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1、海南大学文化柱中英文对照版(讨论稿)现面向全校征集修改意见海南大学首届大学生英语节又一成果出炉,译文大擂台主持的海南大学文化柱翻译工作现已圆满结束。海南大学首届大学生英语节在去年校庆期间隆重推出,举行了咬文嚼字、英语沙龙、译文大擂台、世纪回眸好莱“屋”等九项活动,在校内掀起了一股学习英语的快乐风潮。译文大擂台重点翻译海大校庆口号和海大文化柱。校庆口号英文版已于校庆期间公布。海大文化柱的翻译工作历时三个月,影响面涉及海大的学生和老师,经过多轮筛选、修改,现其讨论稿终于面世。坐落于第三教学楼广场的海南大学文化柱是我校的精神象征,上有数十段名人励志作品,如宋朝朱熹的琼州府学明伦堂记 、明朝海瑞的教约

2、 、孙中山的琼州改设行省理由书等名篇,具有浓厚的学术内涵和深远的历史意义。文化柱每天都吸引着不少师生驻足欣赏。为了让这一文化景观更具影响力,提升其国际认知度,同时提高海大学子的英语翻译水平,首届大学生英语节特向全校师生征集文化柱英文翻译稿。各学院学生积极准备,交稿十分踊跃,英语节组委会从各个学院学生的翻译稿中精心挑选出优秀篇目,由文学院的英语系专家进行修改、润色,现已将讨论稿整理完毕。讨论稿共分十篇,每篇均有文言文、白话文和英文三种形式。现面向全校征求修改意见,同时欢迎社会各届予以关注。如有修改意见的,请发送至 ,或直接写信至海南大学团委(请在封面注明“海大文化柱翻译”字样,修改之处请注明修改

3、理由)截止时间为 4 月底。对文化柱的更多建设性建议和对英文版的处理使用方面的建议也可同时提出。附:海南大学文化柱中英文对照版篇一 擬改海南兵備道爲提學道疏(節錄)明 王弘誨貧寒士子,擔簦之苦已不待言。乃其渡海,率皆蜑航。賈舶帆檣不飾,樓櫓不堅,卒遇風濤,全舟而沒者,往往有之。異時地方寧靖,所慮者特風波耳。邇來加以海寇出沒,歲無寧時。職竊觀天下儒生遠而苦者,未有如瓊州之甚者也。而海南道額設有兵備副使一員,駐紮本府。職以爲此事誠宜屬之。改海南兵備兼管提學道,換給敕命,每遇員缺,必選甲科之有學行者充之。其瓊州一帶,師儒考試巡察,任其便宜行事。如此,庶見聞習而人才之賢否不淆,法度新而德化之流行不壅矣

4、。白话文贫寒学子, (求学)远行之苦自不必说。他们渡海,均要乘船,商船帆桅不加修整,楼橹不很坚固,突遇风浪,全船覆没的(事) ,常常会出现。往进地方上安宁平定,所忧虑的只是风浪波涛,近来又有海盗出没,终年没有安宁的时候。本职私观天下书生求学远行之辛苦,没有像琼州那么厉害的。而海南道员编制只设有兵备付使一名,驻扎在本府。本职认为这事的确应该安排给他。改任海南兵备道兼管提学道,更改敕命,变更职权,遇到人员空缺,一定选拔甲科中品学兼优者充任。那琼州一带,儒师考试巡行察检,任由他根据具体情况灵活处理。这样,就能常见其闻习而人材的贤能与否就不致混淆,法度归新而德行教化的通大就不致壅塞。 English

5、VersionThere is need to mention the difficulties poor scholars here in Hainan must encounter in their sustained struggle to get further education away from this island. Going to the continent, they must take ships which lack proper maintenance, so it is quite understandable that they will run the ri

6、sk of taking a ship which may sink midway in a sudden storm. Furthermore, in recent years, Qiongzhou Strait has been frequented by pirates that bring a stop to the peace in this region. In accordance with what I have experienced, no scholar has suffered so much as those in Qiongzhou have. Among the

7、manning quotas of Daoyuan, one official holds the position of Bingbeifu shi and stations here in Qiongzhou. It is my humble suggestion that we change the imperial order a little and let the Bingbeidao take charge of Tixuedao, and when a vacancy emerges, a scholar with good character and fine scholar

8、ship should be singled out to take this place. Thus, in the region of Qiongzhou , he will be granted the right to take account of the supervision of the imperial exams and deal with any events that occur during the period. If so, scholars will get the encouragement to study hard; distinguished schol

9、ars will have the chance to be singled out;and, with the social development, the channel to moral instructions will avoid being stuffed.篇二 雕山書院碑記(節錄)清 張嶽崧古之學者,以綱常爲本,以道德爲歸,以禮義廉恥厲其躬行,以詩書禮樂化其喬野,父兄師友之所陶鑄,鼓鍾籩 木豆 之所涵濡,修幾治人之方於是乎出,學術勳業之美於是乎興,蓋成材易易也!白话文古代学者,以纳常为根本,以道德为依归,用礼依廉耻砥砺其自身行为,用诗书礼乐改化其骄纵狂傲,父亲兄弟老师朋友所陶冶

10、铸造的,钟鼓笾豆宗庙礼仪所包容涵养的,修养自身治理天下的法则都出自这里,学术功业从这里兴起,如此则成材就很容易了。 English VersionAncient scholars, by studying Confucian classics and etiquette, used to take the constant virtues as fundamentals and base their behaviors upon the “the four social bonds”, i.e., propriety, righteousness, honesty and arrogance.

11、 It is at this school that the students get what their parents, teachers and relatives expected them to be cultivated with; what they needed to know in religious ceremonies; and what is needed to discipline themselves and then to hold the position to govern. Academic achievements may start form here

12、 and it will lead you to success to study here.篇三 重建臨高縣學記(節錄)清 樊庶然則爲學者患不欲自樹耳,苟欲自樹,則去卑暗而就高明嗟乎!行以敦倫爲先,而學以經世爲大,舍詞章記誦之習,以致力於明德新民之極正,在諸生有以勉之,以毋負餘增創講堂之意焉可耳。白话文如此治学者就担忧不想自立,如果想自立,就要远离插暗之界而求近高明之士。啊!言行以恪守伦理为要,而求学以致用济世为重,舍弃记诵文词章名的旧习,来致力于彰显德化更新民心的根本宗旨,在于诸位学子常以此劝勉,以不辜负我创建讲堂的初衷才好。 English VersionWhat students sh

13、ould avoid is to be dependent. If they want to be independent, it is a must for them to keep away from the unprincipled and go to learn from the wise. Remember! Base your behavior upon ethics and give up the old practice of memorizing the sentences of articles. The purpose of your studying here is t

14、o serve the society and to publicize ethics and to educate the populace. Only by doing so can you live up to my original intention to build such a school.篇四 瓊台書院碑記(節錄)清 焦映漢大海之極南,煙波萬頃,中涵奇甸,而巨靈伸臂,五指矗兀如小昆侖(古語“昆侖”二字上有“山”旁-編者注) ,其扶輿磅礴之氣輿海光相映,鍾秀于人,英賢輩出,蘇子瞻稱衣冠禮樂斑斑,蓋自宋而已然。至於明而極盛,北方之學莫能或先若丘瓊山,海忠介之文章氣節,尤其較著。白

15、话文大海的最南端,烟波万顷之中,蕴涵着奇妙的岛屿,巨大神灵伸展手臂,其五指矗立突兀如同小昆仑,它扶摇磅礴的气势,与大海阳光交相辉映,真是天造奇秀于人间:(此地)英贤之才代代涌现,苏子说(此地) “衣冠礼乐斑斑”,大概从宋代就已经如此了,到了明代则极其兴盛,北方学者或许都无人能及,如丘琼山、海忠介的文章气节,尤其是其中突出的。 English VersionIn the vast expense and the southernmost of the sea lies an intriguing island. The Wuzhi Mountain, like a giant god stret

16、ching his huge arm, is just as high as Kunlun in a smaller size. The sea and the mountain enhance each others beauty and combine to form a most marvelous scene in the world. It is just in this very island that generations and generations of virtuous and talented persons emerged one after another. Su

17、 Shi once said, “Talented people can be found in every part of Hainan”. This prosperity can trace back to the Song Dynasty and reached its climax in the Ming Dynasty. Northern scholars even can not surpass them in talent, and th most brilliant ones are Qiu Qiongshan and Hai Zhongjie, who are quite f

18、amous for their marvelous articles.篇五 瓊州府學科目題名記(節錄)明 鍾芳夫人材與治化相因,治化隆而後賢材出,其出也遍乎遠地而後見其盛。瓊去京師萬餘裏,至遠也;涵濡聖化百六十後年於茲,至深也,而材産於瓊者日益蕃焉!遠而不遺於時,其賢可知也。即瓊以占天下之材,其盛可知也因吾瓊之所就,而征帝化之敷延,遠且洽焉,其隆又可知也。白话文人材与治理教化相依存。治理教化兴盛而后就出现俊贤之才,俊贤之才的出现遍及偏远之地而后方显其盛众。琼州离京城有万里之遥,是最远的,涵育滋养圣典教化百六十年后方到这个程度,是最深厚的,而今人材出琼州的日见繁多!遥远却不为时代遗忘,它的贤良由

19、此可知:就琼州多占天下英材,它的兴盛由此可知:用我们琼州所成就的(人材) ,来证明圣帝德化的遍博,其意深远而恰切,它的兴盛又由此可知。 English VersionTalents and education are inter-dependable. Good education may result in virtuous talents. A region can be view as being prosperous only after those talents even abound even in the remote places. It is ten thousand li

20、 from Qiongzhou to the capital. How far it is ! Its after 160 years effort that the education here reaches the present prosperity. How deep the foundation is! Currently, more and more talents continue to emerge in Qiongzhou. You can get to know something about Qiongzhou excellent education from its

21、being remotely isolated but not forgotten by the society, and get to know its prosperity from its large number of talents. In order to publicize the august wisdom of our emperor, it is very significant and appropriate for the perspective talents to be cultivated. The prosperity of the region can be

22、made felt by doing so.篇六 昌化軍學記 (節錄)宋 李光學校,王政之本也。三代至沿之世,未嘗無學,皆所以明人倫,崇教本,長育人材而化成天下也。海南地處遐裔,雖屢更俶擾,而是邦獨不見兵革,裏閭之間,晏如承平,人知教子,家習儒事,青衿之秀,日以增盛,每詔下,群試於有司者至三百餘人。白话文学校是国政的根本。(夏商周)三代国政最好的时代,(也)不曾没有学校,都是用以彰显伦理道德,尊崇教化之本,培养造就人材而教化天下的。海南地处偏远,(中原) 虽屡经动荡,但唯独此地没有战乱,乡里之间,安宁如太平之世,优秀学子,与日俱增,没有诏谕颁下,群集而应试于官府的达三百多人。 English

23、VersionSchools serve as a solid foundation for state governance. The three prosperous dynasties may not emerge without the assistance of schools. It is just by school education that ethics is made shown to the public; the origin of education is shown its deserved respect; and talented scholars are t

24、rained. While the Central Land was troubled by turmoils, Hainan, being remotely located, was at peace for long. Neighbors got along well with each other and distinguished scholars are found one after another. Whenever the imperial edict came, more that 300 candidates will gather together at the coun

25、ty center to answer for it.篇七 瓊州府學明倫堂記(節錄)宋 朱熹使瓊之士知夫所以爲學者,不外於身心之所固有,而用其一日之力焉,則其德成行修,而無所疑於天下之理,將無難者。而凡所謂功名事業雲者,其本已在是矣。若彼記誦文詞之末,則本非吾事之所急,而何足爲輕重乎?瓊士勉旃。 白话文让琼州读书人知晓所以治学的要津,不外乎以其身心中本来就有的, 再加上适当的努力,那么其道德品行就以陶冶成就 ,就不会为天下学理所疑惑 ,就没有什么困难的了,大凡所说的功名事业 ,其根本就在其中 .那些记诵文章辞句那样的枝节,则根本不是我们治学所急要的, 哪里值得以它为重呢 ?琼州读书人勉力。 E

26、nglish VersionIt is our task to make the students in Qiongzhou understand that the essential of study is just to combine together their intelligence and their own effort in study. By doing so, they can achieve quite great ethical progress; they would not feel puzzled with how to study; and they woul

27、d meet fewer difficulties. The essential of what success means just lies in this. It is not what we want for the students to make small progress like memorizing some sentences and some articles. How can we lay stress on this? Students in Qiongzhou, do keep in mind what I mention here.篇八 載酒堂記(節錄)元 徐智

28、儋之郡僻在海隅,黎蜑親處,公(蘇軾)至之始無可居,於是屋於桄榔林畔,以翰墨琴書自娛,間以尋幽攬勝爲事。有士民黎、許二氏者,日相親炙,載酒過從,問其請益。當是時,人皆化之文學,至今而盛。白话文儋地郡治偏在海边,华夷混居,苏公到那里起初还没有可居之地,于是建屋于桄榔林边,以读书作文抚琴书画来自娱,间或去探寻幽静、游览名胜。有黎姓、许姓两位读书人,每日亲备佳肴,携酒造访,就教奇难,请以增进学识。在那时,人人都为文学所教化,到现在更加兴盛。 English VersionThe perfection of Danzhou is remotely located by the sea, where th

29、e Han people and other minority ethnic people live together. When Su Dongpo just arrived here, he had no place to live in, and he set up a small hut by the woods, where he used to entertain himself by composing, playing the harp, and drawing. In the spare time, he went to enjoy the tranquility in th

30、e remote, and visit the local places of interest. Two students respectively surnamed Li and Xu got ready delicious food and fine wine everyday and brought those to Su Shis place to consult him about the difficulties they encountered in their own study. At that time, many people got literarily well-i

31、nstructed and the prosperity then can even be easily felt today.篇九 南溟奇甸賦(節錄)明 丘濬魏晉以後,中原多故,衣冠之族,或宦、或商、或遷、或戍,紛紛日來聚廬托處,薰染過化,歲異而月或不同,世變風移,久假而客反爲主。靡(古語中此字有“刂”旁-編者注)獷悍以仁柔,易介鱗而布縷。今則禮義之俗日新矣,弦誦之聲相聞矣,衣冠禮樂彬彬然盛矣。北仕於中國,而興四方髦士相後先矣。策名天府,列迹縉紳,其表表者,蓋已冠冕佩玉,立于天子殿陛之間,行道以濟時,而堯、舜其君民矣。孰雲所謂奇者,顓在物而不在人哉!白话文魏晋以后,中原多有变乱,富贵之族,或

32、宦游,或从商,或迁徙,或军戍,纷纷到来,结草庐以寄身,受熏陶而变化,年年月月渐变渐化,世代变换,风习迁移,久借居于此而外客反为地主,以仁爱柔和消弭犷野凶悍,更改树叶兽皮为布麻丝缕。到今日则讲求礼义之风日日新进,丝弦诵读之声处处可闻。衣冠整齐,礼仪规矩,日渐丰饶兴盛,北上出仕于中原,与其他四方俊杰不分先后;其中杰出的,顶戴冠冕,身佩宝玉,立于子殿阶之间,行天道而救世,以尧舜之道而辅君理民。谁说此地所谓杰出奇异,只在物而不在人呢? English Version After the Wei and Jin dynasties, the Central Land began to be troubl

33、ed by many turmoils. The rich people, including officials, businessmen and military officers got settled here one after another. They first had no choice but to live in thatch-hut, but with year in and year out, great changes happened to them and their customs and habits also changed accordingly. Gr

34、adually, they turned from guests into masters, and they improved the original primitive habits with the fondness and gentleness they had, and they taught the local inhabitants to give up attire made of bark and animal skin and put on finely-woven clothes. Up till now, people here turned to be more a

35、nd more particular about etiquette and the voice of reading and harp-playing can nearly be heard everywhere. When well-dressed and elegantly-behaving scholars went to sit the imperial exams in the Central Land, no scholars from other places can surpass them. Even the most distinguished ones, with im

36、perial crowns on the head and marvelous jade on their garment, are now working hard by the emperor to govern the country. Who dares to say that this place is only famous for the natural marvels, not for the distinguished people?篇十 教約(節錄)明 海瑞爲學之序:博學之,審問之,慎思之,明辯之,篤行之。言忠信,行篤敬,懲忿窒欲,遷善改過,修身之要。正其誼不謀其利,明其道

37、不計其功,處事之要。己所不欲,勿施於人,行有不得,反求諸己,接物之要。大概備矣。諸生率此而行,夫何學之不進。白话文治学之要:广泛学习,详细审问,谨慎思考,明确判辨,认真实践。言辞忠诚守信,行为认真恭敬,克制愤怒,抑制欲望,从善改过,这是个人修养的关键;端正事理而不谋取利益,明晓道义而不计较功利,这是处理事务的关键;自己所不愿意的,不要施加给别人,行为不合于预期,反过来在自身找原因,对待人事的关键,要点都齐备了。诸位学子照此行事,会有什么学问没有长进呢? English Version The essential of learning is to learn widely, think car

38、efully, judge reasonably and practice diligently. The key of self-culture is to keep to your words, behave in good manner, inhibit your anger, learn from the good and put right the former wrong doings. The basic to deal with different affairs is to tackle conflicts on the fair basis without any inte

39、ntion of getting selfish benefits, and to be quite clear about what ethic principles are without thinking of ones own pains and gains. Do not do to others what you do not want others do to you. If anything occurs beyond your expectation, try to reason from your own side. Following this, you will be well-armed to deal with anything. If all the students can do in accordance with the above mentions what kinds of improvement you can not make in your learning?您的评论:


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