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1、复习,6. A shy, retiring man known to his Columbia University students as a dull lecturer, he had the brilliance of mind that made him the teacher of his time, respected by presidents and philosophers alike. 他是一个怕羞,性情孤独的人,在他的哥伦比亚大学的学生们看来,他是一个令人乏味的老师。然而他极其聪明,智慧过人,这使他成为当时最杰出的教师,深受各大学校长和学者们的尊敬。 7. This wa

2、s the last place the colonialists would leave, for in it lay riches and natural resources.这是殖民主义者最不愿意离开的地方,因为那里蕴藏着财富和自然资源。 8. There is a definite link between smoking and heart disease and lung cancer. But this doesnt make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. 抽烟和心脏病以及肺癌的确有联系。但这并不能使

3、人们感到太大的不舒服,因为和你一样抽烟的人很多。,复习(2),9. I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. 我并不是因为教书容易才教书的。 10. One can scarcely pay too high a price for liberty. 为了自由,人们付出再高的代价也不过分。 11. They plan to publish a work on the effects on international law of the establishment of a new international economic order. 他

4、们计划出版一本书,论述建立际经济新秩序对国际法的影响,第三讲 翻译原则,第一节 翻译的标准 严复: “信、达、雅” ,即:忠于原文、译文通顺、文字典雅,或者说,译文准确、顺畅、优美。 傅雷: “以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。” 钱锺书: “化境”说,即,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于“化境”。,泰特勒的翻译标准,英国的泰特勒在论翻译的原则中提出翻译的三原则:译文应完全复写出原作的思想(相当于“信”);译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同(相当于“雅”);译文应和原作同样流畅(相当于“达”

5、)。,翻译初学者的标准,对于翻译初学者而言,可以遵从“忠实与通顺”的基本标准。“忠实”就是正确地理解和表达原文的思想。“通顺”是指译文文字流畅地道。,Loyalty:忠实,1.忠实于原作的思想内容:不得篡改、歪曲、遗漏或删减。 思想内容指:作品所叙述的事实、说明的事理、描写的景物,叙述说明或描写过程中的立场、思想感情 2.忠实于原作的风格:时代风格、民族风格、语体风格、以及作者个人的语言风格。,Smoothness:通顺,1. 译文语言必须通顺易懂,合乎规范。使用明白晓畅的现代语言,不可逐词逐句地硬译。 2. 老舍:既象汉文,又象洋文,既象语言,又象念咒。 3. 傅雷:理想的译文仿佛是原作者的

6、中文写作。 4. 译文的通顺度还要注意与原文的通顺度相一致。 e.g.The commuter dies with tremendous mileage to his credit(E.B. White: The Three New York) 上班族的人死去时有跨越千山万水的辉煌纪录 上班族一生有着惊人的行程,名家译例(一),1. We say of a rich man that he is worth a great deal, and of a poor man that he is of very little money. 富者以其金多,贫者为其钱少。(.严复p11) 2. Bil

7、l had scarcely ceased growling(咆哮) before we heard a quick step upon the porch, the trailing of a wet skirt. 余八的气话还没有说完,我们就听见了门口有很快的脚步声响,还夹杂着湿裙子拖在门阶上的声音。(胡适 p33) 3. 群臣进谏,门庭若市。 The king was deluged with a torrent of advice, and the court was crowded with people. (林语堂 p62),名家译例(二),4. Sometimes am I ki

8、ng; Then treason makes me wish myself a beggar, And so I am. 有时候我是国王;叛逆的奸谋势我希望我是一个乞丐,于是我就变成了乞丐。(朱生豪p77) 5. Why does a painting seem better in a mirror than outside it? 镜中所映图画,似较镜外所见为佳,何以故?(钱锺书p107-108) 6. These two eminent men, in one letter after another, wept crocodile tears with obvious relish. 这

9、两位闲者,一封又一封的信,显然是津津有味地流了多少假眼泪。(傅雷p121) 7. When false is taken for true, true becomes false; If non-being turns into being, being becomes non-being. 假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。 (杨宪益 p134),名家译例(三),8. 假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。 Truth becomes fiction when the fictions true; Real becomes not-real where the unreals real.(大卫霍克斯

10、David Hawkes p297) 9. Just look at you. Theres not one of you can look me in the face! Its no good you pretending not to hear, either. Ive worked my fingers to the bone to bring you two up, both of you. 你们想,你们哪一个对得起我?你们不要不愿意听,你们哪一个不是我辛辛苦苦养大的? (王佐良p237),Major Translation Terms,1. Literal translation

11、2. Liberal translation 3. Loyalty 4. smoothness 5. Equivalence 6. Foreignizing 7. Demoscating,Literal/Direct Translation 直译 Liberal /Free Translation 意译,Also called word-for-word translation, looser renditions that replace individual SL words with individual TL words wherever possible, and cling as

12、closely as possible to the SL word order in the TL. (word-for-word) free translation is generally more “TL-oriented” than literal translation. It reproduces the matter without the manner and the content, and the form of the original (sense-for-sense),Literal & Liberal,e.g. Have not many of us, in th

13、e weary way of life, felt in some hours, how far easier it were to die than to live? (Uncle Tom Cabin) 张培均: 我们中间有许多人,在人生厌倦的道路上,不是有时候会感觉到,一死了之远比生活下去容易得多吗? 黄继忠:我们有许多人在令人厌倦的人生旅途中,不是有时候感到生不如死吗?,Extremes,死译: How are you ? 怎么是你? How old are you? 怎么老是你? Or: (乱译) 如果把“意译”理解为凭主观臆想来理解原文,可以不分析原文结构,只看词面意义,自己编造句子

14、,势必造成“乱译”。如:It is easy to compress a gas,it is just a matter of reducing the space between the molecules. Like a liquid a gas has no shape,but unlike a liquid it will expand and fill any container it is put in. 气体是很容易压缩,这正是压缩分子之间距离根据。气体和液体一样没有形状,但又不同于液体,气体膨胀时会充满任何盛放它容器。例句中“乱译”是由主观臆想(不正确选择词义、任意转换成分)造

15、成。在这里,将matter译成“根据”在物理学上是讲不通,因为“压缩气体也就是减少分子之间距离”,两者是一回事。matter应作“事情”、“问题”解。,Exercises: Improve the following translation:,The earth acts like a big magnet地球做用着像一块大磁铁。(死译)Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon. 锰有同样影响在强度上像硅。(死译)“地球作用像一块大磁铁。” “锰像硅一样会影响钢强度。”,Exercises: Improv

16、e,1. Its a Smoke Free Area. 直译:这是个自由吸烟区。 意译:这是个无烟区。 2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map. 直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。 意译:莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。,Improve,3. He got into trouble when he paid his bills with rubber checks. 直译:他用橡皮支票付账,并给自己带来了麻烦。 意译:他用空头支票结账,并给自己带来了麻烦。 4. Frank ran circles around the other boys on

17、the basketball team. 直译:弗兰克绕着篮球队的其他男孩转圈。 意译:在篮球队里弗兰克的技术最好。 5. On a rainy day the children sometimes ran their mother ragged. 直译:在雨天,孩子们有时侯使他们的母亲跑得衣衫褴缕。 意译:在雨天,孩子们有时侯把他们的母亲闹得筋疲力尽。 6. When he teased her, she taught him a lesson by breaking his leg. 直译:他戏弄她的时候,她打断了他的腿,给他上了一课。 意译:他戏弄她的时候,她打断了他的腿,教训了他一顿。

18、 7. Where does Susan come into the picture? 直译:苏珊是从哪里来到照片里的? 意译:在这件事中,苏珊扮演了一个什么样的角色?,Exercises:,8. When I asked Henry if he would come to my birthday party, he replied that he would be there with bells on. 直译:我问亨利是否来参加我的生日聚会,他说他会摇着铃铛来。 意译:我问亨利是否来参加我的生日聚会,他说他很荣幸参加我的生日聚会。 9. The book about the dark si

19、de of the country fluttered the dovecotes. 直译:这本揭露国家阴暗面的书扰乱了鸽舍。 意译:这本揭露国家阴暗面的书引起了轩然大波。 10.It is an international agreement that no government should take hijackers under its wing. 直译:根据国际协定,任何政府都不能把劫机者放在翅膀底下。 意译:根据国际协定,任何政府都不能包庇劫机者。,Domesticating: 归化 Foreignizing: 异化,异化和归化可视为直译和意译的延伸; 直译和意译:语言层面处理形式

20、和意义; 归化和异化:突破语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学的因素。 Venuti: 归化:采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语文化; 异化:对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言和文化差异,把读者带入外国情景。 Kill two birds with one stone:一石二鸟/一箭双雕 All roads lead to Rome: 条条大路通罗马/殊途同归,归化和异化,归化在20世纪长期占主导地位:严复、林纾、朱生豪、张谷若、傅东华、杨必等 异化:鲁迅、董秋斯、卞之琳等 刘英凯:归化抹杀了原作的民族特点,将异国情调同化于归宿语言,必然是对原文的歪

21、曲; Venuti:英美文化长期被归化理论所统治,提倡“流畅的”翻译,实际是不尊重原语文化的“文化帝国主义”,e.g.,Unless youve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. 除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。 除非你袖中藏有王牌, Shed crocodile tears Bottleneck Be armed to the teeth 异化丰富了我们的语言,保留了异域风味,不可盲目异化,译语文化的限度;读者接受能力的限度。 E.g. Consequently Mr. Micawber was soon so overcome, that he

22、 mingled his tears with hers and mine. 结果米考博先生不久就伤感得把他的眼泪同她的和我的混合起来了。 结果是,一会儿米考博先生也受不了,和她和我,眼泪对流起来了。,“I know, Dad,” she said, “Im a selfish Pig. Ill think about it” “我知道,爹”,她说,“我是头自私自利的猪。我会考虑这个问题的” (“她”英国的大家闺秀。) Pig: one thought to resemble or suggest a pig in habits or behavior (as in dirtiness, gr

23、eediness, selfishness) “自私鬼”,第二节 翻译单位,翻译单位,指原语中具备对应物的最小(最低限度)的语言单位。 就翻译作品而言,翻译单位是判断翻译对等的工具。 不论从结构而言,还是从意义而言,词、短语或句子都可以说是篇章的基本单位。,以段落为翻译单位,不论从结构上来看,还是从意义上来分析,段落在篇章中起了承上启下的关键作用。这不仅可以克服以句子为单位的缺陷,而且在实践上具有较强的可操作性,在理论上也符合篇章结构的规律和逻辑翻译的原理。,一、以自然段落为翻译单位,考虑句与句之间的连接,例:关于禹的出生有许多神奇的传说。有的说,鲧死了三年,尸体还没有腐烂。有人用刀子把尸体剖

24、开,禹就跳了出来;有的说,禹的母亲吃了一种野果,就生下了禹。大家都说禹是神的儿子,是一个聪明、能干、了不起的英雄。 分析:译文中除了考虑到“有的说有的说”之外,还添加了像and 和anyway 这样的连接词和起连接作用的副词。这是因为汉语和英语句子的连接手段不同,英语以形合为特征,汉语则以意合见长。 译文: There have been many mythical stories about Yus birth. One is that three years after Gun was killed, his body still showed no sign of putrefactio

25、n, and when someone cut it open, out bounced Yu the boy. Another has it that Yus mother gave birth to him after eating a kind of wild fruit. Anyway, in ancient times, everyone seemed to believe that Yu was the son of a god, an ingenious, capable and peerless hero.,二、以自然段落为翻译单位,考虑句与句之间的逻辑关系,以重组句子,或分译

26、或合译,例句: 相传四五千年以前,黄河流域发生了一次特大的水灾,洪水冲毁了房屋和村庄,淹没了田地,淹死了许多人。活着的人只好搬到山上去住,或者离开家乡,逃到很远很远的地方去。 Legend has it that some four or five thousand years ago there once occurred in the Yellow River Valley a terrible flood which washed away whole villages with their houses and inundated large areas of cropland. Ma

27、ny people lost their lives in the flood and those who were fortunate enough to survive were forced to abandon their homes and go and live on hillsides or migrate to places far, far away.,三、以自然段落为翻译单位,按英语段落结构的特点,对汉语段落进行重组,杭州市属7个县境内,北有超山,西有天目山,溯钱塘江而上,有富阳鹳山,桐庐瑶琳仙境、桐君山和严子陵钓台,建德灵栖三洞,新安江“千岛湖”等名胜,形成一个以西湖为中

28、心的广阔旅游区。 The beauty spots in the seven nearby counties form a vast area for tourists with West Lake at its center. To the north of Hangzhou stands the Chao Hill, and to the west Mt. Tianmu. Coming up to the Qiantang River one finds oneself at Stork Hill in Fuyang County. Nearby in Tonglu County are

29、the Yaolin Wonderland, the Tongjun Hill and the Terrace where Yan Ziling, a hermit of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), loved to go angling by the Fuchun River. Jinde County boasts of the three Linqi Caves and the Thousand-Islet Lake at the source of the Xinanjiang River.,四、以自然段落为翻译单位,按汉英段落结构的差异,重新分


31、历经3 年寻踪采访了1980 年以前当选的291 位院士,为他们留影写真;同时,征集院士亲笔题写的他们所喜欢的一句或一段人生格言,汇编成这本大型肖像、手迹画册献给读者,做了一件很有意义的工作。,英语译文,History bears proof that the prominent role the outstanding figures play in the advance of science should not be ignored. Distinguished scientists not only make contributions to the accumulation of

32、material wealth with their scientific achievements, but also leave behind them rich cultural heritages with their exemplary integrity. In his appreciation of Madam Marice Curie, Albert Einstein once remarked: “It is the moral qualities of its leadingpersonalities that are perhaps of even greater sig

33、nificance for a generation and for the course of history than purely intellectual accomplishments.“ The Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Academia Sinica) is the nations highest academic title granted by the Government in the field of science and technology, a title of great honor and

34、academic authority. Most Academicians of the elder generation are pioneers of modern science and technology in China and founders of the scientific and technological cause of New China. They have exerted great influence upon people as well as upon their fields of study not only through their accompl

35、ishments in science and technology, but through their activities in academia as well. They are regarded as models for scientists and held in great esteem by people from all walks of life for their moral qualities, consistent attitude towards research and altruistic devotion to the cause of science.N

36、ow Mr. Hou Yibing has done something reallysignificant. As a young photographer, he worked on hislarge album for three years, during which he interviewed 291 Academicians elected before 1980, taking their photographs and collecting their autographs - a sentence or a paragraph they regard astheir mot

37、toes.,五、以自然段落为翻译单位,考虑段与段之间的关系和衔接,逐步扩大到段群乃至整个篇章,自然条件和经济特色 浙江自然地理条件优越,经济开发较早,发展潜力很大。一是港口条件优越。二是旅游资源丰富。三是物产丰富。四是工业基础良好。 投资环境 邮政电讯全国领先。 航空网线继续拓展。 港口运力不断提高。 供电能力持续增强。 浙江省已有37 个市县列为沿海经济开放区和开放城市。,译文,Natural Conditions and Economic Features With favourable natural conditions, Zhejiang is one of he most econ

38、omically developed provinces with great potentials for development in China. The province boasts of its five advantages in the economic expansion. Firstly, Zhejiang is endowed with good harbours. Secondly, Zhejiang has abundant resources for tourism. Thirdly, Zhejiang has rich natural resources. Fou

39、rthly, Zhejiang has a sound foundation for thedevelopment of industry. ,由句子入手至语篇,在翻译的操作层面上,译者始终都必须从具体的句子而非抽象的“语篇”入手,由句子到句子,由段落到段落,最终生成整个语篇。试比较一下两断译文。这是美国总统小布什在纽约“9.11”恐怖袭击事件之后,于2001年9月20日在美国国会联席会议上的演讲,译文一摘自香港东方日报,译文二摘自香港明报,布什911国会讲话,Mr. Speaker, Mr.President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fel

40、low Americans, in the normal course of events, presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the union. Tonight, no such report is needed; it has already been delivered by the American people.We have seen it in the courage of passengers who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground.

41、 Passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer. And would you please help me welcome his wife Lisa Beamer here tonight? We have seen the state of our union in the endurance of rescuers working past exhaustion. Weve seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the

42、 saying of prayers in English, Hebrew and Arabic. We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of strangers their own. My fellow citizens, for the last nine days,the entire world has seen for itself the state of union, and it is strong.,译文一,在正常情况下,美国总统来到这个会场作国情咨文报告,交待国家的状况。今晚,此一报告已无必要,因为国家的面貌已由美国人民表达出来。我们看到那些与恐怖分子搏斗的乘客所展现出来的勇气,我们也在搜救人员的努力中,看到我们的国情。,译文二,译文二: (众院)议长先生、(参院)临时主席、国会议员们及美国同胞们:在正常程序下,美国总统来到国会是发表国情咨文。今晚,我们不需要这份咨文了,美国人民已经发表了。 我们看到那些乘客阻挡恐怖分子以保护陆地上的无辜平民所展现出来的勇气。这些乘客就像一位名叫托德毕默一样了不起的人。今晚,请大家和我一起欢迎他的妻子莉莎毕默。,


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