1、导师介绍姓 名 张利斌出生年月日 1973.2.3民 族 汉职 称 副教授学科专业 区域经济学、组织经济学研究方向 复杂性经济学电 话 13808693603电子邮箱 D简历(限 600 字以内。含毕业学校、学历学位、国外经历、社会学术团体兼职、荣誉称号、担任各类专家或学科组成员、研究领域介绍,承担项目、发表论文、专著、获奖、专利情况等)张利斌是中南民族大学经济学院副教授,1995 年毕业于武汉工业大学,获工学学士;2000 年毕业于华中科技大学,获经济学硕士;2005 年毕业于华中科技大学,获管理学博士。近期参加项目1 主持湖北省统计科研计划项目“雪灾对湖北省经济影响的评估模型和统计分析”
2、(2008.6- ) (项目号:HB08210) 2 湖北省社会科学基金项目:湖北高新企业核心刚性涌现机制研究:基于复杂性理论视角(2007-2008 ) (项目号:2007072)2 主持中南民族大学自然科学基金重点项目:基于复杂自适应系统视角的企业核心刚性研究(2006-2008) (项目号:YSZ06004)近期发表杂志论文: 1 企业核心刚性进化机制研究:基于 CAS 视角. 中国工业经济, 2006, (7): 1171232 灰靶理论在高科技企业核心刚性识别中的应用. 统计研究, 2005, (6): 62653 高科技企业核心刚性影响因素的贡献度分析. 统计与决策, 2005,
3、(2): 674 核心刚性成因新探:基于复杂性科学和哲学视角. 当代经济, 2005, (4): 29305 创造性空间中组织领导的复杂性分析. 当代经济, 2005, (1): 32336 高科技企业核心刚性影响因素的靶心度分析. 统计与决策, 2004, (12): 1411427 Contributing degree analysis of factors affecting core rigidities in high-tech firms. The Journal of Grey System, 2005, 17(2): 161165发表会议论文1Governance to Kn
4、owledge Integration of Team by Informal Control in Trust Tropism Perspective. Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference(CCC 2008). 2008.7 (indexed by ISTP, EI)2Web 2.0 and Semantic Web Based Intelligent Service System for Tourism. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Info
5、rmation System and Management (ISM 2008). 2008.10(indexed by EI)3An Empirical Study on the Knowledge Governance Choices and Knowledge Integration Efficiency in Work Teams. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management (EMS 2008). 2008.10 (inde
6、xed by EI) 4Research on the Approaches of Knowledge Integration in Team. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Services and Knowledge Management (EMS 2008. 2008.10 (indexed by EI) 5Learning to Rank with Bayesian Evidence Framework. Proceedings of 2008 International Con
7、ference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2008). 2008.12(indexed by EI)6The impact of values and leadership on knowledge integration behaviors in medical projects teams. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2008). 2008.12(in
8、dexed by EI)7Autonomous Construction of Reliable Multi-agent Systems. Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference2007.7(indexed by ISTP, EI)8Analysis of Relation between Core Rigidities of the Firm and Innovation Performance in Complex Adaptive System Perspective. Proceedings of the 25th Chin
9、ese Control Conference. 2006.7 (indexed by ISTP)9Evolution Mechanism of Core Rigidities of the Firms in Complex Adaptive System Perspective. Proceedings of the 25th Chinese Control Conference. 2006.7(indexed by ISTP)10An empirical study on Measuring the Firms Core Rigidities in the Perspective of Complex Adaptive System. Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering. 2006.10(indexed by ISTP, EI)近年代表性研究成果(限 10 项以内,含论文、专著、获奖、专利等)