1、The Department of Radio Engineering,Introduction to Communication Networks,Chapter 1 Introduction,1.1 Evolution of Communication Networks and Key Technology1.2 Types of Communication Networks1.3 Topology of Communication Networks1.4 Architecture and Standards1.5 Quality of Service (QoS),1.1 Evolutio
2、n of Communication Networks & Key Technologies,1.1.1 Review of Communication Technology Revolution1.1.2 Communication Network Construct and Key Technology1.1.3 Evolution and Trend of Communication Networks,1.1.1 Review of Communication Technology Revolution (1),Communication:Information transmitted
3、procedure。 Evolution of Communication Technologies,基本概念,Period of Voice & Character Communication,Period of Tele-Communication,Period of Electronic Information,1.1.1 Review of Communication Technology Revolution (2),Time:before the 1830s Methods:Talk、Man、Horse、signal fire,Period of Voice & Character
4、 Communication,技术特点: 渗透了听技术、视技术、光通信技术等; 通信方式简单,内容单一; 通信受到环境、距离等自然条件的限制。,1.1.1 Review of Communication Technology Revolution (3),Time:1830s1907 Method:Telegraph、Telephone、Radio,Period of Tele-Communication,电通信阶段为通信技术的发展奠定了良好的基础,加快了通信的发展进程,丰富了通信的内容。,Theory:根据电磁感应原理和电磁辐射理论,利用电磁波(或电流) 传输文字、语音。,1.1.1 Rev
5、iew of Communication Technology Revolution (4),Time:1907 today Method:Broadcast ,TV , Telex , radar, Microwave, Optical, satellite communication Content: Voice, data , Character ,music ,image Theory: 调制理论、信号和噪声理论、信号检测理论、信息论、信源统计特性理论、纠错编码理论、脉冲编码技术(PCM),Period of Electronic Information,Important Dates
6、 in the History of Communications (2),1837 - Invention of the telegraph by Samuel Morse 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone 1895 -The invention of the “wireless“ by Guglielmo Marconi Lee Deforest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode) ; Mathematical Theory of Communication: Nyqu
7、ist Theorem in 1929 20世纪50年代、60年代半导体和集成电路的发展使数字通信得到发展 The first, large modern computer was built in A. 1945 -Digital Communication 1980s 1948 First commercial computer installed, the UNIVAC I 1958 First U.S. Communications satellite sent into orbit 1959 FCC approves private microwave communications
8、networks 1964 Packet switching network concept proposed by the Rand Corporation,Important Dates in the History of Data Communications (2),1966 IBMs binary synchronous (BISYNC or BSC) protocol announced 1969 ARPANET, first packet switching network (later to become the Internet), begins operation 1970
9、 - the first practical optical fiber for communications was invented 1974 IBM announces its Systems Network Architecture (SNA) 1975 Personal computers introduced, the Altaire 8800 replaced terminals in many cases 1981 IBM PC introduced 1985 Cellular radio telephones are introduced 1990 World Wide We
10、b is introduced 1993 Web search engines introduced 1995 The Internet grows to over four million host computers 1999 The Internet grows to over ten million host computers Etc.,1.1.2 Communication Network Construct and Key Technologies,1. What Are Communication Networks?2. Communication Network Constr
11、uct3. Key Technologies,1、 What Are Communication networks? (1),What Are Communication networks? (2),What Are Communication networks? (3),What Are Communication Networks ? (4),The Nodes: can be terminal entities, such as phone sets, computers, printers, file servers, or video monitors ; can also be c
12、ommunication device, such as switches, routers or repeaters.,Definition: A communication network is a set of nodes( terminal nodes or communication nodes ) that are interconnected to permit the exchange of information,2. Communication Network Construct(1),Elements of communication networks:Terminal
13、entity 、Communication devices、Communication Link、Protocol.,Link,nodes,Communication Network,A closer look at network structure:,network edge(end systems): hosts, terminals, etc network core: routers network of networks,Communication Network Construct (2),Terminal node: generate or use the informatio
14、n transmitted over the network. Perform some communication functions: at the very lest it have to receive or transmit information. Entities: such as phone sets, computers, printers, file servers, or video monitors .,Communication node: Transport the information but do not generate or use it. Device:
15、 such as switch, routers, repeater,Communication Network Construct (3),Communication Link: use to Connect node and node. composed by physical medium and Cooperate communication devices. communication devices: modem, send or receive device. Multiplex devices, etc. Wire or Wireless link : Optical fibe
16、r, copper wires, cable Radio waves, light wave etc. Protocol: define format, order of messages sent and received among network nodes, and actions taken on msg. transmission, receipt. (Detail1.3),3、Key TechnologySwitching Method,Key technologies:Switch Technology, Transmission technology etc. mesh of
17、 interconnected the fundamental question: how is data transferred through network? circuit switching: dedicated circuit per call: telephone network packet-switching: data sent through network in discrete “chunks” Virtual circuit Switching Datagram switching message-switching,The Network Core,Key Tec
18、hnologyMessage Switching,Message Switching(报文交换):是以报文作为传送单元采用存储转发机制的交换方式。,each end-end data stream as messagesuser A, B message share network resources each message uses full link bandwidth resources used as needed,resource contention: aggregate resource demand can exceed amount available congestion
19、: messages queue, wait for link use store and forward: messages move one hop at a time transmit over link wait turn at next link,Key Technology : Message Switching,Time,A,B,C,D,Queueing Delay,Transmission Delay,Header,Analogy: Postal service, telegraph network,Key TechnologyCircuit Switching,Circuit
20、 Switching(电路交换)是一种基于位置面向连接的交换方式,即在通信的两个站点间需要建立一个物理通信通路;一旦建立,在整个通信过程中,该通路始终为通信双方占用,因此,对用户是透明的,信息以固定的数率传输; 当所有通信结束后,可以由任何一方释放连接。电路交换要求每个站点必须有足够的的内部交换能力; 适用于大量数据传输的场合。,End-end resources reserved for “call” link bandwidth, switch capacity dedicated resources: no sharing circuit-like (guaranteed) perfor
21、mance call setup required,Circuit Switching Delay,Circuit Establishment,Data Transmission,Circuit Termination,DATA,Circuit Switching Characteristic,电路交换的特点: 要在通信的用户间建立专用的物理连接通路。(固定分配带宽) 对传送的信息无差错控制措施。 对通信信息不作处理(信令除外),而是原封不动地传送,用作低速数据传送时不进行速率、码型的变换。 用基于呼叫损失制的方法来处理业务流量,过负荷时呼损率增加,但不影响已建立的呼叫 电路交换的优点:时延确
22、知,通信质量有保证控制简单 电路交换的缺点: 呼叫建立需要时间 每个连接带宽固定(不能适应不同速率的业务) 不传信息时也占用资源(不适用于突发业务),Key TechnologyPacket Switching (1),Packet-switching: store and forward behavior 34,Key TechnologyPacket Switching (2),分组交换(也称包交换):将用户信息分成若干个小的数据单元称为分组(packet)或包。它采用存储转发技术,无需建立一条专用物理通信通路; 数据以分组形式传输,每个分组包括控制信息和用户数据两部分;为了保证分组能够正
23、确地传送到目的地,每个分组必须携带一个用于指明该分组发往何地址信息和路由选择、流量控制、拥塞控制等控制信息的分组头。然后由交换机根据每个分组的地址标志,将他们转发至目的地。,Key TechnologyPacket Switching (3),VC ( Virtual Circuit虚电路)所谓虚电路是面向连接的服务,在数据传输之前需要先建立一条逻辑链路;数据交换后,必须释放这个连接。同一呼叫的数据分组只需标识逻辑电路号,并沿着虚电路按序传输,提供可靠的报文服务。 它不同于电路交换中的物理连接,而是逻辑连接。 交换虚电路(SVC:Switched Virtual Circuit) 永久虚电路(
24、PVC:Permanent Virtual Circuit),DG( Datagram 数据报)是无连接的服务,无需要预先建立连接,网络随时接受主机发送的分组;每个数据报需要标识出完整的目标地址;每个分组独立的选择路由,因此不能防止报文的丢失、重复或失序,它提供“尽最大努力交付”的服务,是一种不可靠的服务。,虚电路和数据报是分组交换两种不同形式的服务。,Virtual Circuit,Datagram,H1,A,分组交换网,B,D,E,C,H5,H6,H4,H2,H3,H1 向 H5 发送分组,H2 向 H6 发送分组,注意分组路径的变化!,结点交换机,注意分组的存储转发过程,H1,A,分组交
25、换网,B,D,E,C,H5,H6,H4,H2,H3,H1 向 H5 发送分组,结点交换机,主机,在结点交换机 A 暂存 查找转发表 找到转发的端口,在结点交换机 C 暂存 查找转发表 找到转发的端口,在结点交换机 E 暂存 查找转发表 找到转发的端口,最后到达目的主机 H5,Packet Switching Delay(1),Packets experience delay on end-to-end path four sources of delay at each hop,nodal processing: check bit errors determine output link Q
26、ueuing: time waiting at output link for transmission depends on congestion level of router,A,B,propagation,transmission,nodal processing,queuing,Packet Switching Delay (2),Transmission delay: R= link bandwidth (bps) L= packet length (bits) time to send bits into link = L/R,Propagation delay: d = len
27、gth of physical link s = propagation speed in medium (2x108 m/sec) propagation delay = d/s,Note: S and R are very different quantities!,Virtual Circuit Delay,Packet 1,Transmission time,Virtual Circuit Establishment,Packet 3,Datagram Delay,Virtual Circuit VS. Datagram (1),分组头: DG方式的每个分组头中要包含详细的目的地址 V
28、C方式由于预先已建立逻辑连接,分组头中只要含有对应于所建立的VC的逻辑信道标识 选路: VC方式预先有建立过程,但一旦虚电路建立,在端到端之间所选定的路由上的各个交换节点都具有映象表,存放出入逻辑信道的对应关系,每个分组到来时只要查找映象表,而不需要进行复杂的选路。 DG方式则不需要有建立过程,但对每个分组都要独立地进行选路。 分组顺序: VC方式中,属于同一呼叫的各个分组在同一条虚电路上传送,分组会按原有顺序到达终点,不会产生失序现象。 DG方式中,各个分组由于是独立选路,可以从不同的路由转送,会引起失序,Virtual Circuit VS. Datagram (2),故障敏感性 VC方式
29、对故障较为敏感,当传输链路或交换节点发生故障时可能引起虚电路的中断,需要重新建立。 (有些分组网具有再连接功能,出现故障时可自动建立新的虚电路,并做到不丢失用户数据) DG方式中各个分组可选择不同路由,对故障的防卫能力较强,从而可靠性较高。 应用 VC方式适用于较连续的数据流传送,其持续时间应显著地大于呼叫建立的时间,如文件传送、传真业务等。 DG方式则适用于面向事务的询向响应型数据业务。,Datagram or VC network: why?,Internet data exchange among computers “elastic” service, no strict timing
30、 req. “smart” end systems (computers) can adapt, perform control, error recovery simple inside network, complexity at “edge” many link types different characteristics uniform service difficult,ATM evolved from telephony human conversation: strict timing, reliability requirements need for guaranteed
31、service “dumb” end systems telephones complexity inside network,Packet switching Vs. circuit switching,1 Mbit link each user: 100Kbps when “active” active 10% of time circuit-switching: 10 users packet switching: with 35 users, probability 10 active less that .004,Packet switching allows more users
32、to use network!,N users,1 Mbps link,A comparison of circuit switched and packet-switched networks.,Packet switching versus circuit switching More,Advantages in small packets Propagation delay plays important role in high-speed communications, and it cannot be improved because it is constrained by th
33、e speed of light details in delay -1.5,Delay Comparison,采用存储转发方式的分组交换兼有电路交换和报文交换的优点,它与报文交换的不同在于:分组交换将用户要传送的信息分割为若干个分组(packet),每个分组中有一个分组头,含有可供选路的信息和其他控制信息。,3. Evolution and Trend of Communication Network(1),Circuit Switching & Telephone Period,Program Control Switch & Digital Transmit Period,Packet
34、Switching & Digital Network Period,ISDN & Mobile Communication Period,始于19世纪末,始于20世纪60年代,始于20世纪70年代,始于20世纪80年代,NGN,I、 Message Switching & Telegraph Period,Telegraph Network Modern Telegraph Network:采用公用电信网,利用电报自动交换技术。,II、Circuit Switching & Telephone Period,PSTN ( Public Switched Telephone Network公众
35、电话网):为公众提供电话业务而建立和经营的电信网. 公众电话网包括本地电话网、长途电话网和国际电话网。 无线通信网,、Program Control Switch & Digital Transmit Period,骨干网:由模拟向数字网转变,数字技术和计算机技术在网络中广泛使用: 数字传输技术:基于PCM技术的数字传输设备,提高长途信号传输质量,降低传输成本。 交换技术:数字交换设备,提高交换速度和可靠性。 模拟程控交换机:1965年5月美国开通了第一个程控交换机(ESS No.1)。 数字程控交换机:1970年法国开通了第一个数字程控交换机(E10) 业务数据化 传真网:(利用电话通信网完
36、成传真的发送与接收), 、 Packet Switching & Digital Network Period,DDN (Digital Data Network)、X.25、 FR(Frame Relay) 、ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and Internet Network。 Computer Network:LAN, MAN, WAN.,Packet Switching & Digital Network Period - - Internet,互连网技术 :在不同类型的网络之间进行信息传输 19691983 研究试验阶段 19831994 因特网
37、在教育科研领域广泛使用的 实用阶段 1994现在 商业化发展阶段IP网络特点:技术简单,可扩展性好,灵活性高 存在问题:传输效率低,无法保证服务质量,、ISDN & Mobile Communication Period,Broadband,Mobile,Integration,Intelligent Core/Backbone Network :Optical Technology CATV ( Cable Television) CCSN (Common Channel Signaling Network) :CCS No.7 (Common Channel signaling No.7)
38、 。 Synchronous Network:SDH management network :TMN ( Telecommunication Management Network),ISDN & Mobile Communication Period - Broadband,ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network):能够提供端端数字连接,支持包括话音和非话在内的多种电信业务 N-ISDN: 传输速率和交换模式限制了具有更高速率和可变速率业务的提供,已不能适应未来通信网发展的需要。 B-ISDN:以光纤作为传输媒介,以信元作为传输交换的基本单位,利用虚通
39、路与虚通道实现资源共享。采用ATM技术和光纤通信技术的ISDN,Broadband Access Network,Wire Broadband Access Network : 电缆接入XDSL:DSL技术按上行和下行速率的是否相同,可分为速率对称型和速率非对称型两种。如果用户下载的数据量比较大,采用速率非对称型DSL技术(非对称数字用户线路XDSL )。X表示A/H/S/C/I/V/RA等不同的数据调制实现方法,使数据或多媒体信息可以更高速地在铜质双绞线上传送,避免拥塞。 Broadband optical Fiber Access Network Wireless Broadband Ac
40、cess Network:WLAN,WiMAX, WCDMA, etc.多媒体 语音、数据、图象要在同一网络中传输和共享移动性 用户终端在运动中保持通信,ISDN & Mobile Communication Period - Mobility,移动通信网络:移动通信是指移动中的用户利用无线频段与静止或移动中的用户实时交换信息的通信方式 从本世纪20年代至40年代,为早期发展阶段:在短波几个频段上开发出专用移动通信系统 ,其代表是美国底特律市警察使用的车载无线电系统。 第二阶段从40年代中期至60年代初期。从专用移动网向公用移动网过渡,接续方式为人工,网的容量较小。 移动通信系统改进与完善的阶
41、段,其特点是采用大区制、中小容量,使用450MHz频段,实现了自动选频与自动接续,通常称为第一代移动通信系统。 AMPS(Advanced Mobile Phone Systems)蜂窝状移动通信网成为实用系统,并在世界各地迅速发展,即第二代移动通信系统。 GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication) IS-95(CDMA) 目前已经成熟且待进入商用的第三代移动通信系统。 UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)(WCDMA) CDMA2000 TD-SCDMA Mobile satellite c
42、ommunication,ISDN & Mobile Communication Period - Integration,三网融合是指电信网、计算机网、有线电视网的在技术上相互渗透,在网络层上实现互通,在应用层上共享相同的业务。,ISDN & Mobile Communication Period - Intelligent,IN(Intelligent Network): 呼叫控制与业务处理分离=智能网,虚拟 专用网,800,300,神州行预付费,PSTN,ISDN,GSM,CDMA,Internet,ATM,业务传输/交换 与业务处理分开 -集中提供业务,业务生成与 业务处理分开 -快速
43、提供业务,上网呼 叫等待,移动智能网,智能网,(从业务结点演变而来的概念), 、NGN,综合业务:要求网络在业务层面融合 ITU-T将NGN的主要特征归纳为: 基于分组传送; 控制功能与承载能力、呼叫/会晤、应用/服务分离; 业务提供与网络分离,并提供开放接口; 支持广泛的业务,包括实时/流/非实时和多媒体业务; 具有端到端透明传递的宽带能力; 与现有传统网络互通; 具有通用移动性,即允许用户作为单个人始终如一地使用和管理其业务而不管采用什么接入技术; 提供用户自由选择业务提供商的功能等。,Trend of Communication Networks,业务数据化,网络宽带化,网络个人化和智能化,网络光纤化,网络分组化,NGN,网络IP化,网络综合化,