1、chasebestpdfWAPTXT ELECTRIC DRIVE FOR LOCOMOTIVES Study on the Effect of Welding Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Behavior of Steel Structures (School of Mechanical Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China)Abstract: Considering the structure fatigue behavior of welded load
2、ed components of rolling stock, based on widely referring the international fatigue research results of dynamically loaded welded structures and analyzing the various technical design standards or criterions of domestic and international, the influence of welding residual stresses on the fatigue beh
3、avior of steel structures and its considering method have been discussed detailed and deeply. It is indicated that the fatigue effect of welding residual stresses must be emphasized in the fatigue design, strength assessment and life prediction of welded joints of rolling stock welded loaded structu
4、res. Appropriate methods should be adapted reasonable considering its effect, according to the practical structural geometry, pattern of the welded joints, load conditions, true distribution of residual stresses and so on. Key words: welding residual stresses; steel structures; welded joints; fatigue effect; rolling stock; fatigue analysis