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1、Unit 11. 汤姆说他要到邮局寄一个包裹。 (drop off)Tom said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.2. 我仍然对有机会买那辆车但却没有买感到懊恼。 (kick oneself)Im still kicking myself for not buying that car when I had the chance to buy it.3. 别急!你们可以在话剧开演前一个小时去取票。 (pick up)Take your time. You can pick up the tickets one hour bef

2、ore the play begins.4. 这些有关移民的文件是去年登记备案的。 (file)These immigration papers were filed last year.5. 香港目前旧电器的回收率只有 14%。 (recovery)The present recovery rate of old electrical appliances in Hong Kong is only 14 percent.6. 一个机构所能拥有的唯一不可替代的资本就是人的知识和能力。(irreplaceable)The only irreplaceable capital an organiz

3、ation can possibly possess is the knowledge and ability of its people.7. 卡洛琳(Caroline)说英语丝毫没有当地口音。 (trace)Caroline speaks English without the slightest trace of the local accent.8. 潮水把遇难船上的货物冲到了岸边。 (wrecked)The tide had washed up the cargo from the wrecked ship.9. 玛丽经常在周末和她以前的同学在电话里聊天。 (visit with)M

4、ary often visits with her former classmates on the phone at weekends.10. 令人讨厌的是,现在的电视节目经常被商业广告打断。(commercial)It is a nuisance the nowadays TV programmes are frequently interrupted by commercials.Unit 21. 越来越多的家长一心想把他们的独生子女培养成对社会有用的人才。(be intent on)More and more parents are intent on nurturing their

5、only child into a person useful to the society.2. 他们的社会队在过去的几年里投入相当大的精力,优质的服务为他们赢得了公众的信任。(put in)Their social service team has put in considerable efforts in the past few years and their quality service has won them the confidence of the public.3. 如果大家都能按照规则行事,我们的社会将会变得更加繁荣昌盛。(work to)If everybody w

6、orks to the rule, our society will surely become much more prosperous.4. 他答应在我们遇到困难的时候,他会全力以赴地帮助我们。(all out) He has promised that he will go all out to help us when we are in trouble.5. 一言以蔽之全球变暖已经达到我们无法忽视的地步。(to sum up)To sum up, the global warming has reached the degree that we cannot afford to ig

7、nore.6. 有些人为了达到一夜成为百万富翁的目的,把所有积蓄投入股票市场。(to the end that)To the end that they can become a millionaire overnight, some people invest all their money in the stock market.7. 这个顾客对经理处理他投诉的方式甚为不满。(the way)This customer was very dissatisfied with the way the manager handled his complaints.8. 那个故事的教益就是“少壮不

8、努力,老大徒伤悲” 。(moral)The moral of the story is “A young idler, an old beggar”.9. 看着自己盖起来的房子,听到孩子们欢乐的笑声,他有一种强烈的满足感。(sense of satisfaction)Looking at the house he built himself and hearing the happy laughter of the children, he felt a strong sense of satisfaction.10. 地震灾区的农民正在把劳力和财力集中起来重建家园。(pool)Farmers

9、 in the earthquake-stricken areas are pooling their labor and resources to rebuild their homes.Unit 31. 不能以污染环境为代价来寻求工业的发展。(pursue)The development of industry must not be pursued at the expense of environmental pollution.2. 缺少对于关键问题的实质性讨论正延缓计划的进程。(substantive)The lack of the substantive discussion o

10、f serious issues is slowing down the project.3. 我不跟你去纽约。首先,我不喜欢乘飞机,再者,我买不起机票。(for one thing ; for another)I wont go to New York with you. For one thing, I dont like flying; and for another, I cant afford the ticket.4. 我们收到了几位有希望的候选人的申请。(prospective)We have received letters of application from severa

11、l prospective candidates.5. 这家公司将开始一项新的计划,以支持职业服务。(initiate)This company will initiate a new project in support of vocational service.6. 这份协议的措辞很含糊,可以有两种解释。(ambiguous)The wording of the agreement is ambiguous and it has two interpretations.7. 这家公司享有福特汽车在本市的独家经销权。(exclusive)This company has exclusive

12、 rights for the sale of Ford cars in the city.8. 我们现在的工作都基于假定明年通货膨胀率不增加。(on the assumption)We are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.9. 一些居民强烈要求对街道状况作各种各样的改善,比如种植更多的树木。(press for)Some residents pressed hard for a variety of street improvements, such as p

13、lanting more trees.10. 这个小组每个月都开一次会,以便成员能够交流意见。(exchange)Every month the group meets so its members can exchange their views.Unit 41. 史密斯是一个工作有条理的人,但在保持房间整洁这样的小事上却做得一团糟。 (when it comes to)Though a very organized man at work, Smith can be a mess when it comes to such matters as keeping the room tidy.

14、2. 由于不清楚报告的细节,她只好即席回答记者们的提问。(off the cuff)Not knowing the details of the report, she had to respond to the journalists off the cuff.3. 他担心自己有前科不好找工作。(holdagainst)Hes afraid that his criminal record will be held against him when he applies for jobs.4. 为了几份订单让我的工厂开工不值得。(pay)It doesnt pay to run my pla

15、nt for a few orders.5. 对愿意努力工作的人来说有各种各样的选择。(option)There are various options open to someone who is willing to work hard.6. 他为人诚实正直,从不食言。(integrity)Hes a man of integrity and never breaks his promise.7. 有些人向我们的对手泄露了这个计划的细节。(divulge)Someone has divulged the details of this project to our competitors.

16、8. 他偷钱被当场抓住,名誉扫地。(reputation)His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing money.9. 盲目跟从别人只能凸显一个事实你缺乏正确的判断力。(highlight)Following others blindly only highlights one factyour lack of good judgment.10. 她被敲门声打断了思路。(deflect)She was deflected from her train of thought by a knock at the door.Uni

17、t 51. 他下个月将承担新任务。 (assume)He will assume his new responsibilities next month.2. 对于所发生的事情有非常合理的解释吗?(rational)Is there any perfectly rational explanation for what happened?3. 该公司股票狂跌,不得不停止交易。 (suspend)The companys share price fell so rapidly that transaction had to be suspended.4. 寺院的钟声回荡在整个山谷。 (rever

18、berate)The entire valley reverberated with the sound of the temple bells.5. 这个车站是按照火车总站的设计建造的。 (model)The station is modeled after the main railway station.6. 他经受的挫折太多,因此对谁都不信任。 (let down)Hes been let down so much in the past that he trusts no one.7. 在许多国家,警方不可未加审讯就拘留人。 (detain)In many counties, the

19、 police can not detain people without trial.8. 这个博物馆有着惊人的古瓷器收藏。 (fabulous)The museum has a fabulous collection of ancient china.9. 有些学生在学习上采用更具分析性的方法。 (analytical)Some students have a more analytical approach to learning.10. 海面上波涛汹涌,渔民们无法出海捕鱼。 (turbulent)The sea was so turbulent that the fishermen c

20、ouldnt go fishing.Unit 61. 英镑的汇率已经上涨了。 (move up)The exchange rate of the pound has moved up.2. 我知道查尔斯认为这个项目不重要,但是这个项目对我来说很重要。 (matter)I know Charles doesnt think much of this project, but it matters a lot to me.3. 那两位政敌面对面一起接受了电视访问。 (face to face)The two rival politicians were brought face to face i

21、n a TV interview.4. 我希望我们成为朋友并最终互相理解。(come to)I hope we shall be friends and come to understand each other.5. 现在,我们在很大程度上依靠电脑来安排我们的工作。(rely on)These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.6. 他唯恐婚姻破裂,把一切都告诉了妻子。(rather than)Rather than risk breaking up his marriage he told his wife eve

22、rything.7. 只有少数观众去观看了那场体育赛事。(a handful of)Only a handful of spectators turned up to watch the sports event.8. 商务印书馆出版了一系列题材广泛的书籍。(a spectrum of)The Commercial Press published a wide spectrum of books.9. 我不知道,因此,我也不在意。(for that matter)I dont know, and for that matter, I dont care.10. 有事随时通知我。(inform

23、)Keep me informed of what happens.Unit 71.别再和那个家伙鬼混了。 (hang out with)Dont hang out with that guy any longer.2.法国农民感到他们已经被政府在谈判中出卖了。(sell out)French farmers feel theyve been sold out by their government in the negotiation.3.吃的东西很好,服务质量也不错。(be true of)The food is good and the same is true of the servi

24、ce.4.别去捉弄那些处境欠佳的人。(pick on)Dont pick on those in less fortunate situations.5.没什么好奇怪的,不要小题大做。(make a big deal out of it)Its nothing to be surprised about. Dont make such a big deal out of it.6.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。(due to)The teams success was largely due to her efforts.7.如果你弄乱了这些文件,你将很难将它们整理好。(mix up)

25、If you mix up those papers, it will be difficult for you to sort them out.8.紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。(result in)Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration.9.他发过两次财,但去世的时候却很穷。(end up)After gaining two fortunes, he ended up poor when he died.10.我们绝不辜负父母对我们的期望。(live up to)We will never fail to l

26、ive up to what our parents expect of us.Unit 81. 过去除了大城市几乎不可能找到素食餐馆,不过现在容易多了。(virtually)It used to be virtually impossible to find vegetarian restaurants outside the major cities, but its much easier now.2. 那家加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把订货赶出来为止。(operate)The processing factory operated around the clock until the o

27、rder was finished.3. 并不是每一位从大学退学的人都能像比尔.盖茨一样取得成功。(drop out)Not everyone who drops out of university can achieve success as Bill Gates did.4. 据报道,有 50%的新公司在开创后一年内倒闭了。(start-up)It was reported that 50% of start-up companies had gone bankrupt within the first year.5. 这个计划的目的是使国家在粮食上能自给自足。(self-sufficie

28、nt)The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food.6. 吉姆的父亲常说他生意成功的秘密就是他总是领先公众需求一步。(stay ahead)Jims father often said that the secret of his success in business was that he always stayed one step ahead of the public demand.7. 该公司几年内已发展成一家拥有数百万美元资产的机构。(evolve)The company has evolved wi

29、thin a few years into a multi-million dollar organization.8. 要是我们和你的老板一起去吃饭,你可不能谈工作。(talk shop)If we go to dinner with your boss, you are not to talk shop.9. 政府采取的最新措施是为了打击违法博彩和网络欺诈。(take aim at)The latest action by the government takes aim at illegal lotteries and frauds on the Internet.10. 公司的名誉正面临危险,我们迫切需要这种产品的成功。(on the line)The companys reputation is on the line and we desperately need this product to be a success.


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