1、 师范学院外语系课程论文课程名称 英语教育论文写作 专业 英语(师范) 班级 2009 级(师范)2 班 姓名 学号 授课时间 20112012 学年度第二学期 二零一二年六月制学生 学号 成绩题目资料准备1Acknowledgements2Abstract3摘 要4ContentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Sounds2.1.2 Repetition of sounds2.1.3 Repetition of accents: foot2.2 GraphsChapter 3 MethodsChapter 4 Re
2、sults and Discussion4.1 Results4.2 DiscussionChapter 5 Conclusion Bibliography5Chapter 1 IntroductionChinese translation theories used to be unsystematic. Various opinions and propositions were hidden in the voluminous historical data, or concealed in the translators fragmentary words and phrases. M
3、any scholars have begun to realize the value of those ideas, however, few have made full use of the materials available to study the old theoretical statements (Yang, 2003:2) 1.1 Significance of ResearchIt has been proposed that those theories in the past could be modernized for the sake of carrying
4、 on the tradition and benefiting Chinese translation studies at present. The modernization is based on discovering something “new” in the “old” theories . And the researchers in this field are responsible.This thesis consists of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of the thesis. Chapter 2 sets
5、 out to analyze the relationship between culture and translation which leads to the possibilities and difficulties of cultural translation. In Chapter 3, the author makes the literal review of the domestication and foreignzation both at home and abroad. In Chapter 4, the author does an analysis in t
6、ranslation strategies adopted in Lin Yutangs English writings. Chapter 5 contains a brief summary and conclusion.Chapter 2 引言一般为第一章,包括选题的背景与目的,论文的基本结构,研究方法等其他各级标题:顶行,小四号,Times New Roman 体,加粗;前后各空一行正文字数一般在 4500 至 5500外文单词之间,小四 Times New Roman 体,行距 1.5 倍;左页边距 2cm,右页边距为 1.5cm, 不设页眉文中作者未出现:圆括号内标明作者姓(汉语只
7、注明作者姓的拼音) ,空格,页码;文末文献要对应注释一律用尾注:文中采用右上标注的方式6Although deconstructionists diverge in their interest and specific views, they agree on their understanding of the basic notions involved. Gentzler, in Contemporary Translation Theories, believes that they are undertaking a radical redrawing of the questio
8、ns upon which translation theory is founded (145). The development of translation theory is often influenced by the academic and socio-political events internationally. The deconstructive alternative arose primarily in France in the late 1960s during a time of social and political upheaval, reflecti
9、ng the political and social turmoil of that period (Gentzler,1957:148). Derrida summarizes two interpretations of interpretation, of sign, and of play:The one seeks to decipher, dreams of deciphering a truth or an origin which escapes play and the order of the sign, and which lives the necessity of
10、interpretation as exile. The other which is no longer turned against the origin, affirms play and tries to pass beyond man and humanism, the name of man being the name of that being who, throughout the history of metaphysics or in other words, throughout his entire history has dreamed of full presen
11、ce, the reassuring foundation, the origin and the end of play. (93) Guo (2000) cited the example of biblical translation to show the importance of translation to the original, and stressed the significance of translation to ancient Chinese literatureThe pseudo-autobiographical narration typical of t
12、he picaresque tradition is maintained:My true name is so well known in the records, or registers, at Newgate and in the Old Bailey, and there are some things of such consequence still depending there relating to my particular conduct, that it is not to be expected I should set my name or the account
13、 of my family to this work It is enough to tell you, that some of my worst comrades, who are out of the way of doing me harm. (Defoe ,1967:27)Chapter 3新一章另起一页,顶上格,后空一行本句作者Gentzler已在文内出现:圆括号内只标明页码超过四行的引文:整段引文左边空10 个字符的间距,所引段落上下各空一行,字体用五号;行距为 1。 作者 Derrida 在文内已出现,这里最后只标明页码如所引原文第一行有缩进,则该行在论文中再缩进三个字符的间距
14、,即引文第一行缩进 13个字符 作者 Defoe 在文内未出现:圆括号内标明作者姓名,空格,页码句号在括号前书名用斜体;文章名加引号7Chapter 48Chapter 5 Conclusion9BibliographyBaker, M. ed. (2004). Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies. Shanghai: 单独一页;一律使用Bibliography 字样,居中,四号 Times New Roman,加粗表示编辑空 5个字符英语著作用斜体10Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.B
15、enjamin, W. (2005). “Blending networks in translation”. Hermeneus.:.Derrida, J. (1986). “Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences.” In H. Adams & Searle, L. (eds.). Critical Theory Since 1965, Tallahassee: University Press of Florida. Holland, N. (1997). “Overcoming depression
16、.” Retrieved on 21 Mar. 2007 from http:/web.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/psyart.htm.李文革. (2004), 西方翻译理论流派研究. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社.廖七一. (2002), 当代西方翻译理论探索. 南京: 译林出版社.-. (2006), 胡适诗歌翻译研究 . 北京: 清华大学出版社.王宏印,刘士聪. (2002), “中国传统译论经典的现代诠释作为建立翻译学的一种努力”. 中国翻译 , .王 敏. (2000), “风格与气韵雪莱西风颂三家译文之比较”. 西安外国语学院学报 ,.英语著作顺序:作者姓, 作者名. 出版年份. 著作名. 出版地: 出版社.名,.英语论文顺序:作者姓, 作者名. 出版年份. “论文名”. 杂志名.(期) 论文集中的文章标注法汉语论文顺序:作者姓名. 出版年份“论文名”. 杂志名 ,(期): 页码.汉语著作顺序:作者姓名. 出版年份, 著作名. 出版地: 出版社名.同一作者文献格式:用“-”代替姓名英语杂志名斜体网络资料