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1、Lesson 4 General Enquiry 一般询盘1) 我 公 司 对 贵 公 司 的 款 式 新 颖 的 待 出 口 的 棉 布 很 感 兴 趣 。 (be interested in, for export)We are interested in your fashionable cotton piece goods which are for export.2) 从你方 8 月 30 日信中得悉, 你方对我方的新产品感兴趣。 (learn from fromthat)We learned from your letter of August 30 that you are in

2、terested in our new products.3) 现随函寄去我方的最新商品插图目录, 以及你方想要的一些样品。 (illustrated catalogue)We are enclosing our latest illustrated catalogue and pricelist, together with some samples you ask for.4)我们有一批优质的羊毛衫待售。( of high quality, for sale) We have a stock of woolen sweaters of high quality for sale.5) 应你

3、方要求, 现另寄我方冬季价目表一份以供参考。 As requested, we are now sending under separate cover our winter pricelist for your information.6 ) 我们要求的货物应经久耐用 、 色彩鲜艳 , 这样才能吸引顾客 。 (appeal to)The goods we require should be durable in quality, bright in color so as to appeal to the customers.7)你方尽可放心,我方的产品能够满足你方市场的需要。(rely o

4、n, meet the need of)You can rely on the fact that our product will meet the need of your market.8)供你方参考,如订购超过 5,000 美元,我们愿意给你方 3%的特殊折扣。 (for your information, allow a special discount) For your information, we would like to allow you a special discount of 3% for all orders over USD$5,000.Lesson 6 Fi

5、rm Offer 具有约束力的发盘1) 我 方 不 能 接 受 你 方 的 条 件 , 因 为 我 方 的 报 盘 是 很 合 理 的 。 (acceptable, offer) Your terms and conditions suggested is not acceptable to us as the offer we made is quite reasonable.2) 我们的产品质量符合国际水平。(be up to) The quality of our goods measures (is) up to the international level. 3) 价格要依据你们打

6、算订购的数量而定。(subject to, purchase) The price of the goods is subject to the quantity you intend to purchase. 4) 在你方订购之前,我们很乐意提供样本以便你们熟悉产品的质地 和工艺。(be prepared to, acquaintwith) Before you place an order, we are prepared to provide some samples to acquaint you with the material and workmanship.5)鉴于你我之间友好

7、的业务关系,我们这次就让步了,给你们 5% 的折扣。 (in view of, make concession, allow a discount of) In view of our friendly business relations between us, wed make concessions this time and allow you a discount of 5%. 6) 兹确认我方已报你方核桃仁 20 公吨,每公吨伦敦 CIF 价 2,500 美元,10 月船期。 (confirm, offer for at)This is to confirm our offer f

8、or 20 M/T walnut meats at USD$2,500 per metric ton CIF London, for shipment in October. 7) 万一你方不能按要求装运,我们将撤消订单。 (in the event of, cancel the order, make shipment) We will cancel the order in the event that you cant make shipment as requested. 8) 我们突然想起要通知你方,由于需求量大,该盘有效期到 2 月 10 日截止。(It occurs that,

9、great demand, remain firm)It occurs to us that we shall advise you that, because of great demand, our offer is valid (remains firm) until February 10.Lesson 7 Counter-offer 还盘敬启者:感谢你方 5 月 20 日来函,获悉有关大米和大豆的报价。 非常欣赏你方产品的优良品质,但遗憾的是你方的报价太高,即 使是相对质量的产品也偏高了。接受你方的报价便无利可图,因为本 地的主要需求是对于中等价位的产品的。 欣赏你方处理我方询盘的方

10、式,希望有机会同你方达成交易。消 息表明,正在销售的同类日本产品比你方的报价低将近10%。想知道 你方是否能将价格降到此水平。 等候佳音,不胜感激。谨上敬启者:感谢你方 2006 年 5 月 22 日的来函,然而我们很遗憾地获悉大米和 大豆的报价对你方而言偏高,使交易无法进行,因为正在销售的同类 日本产品的价格比我们的低将近 10%。 不否认你方所言,但是请注意我们产品的优良品质。不得不指出 的是我们的报价是相当现实的,而且其他的买主也能接受。 虽然我们很想和你方达成交易,但遗憾的是不能接受你方的还盘, 甚至不能各让一半。我们能做的最低价就是将先前的报价降 2%。 相信能与你方达成一致,盼早复

11、。谨上1) 我们认为你方价格不合适,我们各让一半好吗?We note that your price is not reasonable,shall we meet us half way?2) 虽然我们很想和你方交易,但把价格降到你们所说的水平是不可能的,因为我们将无利可图。While we price to, like to conclude the transaction withyou, we cant reduce the price to the level you suggested because it will leave us with no profit.3) 我们希望能

12、按比美国同类产品低 10%的价格成交。We sincerely hope to conclude the business at a price 10% lower than those of similar products in America.4) 感谢你方 3 月 14 日的报盘,我们十分遗憾的指出你们的报价偏高。While we thank you for your offer of March 14, we point out with regret that your price is on the high side.5)虽然你方能在报价上减少 2%,我们仍然不能接受。Whil

13、e you can reduce your offer by 2%, it is reduce, acceptable) not acceptable to us.6)有消息表明,此地销售的别国生产的产品的价格水平比贵方低 3左右。Information indicates that the price of the products that are sold here and made by other countries is 3% lower than yours.7) 如你方愿意降价,譬如说,降 10%,也许能达成交易。If you would reduce your price b

14、y, say 10%, we might conclude the deal.8)感谢贵方 3 月 20 日的报盘,但我们不得不告知贵方,夹克衫的价格过高,不太符合本地市场的要求。Thank you for your offer of March 20 .However, we are regret to inform you that the price of the jackets ison the high side for the market.Lesson 8 An order 订货东北进出口贸易公司加拿大多伦多深合区约斯大街 35 号华鑫贸易有限责任公司 中国上海金林路 676 号

15、帝王之星大厦 14 楼 敬启者: 事由:女士衬衫 感谢你方 10 月 6 日来信对女式衬衫的报价,我们很满意产品的质量并很高兴 地随函寄去322 号订单,订购你方最新商品目录中提到的尺寸的商品。 我们注意到你方能供应现货,希望能在 11 月装运。如装运延误,我们保留撤 消或拒绝接收货物的权利。 供参考,我方希望采用 60 天期付款交单,请来函确认。 (签名) 格兰. P. 约翰逊 经理 谨上 2006 年 10月 15 日2006 年 10 月 15 日订单 322 号 中国天津 请供应以下货物货号 (打) 品名 尺寸 单价 (打) 成本、保险加 运费(CIF)伦敦价15 女式衬衫 小 35.

16、00 英镑16 同上 中 45.00 英镑14 同上 大 50.00 英镑华鑫贸易有限责任公司 中国上海金林路 676 号帝王之星大厦 14 楼 东北进出口贸易公司 加拿大多伦多深合区约斯大街 35 号 敬启者: 事由:女士衬衫 非常感谢你方 10 月 15 日寄来的订单,很高兴确认你方关于女式衬衫的 订货。我公司的发货部门正在处理你们的订单,发运货物准备好就会通知 你方的。 关于付款条件是可以接受的。装运后公司就通过银行递上相关的单据。 衷心希望此次试订会带来以后的续订。 (签名) 黄凯 经理 谨上 2006年 10 月 27 日1) 我们希望货物能在 8 月份前发运。 (consignme

17、nt, dispatch)We hope that the consignments will be dispatched before August.2) 我们相信 11 月 15 日前可以交货。(make delivery) We believe that delivery can be made before November 15.3) 我们相信此次的首次订货会导致将来贸易的进一步发展.We are sure that this initial order will result in further business in the future.4) 由于我方急需,如你方尽早安排发货

18、我们将不胜感激。 (dispatch )As we are in badly demand of the goods, we shall appreciate it if you would dispatch the goods at early date.5)我们高兴地确认从你处购进 50 公吨的花生。(confirm, purchase) We are pleased to confirm having purchased from you 50 metric tons of peanuts.6)十分抱歉,由于天气原因,我方不可能在本月底以前装运货物。(effect) We regret

19、to inform that, owing to the bad weather, we are unable to effect shipment before the end of the month. 7) 我们会确保货物准时发运至你方港口。(dispatch n.) Well ensure the prompt dispatch of the goods to your port. 8)由于你方的报价有竞争力而且能让我们接受,我们考虑大量的购买。(acceptable, large quantities) As your quotation is competitive and acc

20、eptable to us, we are considering orders of large quantities.信翻译:1 Dear Sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fan; details according to ourenquiry not

21、e No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully,2 Dear Sirs

22、, We have received with thanks your letter of May 7, 2004. We, however, regretto inform you that we are not in a position to enter into business relations with you because we have already been appointed as an agent by a Guangdong Trade Corporation for the sale of their products. Under the circumstan

23、ces, we regret to say that we cant transact with you at least until the agency contract expires. Of course, we filed your letter and catalogue for our future reference. So we may contact you when we become free from the agency contract. We thank you again and hope you will understand our situation f

24、ully. Yours faithfully, 3 Dear Sirs, RE: TABLECLOTH We have your name and address from the Commercial Office of ChineseEmbassy in Pakistan. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friendly business relations with you. We are a state-owned company dealing specially with the exp

25、ort of tablecloth. In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the table-cloth we are handling, we are airmailing you under separate cover our latest catalogue for your reference. Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products. We will send you our price list and sa

26、mple to you as soon as we receive your specific inquiry. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully4 先生: 先生 从纽约的托马斯HP 公司处,获悉贵公司生产各类手工制皮革手套,我公司是中国专营这类产品的进口商之一,我公司对你们的产品很感兴趣。本地区对高品质手套有稳定的需求,尤其是款式新颖、色彩鲜艳的产品。如贵公司所报价格有竞争性的话,我公司打算订购 5,000 套。请惠寄贵公司的手套插图目录一份,详述有关价目与付款条件。如蒙早日回信,不胜感激。谨上 Dear

27、 Sirs, We learn from Thomas H. P. of New York that you areproducing hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. We are one of the importers in China dealing in this type of goods, and we are quite interested in your products. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality, especi

28、ally those in the brighter colors and of fashionable designs. If you can give us a competitive quotation, we will consider an order of 5,000 pieces. Will you please send me a copy of your illustrated catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment. We will appreciate your early reply. Yo

29、urs faithfully.5 Dear Sirs, We learn you from your website. We are very glad to be given to understand that you are producing CD players for export. We are interested in you products. We would appreciate it if you send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue, together with some samples. Please let u

30、s have your lowest quotation on CIF Shanghai, stating the earliest delivery date and your terms and conditions on the transaction. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,6 Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to have received your letter of enquiry dated April 9, 2006, showing your i

31、nterest in our sweaters in different colors, In reply, we would like to make you, subject to your reply reaching us by June 5, the following offer: Commodity: Sweaters in different colors Size: Large (L) Medium (M) Small(s)Price: CIF 5% London per dozen in USD Shipment: October Payment: by Confirmed

32、 irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight Package: Sweaters are wrapped in plastic bags and packed in standard export cardboard cartons We are willing to allow a 5% discount for all orders over 1,000 pieces. You can rely on us to give your order immediate attention. Yours faithfully7 敬启者: 感谢你方 4 月

33、5 日对衬衫的报盘。 由于市场竞争激烈,我方遗憾告知不能接受你方的报价,事实上,因为获利的空间不大。我们接到你地区的另一供货商的报盘,比你方价格低 10%。鉴于我们长期的友好的贸易关系,建议你方至少降价 8%。盼佳音。 谨上Dear Sirs, We thank you for your offer dated April 5. Because of the keen competition in the market, we regret to inform you that we can not accept your quotation. It would leave us with o

34、nly a small profit. Actually, we are receiving an offer from another seller, and their price is 10% lower than yours. In view of our long friendly business relations, we suggest that you reduce your price at least by 8%. We are looking forward to your favorable reply. Yours sincerely。8 Dear Sirs, We

35、 are delighted to inform you that your sport supplies have found a steady market here. Please ship us the goods according to the following requirements: Description of Goods Golf bags, brown leather, with strap Golf bags, brown leatherette, with strap Golf balls, 24 balls per case As usual, the paym

36、ent for the above goods is going to be made by an irrevocable L/C open in your favor ten days after your acceptance of the order. Since our customers are in urgent need of the goods, please ship them by the first available vessel no later than July 30. For any delay in shipment, we will 25-665EE 35.

37、79/ case 20 cases 607EE 15.69/ bag 100 bags 680EE 29.9/ bag 100 bags Catalogue No. Unit Price US$ Quantityhave the right to cancel the order. We are looking forward to the arrival of our order in time. Yours faithfully9 Dear Sirs, We have booked your order No.237 for bed sheets and pillow cases and

38、aresending you herewith our sales confirmation No. BP103 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy to us for our file. It is understood that a letter of credit in our favor covering the above-mentioned goods will be established imme diately. We wish to point out that the stipulations in the rele

39、vant credit should strictly conform to the terms stated in our confirmation. You may rest assured that we shall effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit. We appreciate you cooperation and look forward to receiving your further orders. Yours faithfully, 10 Dear Sirs, A

40、s you know that portable DVD players are a fast growing segment of the DVD market, further extending the DVD boom. Your portable DVD players can offer quality sound and picture for the mobile traveler. I believe there will be great prospects for your products in our market. Therefore, for this trans

41、ition we prefer to D/A payment for the goods. These are conducive to selling our products. We are waiting for your early reply. Yours sincerely,11 Dear Sirs, We inform you that the goods under S/C No.2576 and 2568 have been ready for shipment for quite some time. The goods should be shipped during M

42、ay/June as stipulated in S/C. We sent you a cable two weeks ago requiring you to open the relative L/C without any delay, reading: We hereby confirm that S/C No.2576 and 2568 have been ready. Please open the L/C immediately. However much to our disappointment, we have not received any reply up to th

43、e time of writing. You may remember clearly that we identified in our p revious letter the following L/C: 1. The L/C in details should reach us one month earlier than the time of shipment. 2. If the goods are shipped immediately, the L/C will be issued by cable or telex. 3. When opening the L/C, please ensure that the L/C should strictly conform to the stipulation of our contract. The time of shipment is drawing near and we have to point out that we shall not in a position to make the shipment in due course unless your L/C reaches us before the end of this month.


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