1、Error Correction,Made by 余芬 崔海英,Definition of Error Correction,It has been used in three senses: Feedback: this sort of intervention means informing the learners that there is an error, and leaving them to discover it and repair it themselves.,2. Correction proper:It is providing treatment or inform
2、ation that leads to the revision and correction of the specific instance of error without aiming to prevent the same error from recurring later.,3. Remediation:Providing learners with information that allows them to revise or reject the wrong rule they were operating with when they produced the erro
3、r token. The result will be to induce learners to revise their mental representation of the rule, so that this error type does not recur.,How to Do Error Correction?,The matter of how to correct errors is more complex. Once teachers do decide to treat noticed errors, and decide when they will do so,
4、 they have a variety of methods at their disposal. Unfortunately, such treatment is sometimes ambiguous and not always systematic, so James (1998)put forward some principles for error correction.,1. Correct effectively. 2. Correction should be sensitive. 3. Match correction to student preferences.,When to correct?,Ways of Error Correction,Lyster and Ranta(1997)developed their model by observing the sixes types of corrective feedback.,