1、资料整理自:http:/ 中国外语培训网七个法宝提高雅思口语分数虽然雅思口语仅占 10-15 分钟,但却是很多考生的梦魇。想要摆脱这种困境,小编给你带来七个实用的小法宝,助你轻松通过雅思口语。七个小法宝:1. Talk to the examiner then you will be gotten more involved in the conversations.考前先和考官小谈一会能让你更容易融入到对话中。2. Listen carefully to the questions you are asked so that your answers are relevant.认真听考官问的
2、问题,这样才可能做出相应的回答。3. Answer the questions you are asked with some details so that your answers are long enough.回答问题时候,可以列举一些细节,这样可以让你的答案有足够长度。4. Practice speaking for 2 minutes for the long turn in part 2.可以练习一下 2 分钟左右的口语用来应对第二部分的口语话题。5. Use the preparation time in part 2 to think about what is writte
3、n on the card.注意学会利用第二部分的准备时间来充分考虑你要说的话题。6. Use the instructions and prompts on the card in part 2 to help you to organize your topic.利用第二部分卡片上的指导和提示来帮助你完成话题。7. Practice ways of delaying answers to give yourself time to think in part 3.在第三部分中,注意恰当延迟回答来给自己思考的时间。=八点注意事项:1. Try not to copy the answers
4、by heart.尽量不要背答案。2. Dont give very short answers except when the examiner interrupts you at the end of the 2 minutes in part 2. At this term, the examiner needs to move on to part 3 of the oral test and only expects a short answer to his her questions.答案不能太短,除非是在第二部分的 2 分钟答题最后时间,考官会打断你来向资料整理自:http:/
5、 中国外语培训网第三部分过渡,这时候只需要你对问题的简短回答。3. Do not talk about something different form what is on the card in part 2.在第二部分中,不要说和卡片上的内容不相关的事情。4. Do not worry if the examiner stops you in part 2. It means you have spoken enough, and he or she to keep to the timing of the test.不要担心 如果在第二部分中考官要求你暂停,这意味着你说得差不多了,而且
6、考官要保持考试的节奏。5. Do not worry if you can not think of a word, try to paraphrase and get round it.如果一时想不起单词不要担心,试着用其他的表达。6. Do not write on the task card.不要在考试卡片上写字。7. Do not worry if you realize you have made a mistake. Its OK to correct yourself. If you can not correct yourself, forget it and carry on.如果不小心说错了也不要担心,改过来是没有问题的。如果你不能改进来的话,继续往下说话就好了。8. Do not ask the examiner if what you say is correct.切忌询问考官你回答得是否正确。Good luck to you all !最后祝大家好运!