1、头悬梁锥刺股,学海无涯苦作舟。要想学好真的需要这么辛苦吗?殊不知,一根筋地死命学习,只会让大脑长期处于疲惫的状态,学习效率低下,痛苦不堪。怎么让大脑始终处于兴奋状态?如何最大限度地激发大脑的潜能?北外的顾曰国教授在讲座中将会教我们如何换条思路学英语。请看他的“Five skills recycling“ 方法。看过之后,相信你会有醍醐灌顶,耳目一新的感觉。Methods and Strategies of LearningMethods. Finally.So learning a foreign language now is not only knowledge, but also ski
2、ll. But however, there is another thing which is management. Nowadays, there are so many resources, so many media of English, so many media of learning, so many methods of learning, so many channels of learning, whatever, one of the important points is management. (英语学习不仅要学知识,还要讲求技巧。英语学习的资源甚多,如何做好自我
3、调节和管理的工作,使自己能够充分利用这些资源是个非常关键的问题。)Self-ManagementYou have self-motivation, file keeping, self-evaluation, self-reinforcement. Very important point. (自我管理包括:自我激励,资料整理,自我评估以及自我提高。)Learning HabitsLearning habits. Whenever you come up with new things, you understand the course design, understand unit des
4、ign, self-recording. Do you do self-recording? Oh, you must do it. Oh, come on, ladies and gentlemen, do it when you go home. Record your own speech and listen to it. Dont feel ashamed. You will feel ashamed for the first time. Later on, youll feel proud. Ok? Talking to yourself. Have you ever tried
5、 it? Ok. Your wife, or your girlfriend, or boyfriend, theyll say somebodys mad. Never mind. Mad with learning English is good. Ok. Fluency first. (自己跟自己念叨英语,可能的话,录下自己的声音。让自己的英语流利起来,让学英语的心疯狂起来。)Five skills recycling. Oh, I will emphasize this point. Five skills recycling. Now, if you listen to someth
6、ing for a long time, have a break. Do something else. Ok. Dont force yourself. For example, if I listen to something, Ok? When I review it by recycling, I mean, for example, the material is listening, when I review it, I dont listen to it any more. You know why. I use the listening material to speak
7、 it. This is called five skill recycling. Why? (顾教授重点介绍了“Five skills recycling“ 这种英语学习方法,我们姑且称之为“ 五技能循环训练法”。举例来说,如果你捧着一个听力材料听了好多遍,那么你一定已经头晕脑胀了。这时候,索性停下来,不要再听了。试着把你刚才听到的东西说出来,从练习听力转到练习口语上来,变换训练另一种技能,这就叫“五技能循环训练法”。)For example, if you listen to the material three times or ten times, when you review it
8、, its boring. Its boring. And you ignore it. You are going to sleep. But suppose you turn the listening material into speaking, things will be different. And then the original speaking materials, you turn it into listening, wow, something new. And another trick is our mind is works like that. (当你把听力
9、材料说出来,或者你使用口语材料锻炼听力的时候,你会拥有一种全新的体验,这种新体验会刺激你的大脑继续工作下去。)You know, if your mind works in one mode for a long time, your mind gets tired. If you switch to a different mode, somethingyou do it again. Then, you know, very interesting thing is my son once asked me, “Daddy, I have no time to break, you kno
10、w. My mind works too hard and gets hot. So I need a break.” Actually he wants to play with me. I think, then I ask him when you are playing with me, do you use your mind? “Oh, yes, I do. Oh, yes, I do.” I say then your mind is still working. Its not taking any rest. Then I say, even when you go to b
11、ed and sleep, do you dream? “Yes, I do.” When you are dreaming, do you use your brain? “Oh, yes.” I say for any human being, your mind never stops working until you are dead. This is literally true, literally true. Then I say how can I have my brain, my mind to take a break. (我们常常讲劳逸结合,学玩交替。其实,即便睡觉的
12、时候,我们的大脑都在运转,何况游戏的时候?所以,我们要抓住大脑时刻运转的特点,并聪明地加以利用,从而达到更高的运转效率。)One of the important points of having your mind have a break is to change mode of working. Why does your mind get tired, exhausted? Because you work in one mode for too long. For example, you sit there for too long, Oh, my goodness. But yo
13、u change. Just only stand up. Different. You see my point. The same thing with your mind. So thats why I insist on the skill recycling. (当我们的大脑对一种刺激感到麻木的时候,我们就变换一种方式继续刺激它。听、说、读、写、译,五种技能轮番上阵,让大脑始终处于兴奋的工作状态。)Work the way your mind works, and your mind works for you very well. If you work in the way yo
14、ur mind does not like, your mind will go on strike. Yes. Right. There are many other sorts of skills, learning skills. Im not going to do it any more. So now let me give you a quick summary. Im using too much time, I think. Im talking too much. Now let me quickly summarize the topic today. Main head
15、ings: types of learning, basis of learning, laws of learning, modes of learning, media of learning, learning a foreign language, methods and strategies of learning. I think I have covered nearly all the topics of learning. Thanks! (如果我们遵循大脑的运转规律,那么我们的大脑就能高速运转得更久更好。)总结一下顾教授上文提到的 Learning Habits,我们发现一
16、共是 8 点:1 Understanding course design2 Understanding unit design3 Self-recording4 Talking to yourself5 Fluency first6 Five-skill recycling7 Mental mode-switching8 contextualization此外,顾教授还告诉我们提高英语可参加的一些 social activities:1 English corner2 Cooperative projects3 Evening parties4 Partnership5 Pen friends6 Chat friends7 Cyber community顾教授的其他视频讲座请点击:顾曰国教授的四大英语学习定律http:/