1、How News Becomes Opinion and Opinion Off-limits,Para.18, 19, 24,Main idea,(Para. 18-19) The writers attitude towards protection-of-privacy law and free speech.,New words,Unmolested: adj. 不受烦扰的;无麻烦的 Curtail: vt. 缩减;剪短;剥夺特权等 Sorely: adv. 疼痛地;非常;剧烈地 Strained: adj. 紧张的;勉强的;牵强附会的;滤过的,In Britain, intrusio
2、ns into-have prompted calls for the protection of privacy laws.,在英国,对公众人物私生活的侵犯已经促使某些方面呼吁出台对个人隐私进行保护的法规.,Quarter: a particular person, group, place, etc., esp. One serving as a source or origin Certain:not named or described, though definite and perhaps known,It is true that in France, - ostrich far
3、ming go undetected?,President Mitterrand (19161996): former French president, it was publicly revealed after his death that he maintained a long-term relationship with a mistress and had had a daughter by her. Illegitimate daughter: daughter born of parents not married to each other Late: having rec
4、ently died,But where the powerful can , go undetected ?,rhetorical question for emphasis,在法国就存在这样的法规,已故法国总统密特朗的私生女就的确可以在不受媒体干扰的环境中长大; 但是在权势可以得到法律庇护的地方,难道就不可能隐藏着无法收到追查的大量鸵鸟养殖事件吗?,My own feelings continue to be against laws that curtail the investigative freedoms of the press.,Does the writer support
5、or oppose protection of privacy laws? Why? Is this the first time for the writer to voice his opposition?,Becoming a hot news story -of- “vanishing into the front page“:,oxymoron,“Vanishing into the front page“: (the uncommon experience) of becoming an outstanding figure in a dramatic event reported
6、 in newspaper headlines,但是,作为难得的经历了一度成为新闻热点人物的人-正如我的朋友马丁艾米斯所说,成为“在头条新闻里真实的自己不复存在”的人, 就我来说,当我和我的家庭成为媒体侵扰和扭曲的目标时,否认那些法规已被迫走上了极端就未免不够坦诚了.,Para19 1. S2 In the long unfolding of the socalled Rushdie affair, to speak out and act:,Unfolding:development Speak out:to give ones opinion, to speak forcefully Th
7、e so-called Rushdie affair: 拉什迪的撒旦诗篇因包含了诸多对先知穆罕默德和伊斯兰教大不敬的言论和情节,在英国出版后引起了当地乃至全世界穆斯林的抗议,最后导致伊朗精神领袖霍梅尼对作者发出追杀令。这反过来又使西方人觉得其自由理念受到了另一个价值体系的严重威胁,从而使本来就处于紧张状态的西方与伊斯兰间的关系变得更紧张了。,然而,我却对媒体抱有势不可挡的感激之情.在所谓的拉什迪事件那漫长的演变进程中,美国的报纸在某些方面一直起着极其重要的作用.他们使得这一事件一直为人所关注,并且确保了读者始终清楚事件的基本情况,甚至还迫使美国领导人对此事发表看法并采取行动. 但是我还有在更多
8、方面致以谢意.我之前提到过,和小说家一样报纸的编辑就是要创造 给予并保有一个对社会的看法与读者分享.在任何对于自由社会的看法中,言论自由的价值一定是最高的,因为没有了这一自由,其他所有的自由都无法实现.新闻工作者在保护这些价值方面比我们大多数人做得更多;因为运用自由就是捍卫它的最佳方式.,Main idea,(Para. 24) this section embodies the main point of the writer- free display of ideas and skepticism are invaluable to a free society and therefor
9、e should be preserved,New words,Pussyfoot: vi. 偷偷地走;轻轻地走;谨慎行事 Impassioned: adj. 充满激情的;感激的 Untrammeled: adj. 自由自在的;无阻碍的 Static: adj. 静态的;静止的 Indissolubly:adv. 不能溶解地;不可分解地 Orthodoxy: n. 正统;正教;正统说法 Ideology: n. 意识形态;思想意识;观念学 Vanity: n. 虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西,I want to suggest that citizens of free societies-
10、even their most cherished beliefs,“I want to suggest”: means “my view is“. The writer expresses the idea in this way to pretend to be modest. It is subtly ironical.,Skepticism and freedom are indissolubly linked-contribution to the freedom of the free world,怀疑态度和自由牢不可分地连在一起,也正是新闻工作者的怀疑态度,那种拿出证据、让我信服
11、的不愿盲从的态度,才是他们对自由世界的自由所作出的最重要的贡献.,Prove-it unwillingness to be impressed: not just accept what is impressed, they ask show-me proof.,It is the disrespect of journalists .in freedoms name, to preserve.,The bare structure: It is the disrespect (of journalists) . and the disrespect (of every citizen) th
12、at I would like to celebrate, and that I urge.,实际上,我所要歌颂的并以自由之名竭力要求大家包护的正是新闻工作者和每个公民对权势、正统观念、意识形态、虚荣、傲慢、愚笨、做作、腐败、粗俗无知,可能甚至是对编辑们的藐视态度.,What is the point the writer wants to put across?,He urges people to treasure and continue to practice the disrespect for power, for orthodoxies- and to keep up the free expression of opinions,Do you think the ending is good? Why (not)?,It is good to end up the article in the way of summarizing and reaffirming his opinion in the whole discussion and clearly giving out his real purpose in writing the article.,