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1、认知策略:语境 根据上下文里的同(近)义或反义成分 为了避免重复,作者经常用不同的词表达同一个概念或意义。这为我们猜词义提供可很好的线索,请看下面例子: Mr. Williams bought an estate with a fine brick house in England . He bought a beautiful home with white walls and a pool in Spain . 从例子中可知, Mr. Williams 在 England 买了 house ,在 Spain 又买了 home ,这表明 estate 应该就是跟房子有关的,比如“房产”。 练

2、习题:1 With the combination of intelligence and manual skill, people have found ways to use plant and animal resources. key 2 At the least, it explains the greater job stability in Japan , in contrast to the great job mobility in America . key3 Where the American is pressing for a specific decision, t

3、he Japanese is trying to devise a rather broad direction. key4 The direction of the meeting is a mutual attempt to reduce differences and achieve harmony. key5 We did not dismiss these people; rather we had them become securities sales people.key6 When we are together theres no competition; neither

4、of us feels better than or inferior to the other. key7 One of these days these animals will just vanish from the face of the earth and never be seen again.key8 We dont serve anything fancy , just plain, ordinary food. key根据上下文关联信息的指代关系 根据上下文中的指示代词、连词等功能词,往往能够确定单词与单词之间的关系,从而猜测单词的意思。请看下面例子: The first

5、animals on this living sphere , the Earth, were primitive marine animals, and then around 500 million years ago these sea animals developed shells. 如果例子中的 sphere 对部分同学来说是生词,那么可以这样去猜测:在 the living sphere 后面有一个词 the Earth, 根据语法分析, the Earth 就是作 the living sphere 的同位语。大家都知道这个词是“地球”的意思,地球是圆的,那么我们可以猜 sph

6、ere 应该就是“圆形球体”的意思。请再看一个例子: Susan went to the shop and bought some bananas, mangoes, and rambutans. 很有可能这里的 rambutans 对很多同学都是生词。但是从上下文可以断定 rambutans 是 Susan 在商店里买的东西之一。另外,连词 and 把 rambutans 与 bananas 和 mangoes 连在一起,说明 rambutans 肯定是与 bananas 和 mangoes 相似或对等的东西。 bananas, 和 mangoes 是热带水果,那么 rambutans 是不

7、是热带水果呢?又是百分之百正确。至于是什么水果可以不管。 练习题: The Tokyo Stock Exchange often has between 200 and 300 million transactions a day. This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock Exchange. key. There are mysterious and strange things going on out there. key 3. I think it may have something to do wi

8、th my love of remote places, my love of mountains rather than cities.key4. He was under the threat that his aged mother would be killed. key根据上下文中的词汇搭配猜词义 词与词之间的搭配不仅有规律,而且搭配的方式也是有限的。比如能够跟在动词 drink 后面的名词为数不多,基本上都是水和饮料之类的东西。如果某个生词紧接在 drink 之后,基本上可以断定这个词表示某种可以喝的东西。当然,也可以根据后面的词猜测前面的词的意思。请看下面的例子:The poli

9、ces suspicion of Anthony Williams was aroused when they discovered that his deposits in the bank were very large. 这里的 suspicion 对某些学生来说是生词, 从上下文很容易猜测它的词义。 在这句话里 Suspicion 与 arouse (引起)搭配,警察局对 Anthony Williams 的什么被引起了呢?根据后半句知道,警察局发现 Anthony Williams 在银行的存款巨大,那应该是对他的资金来源起了怀疑,故“ suspicion ”是“怀疑,嫌疑”的意思。

10、 练习题:I want to express my gratitude for your support when I was down. keyTake this medicine and it will ease the pain keyEducation should aim to cultivate childrens mind to its utmost potential keyBernard has earned admiration at Westminster with his good humor. keyThe man walked slowly to the door

11、and inserted a key into the lock. key A politician must be able to withstand public criticism. keyShe must have looked down at the dog and seen the blood stains on his trousers. key认知策略:联想 同类词法 同类词联想学习方法很多,其中一种叫单词网络(network),即把同类词按照意思的层次关系设计成一个网络状。下面是两个利用单词网络的 house 词汇学习活动:例:下面的单词都是与哺乳动物、鸟类和昆虫有关的名称。

12、请你根据单词网络的示意把单词填入适当的椭圆里;然后请你再画几个椭圆并填入类似的英语单词。 Dragonfly , Butterfly, Swallow , Pigeon , Whale , Bat , Geese , Duck , bee , Eagle , Rat , Donkey , Hen , Turkey , Ant 练习: 下列单词可以分为六个类别。请你根据一定的分类标准把单词填入相应的类别中: adult , blind, creative, cynical,elderly , economist , educator , infant, impatient, indifferen

13、t, intelligent, kid, youngster , junior , mathematician , philosopher, specialist , surgeon , inventor, psychologist, passive, radical, genius , gaint , musician, coach , cripple , deaf , dwarf , limp , mute, eyebrow , forehead, temple , wrist, aggressive, cautious, cheerful, confident, envious, fra

14、nk, nasty, outstanding, reasonable, self-conscious, wicked, muscle, nerve Jobs: keyMachines : keyTools : keyweapons : keyDrinks : key Animals : key你能找出与情绪 emotion 有关的词汇吗? key你能找出与方位有关的词或短语吗? key你能说出与人体 body 有关的词吗? key构词法 大量英语单词都是加前缀或后缀之后变成的派生词。因此根据构词法学习词汇是很有效的。有些词缀本身有意义,有的则没有。下面这些词缀本身没有太大的意义,但加在其他单词

15、前面或后面之后可以派生出其他单词: 词缀 举 例 -age storage, shortage, voltage -ance acceptance, accordance, alliance, allowance, attendance, maintenance, endurance -ation administration, association, concentration, consideration, duration, formation, implication, investigation, invitation, location, navigation, negotiat

16、ion, qualification, recommendation, -tion affection, collection, destruction, detection, distribution, evolution, precaution, preposition, reduction, reflection, -sion admission, commission, confusion, division, extension, permission, precision, succession, -ure exposure, mixture, signature, moistur

17、e, failure -ity density, gravity, minority, necessity, publicity, relativity, unity -ist dentist, journalist, typist, -ness cuteness, goodness, non- nonfatal, non-stop, nonfiction, nonprofit -ment arrangement, measurement, payment, replacement, settlement, supplement, pre- precision, preface, premar

18、ital, prenuptial, premature re- reproduce, renew, replacement, restore, restraint, resume 加以下词缀可以使名词或形容词变为动词: en- enclose, enforce, enlighten, encircle, endear -(y)ize analyze -en fasten, waken, widen, -fy classify, modify, notify, simplify, verify, 练习 联想含有以下词缀的单词:un- keyim- keyin- keydis- key-ic ke

19、y-ive keyinter- keytrans- key-ship key戏谑玩笑法 用开玩笑的办法来记单词和句子,使背单词、和背句子的枯燥乏味的过程变得趣味横生,有时一句玩笑可令人经久难忘。但必须牢记:玩笑归玩笑,单词的正确拼写和发音以及句子的确切含义却是必须弄清楚,丝毫马虎不得。 例:以“恶婊子 ” 来记忆 abuse 以 “ 吵死 ” 来记 chaos 以“克死”来记 curse 以“掉入黑暗日子”来记 fall upon dark days ( 遭到不幸 ) 以“提升魔鬼”来记 raise the devil ( 大声抱怨 ) 以“乏体格”来记 fatigue 以“下到地球”来记 d

20、own to earth ( 很实际的 ) 以“把光扔到 上”来记 throw light on (使 水落石出) 练习: 如何巧妙记忆以下单词呢 :nutrition (营养) keysentimental (多愁善感的) keyaffectation ( 娇揉做作 ) keywatch out (小心) keyan acid tongue (说话尖刻的) keyunder ones nose (就在 面前) keydeadline (最后期限) keyhave ones feet on the ground ( 脚踏实地的 ) keyin a pinch ( 必要时 ) keybold (

21、大胆的) keycargo (货物) keyget heaps of money ( 很有钱 ) keybe in line for ( 有可能得到 ) keya sword hanging over ones head ( 危险的东西或事情 ) key形象联想记忆法 , 实物联想记忆法 形象联想记忆法 , 即在记忆单词和词组时 , 可以展开联想 , 将单词与某些熟悉、生动易记的动作、事物联系在一起,这样可以加深印象,而且联想的过程本身就是记忆力的过程 。 例拿着存折看到里面的钱就可以联想到 deposit (存款) 母亲节给母亲送礼物,可以联想到 carnation (康乃馨)过桥时就可以联

22、想到 the bridge of the nose ( 鼻梁 )练习:1 参加宴会看到别人敬酒,“敬酒”用英语怎么说? key2 今天白天你所在城市下了一场酸雨,“酸雨”用英语怎么表达? key3 脑子一片空白怎么说? key4 垃圾桶上标有“可回收垃圾”,“不可回收垃圾”,这两个词用英语该怎么表达呢? key5 爬楼梯爬得“上气不接下气”怎么说? key6 你和你的同学争论,你不想继续时对他说“好吧,我洗耳恭听。”“洗耳恭听”用英语怎么说? key7. 你听到新闻联播里说“人民日报社论”,“社论”怎么用英语表达? key8 今天你做什么事都不顺,你会说“我今天时运不佳”。“时运不佳”如何用英

23、语表达? key9. 去商店买东西时 , 收银员会问你要不要环保袋。 用英语如何表达“环保袋” ? key10. 某天你神秘地告诉你的闺中密友你和 XX 恋爱了,你会用英语怎么表达? key11. 2009 年 5 月 12 日 是汶川地震一周年纪念日,“纪念一周年”怎么用英语表达? key12. 为了支援四川灾区,各地给灾区人民送去救济品,“救济品”怎么用英语表达? key13. 火灾发生时,我们常常会想到使用灭火器,“灭火器”怎么 key用英语表达?14. 5.12 汶川地震之后,防范地震的明智做法就是每个家庭都应该有地震救急计划。“地震救急计划”该如何说? key15. 这几天你事事不顺

24、,某天却时来运转,中了彩票大奖。“时来运转”该如何说? key16. 现在很流行心脏移植,“心脏移植”怎么用英语表达? key17. 如今很多夫妻流行签订婚前协议,“婚前协议”怎么表达? key18. 猪流感成为 2009 年上半年各大媒体的头条新闻,“成为头条新闻”如何表达? key19. 隐形眼镜是许多女生青睐的产品,“隐形眼镜”的英语怎么说? key20 进入大二第二学期,很多同学就会在英语课上“翘课,逃课”,这个英语怎么说? key21. 现在很多刚毕业工作的大学生很多都是月光族,“月光族”怎么表达? key22. 很多学校的宿舍都安装了太阳能热水器,“太阳能热水器”怎么说? key2

25、3. 大学里很多同学的家庭都是勉强维持生计,送孩子读书不是件易事。“勉强维持生计”用英语怎么说? key24 全球经济危机使许多工厂关闭,在中国出现了大批返乡农民工,“返乡农民工”怎么表达? key25 很多同学平时不用功,快考试的时候就拼命捞救命稻草,“救命稻草”怎么说? key同义词、反义词对比 利用同义词和反义词进行对比复习 练习 1. 下面的 24 个词可以分别组成 6 对同义和 6 对反义词。请你找出这些同义词和反义词并填写在横线上: abroad astonish accept artificial boom horizontal suspicion refuse inferior

26、 failure minority home superior fatal proposal flourish suggestion shock majority defeat deadly natural vertical doubt 同义词:_参考答案反义词:_ 参考答案2. 找出 A 组与 B 组中对应的反义词 A 组 B 组acceptance oppose voluntary wane approve refusal wax pessimistic permanent unwilling optimistic temporary 参考答案3. 找出 A 组与 B 组中对应的同义词 A

27、 组 B 组proposal barrier inspire complex obstacle thank complicated indication gratitude encourage implication suggestion 参考答案4.从下列词语中找出四对反义词和四对同义词 import disappear adequate export permit sufficient comedy grave affirm solemn tragedy endure vanish deny prohibit withstand 参考答案5. 写出下列单词的反义词1. arbitray 专

28、横的 -参考答案 2 awkward 笨拙的 -参考答案 3. complicated 复杂的 -参考答案 4. ignorant 无知的 -参考答案 5. minor 少数的 -参考答案 6. loose 松的 - 参考答案 7. naked 赤裸的 -参考答案 8 romantic 空想的 -参考答案 9. shallow 浅的 -参考答案 10. sincere 诚挚的 -参考答案 11. slender 苗条的 -参考答案 12. static 静止的 -参考答案 13. wealthy 富裕的 -参考答案 14. worthless 无价值的 -参考答案 15. solemn 庄严的

29、 -参考答案 但反义词不可能是固定不变的一个词。 比如: The shirt is loose. The shirt is tight. ( 很明显 , 这里的 loose 的反义词是 tight) The dogs are loose in the garden. The dogs are tied in the garden. ( 很明显 , 这里的 loose 的反义词是 tied) 又如 : fast 快 - slow 慢 fast 不褪色 -loose 褪色 fast 放荡 -temperate 有节制的 fast 禁食 -eat 吃 6. 写出下列单词的反义词 1. bold 勇敢

30、的 - bold 鲁莽的 - 参考答案 2. casual 随意的 - casual 漠不关心的 -参考答案 3. deliberate 故意的 - deliberate 谨慎的 -参考答案 4. faint 微弱的 - faint 虚弱的 -参考答案 5. remote 偏 参考答远的 - remote 无关的 -案 6. vain 自负的 - vain 徒劳的 -参考答案 词义对比,一词多义 例: bill telephone bill : written statement of money owed for goods or service 账单 Stick no bills ! :

31、poster , placard 海报,告示 a horror bill on TV: program of entertainment 节目单 propose a bill : draft of a proposed law , to be discussed by a parliament 法案 练习: 你能说出下列画横线单词的汉语意思吗 ? 1 attendance Parents of Maine students have an attendance rate of 95% in the many sessions. 参考答案 You have missed several atte

32、ndances this term.参考答案The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance .参考答案2 bankrupt U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition. 参考答案 Influenced by the financial crisis, many small enterprises become bankrupts . 参考答案 This is a society that is morally bankrupt .

33、 参考答案 3 beam Architects now design buildings so that the buildings columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength.参考答案 The cars headlights were on full beam . 参考答案 The winner beamed with satisfaction. 参考答案 4 blank Only this time there is no response in them, just a blank stare. 参考答案 Write on one

34、 side of the page and leave the 参考答案 other side blank . My mind was a complete blank -I couldnt think of a single answer. 参考答案 5 bold a bold warrior 参考答案 She waited for him to invite her to dance, not wishing to be bold . 参考答案 She paints with bold strokes of the brush. 参考答案 Please translate the sent

35、ence in bold type. 参考答案 6. deliver We deliver your order to your door!参考答案 She was delivered of a healthy boy. 参考答案 The professor delivered a talk on philosophy to the college students. 参考答案 The thief delivered a blow 参考答案 to his jaw. 7. digest He usually reads the digests of the news at breakfast.参

36、考答案 Fish is easy to digest when youre ill. 参考答案 Have you digested the report yet? 参考答案 8. dismiss We did not dismiss these people; rather, we converted them to securities sale people. 参考答案 The students were dismissed when class was over. 参考答案 He tried without success to dismiss her from his thoughts

37、. 参考答案 His idea to rebuild the cinema was dismissed . 参考答案 9. distinct There was a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air. 参考答案 Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct . 参考答案 10. exert He exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan. 参考答案 Provided there is

38、intelligence and a willingness to exert yourself, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed. 参考答案 11. feature Her business card once featured a drawing of Ann Estelle. 参考答案 His eyes are 参考答案 his most striking feature . Visiting the bars is an interesting feature of city life. 参考答案 Th

39、e magazine will be running a feature on Jacky Cheng next week. 参考答案 12. grave . For the grave farmer he used his dentist, a sour-looking man. 参考答案 This could have grave consequences. 参考答案 Her relatives put the flowers on her grave . 参考答案 13. launch Johnson, 64, is one of four brothers who launched t

40、he company in 1948. 参考答案 India launched a satellite last month. 参考答案 14. liberty The Status of Liberty 参考答案 They give their children a great deal of liberty . 参考答案 She told him to stop taking liberties . 参考答案 15. margin Our profit margin has dropped substantially. 参考答案 He beat the other runners by a

41、 margin of ten seconds. 参考答案 Please pay attention to the notes written in the margin . 参考答案 16. moderate Even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. 参考答案 The government expects to get through the financial crisis by moderate policies. 参考答案 His father is a 参考moderate drinke

42、r. 答案 He must learn to moderate his temper. 参考答案 17. mount Wild questions on the topic of cloning continue to mount . 参考答案 The climbers mounted higher and higher. 参考答案 People in New York mounted a protest against the policemens violence. 参考答案 18. outlook For the student to gain admission, parents al

43、so must agree to accept and demonstrate the schools philosophies and outlook .参考答案 The house has pleasant outlook over the valley. 参考答案 There is a bleak outlook for the 参考答案 unemployed during the financial crisis. 19. overall Its probably no accident that one of Engelbreits bolder cards shows a youn

44、g girl in overalls . 参考答案 Theres been an overall improvement recently. 参考答案 Overall its been a good match. 参考答案 20. palm I removed the lid from a jar of skin cream and put some on the palm of my hand. 参考答案 There are lots of coconut palms in Hai Nan province. 参考答案 21. publicity Hyde School has receiv

45、ed considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters. 参考答案 The publicity for the book was poor and sales were low. 参考答案 22. reflection Many of the vivid warnings of science-fiction concerning the prospect of human cloning turn out, upon reflection , to be wildly improbable. 参考答案 The baby

46、saw curiously his reflection in the water. 参考答案 The writer published his reflections on sexism on the magazine. 参考答案 23. reckon “I reckon its just a matter of time before someone has a try, isnt it?” 参考答案 We reckon to arrive in New York at noon. 参考答案 Can I reckon on you to help? 参考答案 24. release Joh

47、nson wont release exact numbers, but he says the company sells “ several million” a year. 参考答案 She gently released herself from his arms. 参考答案 Have completed the project, the engineer had a feeling of release . 参考答案 The movie is the latest release of the famous star. 参考答案 25. resign They can reprodu

48、ce naturally and resign themselves to the risk of passing on the disease to the child. 参考答案 She resigned her post as chairwoman and left the firm. 参考答案 26. stroke Assume for a 参考答案 moment that your 90-year-old mother has recently suffered a stroke . He killed his rival with one stroke of a sword. 参考

49、答案 The painter put the finishing strokes to a painting. 参考答案 When he arrived home, it was on the stroke of three. 参考答案 The old lady likes to stroke her cat. 参考答案 27. substantial The police will sell the properties, but at a substantial financial loss. 参考答案 We are in substantial agreement. 参考答案 28. volume This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock 参考答案 Exchange. The library has over 12,000 volumes . 参考答案 The TV was on at f


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