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1、108 翻译1The worlds faltering effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions got a new lease on life on Saturday, as delegates from 187 countries agreed to negotiate a new accord over the next two years pushing the crucial debates about United States participation into the administration of a new American pre

2、sident.Many officials and environmental campaigners said American negotiators had remained obstructionist until the final hour of the two-week convention and had changed their stance only after public rebukes that included boos and hisses from other delegates. 2The resulting “Bali Action Plan” conta

3、ins no binding commitments, which European countries had sought and the United States fended off. The plan concludes that “deep cuts in global emissions will be required” and provides a timetable for two years of talks to shape the first formal addendum to the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Ch

4、ange treaty since the Kyoto Protocol 10 years ago.“The next presidential election takes place at the halfway point in these treaty talks,” David D. Doniger, who directs climate policy for the Natural Resources Defense Council and served in the Clinton administration, said on his Web log on Saturday.

5、 3But the White House, while calling the negotiating plan “quite positive” in a printed statement, said the problem lay elsewhere. It described “serious concerns” about the limited steps taken by emerging economic powers.Without citing China and India by name, it clearly singled them out, saying: “T

6、he negotiations must proceed on the view that the problem of climate change cannot be adequately addressed through commitments for emissions cuts by developed countries alone. Major developing economies must likewise act.”(以上三段出自 NYT-Climate Plan Looks Beyond Bushs Tenure,Published: December 16, 200

7、7) 4In the past five years, we have experienced great tragedy. We witnessed the deadliest attack on our soil in the history of the country. Our nation was changed forever, and you came of age and tried to begin figuring out your path even as our nation seemed to find itself on less sure footing. I a

8、lso see in your generation much of what I saw in my own, including a renewed commitment to service. You need only look to AmeriCorps, Teach for America, and the focus on public interest at our nations law schools to see this for yourself. 5Now its your turn to find your footing by helping America fi

9、nd hers. And of course, you have difficult decisions to make about how you will participate, about how youll use your talents to be the best citizen you can be.The path to giving back is not always the easiest one to followor even, at times, easy to see. But each of us has an opportunity to use our

10、talents and blessings to help others. Each of us has a duty to one another. 6The law is one waybut by no means the only wayto fulfill that duty. You can make it your life or at least part of your daily life, with pro bono work, for example. As you look past your college careers, as you consider a ca

11、reer in law and the myriad opportunities that lie ahead, Ill leave you with this piece of sage advice passed on by the wise and learned philosopherand Yankees Hall-of-FamerYogi Berra:“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.“(以上三段出自 Hillary Clinton on a Law Career in Public Service,Posted Wedne

12、sday, August 16, 2006 2:18 PM) 7中国坚定不移地走和平发展道路,不仅是出于自己的政治理念,也是出于自身发展的客观需求。中国自身的发展与人类共同进步是相互促进、密不可分的。在弱肉强食的列强时代,中国曾多次遭到帝国主义的野蛮侵略,而第二次世界大战后民族独立和人民解放的历史潮流,则给中华民族的独立和解放创造了最有利的国际条件。 8在美苏对峙的冷战岁月,中国正常的国际交往无法展开,恶劣的国际环境与中国内政恶性互动,曾导致中国与世界发展水平增加了 20 年的差距。而正是和平与发展的新时代,使中国得以实行2改革开放,以经济建设为中心,才有了中国今天的繁荣稳定和高速发展。这是中

13、国发展与世界进步密切相关的真实写照。 9正因为中国发展与人类进步的这种密不可分的关系,中华人民共和国的第一部宪法就明确规定,中国外交政策的目的是维护世界和平和促进人类进步。胡锦涛主席在这次讲话中又进一步表示,中国将始终不渝地把自身的发展与人类共同进步联系在一起。既充分利用世界和平发展带来的机遇发展自己,又以自身的发展更好地维护世界和平、促进共同发展。这阐明了中国与世界良性互动、共同进步的深刻内涵。 10 发展以后的中国怎样参与国际事务?不同的人有不同的关切。西方发达国家担心中国不按国际规则办事,不履行国际义务,发展中国家则担心中国偏安一隅,不主持国际正义,国内也有民众认为中国已经发展起来,何必

14、还要“韬光养晦” 。 11胡主席明确表示了中国履行国际义务的决心。履行国际义务包括中国按照联合国宪章的宗旨和原则在国际事务中发挥作用,也包括中国按照自己参加的国际条约、协定等来规范自己的行动,切实履行自己作出的国际承诺,还包括中国作为世界上最大的和目前联合国安理会常任理事国中唯一的发展中国家,在推进建立国际政治经济新秩序方面对世界发展中国家所负有的义务。(来源:外交学院副院长 曲星和平外交政策的新阐述 ) 12从上述新闻报道中就可以看出,汉字已经成了韩国人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。韩国教育部现在规定,初中和高中 6 年,学生需要掌握 1800 个汉字。目前,在韩国小学,汉字课已经成为准必修科

15、目。还有很多学校利用自由活动等课外时间开设汉字课程。韩国从 2000 年开始,开设全国性的“汉字检定能力考试 “,想取得 1 级的话,至少需要会写 2000 个、会读 1500 个汉字。132004 年,由韩国语文学会举行的汉字能力考试,应试者有 104 万。最近,很多大学不仅专门开设了汉字课,而且每逢放寒暑假的时候,还开设汉字特别讲座。甚至连监狱里也掀起了学习汉字的风潮,那些成绩优秀的服刑者可以被减少刑期。随着学汉字浪潮的高涨,与汉字有关的习题集、参考书销路大开。最近三四年,其销售量以每年 20%的速度增长。走在韩国的大街小巷,汉字随处可见。 14地铁站的名字、书名、名片、广告牌、商标用汉字

16、写出的名字似乎增加了几分学识和典雅。韩国最近掀起的汉字热缘于企业和市场的迫切需求。中国大陆、台湾、新加坡和日本占韩国出口市场的 40%以上,中国是韩国最大的投资国,到韩国旅游的 70%的游客属于汉字文化圈。 朝鲜日报曾在一篇社论中反问道:“在这样的时代要求下,企业怎会聘用连天、地 都不会写的新职员呢?“(来源:环球时报 不可同日而语 经济带动魅力:汉字影响着哪些国家 15a将军向宠,性行淑均,晓畅军事,试用于昔日,先帝称之曰能,是以众议举宠为督。愚以为营中之事,悉以咨之,必能使行阵和睦,优劣得所。 15b亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也。先帝在时,每与臣论此事

17、,未尝不叹息痛恨于桓、灵也。侍中、尚书、长史、参军,此悉贞良死节之臣,愿陛下亲之信之,则汉室之隆,可计日而待也。07 翻译Translation (c-e and e-c) (1)Dear America,Once again you have shown your ever-increasing military might with a massive display of explosive weapons that overwhelmingly outmatch your adversary(敌手; 对手). You have murdered countless civilians

18、in the process, along with members of their army who were legally defending their homeland from your illegal, criminal invasion. (2)Every bullet fired, every missile launched, and every bomb dropped was an egregious criminal act in violation of international and U.S. Constitutional law. You now phys

19、ically occupy new oil fields, guaranteeing more petrol under your control and allowing continued denial of your dangerous dependency upon a resource facing imminent depletion.3Let us be honest. Your latest manifestation of psychotic behavior is not war, but another massacre against a nation that you

20、 insisted on disarming before unleashing your latest firepower. Your obsession with military violence and global hegemony if not arrested soon, will surely doom the world to a series of catastrophes that may lead to our species extinction. (this part is not included in the exam)(3)I wonder how you a

21、re feeling-I mean really deep down in your heart and soul? Are you feeling satisfied or do you yearn for more bloodletting? Is this a trial run for a series of barbaric “preventive wars“ against virtually defenseless countries in the greater Middle East, eastern Asia, South America, and elsewhere? (

22、4)Are you so racist and paranoid that you will murder anyone you imagine not being subservient to your demands, whether or not they are able to defend themselves? What deep, unmet needs do you suppose are driving you to continually commit such barbarism, such madness? From where did our apparent unc

23、onscious sense of invalidation and alienation originate, demanding such distracting, brutish behavior?(5)A bipartisan commission warned on Wednesday that “the situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating,” and handed President Bush both a rebuke of his current strategy and a detailed blueprint for a

24、 fundamentally different approach, including the pullback of all American combat brigades over the next 15 months. (6)In unusually sweeping and blunt language, the panel of 10 Republicans and Democrats issued 79 specific recommendations, including a call for direct negotiations with Syria and Iran a

25、nd a clear declaration that the United States would reduce its support to Iraq unless that weak and divided government makes “substantial progress” on reconciliation and security in coming months. (7)The detailed prescription put forward by the panel called for much more aggressive diplomatic effort

26、s in the Middle East that the Bush administration has been willing to embrace. Its calls for reconciliation and reform in Iraq and an overhaul of the American military role would also represent major departures in the American strategy.(8)(9)9 是汉密尔顿在白宫新闻会上的讲话,有一个比喻,说美国好比一艘触礁的船,要重新制定航线8 的最后提到布什对马利基的承

27、诺,在伊战胜利之前,承诺就不会缩水 (10) 曾有街头随机调查,看看是年轻人不敢花钱,还是老年人不敢花钱,结果:年轻、年老都不敢花钱。年轻人有年轻人的顾虑,老年人有老年人的烦恼。年轻人不敢花钱是为了买房子还贷,因此必须节衣缩食。老年人不敢花钱,是因为养老看病,有钱都得用在吃药上。各年龄段有各年龄段的恐惧。生活就像山一样压在大家的身上,有多少钱才能让人心安,使人坦然,让人敢花钱?回答真是困难。 (11) 几次出国才知道,欧美国家的人为什么敢花钱,没钱也敢花,没钱借着也得花,个个都是英雄虎胆。原来人家的孩子上学,有的国家一直供到大学毕业,有的虽然只供到高中,但大学费用也很便宜,整个过程一分钱不用你

28、花,或花之甚少。医疗上更没人担心了,如果你病了,哪怕是全民都病了,也没有关系,你去看病,住院,国家统统都包了。退休更不用愁了,国家会给你足够的退休金。不仅够你生活,还够你一年几次旅游开销。你只要有脚力,可以全世界跑。(12)在加入周年之际,我们必须更加清晰地意识到中国已经是一个大国,这是任何托词都无法掩饰、也完全没有必要掩饰的事实。一个大国有权利也有义务坦诚地提出自己的正当权益要求,这样能够让外界知道这个国家的要求是多么合理,多么正当,化解笼罩在其发展方向上的不确定性。一个力量不断增强的大国表现过分谦卑,不会令疑忌者化解疑忌,只会令疑忌者更加疑忌这个国家的意图。 (13)更重要的是,这将从根本

29、上损害这个国家国民自信向上的民族心态。正因为如此,在加入周年之际,我们固然要回顾我们应对挑战的经历,更需要展望我们作为一个享受全部权利的成员将为世贸组织规则演化发挥何种作用。无论如何,作为拥有独立利益的大国,随着实力的增长,中国对西方主导制定实施的现行国际经贸规则的不公正性体会正日益痛切,现行国际经贸规则日益构成制约中国实力进一步发展的桎梏,中国必然要行使自己的合法权利,力图推动国际经贸规则向更加合理的方向演化,中国财经外交的主题必将逐渐向“推动规则演化”转变,让我们摆脱“西方施压中国回应”的被动思维方式窠臼,更多地把眼界投向这个世界的未来。(不记得 14 在哪了。 。 。也在上头这段里)(1

30、5a)臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐4之中,谘臣以当世之事,由是感激,遂许先帝以驱驰。后值倾覆,受任于败军之际,奉命于危难之间,尔来二十有一年矣。(15b)先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。受命以来,夙夜忧叹,恐托付不效,以伤先帝之明。故五月渡泸,深入不毛。今南方已定,兵甲已足,当奖率三军,北定中原,庶竭驽钝,攘除奸凶,兴复汉室,还于旧都。此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。06 翻译 英译汉:第一篇:见 06 年英语文摘第一期的范守义的那篇译文及讲解第二篇:第 17 届韩素音翻译大赛的英译汉选段:Im never more aware

31、 of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty. Language can create its own loveliness, of course, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world, any more than a photograph can capture the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova. Ev

32、as wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself. All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts. So I keep gesturing. “All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,” Thomas Merton observed. Because the Creation put

33、s on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bangechoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation, only a few degrees above absolute zero. Just so, I b

34、elieve, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses. Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower. You need traini

35、ng, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a birds wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute. For most of human history, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention. By paying attention, we

36、learn to savor all sorts of patterns, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors to select mates, find food, avoid predators. But the same advantage would apply to all species

37、, and yet we alone compose symphonies and crossword puzzles, carve stone into statues, map time and space 汉译英:第一篇:政论文:见 04 年温家宝答记者口译译文第二篇:美国人不像中国人那么爱面子,但美国人对品牌的爱护,却远远胜于中国人。因为那是一生的德道积蓄。在美国,品牌不光是自己的事,它首先是对别人的一种责任。一个品牌的成立,是以你对它人所付出的责任来做担保的。消费者买了你的产品,便接受了你在质量、信誉、索赔、服务等一系列问题上的担保。无论其中哪一款,只要你失信,你千辛万苦建立起来的品


39、到的,一旦有问题,商家对你的一系列的赔付1o35x5品牌,它是一种对他人的责任、一种对他人的关心、一种叫他人能感到温暖和可靠的东西,甚至是法律和道德在一件具体物件中的体现。一种只要你想起来,就会感到温暖亲切的事物。古文:至若春和景明,波澜不惊-先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。 05 翻译Passage 1:1A fickle world has changed its mind about China again. A year ago, the miracle of Chinese growth was widely seen as a bonanza for an otherwise sl

40、uggish global economy. Today China is being cast as a threat in effect, it has become a scapegoat for many of the more intractable problems that a dysfunctional world has been unable to solve.2This role reversal is both disturbing and ill-founded. It probably says a good deal more about the West tha

41、n it says about China. The case for China-bashing stems largely from the angst about jobless recoveries in the worlds wealthy industrial nations. In particular, U.S. jobs are increasingly perceived as being exported to China an erroneous perception that has tempted politicians to flirt with dangerou

42、s protectionist “remedies.”3Chinas currency pega fixed arrangement between the renminbi (RMB) and the dollarhas become a lightning rod in this debate. In the eyes of many, it underscores the unfair competitive advantage that China enjoys in an otherwise tough global marketplace. Pressure is being pu

43、t on China to rework the peg. 4Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently noted that such a chance is a “fairly reasonable expectation.” A rumored 5% revaluation of the RMB is being hailed as a first step in taming the so-called China threatas if that would actually temper the worlds imbalance

44、s. Nothing could be further from the truth. Passage 2:5Dec. 13 issue - Many U.S. troops say its one more broken promise. They landed in Iraq planning to rotate out after six months. Then Washington extended their stints to a full year. That was the limit, the Pentagon swore: just “365 days, boots on

45、 the ground,“ not a day longer. 6But last week the brass announced the decision to raise U.S. troop strength in Iraq by 12,000meaning, among other things, that roughly 10,000 Americans now in Iraq can count on stretching their stay to 14 months. The new boost, the biggest since March 2003, will brin

46、g Americas military presence in Iraq to 150,000. That total is more than it took to invade Iraq in the first place.7No one knows how long the buildup will last. The reinforcements are needed, and not only to provide security for the Jan. 30 elections. Last months U.S. assault on the insurgent-held c

47、ity of Fallujah may have been a success, but the aftermath has been a disaster. On the highway to Baghdads main airport, suicide bombings have gotten so frequent that last week the American Embassy officially declared the road off-limits to its personnel. 8Now, U.S. diplomatic staffers need helicopt

48、ers to get to the airport from the Green Zone. Mosul, six times Fallujahs size, is now almost as much of a no-go zone as Fallujah ever was. Thousands of Iraqi police have fled their posts, and more murdered bodies of Iraqi National Guardsmen turn up every day.Part Two: Chinese into English Translati

49、on Directions: Translate the following 3 passages into English; read the whole texts carefully to get a general impression of the contents and give your translations in the sheets provided. ?To facilitate grading, the texts have been broken into groups of sentences, each with a number, and you should put down the number of the paragraph you are translating before giving your version 6after this number. Please write neatly and intelligibly. Passage 3:9不久在设备安装调试的庆功宴上,中方领导致辞:


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