1、 12015高一null学期期中考试英语试题2015.11 本试卷分为第I卷null选择题null和第II卷null非选择题null两部分null满分150分null考试时间为120分钟null第I卷null选择题,共100分null第一部分null听力null共两节,满分20分null第一节null(共5小题nullnull小题1分,满分5分) 听null面5段对话nullnull段对话仅读一遍null1. Whatwill Dorothydoonthe weekend?A. Go out with herfriend. B.Workonherpaper. C.Make some plans
2、. 2. Whatwas the normal price of the T-shirt? A. $15. B.$30. C.$50. 3. Whathasthe womandecidedtodoonSundayafternoon? A. To attend awedding. B.Tovisitanexhibition. C.Tomeeta friend. 4. Whendoes the bank closeonSaturday? A. At l:00pm. B.At 3:00pm. C.At 4:00pm. 5.Where are the speakers? A. Ina store.B.
3、Ina classroom. C.At ahotel. 第null节null(共15小题nullnull小题1分,满分15分) 听null面5段对话或独nullnullnull段对话或独null读两遍null听第6段材料,回答第6null7题null6. Whatdowe know about Nora? A. She prefersa room of her own. B. She likes to work with other girls.C. She lives nearthe city center. 7. Whatisgoodabout the flat? A. Ithasa la
4、rgesitting room.B.It hasgoodfurniture. C.It hasa bigkitchen. 听第7段材料,回答第8null9题null8. Where has Barbara been? A. Milan. B.Florence.C.Rome. 9.WhathasBarbara got inher suitcase? A. Shoes.B.Stones.C.Books.听第8段材料,回答第10至l2题null10. Whoismakingthe telephone call? A. ThomasBrothers. B.Mike Landon. C.JackCoop
5、er. 11. Whatrelationisthe womantoMr. Cooper? A. His wife.B.His boss.C.His secretary. 12. Whatisthe message about?A. Ameeting. B.A visit to France.C.The date fora trip. 听第9段材料,回答第13至l6题null13. Whocouldthe manspeaker most probablybe? A. Apersonwhosawthe accident. B. The driverofthe lorry. C. Apolice o
6、fficer. 14. Whatwas Mrs. Franks doingwhenthe accident tookplace? A. Walkingalong Churchill Avenue.B. Gettingready to crossthe road. C. Standing outside a bank. 15. Whendid the accident happen? A. At about 8:00 am. B.At about 9:00 am. C.At about l0:00am. 16. Howdid the accident happen? A. Alorryhit a
7、car. B.A carraninto a lorry. C.A bank clerkrushedinto the street. 听第l0段材料,回答第17至20题null17. Whatisthe talkmainly about? A. The history of the school. B. Thecourses forthe term. C.The planfor the day.18. Where canthe visitors learn about the subjects for new students?A. Inthe school hall. B.Inthe scie
8、nce labs. C.Inthe classrooms. 19. Whatcan students dointhe practicalareas? A. Take science courses.B.Enjoyexcellent meals. C.Attend workshops.20. Whenare the visitors expectedtoask questions?A. Duringthe lunchhour.B.Afterthe welcome speech. C. Before the tour of the labs. 第null部分英语知识null用null共null节,
9、满分80分null第一节null阅读理解null共20小题nullnull小题2分,满分40分null阅读null列短文,从null题所给的四个选项nullAnullBnullC和Dnull中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡null将该项涂黑nullA Mymother loves flowers.As soon aswarmweathercomesaround, youwill find her planting, wateringand weedingover everything. For many years we livednext door toeachother, and she sp
10、ent asmuchtime in mygardenasshe did herown. Afterthe flowersbecame plentiful eachsummer,she would cut colourful bouquets (花束) toenjoyinside the houseboth hers andmine.I would oftencome home from work and finda beautiful arrangement (null置) of fresh flowersonmy coffee table.Shortly before Christmas o
11、ne year, a localflowershopoffereda bouquet-a-monthspecial.It seemedtobe a greatwaytothank her forall of the flowersshe hadgivenme through the years. Afterthe holidays, in early January, I drove her to the flowershoptopickupherfirstmonths bouquet.The small freshcolourful bouquet wouldhardlyfill a sma
12、llvase. I was so embarrassed. However,afterwe returnedhome,she begantoarrange the flowers she hadreceived. “Mum, Im sorry,” Itold her. “I cant believe howskimpythat bouquetis.” She lookedatme and smiled. “Itsokay,” she said. “Itallows me to better enjoythe beauty of eachone.”Mums words helpedme real
13、ize somethingbigger and more importantwhenwe have toomany good things, we oftenfail toenjoythe beauty of eachone. Thanks,mum, for helpingme understand thatless is sometimesmore.21. AccordingtoParagraph 1, whichofthe followingisTRUE? A.The authors mother put freshflowers on the authorscoffee table.B.
14、The author usedtobuy some fresh flowersonherwayhome.C.The authorsmother usually bought flowersfor her daughter. D.The author and her mothershareda beautiful garden. 22. The author bought her motherflowers to _. 2A.celebrate the comingChristmas B.express thanks forall her motherhaddoneC.bringmore flo
15、wers to her mothers gardenD.arrange hermothers newhouse23. Whatcan we inferfromthe passage? A.The author couldntafford a big bouquet. B.The mother wasnot happywhenreceiving the bouquet.C.The author would pickupanother bouquetthe next month.D.The mother wouldsend backthe bouquet to the flowershop. 24
16、. The underlinedword“skimpy” in Paragraph 4means “_”. A.beautiful B. colourful C. cheapD. smallB Cold weathercanbe hard on pets, just like it canbe hard on people.Sometimes owners forget thattheirpets are justasusedtothe warmshelter (住所) astheyare. Some owners will leave their animalsoutside fora lo
17、ng periodoftime, thinkingthat allanimalsare usedtolivingoutdoors. Thiscanput theirpets in dangerofserious illness. There are things you candotokeep your animal warm and safe.Keep your petsinside asmuchasyou canwhenthe weatherisbad. If youhave to take themout, stayoutside with them. Whenyoure cold en
18、oughtogoinside, theyprobably are too. Ifyou mustleave themoutside fora long time, make suretheyhave a warm,solidshelter against thewind, thickbedding, and plenty of non-frozenwater. If left alone outside,dogs and cats canbe very smart intheirsearchfor warmshelter.Theycandig intosnow banks or hide so
19、mewhere. Watchthemclosely whentheyare leftoutdoors, and provide themwithshelter of goodquality.Keepaneye on your pets water. Sometimesowners dont realize thata water bowlhasfrozen and their pet cant getanythingtodrink. Animalsthat donthave cleanand unfrozenwatermaydrinkdirtywater outside,whichmaycon
20、tain somethingunhealthyfor them. 25. Whatdowe learn about pets fromParagraph 1? A.Theyare oftenforgottenbytheirowners. B.Theyare usedtolivingoutdoors. C.Theybuildtheirwarmshelters. D.Theylike to stayinwarmplaces. 26. Whyare pet owners asked to staywiththeirpets when theyare out in cold weather? A.To
21、knowwhentobringtheminside. B.Tokeepthemfromeatingbadfood. C.Tohelp themfind shelters. D.Tokeep themcompany. 27. Ifpets are leftontheirown outdoors in cold weather, theymay_. A.run short of cleanwater B.dig deepholesfor funC.dirtythe snow nearbyD.getlost in the wild 29. Whatisthe purpose of this text
22、? A.Tosolve a weatherproblem. B.Togive practicaladvice.C.Totell aninterestingstory. D.Topresent a researchresult. C I cant think of a betterwayofappreciatinga newculture thanbytakingpart inone of its festivals. Somefestivalsare celebratedby anentire country, while others maybe unique to a single cit
23、y. Festivalsplayanimportant role in a certain culture.Just enjoythem! Batalla delVinoHaro, Spain For many years, June 29thisa gooddaytovisitHaro, Spain. Bringa bottle of wine and prepare to bewashedinredwine in the heartofSpains grape-growingarea.Aftera church ceremony, crowds flock(集结) tothe hills
24、forthe battle,where white shirts will be made bright purple by the end of the morning. Bay to BreakersSan Francisco, CaliforniaCreatedafterthe terrible 1906 earthquake asa wayofencouragingpeople,the race hasbecome one of the regions most important events.Heldeveryyearonthe third SundayofMay,the race
25、 runs through the city fromthe Baytothe Pacific Breakers. The realhighlight,however,isthe thousands of people dressedupina show. PillowFight DayWorldwide These events are organizedmainly throughthe Internet. Tens of thousands of people participatedinthe 4th annual International PillowFight DayonApri
26、l 2, 2013. From LondontoVancouver to many othercities, the festivalswere held in more than100 countries. So justbringa soft pillow in early April,and watch feathers flying. KoninginnedagThe NetherlandsAlthough their Queens birthdayisreally during the winter, she celebrates it on April 30ththe countr
27、ys official “Queens Day” since1949. Orangeisthe national color, and thestreets become a sea of shining wigs (假发) and bodypaints,ascrowds gather in the squares and on boats in the canals. Amsterdamisthe centerofthis outdoor party,but nearly everytownisalive with orange onthis day. 29. People celebrat
28、e Batalla delVinoby_. A.wearingbright purple shirtsB.pouringwine onto others white shirts C.flockingtothe hillsaftera ceremony D.holdinga drinkingwine competition 30. Whichofthe festivals has the shortest history? A.Batalla delVino. B. BaytoBreakers. C.Pillow Fight Day. D. Koninginnedag. 31. Whichof
29、the statements is NOT true? A.June 29th is a good daytovisitHaro, Spain. B.The race is held everyyeartoencourage people.C.Pillow Fight Day is heldinmore than100 countries. D.The Queenofthe Netherlands wasborn onApril 30th. D Asyou grow older,youll be facedwithsome challenging decisionslike whetherto
30、cut classor try cigarettes. Makingdecisions onyour ownishardenough, but whenotherpeople getinvolvedand trytopressure youone wayoranother it canbe evenharder. People who are your age, like your classmates,are calledpeers. Whentheytrytoinfluence how you act, togetyou to do something, its calledpeerpre
31、ssure.Peerscanhave a positive influence oneach other. Maybeanother student inyour science class taught youaneasy waytoremember the planetsinthe solarsystem.Maybe you got othersexcitedabout your newfavorite 3book, andnow everyonesreadingit.These are examplesofhow peers positivelyinfluence each other.
32、 Sometimes peers influence eachotherinnegative ways.For example,a fewkids in school might try to get you to cut classwiththem; your soccerfriend might try to convince (说服) youtobe meantoanother player and never pass himthe ball. It is toughtobethe onlyone whosays “no” to peerpressure,but youcandoit.
33、Payingattention to your own feelings and beliefsabout whatisright and wrong can helpyou know the right thingtodo. Youve probably hada parent or teacher advisingyou to “choose your friends wisely.” Peerpressureisa bigreasonwhytheysay this. Ifyou choose friends who dont cut class, smoke cigarettes, or
34、 lie to their parents,thenyou probably wontdothese things either, evenif other kids do. If you continue to face peerpressure and youre finding it difficult to handle,talk to someone you trust. Dontfeelguiltyif youve made a mistake or two. 32. For whomisthe passage mostprobably written? A.Students. B
35、.Parents.C.Teachers. D.Doctors. 33. Inthe lastthree paragraphs,the author mainly _. A.explains why friendship is so important B.givesadvice onhow to dealwithpeerpressureC.discusseshow peers influence us D.shows howtomake more goodfriends 34. Whichofthe followingmayhelp handle peerpressure? A.Spendin
36、g more time withclassmates.B.Taking up more relaxinghobbies. C.Choosingfriends with nobadhabits. D.Helpingothers whoare in trouble.35. Whatisthe topic of thepassage? A.Friendship B.Makingdecisions C.Self-confidence D.Peerpressure七选五null从AG选项中选出能填入空null处的最佳选项null有两项多余nullnullHow doyou eathealthyfor c
37、heap? 36 Here are some tipstokeep good fuelgoinginto your bodyand moneyleft for otherthings. 1. Growa garden. Growingyour own plants is one of the mosteffective ways to put yourself inhighsupply of healthyfoods forcheap. 37 If you dont have a yard, you cangrowpottedplants.Things like tomatoes,potato
38、es, and carrots are good high-nutrition plants thatgrowinmostclimates. Befriend otherswhohave a gardenand change different vegetables. 2. 38Many households use vegetable oiltocooktheirfoods insteadofolive oilsince itscheaper.Unfortunately, vegetable oilhasbeendemonstratedtobe pretty badfor youwhile
39、olive oil is about one of the bestthings youcanput into your body. 39 Try shoppingata warehouse store like CostcoorSams Club. Youll be able to find the same nutritious olive oilaroundhalf the price.3. Eatathome.A final tiponhow to eathealthy and do so ascheaply as possible is to eatathome.Mosteating
40、done out of the house is pretty unhealthy, usually evenworse thanpeople realize.40 There aremany regulatoryagenciespreventing restaurants from makingwhatever health claimstheywant. If it sounds toogoodtobe true, it probably is.A.Learn to plant carefully. B.Well, its not always easy. C.Buygoodoil ata
41、 cheaper price.D.Be skeptical(怀疑) “healthy” options atrestaurants. E. Youdbettertryyour best tosave more money. F. Ata convenience store,olive oilcanbe pretty expensive. G.Dedicate a smallpart of your yardtoplanting seeds for food. 第null节null完形填空null共20小题nullnull小题1.5分,满分30分null阅读null面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个
42、选项nullAnullBnullC和Dnull中,选出可以填入空null处的最佳选项,并在答题卡null将该项涂黑nullI rememberone Thanksgivingwhenour familyhadnomoneyand no food, and someone came knockingonour door. Amanwas 41 there with a huge boxoffood, agiant turkeyand evensome 42 tocookit in.I couldnt43it. Mydaddemanded, “Whoare you? Where are youfr
43、om?” The strangerannounced, “Imhere because a friend of yours knows youre in needand thatyou wouldnt accept 44 help, soIve brought this foryou. Have a greatThanksgiving.” Myfathersaid, “No, no, we 45 accept this.” The strangerreplied“Youdonthave 46 ”, closedthe door and left. Obviously thatexperienc
44、e had a profoundimpact(深刻影响) on mylife.I 47 myself thatsomedayI would dowellenoughfinancially 48I coulddothe same thing for other people.By the time IwaseighteenI hadcreatedmy Thanksgivingritual(习惯). Iwould goout 49and buyenoughfoodfor one or two50. ThenI woulddresslike a delivery boy, go to the 51
45、neighbourhoodand justknockona 52 . I always 53a note thatexplainedmy Thanksgivingexperience 54 a kid. The note said, “All thatI ask55is thatyou take good enough care of 56so thatsomedayyou candothe same thing for someone else.”I have receivedmore from this annual ritual thanI have fromany amount of
46、57 Ive ever earned. Years ago Iwas in NewYorkCitywithmy newwife during Thanksgiving. She wassadbecause we were not withour family. 58shewould behome decoratingthe house forChristmas,but we were 59 in a hotelroom. WhenI toldherwhatI always doonThanksgiving, she got excited. We packedenoughfoodfor sev
47、enfamiliesfor thirtydays and went tobuildings where halfa dozenpeoplelivedinone room with noelectricity and no heatinwinter surroundedbyrats, cockroaches (蟑螂) and thesmellof urine (尿). It wasbothan60realizationthat people livedthis way and a truly fulfillingexperience to make evena smalldifference.4
48、1. Aspeaking Bstanding Clooking Dshouting42. AmeatBvegetablesCpans Dfirewood 43. Abelieve Baccept Chelp Drefuse44. AdirectBsome Cour Dany 45. Amay not BneedntCcant Ddarent 46. Aany moneyBa choiceCfood Da turkey47. ApermittedBpromisedCaskedDsaid 48. AwhenBso thatCevenif Das if 49. Adriving BplayingCo
49、fferingDshopping50. Apeople BchildrenCfamiliesDdays 451. AnearestBfarthest Clargest Dpoorest 52. AhouseBdoor CwindowDgate 53. AconcludedBincludedCpassedDtook 54. Alike Bwith Cas Dto 55. Ain returnBlater Cin futureDfor56. AothersByourselfCyour familyDthepresents 57. Awarmth Bthanks CmoneyDencouragement 58. AUnfortunately BObviously CNormally DGradually 59. AstuckBexcitedCfreeDdelighted60. AexcitingBastonishingC