windless?答:OK. It includes motor, warping drum gypsy, brake, clutch, hand wheel of clutch, hand ahead of brake.注:电动锚机由于在前甲板,其使用由甲板部,修理归轮机部,属于共性的问题。31.问:Could you tell components of a Kisbie life-buoy fitted with lights?答:OK.
46、 It includes calcium flare, lanyard of stopper, lanyard, buoyant light, lifeline.注:船员不论从事什么职务工作,都应掌握救生圈各部位部件名称,以备应急之需。32.问:How to use ships Marine Stores published by ISO?答:Ships Marine Stores can be used as a guide line when the stores are required. Firstly, use the catalogue of the book to look th
47、em up, then write down the codes on stores you required. Finally, all stores required to use on board should have their code numbers, and all these numbers need to submit Master. 注:使用船舶物料手册时应注意首先要查出所在用品范围,然后找到相应代码,由代码找出相应页码,核对图示、规格, 写上代码及方法。该手册是 ISO 所印刷的,目前流行的是英日对照、英汉对照版本。33.问:Could you list differe
48、nt lines which ships use?答:Yes, sir. Headline, sternline, headspring, stern spring, breast line, tug line, towing line.注:船舶缆绳是每个船员都应该知道的常识,除此之外,还应知道,single up(单绑) 、make fast(绑牢) 、let go(解掉)等一些命令。34.问:Can you operate computer? What is Intel? Who is the boss of Microsoft Company?答:Yes, I can. 或 No, I
49、can not. Intel is a model type of computers, CPU has different generations as 386,486,586,686, and so on. The Microsoft Company is a private company in USA. The boss is Mr. Bill Gates.注:现代船舶操纵中船东一般要求船长、轮机长、驾驶员、轮机员均应会使用微机。35.问:Could you list some cargo which you have ever loaded?答:Many cargo. Such as flour, ore, quick lime, corn, steel, cotton, fertilizer.注:本条目是船东用来考察与分析船员是否关系与留意全船性的事物。36.问:What are main reasons caused cargo damage?答:Many reasons. Such as damages in inappropriate shifti