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1、英语泛读三 Unit 1 University and Their FunctionText A1. 词汇Elicit: 引出,抽出 acquisition: 取得,获得 hamper: 阻碍 consistent with: 与一致Temperate: 温和的 assertion: 断言,主张 in obedience to : 遵从 Feeble: 虚弱的 construe: 分析,解释 impart: 给予,传授3.修辞手法Parallelism 平行结构Unit 2 Mother TongueText A1. 词汇Evoke: 引起,唤起 lengthy: 过长的 For lack o

2、f: 因缺少 insular: 隔绝的,孤立的Adopt: 收养 belie: 掩饰,与不符 cash out: 现金支出 Impeccable: 无瑕疵的,完美的 override: 推翻;不顾 behold: 看;注视3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Pun: 双关语Unit 3 The Problem of HappinessText A 词汇Contemplation: 沉思 proceed to : 进行 decidedly: 明确地 vaguest: 模糊的Presume: 假定 sufficient: 足够的 convince: 使确信,说服 Eternal: 永恒的;不朽的

3、 confine: 界限;限制 recede: 后退;减弱;归还3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Antithesis: 对照 对照是一种将结构相同或基本相同,意义完全相反的语句排列在一起,以达到加强语气效果的修辞手法。 结构相同,意义相反Unit 4 Remember the FarmText A词汇come by: 得到 in conjunction with: 与一起 luminous: 发光的 boil down: 煮浓senddown: 使下降 invite: 邀请 thump: 重击 snug: 温暖的;舒适的 fired: 引起 stole over: 渐渐控制; 渐渐弥漫3

4、. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Transferred Epithet: 移位修饰法移位修饰是将本应该用来修饰某一类名词的修饰语来修饰另一类名词。 例: the unwelcome bed the melancholy gloomUnit 5 Speaking of PicturesText A词汇Sensational: 轰动的;感觉上的 distended: 使膨胀;使扩张 spectacular: 壮观的Agony:苦恼;极大的痛苦 morbidly: 病态的 mangle: 被破坏 superb: 极好的Relentlessly: 无情的 imminent: 迫近的 billowi

5、ng: 翻腾3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)A rhetorical question: 反问Unit 6 How Does a Poem Mean?Text A词汇Retarded: 弱智的 haphazard: 偶然的 has given rise to: 使发生;引起 spate: 一阵Foretaste: 预先体验 coincided: 一致; 符合 errand: 使命;差事 Stately: 庄严的 ;雄伟的 stunning: 极好的 engulfed: 吞噬 3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Alliteration: 头韵即两个或更多的词以相同的音韵或者字母开头构成

6、。例: dark and deep live and learnUnit 7 WomenText A 词汇Obliged: 必须的 adept: 熟练;内行 afflicted: 折磨;使痛苦 perceived: 认为;感知Succumbed: 屈服于 assuage: 劝慰 playing on: 利用 perpetuate: 保持;使不朽Conceivable: 可想象的 vulnerable: 脆弱的Rumpus: disturbance 喧闹 insidious: 阴险的 every bit: Just; equallyForte: strong point: 长处 wishy-wa

7、shy: uncertain Passes muster with her: measures up to her standards or expectationsIrrepressible: not restrainable unbecoming: not right or proper eschew: avoid or shun 避免3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Understatement: 低调陈述包括 meiosis(弱陈), litotes( 反叙 )这种修辞格是故意使用有节制的措辞来陈述事实,故意轻描淡写,借低调与弱化语言形式来表示强调。它是与 hyperbole(夸张

8、)相对的一种修辞格。Hyperbole 是故意夸大其词,化小为大;而 understatement 则故意采用“低调” ,以大化小。常用表现方法:用反说代替正说,即 not/no+un例:用 not bad 来表达 very goodUnit 8 Welcome to CyberiaText A词汇real-time:即时的 implicit:隐含fabulous:难以置信的 delirious:令人激动的by and large: in general lurking:隐藏foot the bill 买单 repository:仓库among other things:以及其他 scroll

9、ing:展开 crack whiz:高手 obsession:困扰 rigorous and stringent:自律 pertaining to: relating to 与有关neophyte: novice 新手 catchall:包含一切 conscientious: cautious 谨慎的 enlightened:开明的 entail: weed browse:浏览 forums: 讨论会 wade through:费力前进 turned in, turned on and geeked out:(the net user) began to accept the Internet

10、, loved it, and then could not live without it.3. 修辞手法(Rhetorical)Jargons: 术语;行话行话即一个行业、职业或类似的团体中使用的专业的或技术的语言。例: cybercafe floders shareware firewallUnit 9 WaldenText A词汇nimble: acute 敏锐 petulantly: offensively 坏脾气 game: energetic 热火朝天 strewn with: scatter 散落一地 lurch: sway 倾斜 frail: weak impetuous:

11、rash 冲动 undulate: moving in waves 随波起伏 have the upper hand: advantage snooping:窥视 pertinence:相关 a smattering of: a few of lose ground: no longer popular extract:拿起 dearly:昂贵的 grossness:粗俗 grimly:狰狞地 induce :导致 rouse: awaken 惊醒 cryptic:神秘的 delight:吸收 degenerate:堕落 odd: strange savagery:荒蛮 departed:已逝

12、去的 at pains to:努力做 inauspicious:不幸的 soothe: comfortable 安抚 make of with:顺手牵羊 attended to: apply itself to 导致 flush:惊起了 convoy:护送 indistinct:模糊了 imbibe:吸收 at length: finally 详细 intervene:干涉 deliberately: on purpose 有意的 solitude:独处 congeniality: pleasantness 亲切的 修辞手法Euphemis:委婉语委婉是用温和的、间接的词语代替生硬的、粗俗的词

13、语,以免直接说出不愉快的事实冒犯别人或者造成令人窘迫、沮丧的局面。Unit 10 A Message to IntellectualsText A词汇momentous: important be conductive to:导致 age-old clichs:陈词滥调prudence:谨慎 to bring this home to men: make sth clear atavist:原始的 fateful: important implication:对 有影响 shoulder:承担 poignancy:惨痛经验 inflict:承担beset: trouble apparatus:

14、设备 banish: abolish 废除 banish: abolish antagonism:对立冲突 annihilation:灭绝 destination: purpose gruesome: terrible solemn:神圣的 formidable:巨大的 transcendent: supreme 卓越的 delusion:欺骗 take counsel with:磋商 induce:导致 sovereigntle:统治权 compelling:强制的 repercussion:影响 indispensable:不可缺少的 wanton:不负责任的 修辞手法Synecdoche

15、: 提喻法A 部分和全体互代 facepeopleB 以材料代替事物 oppersmoneyC 抽象和具体互代 roofhouseD 以个体代替整个类 NewtonscientistsUnit 11 Thinking as a HobbyText A词汇namely: that is to say 也就是说 money: opiniondelinquent:经常出错 flagged: languished 疲弱incomprehensible: difficult to understand indignant: angryintegrated: perfected reputation: f

16、ame 名声 clasp: clench 抓紧 portentous: strange 怪异 contemplated:沉思 in the flesh: in person depravity: evilness 堕落 inscrutable:难以了解 untorment: free of trouble 没有苦恼 aspirant:有抱负的人 exalted: excited vehemently: strongly 拼命地 hustle: drive 驱赶 amiability: kindness 友善 hideous: terrible irreverent:不勇敢 stagger: h

17、obble 蹒跚而行 substitute: replacement 代替 be given to:总是 conversion: change high-minded:有意的 hallowed:被神圣化 detestation: dislike mused:思考 clairvoyance: insight 洞察力 rejoicing to: feel happy 陶醉 at length: in details reel remorselessly:无情地 impediment: hindrance 障碍物 solidarity: unity 团结性 mockery:嘲讽 outnumbere

18、d:在数量上被超过 aspired to: desired stampede: ran away 逃避 revered: respect conferred on:赋予 anguish:悲伤 menace: threat gregarious:群居的atheist:无神论者 undeniable:不可修辞手法Analogy:类比法类比通常用熟悉、具体和实在的东西来解释陌生、抽象的东西,从而有助于清楚、生动、有趣地作出解释。类比为:两个对象的性质不同,而作者则指出两者的相似之处。Unit 12 Does Human Nature Change?Text A词汇engrained:根深的 tran

19、smitted:流传的emulation: competition 竞争 plasticity: adaptable ability 可塑性chancy: careful plane: level manifestation:表现形式 outdo:超越 imperative:强制性的 divert: distract 转移 welf-acoredited:人人都相信的 offhand: without preparation 毫无准备 rest: base deadlock: dilemma 僵局inertia:惰性 be susceptible of: be subject to 容易dis

20、location: disorder bear upon:对产生影响 cohabitation:同居 cumulative:积累的 constituent: component 组成 innate: inborn 固有的 pugnacity:好斗 aesthetic:审美的 enlisted: included palatable:美味的 dogmatize:说教 come home to: become more clear canalized:疏导 premium:报酬 sweeping: complete endow:赋予 modify:改变 extreme:最高的 manifest:展

21、现 修辞手法Parenthesis: 插入语句中出现“() ”和“”要特别注意是否是插入语。Unit 13 The Business of a BiographerText A词汇live: acuter 真实 bolstering: supporting 支持 laborious:累人的 margin: possibility libraries handy:便利的 filing:归档 remimscent:回忆的 kudos: honor and glory trudge:和一起走 following: tracing 跟踪 ascertained: find out 使确定 authen

22、tic: real on loot: on foot 徒步 startle: surprise cordially:真诚地 portioned: divide obsession:困扰 unvarnished: plain anachronism:时代误差 brooding:想(不开心的事) sparingly: economically 节约地 pop up:突然出现 be apt to: be inclined to 总是 affiliation:关系 speculation:猜想 bustle:活跃 mar: destroy efface: rubout 消除 patently: obv

23、iously 明显的 immersion:投入 vexation: troubles sanguine: passionate trifled:被玩弄 phlegmatic: calm obliterated:逐步消除 choleric: bad-tempered combed:搜查 melancholic: subject to melancholy tempted:诱惑 impudent: insolent 鲁莽的 consistent:一致的 take stock: examine in review visualize:使看得见 confided:吐露心声 converse:谈话修辞手

24、法Hyperbole: 夸张法为了强调故意夸大事实,用来抒发作者或者说话人的强烈感情,表达自己的深刻感受。Unit 14 Man Against DarknessText A词汇tottering: collapsing 摇摇欲坠 bleak: hopeless resurrect: revive 重新恢复 lulling: coax 哄骗brink: edge suppressing: with hold 压制 virtuously: morally nourish reminiscence: memory 回忆 in conjunction with: together with arde

25、nt: pious 虔诚的 sham: fake 虚假 resignedly: obediently 顺从地 halo:光圈 stark: cruel 严酷的 induce:导致 striving for:努力争取 kindly: undermined:破坏 修辞手法Periphrasi:迂回说法,换说是将不变直言的食物用拐弯抹角的方法表达出来。Unit 15 Fashions in LoveText A词汇fire art:艺术 analogous: similar 类似的compromise: settlement reached by concessions on such each o

26、therfiat: order 命令 postulate:规定了 attribute to:把归因于 multifarious: various congenitally:天生的 hazard:冒险 disposed: inclination 有倾向 perceptible: recognizable 察觉 dubiously:可疑地 vogue: fashion shattered: destroyed recrudescence: reoccurrence 再发生 grudgingly: unwillingly 勉强地 amorous:多情的 conceded to:和一致 inchoat

27、e:萌芽阶段 divine ludicrously:滑稽的 strenuous: requiring great efforts 不屈的努力 intractable:困难的 conform to:承认,让步 upbringing:教育 infallibly: always unsurpassed:卓越的 palpable: obvious 明显的 petrified:僵硬的 reverted to: return 回归到 修辞手法Oxymoron:矛盾修饰把相互矛盾的两个词用在一起的修辞手法。它利用词义表面的相互矛盾使表层的不和谐统一在思想内容的深层,从而揭示事物对立统一的本质特性,达到加深印

28、象的目的即一种把互相矛盾的或不调和的词和在一起的修辞手法,如“震耳欲聋的沉默”和“悲伤的乐观”例: sour sweet melancholy joy ignorantly readUnit 16 English MannersText A词汇continence: self-control 自制力 distasteful:最讨厌的decorum:个人礼仪 miscellaneous: various 各种各样的demesne:庄园 horticulture:养鱼学 without:屋外 apt: keep within:屋内 hive:积累deck: decorate 装潢 attritio

29、n:忏悔 taproot: key 关键 inexorable:残酷的 be wont to:过去常常 dote:溺爱 till: cultivate 开垦 stifle:镇压grievance: complains 抱怨 confer:授予 exude:慢慢渗出 reside in:属于 varnishes:擦亮 consolidate:巩固 in lieu of: in place of 代替 discern:辨认 intrenched:根深的 antiquity:古人 indecorum:不合时宜 instinct:本能 take air:传开 wont:习惯的 congruity: fitness 适合 bon-mot: clever and fit remark vaporing: boasting 吹牛 修辞手法Allusion:典故关于典故的来源大多源自历史、文献、希腊神话和圣经中。例: Noahs ark 诺亚方舟


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