1、Practical Writing,Specialized English,As is known, English falls into two fundamental types: written English and oral English. practical English writing, in a broad sense, belongs to the former, but it is non-literature. In practice, practical English writing is only part of non-literature written E
2、nglish. it is generally referred to as those common written documents for special purposes and in regular forms. Among the practical English writing, the common are as follows: personal or business letter, notice, telegram, contract, advertisement, etc.,Nowadays English has been receiving greater an
3、d greater attention in China. Although English has been taught in China as a foreign language for dozens of years, most students seem to learn English for examinations only. They might be skilled in reading, but few can speak fluent English or write well for practical purposes. Thats one of the main
4、 reasons we should learn practical English writing.,Another reason is that, as a college student in the 21st century, you will have to get prepared for future work and studies. When you want to go abroad for advanced studies, you will have to produce many documents, including forms, resume and lette
5、rs. When you meet strangers, you may send them personal cards for further contact.,A third reason is that practical English writing is quite different from general writing in that it has several characteristics of its own, with which the teacher will help you to get familiar. As a result, each of yo
6、u can write for practical purposes.,Characteristics of practical writing,One fundamental characteristic of practical English writing is that each type has a regular form. Another one is its simplicity in style. A third characteristic lies in its briefness in form.,Principles of practical English wri
7、ting,Clarity: keep sentences shortWrite in active voice Conciseness: writing provides exactly what thereaders need. It gets to the point and does not ramble. Coherence: transitional words and phrases that showspecific kinds of relationshipsReadability: use short, familiar wordsAvoid monotonous sente
8、nces,English Letters,Type of letters(信的类型),English letters are generally divided into two types:apersonal letters 个人书信bbusiness letters 事务书信,Forms of Letters,English-style(英式/缩进式结构): 每一段的第一行都向里缩进4-8个字符,且所有段落的缩进距离必须保持一致;称呼顶格写,落款则在中间偏右的位置. American-style(美式/齐头式结构):所有段落的第一行都顶格写,段与段之间空一行,另外称呼、落款等也都顶格写。,
9、Form(格式),heading(信头) inside address(收信人地址) salutation(称呼) body(信主体) complimentary (结尾客套语) signature(署名),1. 信头指写信人的地址和写信日期,位于信的右上角。 2. 收信人的地址位于左上角,略低于写信日期 3. 称呼低于收信人地址,左边顶格写起 4. 正文开头空几格,不用写“你好” 5. 结束语位于正文的下一行右边 6. 签名在结束语的下一行,除了对熟悉的人和亲密的人之外,签名必须要写全名。,Heading(信头),信头也称信端,通常位于信纸的右上角。 1)写信人的地址: 从小到大 顺序:第一
10、行写门牌号码、路名;第二行写市(县)、省(州、郡)名,寄往国外的信要加国名;第三行写寄信日期 2)写信日期: 英式(日/月/年)美式(月/日/年),inside address(收信人地址),收信人的姓名地址也称信内地址, 它位于信笺的左上角,从左边略低于写信日期一、二行处顶格写起。其排列次序与写信人的先后次序要求一样。注意,收信人的地址要排在发信人的地址和日期之后。,根据收信人的性别分别在名字前加Mr. Mrs. Miss, Ms.等词。 Mr. (Mister) 冠于男子名字前,复数为Messrs. (Messieurs), 相当于Gentlemen。 Mrs. (Mistress) 用于
11、已婚妇女,之后接其夫之姓。如:Mrs. Smith Miss (无缩写形式),用于未婚女子, 如:Miss Jane.,其复数为Misses, 如:Misses Jane and Mary Ms. 用于不知是否已经结婚的妇女。这在事务性信件中较为常见。,根据收信人的身份冠以学位、头衔如:Dr. (Doctor) 冠以博士之姓名前; Rev. (Reverend) 冠以神职人员的姓名前; Prof. (Professor) 冠以教授的姓名前;Pres. (President) 冠以董事长、会长、大学校长、总统的姓名前; Hon. (Honorable) 冠以市长、内阁成员、议员、大事、法官等姓名
12、前,如果收信人是公司、机关或单位,一般不写个人的名字,而写负责人的职务名称,如 The Manager, The President 等。,salutation(称呼),写给个人或自己的朋友,常在姓名、姓氏、名字前加 Dear 一词。如:Dear Wang Jing, Dear Wang, Dear Jing。 写给外籍人士,可用Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Mrs. Jones, Dear Professor Lawrence等。但注意:在Mr., Mrs., Miss,Ms 和Dr.等称呼后只用姓氏,不写名字。,写给机构或公司,常用Sir(s), Dear Sirs 和Gent
13、lemen. Sir(s) 是比较正式的礼貌称呼,通常用于公文; Dear Sirs 是英国人比较喜欢的用词, Gentlemen 为美国常用词。注Gentlemen 仅用复数形式,不用单数Gentleman, 也不用Dear Gentlemen。,如果对方是 professor, doctor, dean, president 等,也可用 Dear Professor , Dear Dr., Dear Dean , Dear President 。 如果不知道收信人的名字, 那么称呼可以是如下几种:Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen 等等。,Bod
14、y(信主体),写此信的目的;具体要表达的内容;表示希望或祝福的话。 一般书信的正文从低于称呼一、二行处落笔,每段第一行向右约缩进五个字母。正文要求简明扼要,条理清楚。每段不宜太长,尤其开头和结尾两段,更应简短。,complimentary (结尾客套语),结束语单独成行,通常位于正文末行下面一、二行,可写在与正文左对齐的地方,也可以从中间向右写。开头词第一个字母要大写,末尾加逗号。 写给机关、团体、公司或不认识人 Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Yours very truly,写给上级、长者或老师等 Yours respectfully, Very respec
15、tfully yours, 写给一般朋友、熟人、同学或同事 Yours sincerely, Yours very sincerely, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, Yours cordially,写给亲属或挚友 Yours, Yours ever, Yours affectionately, With love from, Your loving son (daughter, sister, mother),在非正式信函中:可以用Love, Sincerely 等; 在正式信函中: 如果称呼为 Dear Mr., 或Dear Ms, 结束语用 Yours, You
16、rs sincerely; 如果称呼为Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sirs, Gentlemen, 则用Yours faithfully 或Yours truly 。,Signature(署名),签名指自己的亲笔署名,一般签在低于结束语一、二行之处。 如签署者代表单位而非个人时,应在结束语的下一行,打出全部大写的所代表的单位名称。 写信人如是女性,而且与收信人素不相识,应在署名前(如用打字机,则在打出的名字前,)根据自己婚否,用圆括号注明“Miss”,或“Mrs.”等字样,以便对方复信称呼。如: Yours sincerely, (签名) (Mrs.) Jennifer Bless,如果是代理署名,一般在打出的大写本单位名称前打上By, For, Per 或P.P.(Per Procuration 的缩写)等字样,以表示代署。如: Yours very truly, For STERN & COOKE CO., LTD. (签名) Edward Sewell 如果署上自己的职称或头衔,可写在或打在最末一行。如: Yours truly, (签名) John Smith Professor of English,