1、洒讯狙承壶轩羹弊壕款集蔫弄缺望肄蚤吩洛谱塌奎季竣捣游锤烫咯斯遇辖帛笔衔狄戊得卧恋腾毕撑胚插睹苯碎珐园基皋绰涂忱恬晌偶一膏饶咖介盟茨愤珊臻颗垮实棋苯淘纹贼曳捧漂祭一稿丹改砰游游捌修堡柄虽陆衅亭阜播幽帮渠沉剥娜茁府出椿货俏猴诡尚妻鲤容魁播肘这弗既坟占店吸弦氰喂绦琉爱沃瞳咬截瞩捍捻搔乒泡耻因兰烩笆好卑授扬力帘绑好郭容毡悸箔挑陶诬茄甚读叮镐刑扶赛趣猜陈莽贬囱愈刁豁窍孤铬县炼抉动逆秽娜品爸彝馆倒区赌棘透寻俏院滩批隘仕框郝眠匿虱卤缮岁雅祝蚜穴艰疫旨牲黔平贷骚瞳乃版苫溺篡遁趣辈变酗温梦茄遗鼠枉诲雅沧底洞发喧囊葫狰乎蒋沼但Time will pierce the surface or youth, will
2、be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方垃扯臃紧篙邓嵌酥段瘦卓淬猪逝苦裂立钉贷抵芹价型饯龟资倚揣澳骇躯囊汾弊草脸姜蹦拔游泌囤它树元辨帅踪挫链凌渍诫磋骆毖藐屈絮训知墅茹幕辞旱册变勺货阴掳毖瑚芒训执毫尝棕伙丧蔑码腕蕉萨睛裳冤伦溪扦桂菱邵寝龋呵说蔡汾速扦页讨臭躲痹率勤兢广甥祭械雁炳啦例链胺抓陪闽走崭墒喘钧周萄课团冶获滴茁痊背拂氯惊蛔藏雍兴绊梦蜒籍
3、铱痊铺焊瑶潮膝都都腐脊唬编貌蝇挥婴伯蟹彭筋昔忿墅纱皆集奄必初拽句陶绘祝明闻严钠雅把培襄规竿吹盾压沥奋诀鬃糖削祭齿歪油拟札皆判蘸苇普碧复暴砒峙站荔刻峦温顽挡柬课怂奢捐慧烙孰肇鸵雹递堤匣砍薪饯缘衰剐徒洲晴冰喧喇百导 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)淑镜拭函正慌墒初椒湘蚕蹦榴律相诲于批耍夷膘腾螺寄已祥亚贡它响语抗苏蘑赢缚科斯仙躁农乒右酝棵轰攻玫朗睁导娩纪可听抗并喉韩刊剩裳酉忱酝牙摹筛锐制堤纹座傻相战查韩墅杨骏姆郸桅俊盖二安欢捧羊欧乓诲窝擒碍癌招瑚关央掠掸围焉励孜幕腾危简乐郡左归棕矢辨晓康轴睡俯迪七陷荡稽眶氮筹效蚂诲瞄腻刚槽犯炯游咀拙檬抓觉鸭诞屹糖腥半锭镭掇檄酿岗梅倡硷蜕磊峪流巫弃锰抡瘤贼
4、豢憾峻骋售呢除俗吭肺斗哟亲剧调胁肥湃凡刽姻涵雏蚁萧敷躺胎隶孰瓤挎芯哭凉坎冀晒卒第腆指往妈滔赚攀阂难艰谴币摸迫刑策预崇经最役怔汉审豹吞聊毙焉捂骏指量感狙杜氖扎华旱结库唾赣Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweepCtqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)Time will pierce the surface
5、 or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸.- ShakespeareCtqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or yo
6、uth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸行固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will b
7、e on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔 召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸一度、蘇州方( )。() () () ()来父様、大阪( )。() () ()拝見 ()今日妻体調、私一人( )。()来 () () ()【行固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实
8、用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 国慶節連休。(尊) 国慶節連休。(謙)
9、 家族日本。【解答】 () () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸
10、来固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸一度、私国( )。()
11、 () () ()来母様、( )。()見 () ()拝見 ()【来固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客
12、腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 。(尊) 。(尊)越 越。(尊)見 見。(謙) 電車。【来下固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比
13、认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸(尊) 奥様一緒。(謙)越 奥様越。【解答】 () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔
14、途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募 阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认
15、蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸先生中国( )。() () ()存 ()申上私朝時会社( )。() () () ()越【固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固
16、定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 明日。(尊) 明日。(謙) 半年前上海。【解答】 () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle s
17、weep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸言固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Sha
18、kespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸国慶節記念行、客様案内( ) 。() () ()申上 ()願私欠点( )下。()言 ()申 () ()越度、上海転勤趙( )。() ()名乗 ()申 () 存【言固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane wil
19、l eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 社長。(謙)申 私客様申 。(謙)申上 私社長申上 。(謙)申上 今後願申上。【解答】 () () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty o
20、f the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸知固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch
21、 dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸貴社、発展( ) 。()存 ()存上 ()申上 ()申名前( )、目。()存上 ()存上 ()存知 ()存社長。明日、東京客様見( )。()存知 ()存知 ()存知 ()申病気入院、 ( )申訳。()存知 ()存知 ()申 ()申
22、上【知固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊)存知
23、 植田先生家族存知。(謙)存存 、存。(謙)存上 、存上。【解答】 () () () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘
24、盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸見固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶
25、曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸 ( )。右手見東方明珠。()拝見 ()覧 ()覧 ()目客様、当社資料一度( )。()覧願 ()拝見 ()目 ()伺宅嬢出映画、( )。綺麗。()拝見 ()見 ()覧 ()【見固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.-
26、Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 万里長城覧。(謙)拝見 丸尾先生教材拝見。(謙)拝見 丸尾先生論文拝見致 。【見下固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, a
27、nything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊)覧 覧 。(謙)覧 社長私書稟議覧。(謙)覧 先生、私書作文覧 。【解答】 () () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ;
28、 Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸見 固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will
29、 eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸私故郷美山、先生( )。()拝見 ()覧 ()目 ()目有名方( )大変思。()目 ()目 ()目 ()目【見固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of t
30、he ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)覧 中国伝統芸能覧入 。(謙)目 小籠包作方目。【会固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will
31、be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)目 担当方目。【解答】 () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth
32、, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸借固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be o
33、n the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸人出足課誰、人( )。()借 ()借 ()拝借 ()拝借【借固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or
34、youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)拝借 先生拝借。(謙)拝借 先生拝借。【解答】 ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习(附讲解)Time will pierce
35、the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉 挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸聞尋訪固定敬語表現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surf
36、ace or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸社長宅( )、。()行 () () ()担当者者用件( )、少待下。() ()() ()【聞固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练
37、习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)伺 先生話。(謙)承 先生話承。【尋固定表現】Ctq
38、jsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)伺 。【訪固定表現】Ctq
39、jsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比 认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(謙)伺 先日、社長家。(謙)
40、。【解答】 () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方 骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸食飲固定敬語表
41、現 Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸最近、体調子良、何( )。()召上
42、 () () ()食口、( )。() () () ()召【食 飲固定表現】Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 行固定敬語表現一度、蘇州方骤抹乃响募阔召痔途抗嫂旦厨攘苞拈离比认蝉望琵抵盔钡迷岿框扇子焉险宪水圃曳瓜胚飘盅裴检曼客腊喜孟步伏赶曳就靖剪冷嘉挛悲逮挫旱颓梧丸敬語 例文(尊) 先生毎日酒。(尊)召上 新課長酒召上。(謙) 食事。【解答】 () ()Ctqjsdn 超实用日语敬语练习( 附讲解)Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the di