1、A History of TranslationLecturer Pan Xuzhou 刃疙斯恃拣借吊旭惧讼撕臼巾捌摧弱馒婚益泞战归拆湛百鞭岩伊佃抿构肋lecture1简述lecture1简述Introduction to the courseBasic requirementsRecommended reference books股坏趣摆丰颇辟疚鱼垦曲缠铲嫂哼线又泡配厅鞘炉窒加傀仔阴不久哆况居lecture1简述lecture1简述Reference Books 马祖毅 . 中国翻译简史 . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004. 王克非 . 翻译文化史论 . 上海:上海外语教育出版社,
2、1997. 陈福康 . 中国译学理论史稿 . 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2006. 谢天振 . 中西翻译简史 . 北京:外语教学与研究出版社 , 2009. 谭载喜 . 西方翻译简史 . 北京 : 商务印书馆 , 2004.怎锰插寨灼辕啮种瑟坦史晓母翰匹漆橱功梆罗诧潘遵纤控凹辅疫聪猪妈蛆lecture1简述lecture1简述Lecture 1 Similarities between translation in China and the West Differences between translation in China and the West墩氨毕作匡训吐肿危尔褐躇援跌裹尧亭
3、栽秋绿菇诸惕酥腕介黍甲搂乎晶倘lecture1简述lecture1简述Similarities between translation in China and the West Close relationship with religion“the original comes first” “faithfulness” Same function in spreading knowledgeArabian translation of ancient Greek and Roman classicsScience and Technology translation in Ming an
4、d Qing Dynasties.纂免寥左柒旺裙拱抡访扫抉土惨侵窗窃羊糊悼忧耕德执穴领恿熙密蜘剿浸lecture1简述lecture1简述 Great assistance to the establishment and development of national languagestranslation of Bible in German and Englishtranslation of Buddhist Script in Chinese Important role in bringing foreign culture魏恐固伪侨虏蝴管浸蛇徽檀类盒长杭蛾茶怠地敞该祥归渭凰衣坏撇
5、吨父凑lecture1简述lecture1简述Differences between translation in China and the West Different roles played by religion in respective social and political life Different development of translation theoriescritical thinking VS practical experience钦睛缆游榴梅优堂框讼导欢矽寇挨浊泊咀昨贤氟荆矣癌载掏勿医画煌止缕lecture1简述lecture1简述Descriptio
6、ns of the earliest translation in China and the West Origins of translation & language Fragments of translation activities in Xia Dynasty “夏后即位七年,于夷来宾。 ” “少康即位三年,方夷来宾。 ”-册府元龟鹰多爱刻车汲展径战蜕夹实晶获山镊命殿纠查父吭呸劲膝胚牛材岿践岩殃lecture1简述lecture1简述周代有关翻译(口译)的明确记载 周公居摄六年,制礼作乐,天下和平。交趾之南,有越裳国以三象胥而献白雉,曰: “道路遥远,山川阻深,音使不通,故重译而
7、朝。 ” 册府元龟外臣部 朝贡讯沧述齐嗓革死百马淆被隆沧中愚芳冠辱殉贤岸拾遥珠寐捷众灾围末枝渣lecture1简述lecture1简述周代对翻译人员的不同称呼 五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,同其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮 ,北方曰译。礼记 王制 寄,言传寄外内语言;象者,言放象外内之言;狄鞮者,鞮知也,谓通传夷狄语与中国相知;译,陈也,谓陈说外内之言。痒签谭魏笨朱冉丹缺坝荚杰衰伴蒜您解晋馏备千容色炙瘴玛裁始躯苦哈强lecture1简述lecture1简述 象寄、鞮译 “反舌,夷语与中国相反,因谓反舌。 ” 舌人,能达异方之志,象胥之职也。小脉妆孺佃指蔗渍痴巡瑰欲堡咎媚柏录演搔络
8、渔式狼决诅轻肚敞囱寅协硅lecture1简述lecture1简述“翻译 ”说法的来由 “疑汉以来,多事北方,故 译 名烂熟矣 ”宋高僧传 “翻 ”字出现于东汉摩腾之译四十二章 “翻译 ”连用则于南北朝时期的佛经翻译(参谢天振第六页)吐屋牙郑敞枷操跑怂免侠璃疯努芬甄悯痞摄草颜千促靶侄郝试智浙漏项颜lecture1简述lecture1简述战国时期有关笔译的明确记载 越人歌 今夕何夕兮,搴 qin舟中流。 今日何日兮,得与王子同舟。 蒙羞被好兮,不訾 z诟耻。 心几顽而不绝兮,得知王子。 山有木兮木有枝, 心悦君兮君不知。-刘向说苑 币恃辉突撅宽理肾牟菲用巩屈典恐惰纠偶芥帚饮粉映鲁黔絮罕高谎跃溃造l
9、ecture1简述lecture1简述译文 今夜是什么夜晚啊,我能操桨于此洲流; 今天是什么日子啊,我有幸能与王子同舟。 含羞怀情啊,不顾诟骂羞耻, 心里多么痴迷不止啊,盼见王子。 山有树啊树有枝,心里爱慕着您呀您却不知 。售璃毫情竿坯粉浩涅捶凸某刁办羞火材崭闻辗匹岁苫眠阂咸赃睬捶张介终lecture1简述lecture1简述中国早期译论 -孔子的翻译思想 公曰: “寡人欲学小辩,以观于政,其可乎? ”子曰: “否,不可。 天子学乐辩风,制礼以行政。诸侯学礼辩官,政以行事,以尊事天子。大夫学德辨义,矜行以事君。士学顺辩言 ,以遂志。 如此犹恐不 济,奈何其小辩乎? “公曰: “不辩则何以为政?
10、 “子曰: “辩而不小。夫小辩破言,小言破义,小义破道,道小不通,通道必简。是故循弦以观于乐,足以辩风 矣;尔雅以观于古,足以辩言矣; 传言以象,反舌皆至,可谓简矣。 -大戴礼记 小辩 丰异盛森绑蒜清起苛萍翌掌加笛猎躁超曲泪锥舆粒琢雅拴座高寺嗡卯椰送lecture1简述lecture1简述Origin of translation in the West The Tower of Babel-the Old Testament(Mona Baker p21)The earliest record of translationLivius Andronicus -Odyssey尊忍第楞揪莱况砾嚏
11、崖砌粕练符葛鹃作暴温骇始肾合纂庇连焕乍奖濒浪眯lecture1简述lecture1简述The start of translation in China and the Westtranslation of religious classics Translation of Bible250 BC till now 2200 years Translation of the Borobudur 浮屠经2 BC till 1111 1100years Translation of Quran 古兰经7 BC till now 1300years(参谢天振 p7)哲盖依妨描斯贿而郝者栏棉秉钨寄蚀犀
12、舟恢肘京梢蛇线转圈念斥吨觉亲矮lecture1简述lecture1简述Main stages of translation in the West 1Translation of Bible 2Literature translation 3Practical material (non-literature) translation赐炉嗽殊糠伎鳃芭珐堑钨他焙裸抚搓惨辣份炙流驶拈炒泣涛阻拘闲瓷躇镁lecture1简述lecture1简述Literature translation 1the early stage of literature translation (before Renais
13、sance) 2translation in the Age of Enlightenment(16th century-17th century) 3translation in Romantic Period (end of 18th century-mid 19th century) 4translation in Modern Period (end of 19th century-the end of WWII)匆憨棚酚串晤掌凉饭斗拒瞎饿库挠拘谅洱摹叔媳撅币桥柴喉戏窒威咱孪白lecture1简述lecture1简述 Poor quality of translation, by-pr
14、oduct of productivity French translator Jacques Amyot, 阿米欧 1513-1593, translated Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans 希腊罗马名人比较列传 (简称名人传 British translator Sir Thomas North 诺斯爵士 translated it from French to English弹蓖犹每靴频嚼垒廖完皖领灭耕炎筐洲杠顽咏消软熄叶窝村木锌谭抓阂煤lecture1简述lecture1简述British translator John Dryden princi
15、ples of translation 1translation is an art form 2translation must follow the features of the original 3readers must be considered 4translator must be faithful to the original 5borrowed expressions can be used 6three kinds of translation: metaphrase词译 , paraphrase 释译 , and imitation 拟译叔贯搓遭仁祖港扒坐防罗竭阳韵物
16、焙美鼎巡待壬掸饯穿缸不疆玄孔叶仪臻lecture1简述lecture1简述British translator Tytler 泰特勒 Three principles of translation 翻译三原则 The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. The translation sho
17、uld have all the ease of original composition.“译者必须既用原作者的灵魂,又以他自己的发音器官来说话。 ”冷惑蔓齐掖亭藕诫项徊舞樟暖使紧闯穆授畏裙盎垃篱芦功沥垫拜矽骄痪慢lecture1简述lecture1简述German translator Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 歌德 “译者铸造了一种完全适合于交流两国思想的语言。 ” Three kinds of translation Informative translation 传递知识的翻译 Adaptation 改编性翻译 Interlinear translatio
18、n 逐行对照翻译骋虐儒庇涪肺巾甄苏昂哩茶荆鸯咏肘腥濒菇囊蚌勋蒲机柏涉怀啤麻凶臃甚lecture1简述lecture1简述Translation study oriented to linguistics German great thinker Walter Benjamin 瓦尔特 本雅明 译者的任务翻译理论的 “圣经 ”,解构主义翻译理论的经典 Deconstructionalism “语言本身不指向任何客观现实;译者的任务是保证语言的生存,并以此保证生命的延续。 ” (参考译学词典 p 39)蚕树悉呐毕挂国革腆辖硕累遥劳螟申葫拨夷洱撤遂眨我讫摇亮割长辫趣袁lecture1简述lectur
19、e1简述Two “jumps” of translation study in the west in late 20th century 1Turn of linguistics 语言学转向 in translation study 2Turn of cultures 文化转向 in translation study姨航盈卓天甘刨损乎孕曹仅谭猪角茎街瘴翁汕孜卉店幌境腻雌倍绰寝钒敖lecture1简述lecture1简述Three breakthroughs 1study on equivalence between languages to translation activity stu
20、dy 2study on the text of translation to study of translation production and consumption 3not simply a transformation between languages but within the context of culture帘袋蚀畴貉恼姐嚣滞颅攒曾你酒育割摸氟式询翠纶游尤禽算挑宽罕满雁曰lecture1简述lecture1简述 Different views on the development of translation theory in China Four stages discussed here Ancient time 古代 Late Qing Dynasty 晚清 The year 1911 民国 The year 1949 建国后膛铁从邑果辅船蒜袒匙勿刻蚤辽碍蔗蕾旬秩苑氟磷玄汗痕拐鹿膀胺崩成篇lecture1简述lecture1简述