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1、Unit 11. 读研究生时应该学会的最很需要的技能之一就是如何建立联系网.这是一种学得的技能,因此你们不应该期望立即就能熟练掌握.One of the most important skills you should be learning in graduate school is how to “network”. Networking is a learned skill, so you shouldnt expect to be an expert at it immediately.One of the most important skills while you are gra

2、duates / you study as a graduate is how to set up a network, which is a learned skill, so you shouldnt hope to master it skillfully at once.2. 由于两代人对于世界不断发生的巨大变化有不同的理解及偏好,因而产生了代沟.Generation gap results from different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world. The

3、two generations have different understanding and preferential in the great change of the world, which leads to generation gap.3. 当个人之间有着相似的兴趣及共同的人生观时,朋友关系便会持久发展.Enduring/Continuous/Going-on friendships develop when individuals have similar interests and a common outlook on life.Friendship wont devel

4、op further / have a further development unless individuals have similar interests.4. 任何人想要生活既硕果累累又充满快乐,他就应处理好工作和娱乐的关系.Anyone who wants to have a both fruitful and cheerful life should deal well with the relationship between work and play.Whoever wants to have should cope with / do with 5. 我认为真正的朋友应是

5、那些能与你同甘共苦的,你可信任的,不会背弃你的人.I think a real friend should be one who shares joy and hardships with you, one you can trust and one who wont turn his back on you.I believe that true / real friends should be those who share joy and hardships with you, those who you can trust and those who never betray you.

6、6. 得体,熟练的人际交往将会满足我们的心理需求,社会需求和其他实际需求.Proper and skillful interpersonal communication will satisfy our psychological needs, social needs and other practical needs. communication between persons will meet our needs 7. 我们生活中不能没有朋友,就好像我们不能没有空气和水一样.We cannot live without friends just as we cannot survive

7、 without air and water.Just as we cannot survive without air and water, (so) we cannot live without friends. 8. 人际交往技能非常重要,因此我们应该进行有意识的培养.这些技能同礼貌一样都是可以学会的.Interpersonal communication skills are so important that we should develop such skills conscientiously. Like good manners, they can after all be

8、learned Interpersonal communication skills are very important, so we should cultivate / nurture / foster such skills, which, like good manners, can be learned after all.Unit 2Translation1. 多数研究者花大量的时间阅读论文,与同事讨论想法,写作,修改论文,其间会毫无表情的凝视天空自然就有了出色的想法并跃然纸上。 Most researchers spend the majority of their time

9、reading papers, discussing ideas with colleagues, writing and revising papers, staring blankly into space and, of course, having brilliant ideas and implementing them.2. 现有的教育体制已不能满足学生的需要。我们应当考虑给他们更多的机会和选择。The existing/present educational system cannot meet the needs of students. We should take into

10、 account / consider giving them more opportunities/chances and choices.3. 自学与我们终生相伴。要跟上 21 世纪世界的快速发展和变化,我们得不断地提高自己。Self-education stays with us throughout our lives. In order to keep up with the rapid development and changes of the 21st century world, we have to keep on trying hard to improve oursel

11、ves.4. 如果我们能更多地了解社会,那么我们毕业后就更容易适应社会。If we can get to know the society more, we can adapt to it easier / adapt ourselves / adjust ourselves to it more easily when we graduate.If we have a further / deeper / more understanding about/on the society, 5. 参加俱乐部和学生社团是件好事,不仅能与更多的人打交道,还能丰富学生们的社会生活。Joining cl

12、ubs and students associations is a good way to meet more people and enrich the students social life (as well). / not only to meet more people but also (to) enrich / 6. 我们的同学性格各异,与他们交往能使我们学会处理不同的人际关系。Our classmates are of different characters, so it (the communication with them / communicating with t

13、hem) enables us to learn to handle relationships between different kinds of people.7. 设法找人与你共事:如果有别人与你讨论想法并给你反馈意见,做研究就容易多了。Try to find people to work with you: doing research is much easier if you have someone to discuss ideas with you and to give you feedback.8. 三年的研究生学习不仅仅是听课、讨论、研究、它还对我们的未来做好准备,为我

14、们的事业成功铺平道路。The three-year graduate experience is more than / not only / not simply listening to the lecture, attending the symposium and doing researchits about preparing ourselves for the future and paving the way for our successful careers. Unit 3Translation1. 想象一下,因特网就是两台计算机之间传递信息的公路,而万维网就是村落。Thi

15、nk of the Internet as the road carrying information between two computers; think of the World Wide Web as the village., and the World Wide Web as the village.2. 人们认为互联网的出现和印刷术(the typography)的发明一样重要。它将永远改变曾经熟悉的媒体面孔。People think the dawn of the Internet was supposed to be as important as the inventio

16、n of the typography/the printing press. It will change the once familiar face of the media forever. think of as important as 3. 万维网能帮助人们了解其他的生活方式和情感表达,还有助于我们了解人类的本性。The World Wide Web can help people to understand the way that others live and love / understand how others live and love. It helps us u

17、nderstand the humanity of people./ the human nature.4. 随着个人电脑的普及,人们越来越关注闯入计算机系统的“黑客”的活动。With the wide spread / the popularity of personal computers, there is increasing concern about the activities of “hackers”, who break into computer systems. People are becoming more and more concerned about 5. 从简

18、单的产品到复杂的服务,虚拟世界正在改写商务规则。因特网是这个转变的主导力量。From simple products to complex services, virtual reality is rewriting the rules of business. The leader of this change is the Internet.6. 从网上交谈,要经济的使用语言。在网上既没有时间也没有空间做解释。当你要离开一会儿,为什么不用 BRB 代替 be right back 呢?Net chat requires linguistic economy. Theres neither

19、time nor space for explanation. Why waste precious keystrokes telling your friends you have to leave for a moment when BRB (be right back) will do?7. 随着亚洲发展中国家出现地区性金融危机,商业巨头期待着硅谷能寻求一种新型经济模式,去替代目前以廉价劳动力和大规模生产为基础的经济模式。With the emergence of regional financial crisis in Asias developing countries, busin

20、ess leaders are looking forward to Silicon Valley for new business models to take the place of ones based on cheap labor and mass production.8. eBay 是现在最大的网上集市,销售范围由汽车到电脑到体育用品,货物多达一万八千种。Today eBay is the largest online seller of goods ranging from automobiles to computers to sporting goods, a total

21、of 18,000 categories in all.Unit 4Translation1. 未成熟的产品在投放市场时需要花费大量的资金用于广告宣传。The immature products, when launched to the market, cost a large amount of money on advertising and publicity. When marketed/put into market 2. 按照他的建议,我们没有选所有的选修课,只选了其中的三门。According to his advice, we have taken three optiona

22、l / selective courses instead of all of them. we didnt take all the optional courses / subjects. We took three, instead.3. 过去十年是有史以来创新活动最集中的时期之一不仅有因特网的产生,还有对人类基因的破译。The past 10 years saw one of the most concentrated bursts of innovation in our historynot just the Internet, but the decoding of the hu

23、man genome.4. 我们欣喜地看到,政府不仅早已意识到了金融危机的潜在危害,而且还及时、果断地采取了一系列有力措施,进行规范和引导。To our delight, the government has not only been aware of the potential harm of financial crisis but has also timely and decisively taken a series of powerful measures for regulation and direction. We are very delightful to see th

24、at the government has not only realized the potential harm of financial crisis but has also timely and decisively taken a series of powerful measures to regulate and direct them.5. 我们被这突如其来的消息惊呆了,简直说不出话来,也没有作出任何反应。We were stunned by the sudden news and could hardly say any word or show any response

25、say a word / anything6. 对那次事故我已不怎么记得了,我当时只是隐约觉得被爆炸的力量推向空中,然后又重重的摔在地上。I cant remember what exactly happened in that accident and I vaguely felt at that time myself being propelled / thrown into the air by the force of the explosion / blast, then falling down heavily on the ground. 7. 课税负担继续从富人那里转移至工薪

26、阶层,这样更加剧了这个国家的财富与收入差距。The tax burden continues to shift from the wealthy to the working class, which increases the sharp disparities in wealth and income in this country thus increasing / widening the great difference 8. 投资者通常要考虑风险,并在一定的风险程度下最大限度得增加收益,而且只有在收益较高的情况下他们才接受较大的风险。Investors often consider

27、 risks and they maximize returns for a given level of risk and generally accept a higher risk only if returns are higher.Unit 5Translation1. 风险资本投资于一些创业公司被认为具有极优秀的发展前景但有无法进入资本市场.Venture capital finances start-up companies, who are perceived to have excellent growth prospects but dont have access to

28、capital markets. 2. 对未来移动通信而言,图象的重要性将和语音不分上下.Images will be just as important as sound to the future of mobile communications. 3. 心脏病和高血压的发病率可以通过让高危人群经历对比强烈的温度,以保持身体的反应来降低。The incidence of heart attacks and high blood pressure could be reduced by exposing at-risk people to highly contrasting tempera

29、tures and retraining their bodys reaction. 4. 信用卡起代用货币的作用,被称作“信用工具” ,并被人们广泛认同和使用.Credit cards perform the function of substitute money and are known as “instruments of credit,” accepted and used widely play a role in replacing 5. “全球市场”包含全世界大多数国家,其习俗、生活方式和购物习惯都不同,因此,营销家们需要考虑这些差异.The “global market”

30、consists of hundreds of nations, each with its own customs, life styles, and buying habits, and marketers are urged to take these differences into account. 6. 大家倡导设计既保护生态又富含文化气息的建筑,并就此召开了一个研讨会.It is advocated to design eco-friendly buildings with cultural richness and a seminar on the subject has al

31、so been held.7. 很明显,在你的公司里,如果人才不流动,你就没机会占领新市场.It is apparent that you have no chance to capture new markets if the talented people are not in and out in your company. 8. 既然有关各方面都在准备进行谈判,那么局势应该会缓和了.The situation should ease up now that the sides involved are prepared to make a talk/ for a negotiation

32、. Unit 6Translation1. 在生日宴会上,他傲慢无礼的举动冒犯了他姐姐的客人;她因此发誓要为自己所受到的羞辱雪耻.At the birthday party, his arrogance and rudeness insulted his sisters guests, and she swore to avenge the disgrace she had suffered.offended . She swore to do something in return for 2. 常言道“入乡随俗” ,无论你身在何处都必须遵守当地的习俗,否则你会发现自己令人讨厌.Just a

33、s the saying goes “When in Rome do as the Romans do”, youll have to observe the local customs wherever you are; otherwise, youll find yourself offensive to others.3. 中年人和高血压患者被推荐多喝豆奶,因为豆奶脂肪中的脂肪酸有助于降低血液中胆固醇的含量(consume)Middle-aged people and patients with hypertension are recommended to consume more s

34、oybean milk, for the fat acid and soybean oil acid in the fats of soybean milk can help reduce the level of cholesterol in blood.4. 由于缺化资金和手续的问题,她在市中心开设一家计算机的购物连锁店的梦想在近期内不太可能实现.Owing to lack of funds and problems of procedures, her dream of setting up in the downtown area a computerized shopping cha

35、in store is not likely to be fulfilled in the near future.5. 界定个人主义的一种方法是将它纳入信念的范畴,它强调个人的无上的重要性以及自力更生和个人独立的美德。(individualism )One way to define individualism is to place it in the category of belief, which emphasizes the primary importance of the individual and the virtues of self-reliance and perso

36、nal independence.6. 即使存在着巨大的年龄或社会地位差异,美国人之间相互交往也不拘礼节.Americans treat each other in very informal ways even in the presence of great differences of age or social standing.7. 由于现代技术和经济一体化促使了世界村的出现,我们强烈地感受到跨文化的影响正日益渗入我们的国民生活中。(cross-cultural )With the advent / emergence of the global village brought ab

37、out by modern technologies and economic globalization, we have a strong sense that cross-cultural influences are increasingly penetrating into our national life.8. 人们通常认为女士在购买衣服时都愿意接受别人的游说,并很容易被售货员的奉承话所打动。 (be open to )It is generally believed that in shopping for clothes, a woman is open to others

38、persuasion and is easily carried away by the saleswomans flattering remark.Unit 7Translation1. 对生活充满信心和保持乐观的态度是每个人都向往的,而这种习惯其实应该在童年时期就开始扎根。Resilience and a hopeful outlook are desirable to everybody, and they must begin to take root in childhood.2. 某种程度上,乐观的态度似乎是与声俱来的特性;但这并不意味着我们在遗传面前就束手无策。To some d

39、egree, optimism seems to be an inborn trait: however, it doesnt necessarily mean that we can do nothing in the matter of heredity.3. 不难发现,有些成年人遇事坚强,不气馁,有些则沉湎于痛苦,变得消沉。It can be easily noticed that some adults bear up while others dwell on pain and slide into depression.4. 如果我们改变考虑问题的方式,我们就能改变我们的情绪,并且

40、最终改变我们的行为方式。If we change the way we think, we can change our emotions and eventually our behavior.5. 乐观主义者和悲观主义者解释问题有不同的风格,由此对同一事物他们可以最终得出完全迥异的结论。Optimists and pessimists have different explanatory styles and thus they tend to draw totally different conclusions to the same matter in the end.6. 如果忽视培

41、养小孩解决问题、对付困难的能力,父母让孩子幸福的美好心愿就会在残酷的现实面前显得苍白无力。The cruelty of the real life can easily pale parents best wish for the happiness of their child if they ignore the importance of helping the child learn to face challenges and to develop his/her problem-solving and coping skills.If they overlook/ignore cu

42、ltivating /fostering the ability for the kids to solve problems and face difficulties7. 老师训练孩子如何与同龄人交往以及如何表现出自信,而这无疑在孩子的人生中是非常重要的一课。Teachers train children how to deal with peers and how to assert themselves, which undoubtedly is a very important lesson in their life.8. 学会乐观的思考方式并非不可思议。既然态度可以改变一个人的命

43、运。何不试试?There is no magic to learning the optimistic style of thinking. Since attitude can change a persons fate, why not have a try?It is not impossible to learn the optimistic style of thinking, Unit 8Translation1. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人和无家可归的孩子。His job consists of helping old people who live alone and

44、young children who have no homes. His job involves helping those lonely old people and homeless children.2. 在现代社会,公众的注意力更多地集中在医疗保健问题上。In modern society, public attention at the moment is much more focused on health care.3. 越来越多的医生已经意识到了同病人进行直接交流的重要性。More and more doctors have realized the importance

45、 of direct communication with the patients realized it important to communicate directly with the patients.4. 适当的运动、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠对于保持健康是非常必要的。Moderate exercise, fresh air, and enough sleep are essential for the preservation of good health.5. 他已由纽约办事处被调往伦敦办事处。请把他的个人资料寄往伦敦。He has been transferred from N

46、ew York office to London office. Please send his personal data to London. 6. 这些结果强有力的证明,预防性疗法对于身体虚弱的老年人来说,是有效的。These results gave weight to the role of preventive therapy for physically frail elderly persons.These results firmly prove that preventive treatment for the old is very effective.7. 目前,这个观

47、点已被普遍接受,虽然它是不言而喻的,并不是根据严密的科学推理而证明的。At present this idea is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.8. 因为他只能使用那些随意选取的样本,因此实验是不会圆满成功的。The experiment cant be satisfactory because he has to use the randomly selected specimens.

48、Unit 9Translation1. 如果你携带的是信用卡而不是大笔现金,那就不必担心因为不慎或遇窃而丢失钱财。If you carry credit cards instead of a lot of cash, you dont have to worry about losing your money because of carelessness or theft.2. 许多人认为,不管是对个人还是对商家来说,信用卡完全代替现金和支票,只不过是个时间问题而已。Many feel that it will only be a matter of time before credit c

49、ards completely replace cash and checks for both individuals and business.3. 然而,即使全部采用信用卡经济的方式,我们还会有偷窃、伪造及遗失信用卡等问题。However, with a complete credit card economy, we would still have the problem of thefts of cards, forging of cards and lost cards.4. 信用卡并不是那样理想,因此我们还需要另外的东西,它必须体积小,不可能伪造,而且便于查找帐号。Credit card is not really that ideal. Something else is needed that is small, cant be forged and easily identifies our account. , which is 5. 借助于各种科学技术,越来越多的人可以使用生物测定的自动取款机。Thanks to a variety of scientific techniques, more and more people ca


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