1、,Chapter 2 Power supply and distribution system,2.1 Introduction,2.2 Typical system inside the building,2.3 system diagram reading,2.4 monitoring system,2.5 Examples,Hydropower plant,Thermal power plant,Nuclear power plant,分配distributing,产生 Generating,传输 transmitting,2.1 Introduction,Others,Power su
2、pply system,110kV,220kV,500kV,2.1 Introduction,2.1 Introduction,110kV 50-150km 220kV 200-400km 500kV 500km,35kV,10kV,380V,500kV,2.1 Introduction,2.1 Introduction,Automation in Power Distribution How does Power reach us? Bottlenecks in Power Reliability The Technology Development Mission Communicatio
3、n and Networking Remote Terminal Unit Remotely Operable Switch (ASIC) Application Specific Integrated Circuit DA software Distribution Network Simulator,Power station,Transformer,Distribution substations,User,2.1 Introduction,2.2 Typical system inside the building,(a) One main + one spare single bus
4、,Main Electrical Connection,(a) Two inputs Single bus bar Save (area and finance ) Service interruption or blackout ( bus failure ) Building with low reliability requirement or low load,Main Electrical Connection,(b) Two inputs Sectionalizing bus with tie switch Additional bus tie cabinet and voltag
5、e transformer cabinet High reliability Building with high reliability requirement or high load,(b) Two inputs single bus with tie switch,10kV Bus,S1,S2,Main,Spare,主,备,2.2 Typical system inside the building,(a) One main + one spare,Two 10kV independent power inputs、self-supplied generator, Sectionali
6、zing Single bus bar on low side。,(c) Two inputs with generator,2.2 Typical system inside the building,Generator operation diagram,3S,10S,5min,10min,Mains 市电,generator,generator,Main switch,disappear,restore,Self-start,stop,Main switch shut down, 自备发电机组要选择有自启动装置的机组,市电停电后延时3s后开始启动,启动时间约10s,发电机主开关合闸供电,
7、当市电恢复后,机组延时约5分钟(带载运行),再空载冷却运行约10分钟后自动停车。,2.2 Typical system inside the building,两路市电与自备电源, 一级负荷单独分组方案, 将消防用电等一级负荷单独分出,并集中一段母线供电,备用发电机组仅对此段母线提供备用电源。,2.2 Typical system inside the building, 正常情况,消防设备等用电设备为两路市电同时供电,应急母线电源由其中一路市电供给。当两路市电失去一路,可以通过两路市电中间的联络开关合闸恢复大部分供电,当两路市电全部失去时,自动启动机组ATS开关转换,应急母线由机组供电,保证
8、消防设备等重要负荷的供电。,2.2 Typical system inside the building, 对大厅照明等稍为重要的负荷,由于配电开关上装有失压脱扣器,在市电故障时已全部分闸,然后可根据机组负荷情况手动合闸。例如此时无火灾可全部合闸,如一旦发生火灾,则根据消防发出的指令自动跳闸。 方案适用于电网稳定、大楼重要负荷较多的工程。,2.2 Typical system inside the building, ATS (Automatic transfer switching equipment)自动转换开关电器 ATS: safely switching from utility p
9、ower to emergency generator power主要用在紧急供电系统 ATS: switching from a primary source to a secondary 将负载从一个电源自动换接至另一个(备用)电源 ATS: 常常应用在重要用电场所,其产品可靠性尤为重要。,2.2 Typical system inside the building, difficult to get two inputs, 400V power supply nearby main input 10kV, 400V spare small building ,low power cons
10、umption.,(d) Two inputs ( main and spare ),2.2 Typical system inside the building,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incomin
11、g cabinet,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,1 两路10KV 进线 一路由市网供给,电缆引入,(装有专用计量柜和进线开关) 2 另一电源为备用电源,架空引入,由本企业引
12、入。无计量柜,有进线保护柜。,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,3 Incoming line protection cabinet: 进线保护柜,当变配电系统或母线出现短路和过
13、载时断路器自动跳闸。circuit breaker operate automatically,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,4 Voltage transformer ca
14、binet: metering and protection,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,5 Power transformer: 两台10/0.4KV电力变压器Y/Y0,
15、由高压断路器进行高压侧短路保护和过载保护。,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,6 High voltage output to other power station. 高压引出
16、线:去往其他变电所或杆上变压器,也是由高压断路器进行短路和过载保护。,进线柜,计量柜,保护柜,互感器柜,变压器柜,变压器柜,其他变电所,电容器柜,保护柜,进线柜,metering cabinet,power incoming cabinet,other stations,Protection cabinet,Voltage transformer cabinet,transformer cabinet,capacitor cabinet,Protection cabinet,power incoming cabinet,7 Capacitor cabinet: reactive power c
17、ompensation. 电容器柜:在高压侧进行无功功率补偿,将本系统的功率因数提高到电业部门所规定的数值。一般在0.95左右。power supply bureau,B1,B2,2 Two inputs Sectionalizing with tie switch,1 low voltage bus,4 Power feeder panel,3 Capacitor compensation cabinet,5 Lighting feeder panel,2.2 Typical system inside the building,2.3 Diagram reading (),1 Diagra
18、m type系统图?什么系统图?当拿到一张图纸时,若看到有母线,就是变配电所的主电路图。然后看是否有电力变压器,如果有电力变压器就是变电所主电路图,如果没有则是配电所的主电路图。 2 single wire diagram 元件技术数据采用两种形式表示:Datasheet (1)标注在图形符号的旁边 (如变压器、发电机等) (2)以表格形式给出 (如开关设备等),Transformation station 变电所 Distribution Station 配电所,4 Analysis methods 图的分析方法 从电源进线开始,按照电能流动的方向进行。,Cabinet Type 配电屏型号
19、,Serial number编号,3 Construction 图的构成,2.3 Diagram reading (),5 Incoming lines电源进线两路进线 (1)采用LJ-325mm23根25mm2的铝绞线,架空引入,经过负荷开关QL(FN3-10/30-50R)、熔断器FU(RW4-10-50/30A)送入主变压器(SL7-315kVA,10/0.4kV),将10kV的电压变换为0.4kV的电压送入3号配电屏,然后进到母线上。 (2)备用发电机经QF(低压断路器)和QS(刀开关)进入2号配电屏,之后到母线,2.3 Diagram reading (),Circuit break
20、er: 低压断路器对发动机进行过流保护. Knife switch: 刀开关起隔离带电母线作用,便于检修发动机出线的自动空气断路器。,5 Incoming lines电源进线两路进线 (1)采用LJ-325mm23根25mm2的铝绞线,架空引入,经过负荷开关QL(FN3-10/30-50R)、熔断器FU(RW4-10-50/30A)送入主变压器(SL7-315kVA,10/0.4kV),将10kV的电压变换为0.4kV的电压送入3号配电屏,然后进到母线上。 (2)备用发电机经QF(低压断路器)和QS(刀开关)进入2号配电屏,之后到母线,2.3 Diagram reading (),Distri
21、bution cabinet 第3号配电屏Type :BSL-11-01 低压配电屏用于电源进线。 有两个刀开关(都起隔离作用,一个隔离变压器供电,一个隔离母线,防止备用发动机供电,便于检修低压断路器) 有一个万能型低压断路器 (型号为DW10,额定电流为600A,电磁脱扣器的动作整定电流为800A,能对变压器进行过电流保护),Operation sequence: 配电屏操作顺序:,断电时:先断开断路器,后断开隔离刀开关,送电时:先合刀开关,后合断路器,2.3 Diagram reading (),Transformer protection变压器保护lightning rod 避雷器型号:
22、FS-10型 保护变压器,防止雷电袭击。 在变压器高压侧进线端安装了一组(共3个),2.3 Diagram reading (),8 Main electrical connection 主结线 分段 单母线 隔离刀开关联络 Radial配电方式为放射式。 Operation principle 工作原理 当电源进线正常供电而备用发电机不供电时,联络开关闭合,两段母线都由主变压器供电。 当电源进线、变压器等故障或检修时,变压器的出线开关断开,停止供电,联络开关断开,备用发动机供电。 母线的段和 段,Section段为重要负荷,Section段为一般负荷,2.3 Diagram reading
23、(),10 Feeder 出线 从母线经配电屏、馈线向电力负荷供电。 电路图中都标注有:配电屏型号馈线型号、截面积、敷设方式、安装容量(或功率)计算功率 计算电流,Feed circuit: 该变电所共有10个馈电回路,其中3和9为备用,2.3 Diagram reading (),10个馈电回路分别在不同的配电屏中,表中可以看到3和9为备用,2.3 Diagram reading (),这个计算电流是设计时选用开关设备及导线的主要依据,也是维修时更换设备,元器件的论证依据。,11 Calculation 相关计算(以6回路为例) 6回路由2号屏输出,供给办公楼 安装功率 Pe=43.2kW计
24、算功率 P30=38.2kW需要系数 kd=38.2/43.2=0.88 Demand Coefficient 设平均功率因数为0.85,则 计算电流,2.3 Diagram reading (),12 Reserved source备用电源 柴油发电机组作为备用电源 发动机参数:额定功率:120kW额定电压:400/230V功率因数:0.8 计算额定电流,选用出线断路器型号为DZ系列,额定电流为250A,= 216.5 A,2.3 Diagram reading (),1 图的类型? 2系统进线结构?高压结线低压结线 3高压侧和低压侧如何区分? 4母线含义和标注? 5高压柜有几个?分别起什么
25、作用? 6低压柜有几个?分别起什么作用?,2.3 Diagram reading (),1 what kind of diagram? 2 Main Electrical Connection?high sidelow side 3 which part is high side?which part is low side? 4 Type and implication of bus ? 5 how many high voltage cabinet? The function of each cabinet?6 how many low voltage cabinet? The funct
26、ion of each cabinet?,2.3 Diagram reading (),1 what kind of diagram?,system diagram,2.3 Diagram reading (),2 which part is high side?which part is low side?,The transformer is the key,2.3 Diagram reading (),3 Main Electrical Connection?, high sideTwo inputs single bus with tie switch, low sideTwo inp
27、uts single busWith tie switch,2.3 Diagram reading (),4 Type and implication of bus?,LMY-3 (404),Busway CMC28-800/5A,800A 的五芯母线槽 就是里面有五根铜排 CMC 是表示密集型母线槽,Bus Conductor,2.3 Diagram reading (),5 how many high voltage cabinet? The function of each cabinet?, twelve metering box in switch room 2 Power line
28、 income panel 2 Lightning arrestor and voltage transformer cabinet 2 Feeder 6,2.3 Diagram reading (),5 how many high voltage cabinet? The function of each cabinet?, 3 Outgoing lines on the right side TM2 NO.3 workshop High voltage motor, 3 Outgoing lines on the left side high voltage capacitor NO.1
29、workshop No.2 workshop,2.3 Diagram reading (),6 how many low voltage cabinet? The function of each cabinet?, 7 low voltage panel power receiving box 2 Interconnection and feeder 1 Feeder 4,Powered cabinet,2.3 Diagram reading (), Power transformer 电力变压器 High voltage distribution room 高压配电室 Low voltag
30、e distribution room 低压配电室 high voltage compensation room高压电容器补偿室、控制室 watch room 值班室和其他辅助室等部分组成。,Important components,2.3 Diagram reading (), High voltage distribution room 高压配电室, Low voltage distribution room 低压配电室, high voltage compensation room, Watch room,1 transformer,2 PEN,3 GND,4 high voltage
31、panel,5 high voltage tie switch,6 capacitor cabinet,8 low voltage distribution panel,9 low voltage bus and bracket,10 high voltage bus and bracket,11 cable joint,12 cable,13 cable Protectors,14 gate,15 air inlet,16 air outlet,1 what kind of distribution system?,2 Residence information ?unit/floor,3
32、power line income?,4 Main distribution panel ?,5 Unit distribution panel ?,6 Family distribution panel ?,7 cable box ?,8 specification of the main switch?,2.3 Diagram reading (), Distribution system for residence building six floor / three unit Cable input Main distribution panel AL-1-1 cable joint
33、in cable box DJR specification of the main switchGM225H-3300/160A 3 3p three poles wires 3 means there is a compound trip 00 no accessories 160A setting value for contactors 表示触头动作整定电流,5 Four branch from AL-1-1 1L2L3L4L, three phase for each branch to unit distribution panelconduitXA10-3P-50Arated c
34、urrent 50A 6 L user distribution panel,GM100H-3300/63A,GM225H-3300/160A,GM100H-3300/63A,GM100H-3300/63A,XA10-1P-C6A,AL-1-1,DJPR-600600180,DJR-600600180,1L-325+216-SC50-FC.WC,4L-325-SC15-WC,Residence distribution system,AL-1-2,DJDR-05-600700160,L,L,XA10-1P-C6A,XA10-3P-50A,XA10-1P-C6A,XA10-1P-C20A,XA1
35、0-1P-C20A,4L,3L,2L,1L,Three meters long distance transmission,Public lighting,kilowatt-hour meter; watt-hour meter; electric meter,XA10-1P-C20A,XA10LE-1/2-16A(30mA)L2,XA10LE-1/2-16A(30mA)L3,lighting,socket,socket,System diagram of user distribution panel (L)系统图,LE for leak protection 2 pole (a hot a
36、nd a neutral) 16A capacity 30mA actuating current for circuit breaker,Chapter 2 Power supply and distribution system,2.4 Monitoring system,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring,2.4 Monitoring system, Power line carrier(优点) Power grid problem (波形畸变、高次谐波) Pollution(原因、危害、解决), R
37、eliability of power supply, Quality of power supply,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring, Voltage 偏离和波动(危害和解决办法), Frequency 电源频率 (速度、阻抗), Balanced three-phase 三相平衡,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring,2.4 Monitoring system, Reliability of power supply,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring,2.4.1 Importance of Monitorin
38、g,2.4 Monitoring system, Power line carrier(优点) Power grid problem (波形畸变、高次谐波) Pollution(原因、危害、解决), Reliability of power supply, Quality of power supply,2.4.1 Importance of Monitoring, Voltage 偏离和波动(危害和解决办法), Frequency 电源频率 (速度、阻抗), Balanced three-phase 三相平衡,2.4.2 Function of Monitoring system, Diff
39、erent symbol and color on the screen表示接通、分断、短路或过载等各种运行状态, Voice or word alarm方便值班工作人员及时处理故障。 Equipments status 柴油发动机、UPS应急电源等应有相应状态显示。,Status Monitoring :,The status of circuit breakers and relays,2.4.2 Function of Monitoring system,2.4 Monitoring system,Interface of power supply and distributing sy
40、stem,电压、电流、频率、变压器温度、有功功率、无功功率、功率因数等,以及柴油发电机等其他设备的运行参数。, Main parameters:, Operation Parameters, Main functions:,自动测量、记录存盘、超限报警。,2.4.2 Function of Monitoring system,2.4 Monitoring system, Sound & Light Alarm 运行过程中发生故障,供配电设备监控系统应立即发出声光报警。 Display the interface which indicate the failure 以便值班人员及时地处理故障。
41、 Restore 只有在故障消除后,显示的故障状态图标才会恢复为正常的运行状态图标。, Fault monitoring system:,2.4.2 Function of Monitoring system,2.4 Monitoring system, 定时采集并存储运行参数, 能自动生成日负荷表、代表日负荷表及年度报表。 操作记录均能自动记录存档, 对负荷曲线进行趋势预测和分析,提出改进方案。, Fault records:,2.4.2 Function of Monitoring system,2.4 Monitoring system,Three layers:现场I/O、控制层和管理
42、层。,(开关柜),I/O,I/O,control,I/O,Field bus(MODBUS),I/O,I/O,control,I/O,Field bus(MODBUS),I/O,I/O,control,I/O,Field bus(MODBUS),BACnet,工业以太网,Management layer,(PLC,工控PC,DDC),Data base,Monitoring computer,2.4.3 System constitution,2.4.3 System constitution,2.4 Monitoring system,Field I/O layer,Control laye
43、r,Field I/O,Modern I/O : intelligent circuit breaker, Remote Data Acquisition Module , RTU (Remote Terminal Unit), measuring and controling,测量常用的电力参数,如三相电压、电流、有功功率、无功功率、频率、功率因数,可同时显示多个测量参数和电网系统的运行参数。,2.4.3 System constitution,2.4 Monitoring system,RTU,power measuring and controling,Voltage transduce
44、r,Specifications Input 3 Phase,0-150 Vac.,0-300 Vac. Power supply 110Vac., 220 Vac. Operating temperature 0-50 C Wring Screw terminals Mounting Wall mount Dimension W 132 x H132 x D162 mm. Ordering information Specify Input, Output, Power supply Example VT 195/0-150 Vac/4-20 mA/220 Vac.,Voltage tran
45、sducer,Current transducer,电流变送器,温度变送器,频率变送器,功率变送器,智能变送器,Current transducer,Current transducer,Power transducer,frequency transducer,Temperature transducer,Intelligent Temperature Transducer,2.4.4 Type of signal,2.4.4 Type of signal, voltage 电压 current 电流 temperature 温度 power 功率,AI (analog input) 模拟量
46、, DI (digital input)数字量, circuit breaker断路器 switch 开关,2.4 Monitoring system,f Q Pw,TE,VT,IT,TE,VT,f Q Pw,IT,AI,DI,AI,AI,AI,3AI,DI,DI,DI,3AI,AI,AI,AI,DI,AI,2.4.4 Type of signal,2.4 Monitoring system,2.5 Load calculation,Demand Coefficient Method(需要系数法),1 Group load calculation,Active power Pc= kd PN(kW),Reactive power Qc= Pc tg (kVar),Apparent power,Current,Pc group capacitykd demand coefficient UNL line voltage,