1、00本科生毕业论文(设计)题 目: On Environment Protection 学 院 ( 系 ) : 外 语 学 院 专 业: 英 语(涉 外 法 律) 班 级: 10* 学 号: 10* 姓 名: * 指 导 教 师: * 注 1:标题需用词组,不可用句子。首页标题单行(只能占一行),如果英文题目过长 ,封面可以用中文 题目。若有副标题,可放在内页显示。标题中所有实词首字母大写,超过三个字母的虚 词首字母也需大写。注意此部分不能加页码。注 2:封面所填文字中文为宋体 20 号字,英文 为Times New Roman20 号字,所有下划线保持一致,不能有长有短11环境保护之我见 摘
2、要 环境权是近年来提出的一项公民基本权利。本文主要讨论公民环境权实现过程中的冲突及其解决方案。从权利要素来分析,。环境权影响并决定人类的生存状况,其实现过程中的矛盾冲突必须得以解决。但历史上曾经出现过的“零增长”论、 “无限增长”论不但不能解决现有问题,而且是非理性的,。本文的结论是要以可持续发展理论为导向,在实际中发扬“持续” “循环”的理念,众人参与,人人有责。保障公民基本环境权,完善求偿、申诉的程序;把环境使用费纳入企业发展成本中,。关键词 环境 保护 可持续发展 注 3: 宋体、三号、加粗、居中注 4: 宋体、小四、加粗、居中注 5: 此处需要空一行注 6: 每个自然段首空两个中文字符
3、,宋体小四,1.5 倍行距注 7: 摘要与关键词之间需空一行,摘要长度约占 A4 纸页面的 2/3注 8: “关键词”三个字本身需加中括号,各关键词之间需空一格,不加标点。所有关键词部分使用宋体、小四、加粗。22On Environment ProtectionAbstractThe Environment Right which has been brought up recently belongs to one kind of the fundamental rights. In my paper, I emphasize on the conflicts in the fulfillm
4、ent of the Environment Right. In the sense of the composition, the subjects of the right are citizens, corporations and other organizations (in certain situation, countries are also qualified subjects). Key words: environment; protection; sustainable development 注 9: Times New Roman三号、加粗、居中注 10: Tim
5、es New Roman 小四、加黑、居中,与下面正文之间空一行注 11: Times New Roman 小四,1.5 倍行距注 12: 摘要正文与关键词之间 需空一行注 13: Key words 中 words 的首字母 w用小写,整个词组使用 Times New Roman 小四加黑,Key words 之后用冒号。注 14:各关键词使用 Times New Roman 小四,各关键词之间用英文分号隔开,分号后空一格。最后一个关键词后不使用任何标点。所有字母小写,专有名词除外。33ContentsChapter 1 Introduction.11.1 What is the Envir
6、onment Right.21.1.1 Answers to This Question Vary.21.1.2 Definition of the Environment Right.21.2 Conflicts .4Chapter 2 The Conflicts for Environment Right.62.1 Analyses: Economic Roots of the Conflicts.62.1.1 Minus Externalities of Economic Activities.62.1.2 Publicity and Competitiveness of Environ
7、ment Sources72.2 Discussion: Vicious Circles. .82.2.1 Vicious Circle One82.2.2 Vicious Circle Two.8Chapter 3 Solution.10Chapter 4 Conclusion.16References.19Acknowledgments.20注 15: Times New Roman 三号 加粗 居中注 16: 章节数字与章节名称之间空一格,一级标题使用 Times New Roman 三号加粗注 17: 二级标题 使用 Times New Roman 小三注 18: 三级标题使用Time
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9、ProtectionChapter 1 IntroductionSince the environment problems are raising increasing concerns, legislations on this area are on the top agenda1. As one of the fundamental missions of the environment laws, how to ensure every people has equal access to the pleasant, healthy and comfortable environme
10、nt nowadays has been under the spotlight.Several present basal teaching materials,With the development of the research on the Environment Right, studies on the legislative protection as well as the torts and compensation that concerned are going further correspondingly. Works, such as 1.1 What is En
11、vironment Right1.1 .1 Answers to This Question Vary2 From the view of the nature of the right, some people assert it was born of nature, which means once you were born, you deserve the right to enjoy beautiful sunshine, clean water, healthy air and whatever. 1.2 Conflicts From the definition above,
12、it is easy to find out the most distinctive feature of the Environment Right, Publicity. What human beings do, such as too many usages of automobiles and air-conditions not only pollute the environment, but also degrade the environment quality and pose harm to ourselves. 1 Agenda2 注 1: 论 文 标 题 使 用 T
13、imes New Roman 三号加粗居中。 正文部分需加页码。注 2: 论 文 标 题 与 章 节 标 题 间 空 一 行注 3: 一 级 标 题 使 用 Times New Roman 三 号 加 粗 居 中注 4: 章 节 标 题 与 正 文 内 容 间 空 一 行注 5: 正 文 使 用 Times New Roman 小 四 ,1.5 倍行 距 。段 首 缩 进 四 个 英 文 字 符注 6: 开 始 二 级 标 题 前 空 一 行注 7: 二 级 标 题 使 用 Times New Roman 小三 加 粗 ,与 三 级 标 题 之 间 不 空 行注 8:三 级 标 题 使 用 T
14、imes New Roman 小 四 ,加 粗注 9: 开 始 二 级 标 题 前 空 一 行55注 11: 如 有 脚 注 ,需 使 用 带 圈 数 字 标 号 ,且 每 页 重 新 编 号 ,不 可 继 续 上 页 编号 。不 建 议 使 用 尾 注 。66Chapter 2 The Conflicts for Environment Right2.1 Analyses: Economic Roots of the Conflicts2.1.1 Minus Externalities of Economic ActivitiesExternality is a concept brough
15、t up by Ronald H. Coase1, English economist. Coase mentioned Externalities in his paper “problems in social costs” and advocated that the definition and arrangement of rights should be put into economic transactions, thus, problems of non-economical could be solved. 2.1.2 Publicity and Competitivene
16、ss of Environment SourcesAccording to whether or not certain object can be shared and whether or not one persons use would affect others, all the matters in the world could be divided into four groups. 2.2 Discussion: Vicious Circles1 注 12: 每 个 章 节 另 起 一 页77Chapter 3 ConclusionAt the beginning of my
17、 paper, I explain what the Environment Right is and make a definition for it. The kinds of the Rights subjects, as we can see in chapter 1, are so abundant that conflicts do exist out of varieties of needs. 注 19: 每 个 章 节 另 起 一 页注 20: 章 节 标 题 与 正 文 内 容 间 空 一 行88References1 Boud, David. Moving Towards
18、 Autonomy. Boud, David (ed.). Developing Student Autonomy in Learning. London: Kongan Page Limited, 1988.2 McDevitt, Becky. Learner Autonomy and the Need for Learner Training. Language Learning Journal, 1997, (9).3 Nunan, Peter. Designing and Adapting Materials to Encourage Learner Autonomy. Benson,
19、 Peter and Voller, Peter (eds.). Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997.5 包锡妹反垄断法的经济分析北京:中国社会科学出版社,20036 高吉利国内外语自主学习研究状况分析综述外语教学,2005,(1) 7 刘建文,崔正军竞争法要论武汉:武汉大学出版社,199615 Ur Penny. Teacher Training and Teacher Development: A Useful Tichotomy? http:/jalt
20、-pubilcations.org/tlt/files/97/oct/ur.html, 1997-10-19.注 21: Times New Roman 三 号 、加粗 、居 中 。本 单 词 使 用 复 数 形 式 。注 22: 此 处 空 一 行总体要求:1. 书目按照英文类,中文类 ,网 络类分三类分别排序,每种类别内部都按起首字母顺序排列。2. 数字标号加方括号,括号后空一格 以 便 突出标号。 若标 号后内容超过一行,则各行首字母需对齐。3. 总书目不少于 15 项,其中 英文书目不少于 5 项。英文书目格式(标点一律使用英文输入格式下的标点符号):1. 先写英文姓氏,加逗号,再加英
21、文名字,加句号。后接文章名,文章名无需斜体。若有若干作者,中间用 and 连接。若有编辑,先写姓,加逗号,再加名。名后用括号标注出(ed.)或(eds.) 字样。2. 若有若干编辑,中间用 and 连接,再接 书名, 书名需斜体。书名、文章名中的实词首字母大写,超过三个字母的虚词其首字母也需大写。3. 最后写出版地,加冒号;出版社,加逗号;出版年代,加句号。 中文书目格式(标点一律使用中文输入格式下的标点符号)1. 先写姓名,加点号。若有若干作者,中间用逗号连接。2. 再接文章名或书名,无需加 书名号或任何符号。最后加出版地,冒号;出版社,加逗号;出版年代,加点号。3. 期刊杂志无需加注出版社
22、或年代,但需注明期刊号,如 2005,(1)年代后加逗号,期刊号加小括号,再加点号。网络书目格式1. 先写作者,加点号。2. 再接文章或书名,无需斜体。3. 后接网站网址,需用下划 线表明,加逗号。 4. 最后加访问日期,如 2013-02-19。99AcknowledgmentsFirst, I thank my advisors for their continuous support in my paper research and writing. They are always there to listen and to give advice. They are responsi
23、ble for involving me in the paper in the first place. They taught me how to ask questions and express my ideas. They showed me different ways to approach a research problem and the need to be persistent to accomplish any goal. A special thanks goes to my classmates who helped me complete the writing
24、 of this dissertation as well as the challenging research that lies behind it. Besides my advisors and classmates, I thank my family: my parents for giving me life in the first place, for educating me with aspects from both arts and sciences, for unconditional support and encouragement to pursue my interests, even when the interests went beyond boundaries of language.作者联系方式姓 名: 地 址: 邮 编: 电 话: Email: 注 25: 致谢部分单独成页,致 谢中不要提及具体指导教师 的姓名,仅用“感谢我的指导教师”之类笼统话语替代。内容部分用 Times New Roman 小四,1.5 倍行距。注 23: Times New Roman三号,加粗,居中。本 单 词 使用 复 述 形 式 。注 24: 此 处 空 一 行注 25: 手 机 号 必 填