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1、Module6 unit4 教学设计 本单元教材分析:本单元以 Global warming 为主线,旨在通过单元教学使学生经过思考、学习,认识到全球变暖的起因和它所带来的种种后果。同时鼓励学生进一步阐述地球所面临的其它严重问题,激发学生的环保意识。引导学生运用所学语言、句式表达自己对这些现象的看法,培养他们为自己的观点辩论的能力,并能运用所学知识写一篇有关环境问题的论文。学情分析:Global warming 是当今世界的一个热门话题,学生已从多种渠道对此有了很多的了解,但是用英语对此话题进行分析,探讨,阐明自己观点还是有很大难度。教学设计思路:Period1 Intensive Readi

2、ng教材分析:本文是杂志文章,文体特点鲜明。主要讲述了地球升温的现象和原因。关于其原因,科学家们有不同的看法。语言难度中等。学情分析:Global warming 是当今世界的一个热门话题,学生已从多种渠道对此有了很多的了解教学目标:认知目标:地球升温的现象和原因;科学家们不同的看法;能力目标:根据题目预测文章内容;细节理解;总结大意;情感目标: 对于地球升温这一现象初步形成自己的观点。教学方法:任务型教学教学步骤:Step1. lead-in.Show a picture of my daughter who is picking strawberries in a greenhouse.Q

3、uestions: Guess who she is and what she is doing. Why can we eat strawberries in cold winter? Explain how a greenhouse works。 (生活照更能吸引学生注意力,引起共鸣。)Step2. Warming-up What energy sources can you give and divide them into renewable energy and non-renewable. Then ask the students to tell the effects of u

4、sing these energy sources. (区分可再生与不可再生能源,为课中阅读提供基础知识)Step 3 reading. look at the title and guess what is going to be talked about and where this article mostly come from?(根据题目推测话题内容及文章出处,有助于学生整体把握文章).Skimming (Go through the text and answer the following questions) Who wrote the article? What is the

5、 name of the magazine? What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article? Do they agree with one another?(速读寻找主旨大意,判断是否与自己的推测相符。关注文章体裁提升阅读能力。). Scanning(Read the article carefully and decide if the following statements are true. For each false statement, write a true one ) (精读,更进一步

6、了解话题。)1. The temperature in the last century did not seem to increase much.2. Everyone believes global warming is caused by the activities of humans3. Janice Foster believes that she can measure the future global rise in temperature.4. The rise in carbon dioxides is causing a steady increase in glob

7、al warming.5. It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.Summarize. Write down the main idea of the article with several sentences.(.提高学生概括文章大意的能力。 )Example: From the passage we know that the temperature of the earth is rising. It also shows us different ideas about global warming and an

8、alyzes the causes of the earths increased temperature and the possible effects according to the data from the graphs. Step 4 Fill in the blank.Step 5 Homework: Read the passage again and try to translate into Chinese. put down the questions.Period2 language study教材分析:本文是杂志文章,文体特点鲜明,语言难度中等。 如何表达自己的观点

9、是本节课的学习重点。学情分析:对文章有所了解,但还需更进一步赏析文章语言特点,学习如何表达观点的句式教学目标:认知目标:表达观点句型;强调句型 能力目标:正确表达观点;使用强调句型加强语气;展开辩论;情感目标: 通过辩论,更进一步明确自己对全球升温的看法。教学方法:任务型教学教学步骤:Step1. Test.(通过用所学词汇完成句子复习上节课内容,并可以检测学生词汇掌握情况。)Complete the sentences with words in the text.1.Although we are burning coal in huge _ every year, we dont_ of

10、 it for centuries.2. If the amount of greenhouse gases continues to _, we could be facing a global_.3. Many scientists believe that global warming has _ through the burning of fossil fuels.4. The _ of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.5. on the whole the warming of the earth is a _ tha

11、t causes great concern.Step2 Find out all the sentences about agreement and disagreement. (找出表示赞同与否定的句子,分析并总结用法。 )1.All scientist subscribe to the view that-2.They agree that it is the -3. Dr.Foster thinks that4. George are opposed to this view -请使用以上句式模仿造句。_.Step3.强调句 分析句子,找出其特点。 (分析并掌握强调句的用法。 )The

12、re is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. 找出文中其他两个使用强调的句子。It was a scientist called -.将下列句子改为强调句。1. Scientists warned that greenhouse gases would warm the earth by -2. The greenhouse

13、 effect gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15 3. Much of the energy used to light and heat our homes comes from fossil fuels.Step 4 Debate Get the students to debate over the statement: We should do nothing about global warming. Let them work in groups of six to prepare it. (使用已学过的表

14、达观点的句式,尽可能使用强调句增强语气)Step 5 writing down your opinions. (落实到笔头,并且总结本节课所学内容)Period 3 Listening 教材分析:听力材料是一段对能源利用的采访。涉及环保的词汇较难。学情分析:经过前两节课的学习,尽管对此话题比较熟悉,但是较难的词汇还需复习。教学目标:认知目标: 能力目标:总结大意,捕捉具体信息。情感目标: 教学方法:任务型教学Period 4 Writing 教材分析:本课为语言应用部分,在前两课时已经了解了 global warming 的前因后果,因此本节课重在讨论如何从自身出发节能减排,为环保做出贡献。文

15、章结构清晰,文体特点突出,主题明确,语言难度一般。学情分析:经过两个课时的学习,学生已掌握部分 Global warming 的相关表达,可以就此话题作一般对话并可发表自己看法。对节能环保多数停留在喊口号的层面,需要通过本节课的学习将节能减排落实到自己的生活中。教学目标:认知目标:1. 节能减排的相关表达:2 祈使句的作用 能力目标:1. 学会做总结记录。2. 使用祈使句向别人提出环保建议。3. 制作宣传海报。情感目标: 环保不只是响亮的口号,是每个地球公民的责任;低碳生活不只是成年人的事,每个中学生也可以为节能减排贡献自己的一份力量。教学方法:任务型教学教学步骤:Step1 Warming-

16、up. Watch a cartoon and answer the following two questions. (观看卡通视频,回答两个问题,第一个问题复习温室效应的原因及其后果;第二个问题引出话题:如何减少温室气体节能减排,低碳生活。)1. What has caused global warming?2. Can we solve it by dropping a block of ice into the ocean?Discussion:global warminggreenhouse gasesreduce greenhouse gases reduce emission a

17、nd save energy live a low-carbon life.step2. Reading.Why not have a look at the experts suggestions? Glance through the passage and finish the following two questions. (卡通中的做法很显然是在自欺欺人,那么如何跟有效地节能减排呢?快速浏览,通过两个问题整体把握文章内容。练习学生通过观察文章特点,快速阅读并总结主旨的能力。)1. Whats Ouyang Guangs problem?2. Which is NOT one the

18、 suggestions Earth Care has given?A. Dont be casual about your electrical appliances.B. Walk or ride a bike rather than drive a car if we canC. Buy things not using plastic bagsD. Be an educator and encourage others to focus on global warmingstep3 Scanning and listing(由于文章结构非常明了,重点在回信当中提出的建议。1,通过填写表

19、格,了解建议内容,练习学生主旨归纳的能力。2,指导学生如何写记录(抓关键词,多用短语) 。3,第一栏,关注学生总结内容是否正确;第二栏,关注学生对环保的态度是否积极。Read the above letters. List Earth Cares suggestions, think if you can carry out each suggestion and give your reasons. (分发使用过的答题卡,让学生写在反面, 时刻不忘环保)Earth cares suggestions Can you carry it out?Reasons Step5 Retell(复述)1

20、. 总结祈使句的作用使建议更加有力量有说服力。了解句法功能,有助于写作与表达。2.通过寻找句子句式及内容特点,有效帮助学生记忆相关知识。节能减排的对象就是生活中的日用物品交通工具等,这样既让学生知道从何处着手做环保,也为学生提供了记忆环保建议的线索。六条建议记起来轻松不少。3.通过 pair-work 互相复述建议,给语言设置情境,使语言生动实用,加深印象。本环节是知识拓展阶段,通过学习专家建议, 了解了生活中的环保知识,联系自己的学校生活,提出更适合自己的建议。1. Most of the suggestions are imperative sentences, which make wo

21、rds more powerful and more persuasive. 2. Many items for daily life are mentioned in the suggestions: lights, TV, computer motor vehicles, bike cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapers microwave tress3. Retell these suggestions with imperative sentences according to the above items. 4. Pair work :

22、 Get prepared and then retell the suggestions to your partner.Step5 DiscussionRemember you contribution counts! As for us, what do you think we can do to save energy and reduce emission in our class and in our school?For example, as for me, I will keep using the chalk until I cant hold it. Step7 Gro

23、up work:Make a posterGroup work: Earth cares last suggestion is to be an educator. Why not make a poster to let more people get involved in low-carbon life? To make a poster, we need -1. A large heading.2. Suggestions (imperative sentences) 3. Slogan.Work in a group of four. Remember : Together, we

24、stand; Divided, we fall. (每一组分发一张白纸)Presentation:Show your poster and describe it to us.阅读、填表格、复述、讨论四个环节为学生接下来的写作环节已做好词汇、句式、内容铺垫,水到渠成,只需学生以自己喜欢的设计展现出来。90 后最大的特点就是喜欢展示自己的特点。因为每个单元都有类似活动,所以学生知道怎样在最短时间通过合作完成任务。展示海报,并作相应描述,不仅可锻炼学生听说能力,也是对本节课所学知识的总结巩固。课上时间毕竟有限,课下可以让它更加完善,并贴在教室外墙壁上,宣传环保,展示自己的风采,也是班级文化的一部分

25、.Period 5. Vocabulary教材分析:话题词汇,关联性强,易于记忆与使用。学情分析:通过阅读写作听力,对大多数重点词汇已基本掌握,但需要进一步总结提升。教学目标:认知目标: 阅读词汇认知能力目标:重点词汇用法总结及运用。情感目标: 自我评价,词汇学习方法总结。教学方法:任务型教学教学步骤:Step 1. Challenge. 快速说出词汇及短语的意思,检查学生对词汇的掌握情况。1.香烟2. 滥用;虐待3.压力;加压4.禁止5.由于6.困难的强硬的7.对-有瘾8.习惯于9.无意识的自动的10.精神的智力的11.停止离开12.结果;效力13.气喘吁吁的14. 不健康的15. 加强;巩

26、固16. 对-作出决定17. 想要(做)18. 绝望的;拼命地19. 失望的20. 感到羞愧的21. 不管不顾22. 冒险23.陷入;染上24. 处境危险;遭受危险25.局促不安的Step2. 自学重点词汇。 (让学生动手学习英语)1. quantity/ qualityIt was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality.这家公司对质量比对产量更重视。This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity.A large quantity of

27、 air-conditioners _ (sell) since the temperature is high.Quantities of arms _ (be) discovered hidden in the trucks.用法总结:_2. tend处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。_Nurses are tending to the soldiers wounds.这里的冬天雪往往下的很大。It tends to snow heavily here in winter.用法总结:_3. oppose.We will oppose force with force.Many memb

28、ers of the council opposed building the luxury houses in the center of the city.我非常反对你出国。I am much opposed to your going abroad.我们反对样样照抄外国的。We oppose copying everything foreign.用法总结:_ step 3. Complete the sentence with the proper words.(句子中巩固词汇用法)1.Although we are burning coal in huge _ every year,

29、we dont_ of it for centuries.2. If the amount of greenhouse gases continues to _, we could be facing a global_.3. Many scientists believe that global warming has _ through the burning of fossil fuels.4. The _ of a rising sea level would be widespread flooding.5. on the whole the warming of the earth

30、 is a _ that causes great concern.Step 4. Fill in the blanks. (篇章运用)When _(compare) with most natural changes, that the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century is quite shocking. And its human activity_ has caused this_(全球的 ) warming rather _a random but nat

31、ural _(现象). Dr Janice Foster explains that we add huge _ of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. From the second _(图表)and the discovery of Charles Keeling, all scientists believe that the burning of more and more fossil fuels has _ the increase in carbon dioxide. Greenhous

32、e gases continue to build up. Some think that the trend would be a _(灾难).On the other hand, George Hambley _ (声明) that more carbon dioxide would encourage a greater range of animals and bring us a better life. Step4. 拓展阅读,注意黑体词汇的用法。 (2011 广东) (词汇拓展,培养语言猜测能力)In a world with limited land, water and ot

33、her natural resources(), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise(). Actually, the past decade() has seen more and more forests disappearing and globe becoming increasingly warm(). People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develo

34、p in sustainable (可持续 的) ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products.() In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources. Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries. According to a recent study, th

35、e global market for 4 low-carbon energy() will become three times bigger over the next decade. China, for example, has set its mind on() leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy revolution.() It is now tryuing hard to make full use of wind and solar energy,

36、and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. Step 4 词汇学习自我评价. (总结)I have learned new vocabulary and expressions :_step 5 。 Crosswords. Period 5. Extensive Reading材料分析:选取了 2011 年江苏,安徽和湖北三省有关能源利用和对于全球变暖非主流观点的文章。文章内容符合本单元话题,语言特点具有代表性。学情分析:经过五个课时的学习,学生已基本掌握本单元,因此拓展阅

37、读能进一步提高学生各方面能力。教学目标:认知目标 了解风力能源历史及现代技术;非主流观点能力目标:细节判断,文章推测能力。情感目标: 更进一步明确自己对全球升温的看法。教学方法:任务型教学教学步骤: 高考链接: A.2011 年 安徽 B 介绍人类利用风力的历史。B.2011 年 江苏 C 介绍现代风力能源利用技术。C. 2011 年 湖北 D 非主流观点,对全球变暖持积极态度.Step1: Fast-reading. Go through three articles and write down their main idea.(训练学生归纳主旨的能力,和组织语言能力)step2: Det

38、ailed reading. 完成高考题目。(细节理解,文章推测能力)step3:Analyze the underlined sentences. (长句分析, 提高阅读能力的关键) 1. “The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and got nature. “2.If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may

39、well find that we have stopped a nose bleed by putting a tourniquet(止血带) around our necks. 3. To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but its difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the

40、middle of the ocean.Step4 .Fill in the blanks with the following words.(篇章分析能力)arguing, a waste of energy, on the other side, as a consequence,unpleasant, calling for laws,A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly .Americans and their neighbors.On one side stand those

41、 who see clothes dryers(干衣机) as _ and a major polluter of the environment._ they are turning to clotheslines as part of the “what-I can do environmentalism(环境保护主义 ).”_ are people who are against the existing phenomenon of drying clothes outside, _that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations (HOAs) to ban outdoor clotheslines, because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood. This had result in a Right-to-Dry Movement that is _ to be passed to protect peoples right to use clotheslines.


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