1、Traditional Chinese Medicine,(TCM),the cause of sickness:,an imbalance and blockage of the flow of qi,ways to correct the imbalances in qi,acupuncture(针灸), herbal medicine, massage, diets, taiji or qigong,Four Diagnostic(诊断)Methods,listen to voice, breathing and coughing,smell the body and its excre
2、ted products(排泄物),patients case history,请在此添加段落内容,patients mental state, facial expression, colour of tongue, fingers and nails,Li Shizhen Zhang ZhongjingHua Tuo,On Diseases伤寒杂病论Compendium of Meteria Medica本草纲目the Five-Animal Exerxises(五禽戏),Fireworks,Footmark,A Typical Spider Effect,A burning ground
3、 firework,Cold Fireworks,冷焰火,Zhang HengSeismograph(地震仪),dragon,frog,two beads above: each representing thenumber fivefive beads below: each representing the number one,Abucus,Four Fundamental Operations,一 一上一 一下五去四 一去九进一 二 二上二 二下五去三 二去八进一 三 三上三 三下五去二 三去七进一 四 四上四 四下五去一 四去六进一 五 五上五 五去五进一 六 六上六 六去四进一 六上一去五进一 七 七上七 七去三进一 七上二去五进一 八 八上八 八去二进一 八上三去五进一 九 九上九 九去一进一 九上四去五进一,Roman Abacus,Russian Abacus,School Abacus,Thank You!,