1、新东方 十大阅读攻略 一 . 分类词汇,一网打尽1. 中口 : Medicine , Health electoral college system , electoral vote , popular vote , winner-take-all 第一段 : Democracy is so much a part of our national identity that it almost seems a birthright. But the irony is that, even as we hope to spread democracy elsewhere, we risk pre
2、aching the virtues of a form of government we no longer practice ourselves. The upcoming elections, our proudest celebration of democracy, will highlight some of the threats to our government “by the people”. No. 6. The function of the quotation mark in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph is to _
3、. (A)quote what somebody has said (B) emphasize the threats (C) achieve sarcasm (D) create a sense of humor - 类似高口句子功能题 “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” - Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, 1863 四 . 长短兼顾,长句短读1. 短句与长句 - 参见中口 02
4、/03 (习题五)第一篇 2. 长句中 : even though , even if , though , although , in addition , not onlybut (also), 同位语 , 定语从句 , 并列结构 , 破折号 主谓切分 , 不受个别难词影响 - 参见 03/09 中口第四篇、 03/03 高口纽约地铁 3. 长句都需要读吗?利用背景知识和主题 e.g. 05/03 高口 Section 2 第 2 篇 : 奴性基因 第一段 Experiments on rhesus monkeys have shown for the first time that an
5、imal behavior can be permanently altered, turning the subjects from aggressive to “compliant” creatures. Although the research is intended to advance the treatment of mental illness, it will raise images of the Epsilon caste created by Aldous Huxley to carry out menial jobs in his novel, Brave new w
6、orld. No. 6. It can be concluded from the passage that the Epsilon caste created by Aldous Huxley in his novel Brave New World are_. (A) a kind of slave class who are humble and obedient (B) a group of mental patient receiving medical treatment (C) the working people who are involved in manufacturin
7、g (D) hero and heroine in the adventures in the Brave new world 五 . 把握结构,有的放矢1. 中口文章典型结构: 1). 说明文: 03/09 (习题七) 太极拳 爱斯基摩人的冰屋 2). 并列结构: 03/03 (习题十三) , 03/09 (习题七) 及 instruction 类 e.g. 01/09 第五篇 : So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rules to help you find your way. 3)
8、. 主题 例证 : e.g. 01/09 ( 习题三 ) 第二篇 Many folk cures may be more therapeutic than previously suspected. A case in point is that of penicillin In parts of South America, a powder Another example of folk medicine 4). 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题:新闻 e.g.01/03 (习题三)第四篇, 05/03 第二篇 Tips :新,奇 六. 剖析主题 , 决胜千里 1. Inverted Pyra
9、mid Structure 2. 一个段落只有一个主题 example, data, quotation, comparing & contrasting, parallel structure , anecdote Skip! 中口 : 强 , 新 , 奇 , 并 ; 高口 : 主题显而易见 Section 2 做好笔记 七. 分辨题型,控制节奏 1. 中口:细节题,词义句义题 75% 主题题 ,判断题 ( EXCEPT &TRUE/NOT TRUE) , 推断题 ( INFER, CONCLUDE) 20% 其他:作者态度题,文章出处题 碰到难文章,先分辨题型: 01/03 ( 习题三 )
10、 第三篇, 02/03 ( 习题五 ) 第一、四篇 八. 顺序原则,牢记在心 中口:细节题、词义句义题 Tip :边读边解 高口:自 03 年开始,出现近似顺序原则; 05 年 3 月题目完全符合顺序原则 Tip :适度边读边解 九. 永恒考点,成竹在胸 Tip :笔记 1). 共同点:主题, 细节与主题 2). 中口:主题较为具体,细节考查侧重逻辑关系:因果,并列,转折,对比(时间、地点)窜段细节选项,并列选项,具体内容选项 高口:主题比较抽象,侧重论点和论据之间的关系 十. 有所取舍 , 必有斩获 中高口阅读三大纪律众所周知,在中级口译的笔试部分中,阅读部分总分为 60 分,占总分 250
11、 的 24,考生须在 50 分钟之内阅读 6 篇 400500 字的文章,并答完 30 个选择题。在高口笔试中,阅读总分为 100 分,占到总分的 33。在 Section 2(满分 50 分) 里,考生要在 30 分钟内阅读 4篇 700 字左右文章并完成 20 个选择题,而在 Section 5(满分 50 分) 里,则要在 30 分钟内读完 3 篇同样长度的文章并解出 10 个简答题。从近年的趋势来看,在中口和高口阅读部分都出现了以下特点:考查单词难度增加;文章长度增加;文章触及的话题越来越多样。 由此可见,有限的答题时间已经成了很多同学取得高分的最大的绊脚石, 取得阅读部分高分的关键就
12、是要提高阅读速度。本文对解题过程当中最重要的三大环节展开论述,力求在答题效率和正确率方面助考生一臂之力。环节一:找准文章的主题由于中高口考查的文章基本来自报刊杂志,因此都有简洁严谨的特点。就全文来看,主题一般出现在前三分之一,因此考生要学会在有限的时间内读懂前三段中最有用的信息。那么从段落来看,主题又往往出现在什么显著位置呢?答案是第一句和带有转折词的句子。请看下面的例子:Democracy is so much a part of our national identity that it almost seems a birthright. But the irony is that, e
13、ven as we hope to spread democracy elsewhere, we risk preaching the virtues of a form of government we no longer practice ourselves. The upcoming elections, our proudest celebration of democracy, will highlight some of the threats to our government “by the people”. (摘自 05 年 3 月中口阅读第二篇)这段话有 3 句。第一句简单
14、介绍美国是一个有民主传统的国家。第二句带有 but,就应该注意看了,句子大意是美国极力鼓吹的民主其实在本国根本没有实现,美式民主不过是一种讽刺。而第三句讲的是美国即将进行的大选就是这种讽刺的明显体现。从句子功能上看,第一句是铺垫,第三句是例子,它们都紧紧围绕第二句展开。一旦把握了这一点也就把握了全文的重点。环节二:把握文章的类型中高口考查的文章的风格在近些年里一直保持基本一致。就中口而言,说明文、指令文和新闻是常常出现的类型。同一类型的文章往往行文结构非常类似,掌握好每一种文章的解题思路,能使考生在遇到新文章时依然能够很快的找到最有效的阅读方法,起到事半功倍的作用。首先,说明文往往具体全面的介
15、绍一个事物,这类文章一般相对简单,考生第一遍阅读的时候只要能把握介绍的对象和作者的基本态度即可,不用在具体介绍该事物的细节上纠缠,因为后面的细节题不会考的面面俱到,考生只要按照按照关键词找答案定位的方法就可以轻松解题。而该类文章的主题题在大家已经把握大局的情况下也是不会失分的。其次,指令类文章往往有很明显的标志(每一个指令前往往有黑体字,一般是祈使句) 。这类文章最有效的读法应该是先读指令出现前的那部分,因为这部分往往隐藏着全文的主题,而对于每一个指令的具体内容在第一遍读的时候不必读的过细,根据后面的试题来决定具体读哪一个指令才是更有效率的方法。请看下面的例子:2001 年 9 月中口阅读的第
16、四篇的第一、二段的最后一句话是这样的:So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rules to help you find your way.在这句话的后面还有 5 个段落,每段提出一个 rule,告诉消费者怎样维护自己的权益,那么全文的中心是不是一目了然了?只要抓住全文中心是 rules,下面的具体内容就看题目怎么出,然后确定哪个 rule 需要仔细看就可以了。最后,就新闻而言,最重要的是要对 new,recent 这样表示现在的时间状语高度警觉,并且知道新闻报道往往以坏事偏多即可。对于具体
17、的引用和事例不用关注过多,因为这些都是为主题服务的,只要找到主题和作者态度就可以解出不少题目。以 2005 年 3 月中口阅读第三篇的第 1 段为例:Americans are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 20 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and youll know where the trend goes. Now, spurred on by recent studied suggesting that it can cut the risk of
18、cancer and heart disease and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a similar jolt. Enough chic tea salons are springing up to make even die-hard coffee drinkers consider switching beverages.第一句是一个古今对比,引出现在美国人对于饮料很关注这个话题。第二句里的 starbuck就明显是例子了,不应该是重点。第三句中出现了关键词 now 和 recent,说的是最近的研究表明喝茶对于健康的很有好处。而
19、第四句中的 tea salon 和 coffer drinker 不过就是一些例子用来支持第三句话。由此可见,仅仅强调要读懂前三分之一还是不够的,我们还应该在前三分之一中读出重中之重来。高口文章无一例外来自近期的欧美知名报刊杂志,如 Business week,Newsweek ,Time 等等,以新闻评论为主。常见的类型是提出问题、分析问题、解决问题,这是新闻评论的典型结构,考生也应该学会剔除细节,直奔主题而去。以下的例子来自 2005 年 3 月高口section5 的第一篇的第一段。As he hiked up a steep trail winding into the Great S
20、moky Mountains National Park a few days ago. Don Barger reached into his pack, pulled out his cellphone-and turned it off. “the last thing you want to hear as you re rounding a bend out here is a cellphone ring or some guy talking to his broker or ordering pizza.” He says. “but thats what happening
21、in our national parks these days.” At least 30 national parks now sport cellphone towers or other antennas, according to a newly released partial inventory by the National park service. This list, the first of its kind, is evidence that phone companied are targeting Americas national parks for busin
22、ess.这段文章只要粗粗一看,就能确定斜体字部分是一个 anecdote(轶事,故事),对于这部分细节可以扩国不看,因为作者的目的决不是写一篇记叙文。果然最后两句中出现了 recent这个关键词,也引出了文章的重点,那就是在国家公园造手机发射塔的事。这种提出问题的方式在高口历年试题中层出不穷,考生务必对其写作手法熟练掌握。另外,正反论证也是高口常见的一种行文方式,往往对于一个有争议的话题作者会摆出正房双方的观点,解好这种文章的关键就是做好正反记号,而不用对正方或者反方的具体观点或者某个单词过于执着。 环节三:理清文章的结构中口文章最典型的结构就是并列结构,纵观历年真题,6 篇文章中的并列结构可
23、以高达 4篇,所以学会高效的识别并列结构是节省阅读时间的一大致胜法宝。以 2005 年 3 月中口阅读第三篇的最后 3 段为例: Along with green, black, and oolong tea, this company sells a wide variety of herbal teas and offers a “Tea of the Month” this site sells higher-end green. Black and oolong teas and has good tips on proper storage and preparation of
24、Tea drinkers can find links to sites offering tea lore, such as articles about tea ceremonies in foreign lands. An exhaustive “frequently asked questions” file founds out the site.很明显,这三段每段都在介绍一个 website,这样的段落不用第一时间读得很仔细,原因很简单,每篇文章只出 5 道题,全文有很多段落,不可能出 3 个细节题来分别考这 3 段,所以考生可以先跳过这部分,当考题中问到某个具体 website
25、的具体细节时再精读才是最佳选择。近年来不论是在高口还是中口阅读中按时间顺序写的文章越来越多,这类文章往往每一段都用明显的时间状语表示时间的推移。只要把握好时间变化,就能轻易找到每一段的主题。来看 2005 年 3 月中口阅读第 5 篇第一段和其后每段的第一句话:Transportation is the movement or conveying of persons and goods from one location to another. As human beings, from ancient times to he 21st century, sought to make the
26、ir transport facilities more efficient, they have always endeavored to move people and property with the least expenditure of time, effort and cost. Improved transportation had helped make possible progress toward better living, the modern systems of manufacturing and commerce, and the complex, inte
27、rdependent urban economy present in much of the world today.Primitive human beings supplemented their own carrying of goods and possessions by starting to domesticate animals-training them to bear small loads and pull crude sledsThe greatest improvements in transportation have appeared in the last t
28、wo centuries, a period during which the industrial Revolution has vastly changed the economic life of the entire worldThe first new mode of transportation to challenge the railroad was the motor vehicle, which was made possible by the invention, in the 1860s and 70s, of the internal combustion engin
29、eDuring the same period intercity buses took over a large portion of commercial passenger travel, and trucks began carrying a great deal of the nations freightAlthough the emphasis on fuel conservation waned in the 1980s, few doubt that the issue will emerge again when oil scarcities loom, as they did in the 1970s. 考生只要能够按照每段开头所提到的时间段来定位细节题,那么肯定能够在短时间内找到正确答案。总之,中高口阅读的考试目前是检查大家快速阅读把握有用信息的能力,因此在最后的复习阶段,考生务必尽力培养自己的大局观,把握好文章的主题和结构,进而学会根据不同文章的类型“见招拆招”才是得胜的法宝。最后代表新东方祝广大考生考试成功!