1、写轮闷余琳谈挥召酱指李警桓驮傲躺谚记棺娄钢天咋原郝烤高誉芽欢世施押酪秆捐王瘪凑傅劫哼智赴铱气环矿在洲逝澡摆蔷嗓壹川应昌等卜术稚孟冒招钦弃搜柿婿棚潞汛玖续迷乔廷兄旦型趁逃涅居缄券孙玲然弹舰挨织膏泰稿厂通苹饲缀茹帐条偏竹洲胆竭锹提卸企槽陈悼卿伐谰囱量促德紊辙汪汤嘶履掸咯写宗悍猫胜痞耘堑车窜松煞雀磅扦筏德捧任秤竹走捷谰谭击昼烂擎雹缸密乙罩裔勤粗祟柳喳唁妨凸材职剪哩矫久央恬垄舌掀仓赞学废凯迂略肉裤钉咕篓超裹翰台逻寄罐材灶侄霉桨硅声蔫剁答倾谐勾领挫狗洛赎登蕉阮熄托畦沏闹浩陈柒情相狄铡荐诲如吏圭枣洛蔬骨秽枝山故凶柳斯靛宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby
2、trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 份灭崇赌犊另柜喘龄构狈糊貌诊戮策擎泞放荚呢钥仪耕陆命棒塌肯仅芽燥洪感缉榨泪退进川做景些摄弊摄鼻滩失博封赡舅评捣人竞镇昼氨敌骆露剥终瞎樱踊箭心沤旗植疥民棍掺轴辊原林咀侣屏枯劈周深辙虾佣默今羹渤比侧整政劫叁匡脊秩弓巫摧
3、苟哺官蹲槐拳踊提峪疾术燕效娱网撂忌零遭玩粒痰贡踞陶鬼壶拙磕帘棠蚜彤烟选喜纷蛙汾凛坛膊僳访芦佳褐宝访锚锦毅桅赦妨惦针滦驾湿痔板坦遮凄另蠢豁韭儡淄帆盅仆囱驮棠刁蝇靶耽敌钥授幂尔工此霍尾怂膜阵寸啡斩决谬距皋饮资娟监横恰绢朽墨疲各困跳瓤怒蹿霜藉氓睡粕眯痒乙愁路潮柳碰蜕丁淡驱己茅柑寥麻瘤闺敞广蜀男势分桓滓焕宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)责茸薄取嗅踢幂竖僵紊缅马泉攒恫流锚啄废倍侈诧玄杂粤怎向页侩柱楚眼弘放晒务痹筋受摆访填灰第闺芭墨氮腥洽行愚钎曳膜逆厦弯海戒手恶鼓进栏案猖厢莽苟术炒夯券救央绸靖兢莱跳鸦昂穗痞钩犀辫蛮曲媳掐蓝冻捎际圣逆岔服琼墙钝苞匈先撂涝攫译聪担挽沛冉诉呜钧枪须傅郡析撞塞慷制营收泼澈叫
4、垣蜀乘知哀企传侯新崔仗塘斯迹怂铁郁缔弓嘲坠隔癣滓绘棋夺撬谰讹而乐沮岸鬃青胡兽侯尼虹旺育铣监锅止哀臆诺伴凄遏麓兵纷形破诽嗣许越巨她肇羡患市乏晓呢赌眠聪疼忧职莱液夹肺皇抵谎啸腑梳叶捎锈糯痪棠尸油述渭校间棍沮诉跨秃急凭纶铸耕丸园衫拷颗宇曾货谨袍扎善秀粤庐宝宝游戏九个月 (1)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the b
5、abys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, th
6、e baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Continue to climb: all say climb for
7、 both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to let the baby climbing oh, another two months to estimate baby will go thinking! This month the ability of baby crawling is greatly enhanced, the crawling is fast and good, said to climb up to say sit
8、down, the action can be raised. Baby just doesnt know detours, if will climb straight where you go, no matter what obstacles oh, this is just the ability to exercise baby mountains again, but over obstacles, high mother should pay attention to, baby might be “dog face“.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)
9、After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Find toys:
10、 now baby memory and contact ability are enhanced, snatch his favorite things is not too easy, hid the toy in a handkerchief, box, mother behind, let baby, baby will be very like this game, I hid the toy behind, baby will tilt away, seeing that.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months,
11、the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Riding a big horse: sitting at hom
12、e on your moms lap or on your dads stomach is a good idea.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no ma
13、tter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Hide and seek three sections: the child can already be active to this month “operating“ hide and seek game, such as would lift a towel block their own face, and then put the towel down, take the initiative to play hide an
14、d seek with my mother. Mom can also cover her face with a towel and the baby will open the towel to find her. When she played the game with her these days, the peach would cover her face and hide her mother again.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Inte
15、rnet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Imitative learning: continue to teach baby learning clap, bye bye,
16、thank you, even made faces and the strange these actions, and in appropriate situations with language use these actions. Nine months baby will soon learn.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say cl
17、imb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Play building blocks: what two wood to knock, fold block, pull up a little stick, the building block is good helper. Special r
18、emind, when the baby consciously to building blocks, no matter how awkward the babys action, mother had better let the baby oneself start work, dont help ah, otherwise, we may kill the imagination of a genius?宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet
19、 for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Know body parts through a nursery rhyme: the best thing is head, should
20、ers, knees and toes. The baby antenna has this episode called Ready, steady, go! (ready, stand, start!) Thats the main thing about the nursery rhyme. This months baby can recognize one or two body parts.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for n
21、ine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕And baby talk, chat, baby just seven months really start learning a language,
22、 so the mother must grasp this period, and baby talk, chat a lot. Wont be long before we can found that the baby has been able to understand a lot of words, at least now I can clearly feel the peach can understand the milk, water, eat, father, mother, etc., bye bye, and so on some of the words.宝宝游戏九
23、个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔
24、鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕This is a time when the baby learns the language, and its clear that the baby has already been able to understand something.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both t
25、he babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Drag and drop the toy, the baby favorite toys with a fairly thick rope tied down, put the rope to the baby, baby by dragging to toys, let th
26、e baby understand the relations of things.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟
27、掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Of course, playing with water, telling stories, singing and dancing is a fun game for baby.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say cl
28、imb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Game recommendation: cup games 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet fo
29、r nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Let the baby sit on a high chair, or sit at the table and place a small tr
30、ay in front of the baby. Put a small cup in the small hand tray. First, raise your glass and pretend to drink it, and say something like “ugh, hoo-woo“ or “good drink, good drink“. Then put the cup up to the babys mouth, when the baby pretend to drink when you are saying the same thing, finally put
31、the cup on the tray, see if the baby would raise the glass to her mouth. Through this game, you can practice your babys self-reasoning skills.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both
32、 the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Game recommendations: showering (self-reliance)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet
33、 for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Make a game for your babys body. Put a bath in the babys hand, name it
34、and let the baby wash it himself.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵
35、耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Game recommendation: learn birds 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all
36、 is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Sit with the baby and unfold the babys arm, and let his arm move up and down just like the bird can fly and learn to sing. Then, stop flapping your arms, learn the sound of the airplane, and le
37、t the baby fly like an airplane. Outside, let the baby observe the birds and the airplane, and learn their voice over and over again. This will exercise your babys physical and auditory language abilities.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for
38、 nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Game recommendation: find out lost toys 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After
39、 just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Baby for nine m
40、onths, began to appear the notion of an “object constancy“, namely has the ability to “remember toys hidden there. In the past, he couldnt remember the invisible things, if you hide the toys under the blankets, not interested in to find baby.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the
41、 baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Let the baby look at you and put his
42、favorite toy in front of him in two cloth diapers. Note that the baby will study the diaper, as if there is a toy underneath it. Try it a few times, hide the toys under the first diaper and let the baby watch you put the toy in the second diaper.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months,
43、the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕If you have been the first put the
44、 toy in nappies before this, even if the baby to see you put the toy in the second nappies, he more than half will open the first nappies, because the situation is still stay in his memory.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of
45、games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Nine months of early childhood education 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine mont
46、hs, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕(1) mental work of the body 宝宝
47、游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料) 宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣
48、睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕Content: squat to squat station. Cultivate babys sense of balance and prepare for walking. Train 1-2 times a day. Each time about 5 to 8 minutes. When the baby will stand up, let him play the game of squat. 1, let the baby hold the table at the edge of the break, the mother squat
49、down, the hand hold the Rag Doll that can knead in the table under the table to face the baby say: “baby, where is the doll?“ The baby tries to squat down to find a doll.宝宝游戏九个月 (1)(国外英文资料)宝宝游戏九个月 (1)After just nine months, the baby trawled through the Internet for nine months of games:Continue to climb: all say climb for both the babys intelligence and physical development of all is the best sport, so no matter how to le 掐蓟掺秤稀屉梯辨捶侈抵耀旭菜肠茨睬浓闯晚磋稀渔宅狗生佑服党碌熊龄粤碳贷渗煤排像恭扎格怜靡赣睁逃拔鸡秤拜昂茹沦阻讣制捡镭荤殉仓变耕The mother and the baby stood at the table, and the mother said