1、女儿晃晃小脑袋笑了,三步并作两步地往楼道里奔。我急忙跟上去,她说:我要回老家看看。一口气上了五楼,正待按门铃,一股洗麻将牌的声浪夺门而出,间杂着尖锐的笑声。女儿扯了扯我的衣袖,抽身下楼。瞅着女儿紧绷的小脸,我把她带到了两幢居民楼间的过道,问她:还记得在这里打羽毛球吗?女儿四处张望说,才这么巴掌大一块啊?小时候我觉得好大呢。是不是人小就显得地方大,长大了地方就变小了呢?My little girl swayed her little head and smiled. Then she went from walk to gallop up toward the corridor, and I f
2、ollowed. “Im gonna see our old home.” said she. We climbed up to the fifth floor without a break. A blast of noisy sounds of shuffling mahjong tiles, accompanied with piercing laughter, suddenly rushed out of the door when we were up to push the doorbell button. The little elf pulled at my sleeve an
3、d then she ran down the staircases. Look, she was putting on a long face. I led her to a passageway between two apartments and asked “Remember that we were playing badminton here?” She looked around then said “What? Its quite tiny a square here. I thought it was pretty big then.” Is it true that the place looks big when we are little kids and small when we grow up?