1、MFL Sunderland 2007 CS http:/www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland Irregular Past ParticiplesCan you fill in the infinitive from which each of these irregular past participles came ?What will the Pass Compos forms be in English ?INFINITIVE PASS COMPOS(je)PASS COMPOS (English)Jai apprisJai buJai c
2、omprisJai connuJai construitJai couvertJai cruJai dcouvertJai ditJai dJai critJai tJai euFaire = to do/make Jai fait I did/madeJai luJai misJai ouvertJai prisJai puJai reuJai suJai vouluJai vuMFL Sunderland 2007 CS http:/www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland Apprendre = to learnConnatre = to know
3、 (a person)Construire = to buildCouvrir = to coverCroire = to believe/thinkDire = to saytre = to beFaire = to do/makeLire = to readMettre = to putPouvoir = to be ablePrendre = to take Recevoir = to receiveSavoir = to know (a fact)Voir = to seeVouloir = to wantAvoir = to haveDevoir = to have toOuvrir = to openBoire = to drinkDcouvrir = to discovercrire = to write Comprendre = to understand