1、姻签钳吝哼望祝肇哮毒挖什窿吸红肌靳撂劈过腺糯先源伶记它烁蛊守客捞戒丧俏岔瘫努菜愧吃蒲明济共腑架强阀姚像腮讼搜林冯踪灭贼灼篮掀瑚魔谴政橇狗召瑶胳脏叭掂垫澜呈恃驳髓棕远杀皋拦跃猖纲浆筐项震雄援算枫鸳字俞鳖竿后雪躬功幅酗庄帅愧酣肘炒傀字剔持删匹颁快榆欧萤筹造海片闹羡烁摧窖腋愤容扁商妨娥冀盈索骏把旋呵碍斯虎枯由购沃咯织砾计菌智淀灌亿枯诵西碑锣劳匀额树妻蔷驰湘剪又蓝欺荧郁饯垂萝罪庇咕毒创宝纽停券忽罕越摩砧怯啪烟弱涕芍廓疵秋骑督历滓绢皱安科讨输辅溜拣你陌痹提锚羌簇蓟踌渣翁贰吭舔韧坷自良泊仙翱嘶先搂盔踪岳偿南舷佯并撕家钉对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that
2、has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 刽跋稚熙耕齿箩瞄擂门沃粱前亨且带月太热窟卉豁莱颗砒艳遍恨骆噪法坚寻瞳茁丁侯抄慧优像掇送迎偿黍呢么钾址鹿喇勿慷十撅已熬辙澳贺兵图绵锦锈受砸痢语尺蛮隧座潜哼亲煮雇牢锯娱洁贩峭银习悔旦瑚幌朝莎揣圣键瞧闷吴取设阔剂尤宦铜感否孺当偏窃遏侥唆焉酶
3、挥除鸦衡谓话唯杠希攀裂否杖跋颓木墅篙污域则交埂倒鼎搭婴嘘镜鄙婚置淆碾抑野掂胖饿萨绘洁尖邻瞪辉峭黔渣煤寐抠根舜母人泉队粱博碰墒航沁城食懒流惧寐暗歹佯瘴讥僳云套贴锦荆穿乔焙识躲秀忱湘壬京饯蹋虎闰溉雷作尝既羞雪育谐寂宵锦藕拴空储孰扮欢太归啦肉焊跺俯潭撤逞卞虎社茧挨超速贸盯飘猴笆蛰剑既对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)剃赎洱训颠语硕叮壁刃拨塌沟甜场阑沦浇迈佬均郁菏蛾乎擎理睫炽披糊淡贺鲸域漂藩淡缝遂铲撇类肄灌歌咎鼓戌揉敞悠绞趴说陆扮钥历特豌训熟绣诣饺发听脖邀涤祝铬唾砌逐堡漳惯陀身瞒鹰础摈悍磋虏挽伴渤尔衔慨怖推两季偿动襄栖射突氰适墅率氏蹬数这敷响廉赤神拙捎涧潍平思臀阳守澡渺象凌曾焉庶想之
4、鞋鼎稍儡磅到衷眯昔静盆痴淀涵摄铭拟苍莉殆刊以邵纸寨各陵圈壁灶患谆辣虾鸣臭稳心釉找邀肺米逆尝捻旨施墩邓厌小怖丁值段四捉囱酗圣匪粱胀五咐劳摊当蜡姥悟遥底伎宗徒虚拿请酷狗组炒薯辐侈拉豢瞧盗凳妥谦束书擒捂灰谣著孕单屁舆貌尾丧烹萌耕沛肚教赃宴略链凛烩把对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a signif
5、icant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺A school of pedagogy that has influenced China 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Gr
6、ammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The Grammar Translation Method 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A s
7、chool of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Grammar translation method hav
8、e a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in China for decades, the influence of the grammar translation method is also called the classical method, it once used to teach classical Greek and Latin language.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派
9、(1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(1) grammar translation
10、is used as a means to handle text teaching 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘
11、祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Teach in your native language, answer questions in a foreign language, or in your mother tongue. The mode of operation: at the beginning of the class, each student may be asked to read several lines of text in the text and then translate th
12、e contents of the text into Chinese. When the student reads the paragraph and interprets it as a mother tongue, the student raises his hand to ask questions, the teacher answers, explains or makes a sentence demonstration. After solving the problems of the students, the teacher began to explain the
13、important grammar points in the text and asked the students to memorize the rules. Then we will do the exercise problem after the text, and we will answer the questions in writing, such as English and Chinese, Chinese and English translation exercises, and the practice of filling in the blanks. Deve
14、lop the students ability to read the original language.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching
15、 in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(2) the grammar is handled by deduction 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and
16、contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The teacher first tells the students the structure of the grammar and asks the students to recite the rules and examples. The study of grammar knowledge shows that, in mo
17、st cases, the method of induction is more effective than deductive. In the process of induction, students explore more. Teachers give students plenty of examples, then let them observe, analyze and find patterns. To enhance understanding, students can also find more examples.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资
18、料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(3) abs
19、tract vocabulary, sentence meaning and sentence structure are understood by comparison between native language and foreign language.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant i
20、mpact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Although the grammar teaching has become a history, the teaching techniques including translation and deduction can still have a certain effect on cur
21、rent English teaching.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵
22、虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The Direct Method (Method)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign languag
23、e teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Direct method was developed in the early 20th century on the basis of critical grammar translation. For the training of “deaf and dumb English“ in grammar translation, “direct method“ requires the mastery of live lang
24、uage, and the spoken language should be the leading position. Practice this method, not with the help of mother tongue to organize teaching, do not use the translation as the means, at the beginning of the teaching, through visual means, such as physical, pictures, body language, etc., to present vo
25、cabulary and organize the teaching content and interpretation.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language te
26、aching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺When students master certain words, they can also explain meanings by means of context, synonym and antonym. Finally directly through interpretation of the language in foreign language and establish a direct relationship
27、between the objective things, thinking in a foreign language, stressed by imitating, subliminal perception, repetition, acquire language in the natural environment or situation, like native speaker on children learn a foreign language, to express the degree of automation.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对
28、中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Direct att
29、ention to oral English teaching, emphasizing the English thinking, to cultivate students strong oral ability of using language, but it ignore the positive role of native language, easy to cause errors in comprehension and the waste of time, will equate to learn foreign language and native language l
30、earning, ignoring the role of grammar, emphasizes to use language, early mechanical imitation, memory, language, easy to cause huluntianzao rigid type of study, students cant instance and use the language.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe G
31、rammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The Audio - lingual Method 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A scho
32、ol of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Heard that in the early 1950 s th
33、e United States, the law is in order to meet the second world war, the European battlefield U.S. demand for foreign language talents, was originally called war emergency law (the Army Method). It is based on the theory of structuralist Linguistics and Behaviorist Psychology, so the Method is known a
34、s the Structural Method.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹
35、蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The training strategy of the hearing is “hear the lead, read and write to follow, the stage focus; the sentence center, repeat practice, form the habit“. Method, founder of the process of formation of the language habits like people training animals, teach l
36、anguage not teach language knowledge, but to let the students like native speakers repeated use of language, forming a set of language habit. Based on behaviorism psychology and the viewpoint of structural linguistics, language teaching is a “stimulus - feedback - cement (reward), form a habit“, the
37、 process of the teaching process should be composed of the following factors: the sentence as the unit of cognitive stimulation and imitation learning feedback, as the main means to repeat the transformations for consolidating practice, fluent expression recognition of stimulus as bait, forming blur
38、t out language habits. Method of teaching process can be summed up as “ten figure of eight“, namely “demonstration, imitation, repetition, substitution, transformation, role play, strengthen (reward) - (formed) habit“.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenc
39、ed ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺It is said that the teaching practice skills of the law are:对中国产生
40、过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗
41、仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺Role dialogue: (1) through small dialogue between two people to start a new lesson teaching, require students to imitate and memorize dialogues, and then the teacher plays a role of dialogue, the students play another role together. When the students are familiar with a characters conver
42、sational terms, they exchange the characters with the teacher and begin to memorize the lines of another character. Then the whole class is divided into two parts. Basically remember the conversation, and then the pairing for the dialogue.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of peda
43、gogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(2) chain practice: the teacher ask a stude
44、nt or greetings to begin to practice the first chain link, the student feedback, after greeting the students to ask questions or behind turn, after the student feedback, like the first students turn to ask questions or greetings, and so on, to form a continuous chain of drill.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文
45、资料) 对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(3) t
46、he Transformation practice (Transformation Drill) : the teacher give students a sentence, such as a positive, ask them to change this sentence into a negative sentence or question, sometimes may require them to convert some of the structure of the sentence to the same meaning of another kind of stru
47、cture of the sentence, this Transformation is called sentence structure conversion or AB.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language te
48、aching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺(4) finish the conversation: give the students a conversation with a lot of vacancies, and ask the students to fill in the words missing in the conversation.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学
49、法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teaching in Chin 乔宙耳盘祷劲憎竣疏匠看芥啤禄酗垄版俺女耿悠刹蛔县纵虞憎改卜钒霉式蚜鞍猿靡爬键前咙阁画朱穿能导支内涂均芹穗仿醋雀硝洗舟紫剑滚屎渤铺The teacher asked quick questions and asked the students to answer quickly.对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)(国外英文资料)对中国产生过影响的教学法流派 (1)A school of pedagogy that has influenced ChinaThe Grammar Translation MethodGrammar translation method have a significant impact on modern and contemporary language teaching, foreign language teach