1、蔡司图像分析系统Carl Zeiss Imaging Analysis Systems北京普瑞赛司仪器有限公司BEIJING PRECISE INSTRUMENT CO., LTDAxio ImagerA1M 技术说明Axio ImagerA1M Technical Specifications用户名称:Username:日期:2009-4-30Date: 2009-4-30尊敬的杜工您好!首先感谢贵方的询问及询价!我方根据贵方对材料检验研究的最新要求,推荐 ZEISS 顶级研究级倒置万能材料显微镜Axio ImagerA1MDear Manager Du,Hello!First of all
2、, thank you for your Inquiries!According to your refreshed requirements on Materials analysis, we recommend Axio Imager A1M to you.品牌介绍:世界顶级品牌,可见光及电子光学领导企业-蔡司是一家致力於应用研究,对於光学、玻璃技术、精密技术以及电子等高品质的产品开发、制造、销售有着突出贡献的德国军工企业。自 1846 年开始, carl zeiss 已有 160 多年的传统与创新。百年历史缔造了蔡司在光学领域不可撼动的领导地位,至今显微镜的生产标准中的 83%是以蔡司厂
3、标为基准。国际物镜的检测标准是以蔡司物镜为基准。蔡司显微镜以其不断领先的技术和可靠的质量推动了世界材料科学的发展同时也受到知名科学家和诺贝尔奖得主的青睐!作为显微镜的鼻祖国际标准的缔造者,蔡司公司将以更新的技术延续 carl zeiss 成功的传奇故事!Brand Introduction:The worlds top brand, the leading enterprises of visible light and electron opticalCarl Zeiss is a German military enterprises with outstanding contributi
4、ons to the development, manufacturing and sales of optics, glass technology, microtechnic and electronic products. Since 1846, Carl Zeiss has a history of tradition and innovation for 160 years. The nearly I00 years history has established the leadership of Carl Zeiss. Up to now, 83% of the microsco
5、pe production use Zeiss criterion and the international objective testing standard are based on Carl Zeiss. Zeiss microscopes have also win favor of famous scientists and Nobel Prize winner by its technology and quality. As the originator of the microscope international standards, Carl Zeiss will up
6、date its technology constantly and carry on the legend!设备名称:德国蔡司金相显微镜Device Name: ZEISS Metallographic Microscopy (Germany)规格型号: Axio ImagerA1MModel: Axio ImagerA1M用 途:对钢铁有色金属等材料的显微组织观察和分析。可进行铁素体奥氏体型双相不锈钢中相金相测定 ,奥氏体型不锈钢 相金相测定,高碳钢盘条索氏体含量评级,晶粒度评级,渗碳层深度测定,高速工具钢大块碳化物评级,钢中石墨碳评级,游离渗碳体组织分析 ,带状组织分析,钢中非金属夹杂物
7、评级等指标的金相检验.并通过金相图像分析系统直接打印存储金相照片,自动评级,自动生成检测报告.Applications:Mainly is used to do Microstructure observation and analysis of steel and non-ferrous metals materials. General function includes: Austenitic stainless steels Determination of area content of a-phase, Determine area fraction of a-phase usin
8、g charts in ferritic austenitic stainless steels, Grain size estimating, Depth of carburization of steel, Steel-determination of area content of graphite micrographic, Coarse carbide of high speed tool steel, Steel-determination of content of non-metallic inclusion, and acquisition, documentation, r
9、eport, accurate print automatically.1.2 基本性能1.2 General function(1)正立式,高稳定度多功能集成式。(1) Upright, high stability structure and System Integration(2)先进国际标准的 IC2S 无限远无限远复消色差色差校正及反差增强型光学系统,从而提高分辨率(注:分辨率不光与数值孔径有关,还与色差、色还原有关)。彻底消除杂散光等干扰因素,提供最高反差、最高衬度、最高分辨率的最锐利图象。并使用国际标准齐焦距离 45mm。光学部件镀膜还具有防霉功能,是真正意义的 ISO1400
10、1 环保产品,使用过程中防止长霉。(蔡司独有技术)(2) The optical system provides advanced Infinity Color-corrected System (ICCS) with fully corrected intermediate image with new optical design (CF), provides high contrast and precise and sharp image, international standard parfocal distance of 45 mm, optical coating must b
11、e treated with mildew protection technique, green product in accordance with ISO 14001 standards. (Carl Zeiss unique technology)(3)放大倍数为 50x-1000x。(3) Total system magnification from 50x to 1000x.(4)通过光陷阱技术,防止眩光。(4) Apply the Light-Trap technique to minimize the interference of stray light.(5)反射光照明器
12、具有多达 6 位的功能转换器,配有明场、ADF 暗场观察功能(并选配有圆偏光功能)。具备预留功能位置,便于日后升级.功能转换方便,增减功能操作简捷。可升级透射光照明器,明场等观察功能。*.最新高级暗场技术 ADF:黑色背景,将杂散光的干扰最小化,减少光学照明系统的纵向色差,可以辨别最细密的组织。(蔡司独有技术)(5) The system provides reflector turret with 6 position coded and exchangeable on both sides, suitable for contrasting modules of bright-field
13、/ ADF dark-field and other reserved position with a simple twist of reflector turret, easy operating, and can upgrade/extend for analysis under transmitted light.* Latest ADF technology: Black background, minimizing annoying stray light and reducing the longitudial color aberration of the illuminati
14、on optics, this darkfield can meet the most exacting demands and recognize the finest of structures. (Carl Zeiss unique technology)(6)模块化设计和开放式结构,保留了所有选择项,便于日后的升级和功能增强。可配显微硬度等附件。(6) System Integration (SI) design and open for future extension for enhancement, for example micro-hardness tester.(7)人机工
15、程学设计,坚固稳定的金字塔型机架构造,减少占台面积,承载能力大。所有的控制按钮都靠近调焦旋钮。可升级高度水平上下可调的人机工程学观察筒。(7) The system must be in accordance with Ergonomic design for easy operation and space saving, Pyramid structure unshakable stability. The system can be upgraded with Binocular Ergotube with height adjustment. (8)制造精度高,带有位置编码,所标定的技
16、术参数均为实际值的下限。至今坚持出厂前预装调试,保证各部件质量及匹配质量。经久耐用,可靠性高,使用寿命长。(8) The system provides high quality to ensure long-life using and high reliability. Manufacture in high precision with coded position, pre-assembly before shipment to ensure quality of parts/system.(9)德国原装正品,原产地制造,非组装品。部件和罩壳为全金属(光学部件及灯箱除外),无塑料件。(
17、9) Provides products of quality/made in “placer of origin”, all parts are made of special metal material (except optical parts and lamp house).1.3 镜头1.3 Objectives(1)目镜:宽视场双目观察,10x/23 高眼点,带视度补偿目镜,配置预装调 10/100测微尺。观察视域大而舒适。双目观察镜筒为铰链式,眼点高低可调。调眼距时,应能保证目镜齐焦 50mm。(1) Eyepieces: 10x/23mm field of view for
18、high-quality observation, double-eyepieces and high point of view observation, be equipped with one 10/100mm micrometer, observation height can be adjustable, parfocal distance of 50 mm.(2)物镜:高精度新标准 IC2S 物镜,使用高折射率低色散萤石材料及特殊镀膜技术。镀膜防霉,不用药剂的防霉。使用防反光增透膜技术,九层镀膜,光透过率高。其球差校正高达 95%。全系统齐焦,并带有调焦限位装置.是同时用于明场、暗
19、场、圆偏光干涉相衬等的高反差、高衬度、高分辨率的型高性能多功能物镜。CF 设计,物镜独立的色差校正技术。在国际显微镜标准中,是以 ZEISS 物镜为基准的。(2) Objectives: the objectives must be made of special fluorite material with high refractive index and low astigmatism, optic coating must be treated with mildew protection technique, use anti-reflective coating technolog
20、y, nine layers, have a light transmission rate of 99.9999% and spherical aberration correction up to 95% ,suitable for BF/ DF/ C-DIC :Objectives adopt new optical design CF, objective has independently chromatic aberration correction technique. In international microscope standards, objective from C
21、arl Zeiss is criterion.1.4 载物台及换镜转换器FEM 设计取代传统的热补偿技术。稳定性是您获取准确数据的基础,Axio Imager 的核心部件物镜转盘、Z 轴导轨和载物台被设计为紧凑的、稳定性优化的部件,这个 “稳定单元”与镜体的其他部分隔离开来,不会因外界温度和振动而影响分析,这就给您的提供了一个理想的图像平台,尤其在高倍下进行频繁的观察。1.4 Mechanical stage and nosepieceFEM design is used instead of traditional thermal compensation technology. Stabi
22、lity is the basis of data acquisition, Axio Imagers core departments are designed to be compact and stable, and it is separated with other components, cant be affected by temperature or vibration. Axio Imager provides an ideal platform to image analysis, especially do observation At high power.(1)机械
23、载物台:采用无调整机构的自动锁定防止下滑谐波齿轮机构,长时间使用防止下滑。移动范围 75x50mm,试样高度可达 65mm。(1) Mechanical stage: with self-lock of harmonious gear to prevent downslide. 75x50mm movable and 65mm sample height.(2)物镜转换器:6 孔物镜转盘。有预留位置,便于日后升级。可选配 7 孔物镜转盘。(2) Nosepiece: 6-position nosepiece, support upgrade. 7-position nosepiece sele
24、ctable.1.5 记录装置配有工业专用数字摄像头(非数码相机),500 万有效像素在计算机控制下,实时采集,同步捕捉图像。(可选配 300 万像素)1.5 DocumentationProvide Industrial dedicated Digital camera with 5M pixel, for live image capture in microscope with computer control.1.6 光源创新的照明理念采用特制照明系统并使用长寿命高亮度卤素灯 12V100W 及反光碗技术的柯拉照明方式,带调光装置和显示。增强光的色还原性,进而提高分辨率。同时光效高而均
25、匀。可接氙灯等。1.6 IlluminationProvide long-life-using Halogen lamp 12V 100W with reflector, Kohler illumination, can be adjusted and displayed on light manager LCD display, improve reversion of color for resolution, high illumination efficiency, can be extended for Xenon lamp etc. 1.7 滤色片等附件安装滤色片系统,配置日光矫正
26、、灰色衰减、彩色滤光及隔热滤片;目镜测微尺 10/100和台尺 1/100mm 用于长度等的测量及定标。1.7 Filters and other accessoriesProviding filter system with Conversion filter, Grey filter, heat-reflecting filter. With micrometer10/100 used for simple measuring and stage micrometer1/100 used for system calibration.2. 图象分析系统2. Micro-image anal
27、ysis and process system2.1 硬件:DELL 商用机(酷睿 2 双核 E6550/250G/2G/DVD-ROM/22 英寸 LCD 显示器 )、EPSON 照片打印机(彩色,A4/5760x1440dpi)。由于以上设备的更新换代较快,由此造成停产或升级而引起的技术参数及型号的变更,双方另行协商解决,但技术参数及性能不会低于原型号,且价格不变。2.1 Hardware: Dell(E6550/ Yonah /250G/2G/DVD-ROM/22“ LCD),EPSON Color photo printer: A4/5760x1440dpiDepending on u
28、pdated market model and configuration.2.2 软件: 中文版,软件部分有通用图象处理及专用分析软件两部分。(详见说明书)2.2 Software: Chinese version, including image process and analysis. (Details see instruction)3.安装条件(实验室要求)3. Installation conditions (laboratory requirements)3.1 实验室具备三防条件:防震(远离震源) 、防潮(使用空调、干燥器) 、防尘(地面铺上防静电地板或塑胶、墙壁不落灰) 。
29、3.1 The laboratories shall meet the following environmental requirements:Shockproof (far from epicenter), dampproof (using air conditioning, dryer), dustproof (ground covered with plastic or anti-static flooring, no ash).3.2 电源:220V10%,50HZ。3.2 Voltage: 220V10%,50HZ3.3 温度:20C10C。3.3 Temperature: 20C
30、10C3.4 相对湿度:不大于 85%。3.4 Humidity85%3.5 窗帘为双层,内层红黑色,外层浅色。3.5 Double-decker curtains, red-black inner, light-colored outside4.交货期合同生效后,100 内交货。4. Date of delivery: 3 months after the validation of the contract5.质量保证北京普瑞赛司仪器有限公司是德国蔡司材料显微镜中国总代理,保证所销售的显微镜是德国卡尔蔡司生产的原装正品显微镜,符合德国政府质量管理体系(DQS) 。5. Quality As
31、suranceBEIJING PRECISE INSTRUMENT CO., LTD is the general agent in China for Zeiss Materials microscopes (Germany) and it promises that all sales of Carl Zeiss microscopes are original and according with DQS. 6.培训免费培训。供方工程师安装、调试后,给需方操作人员进行操作培训,使其基本掌握仪器的使用。供方安排需方工程师到供方历史用户,进行显微镜镜检和制样制作的现场培训。费用由供方负责。6
32、. Training Free training. After assembling and testing, the supplier should provide technical training to technicians and arrange Microscopic examination, Sample preparation also. (Paid by supplier)7.安装、调试、验收7. Assembling, Testing, Acceptance7.1 安装调试到货后由需方书面通知供方到现场安装、调试、培训的具体时间,供方在一周内予以响应。双方人员一起对设备进
33、行开箱清点。然后,进行免费安装调试。7.1 Assembling and TestingThe buyer should inform the supplier of the assembling, testing and acceptance time in written after the arrival of goods, and the supplier answers within one week. Both sides check the equipment together then install free of charge to debug.7.2 验收以技术协议书和供
34、方的样本所列功能为准,供方现场演示。验收合格后,双方代表签字通过。按供方提供合格说明书,技术资料中所列的各项性能指标和各项合同规定进行质量验收。7.2 AcceptancePerform accuracy test to the instrument according to the acceptance criteria. The supplier provides all data information.8.质保期及售后服务8. Warranty Period and After-sale Service北京普瑞赛司仪器有限公司是德国蔡司基金会(Carl Zeiss Group)材料显微
35、镜中国总代理。德国 ZEISS 总部非常重视售后服务工作,实施先进的国际 CRM 服务系统。BEIJING PRECISE INSTRUMENT CO., LTD is the general agent in China for Zeiss Materials microscopes (Carl Zeiss Group). The general headquarters of ZEISS values after-sale service very highly and carry out the CRM service system. a. Standardized service sy
36、stem: recognized by ISO 9001 and conform to it.b. Close to users service website: Carl Zeiss has established service center in China in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou for after service and it is planed to add Jinan,Chongqing,Wuhan,Xian.c. Flawless maintenance personnel: The maintenance personnel shall
37、 response and resolve the owners question on using the system within 8 hours, if necessary, come to the owners site within 24 hours after receiving the notice of requesting repair and shall perform the repair work continuously until the failures are removed and the equipment completely recovers to t
38、he normal operation condition.d. Guarantee: Quality guarantee period shall be 12 month. The supplier and manufacturers guarantee repair and replace for faulty instruments if instrument occur non-factitious malfunction within 12 months after sale for free. The time starts from the date of certified a
39、cceptance for this equipment. The Sellers engineer shall visit the equipment every year. e. Duty-free spare parts service: In order to provide quality services to Chinese customers, Carl Zeiss has established a spare parts center in Shanghai, greatly reduced the equipment spare parts replace cycle.f
40、. Technical training: Our company provides apply knowledge and operation training free of charge, two times, one for assembling and testing, another for practical application.Training content:1. Sample preparation2. Heat treatment3. Organization recognition4. Use indicators to guide production techn
41、ologya. 规范化的服务体系:ZEISS 产品售后服务具有 ISO9001 服务体系认证资格,执行ISO9001 售后服务标准。b. 贴近用户的服务网点:ZEISS 在中国设立直属专业维修中心,下设有北京、上海、广州三个专业维修站,并拟建济南、重庆、武汉、西安维修站,负责售后服务工作。提供快捷、周到的服务。并有保税仓库供应零部件及耗材。c. 完善的呼叫服务中心:ZEISS 在中国设有统一的售后服务电话,对用户提出的技术及质量问题 8 小时内答复,如要求现场维修则 24 小时内到达解决。在保修期内,非人为故障免费负责修理。d. 全国领先的保修政策:ZEISS 产品保修期 1 年,在保修期内,
42、非人为因素造成的质量故障,供方免费维修及更换零部件,终身维护酌情收费。北京普瑞赛司公司每年派技术工程师巡访用户一次,对设备的状况进行了解,对设备的使用和维护提供建议和帮助。中文版图象分析系统,计算机、打印机保修 1 年(如由于需方原因造成系统的非正常工作,请与需方所在地的维修站联系),软件部分在使用过程中出现问题免费解决。如遇标准修改,软件免费升级。 E.免税备件服务:卡尔蔡司基金会为了保证中国用户一旦出现产品故障时能够在快速维修好的同时节省维修费用,特在上海外高桥保税区成立了除德国本土以外最大的易损的备件库,大大缩短了设备备件变换维修的周期,更好更快的为中国用户服务。F.技术培训我公司免费为用户进行应用知识培训和实际操作培训,培训分二次进行。第一次培训:设备安装调试培训,包括显微镜及图像分析系统基本操作,直到独立工作。第二次培训:高级应用培训,包含试样制备及组织识别,通过组织特征正确指导生产工艺等。针对用户在检验中遇到的问题,逐一解决,达到熟练操作设备及日常维护保养。培训内容:1、试样的制备2、热处理知识3、组织识别4、利用指标指导生产工艺