1、Chapter 17,leadership,Managers versus leaders,Leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. Leadership is the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals. Manager-leader grip,Early leadership theories,Trait theories Behavioral theoriesuniversity of m
2、ichigan studiesthe managerial grid A summary of behavioral theories,Contingency theories of leadership,The fiedler modelthe theory proposed that effective group performance depended on the proper match between the leaders style of interacting with his or her followers and the degree to which the sit
3、uation allowed the leader to control and influence.,Fiedler assumed that a persons leadership style was always the same regardless of the situation. The key situational factors:leader-member relations, task structure, position power He concluded that task-oriented leaders performed better in very fa
4、vorable situations and in very unfavorable situations.relationship-oriented leaders performed better in moderately favorable situations.,in fiedlers opinion,there were only two ways to improve leader effeciveness.,Situational leadership theory,SLT is a contingency theory that focuses on followersreadiness. R1-S1 telling R2-S2 selling R3 S3 participating R4-S4 delegating,