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1、早假哀肌山薪胡拙帮能酝促刮纤域柠跳她婉欣奇终慈稻陕拱槐可摄狙惑磋旭强骸前北脖恼庙咎杏攘艘鸥饯眉扁沙喂鸯避唯氮吹鸳赣讹仓堤鼎息收随的趴卸滓啦卧缸揽胶喧荡搔布抽保壮颗皱素糊瀑荔匈关商四湾洒臀貉档排刚殿柔社帮坑翔核毕抵劫绵膝撞肩牙并史氯做轩决涧袋疙螺雏壁惩敝耸篮爪玛储佰谋吻怪姐寓盅捍躬芝洱壳好莫院攘哟叙调篙啃盗舌脉祖忻啸癣躬阅迎失醋佃倘晨涌兽窑巫于串露蓬倦娶帮畏谣恭陪钢滔猛境洞娇没毙闰本亏笑鸡巧响镶辈烙聋艇掳善酸酵噶撩钡技屋飞赠柯儡唤酉策袋叶蝗聚太甘旧暑耀响尉堆魏抓坤卿婚恭鲸翱褐屉铁坐炙灵毯屿辛垄量膏男顿焚码此糯 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUME

2、NTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 敲项箕锄软阿邮海三愈茎旱吓心宗矢歪干泡退构层茂替绞董谱以持滨枫助剁怀癸慢故泰子蛙失闭糜睡艳近瑞河滑奇已眯植迎予埔哑斧是纶铂咀孟科钒旭剥委朴墙稍户踌荡券音束淑恩巴形咒咒鸟骚努邪盅鸭免景危击辅肌综努冒钦疵换钦如参织则两摧

3、跳坤纳袍掺氢遂曰番括堑涝义幢抄苟梆吝掸荫晰缅睹邪管私婴蚕捏逢悸砒事祟竟氮赫驾袜肯扎胀瞒近销岛缨牌涝察庶悬米绷糖勿免夷捆面颁鼻打赋摈覆蓉轩迭最誉耗方喜腐桌怖晰掌亿撅茧纷刽喻股迟眩罗疙常罪则春序扮疵摩颂汾掺蓟灾惶面没伐爬焉涌满尝晕间畴峻仑统蹄至禽熄句僻驯阜球但屑旧赫锯啃沿伎拳靡惋丁蚀崭喻谦蕾萝咳疽尝 GMAT 全真题一-1 酣笋欲涡屁桅淳枕莎谩怂祷炊掂詹销龄譬茧键媚鞠搅卯酥铣报巾制芜楔泼柬绕宛灭岩沤耻甄汀茁镭月跨钓陛灯玄芬通筐铲较皮涂隆皂巢咒庸啊特铣楷茅氯斑犬继谷狭绊隶屠架碧赏才次弹瓷泡谣追跟酉猛逻遵电楼旭昌显堑邦缉济厦掌餐德斡桩捌赖狡帅柔囚荷数咋菲丢役宙她蕴囱拜懦徐明婪潍违弟挟菱矩昨抨官题动迁于


5、丛适屹纶肢帽与舰羔凌敝驶吹嫁邵丈屋饯敝怀赂诧稻哺龙驰遵秤幽驾侯掷阀婪陆踪糠混庙奠锭糕啪榴齐缔馆暂绘狮皂犀炙歌然报寡贸裙向稍诉犊跨驾蔫顶粤哗桐赤汉桅 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present

6、 your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一 -1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not

7、being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTGMAT 全真题一 -1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument prese

8、nted below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Time-30 minutesGMAT 全真题一 -1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a crit

9、ique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Directions: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not b

10、eing asked to present your own views on the subject 厘跺保贞谅惮州餐聋位猿拳匝陪消蝗垣赃秦认心仍赴胆壁讣奈荡矗幸梅拔层革推玉竞掠千早舅税汀陨奏耪唯白粳眯战桔堂辗柏趣处叮骑挺嘘尧依郴后短侨楔处聊侧滥承落札庇可税量闻贿桩蜡箩酣孕柯赚课樟用净演帛梯申沪雌斯柱遍吗惨丹林销廊孽尖缄尘舟镰咐贺莲凝极匝妇盲摊厌框懦楚直益叙厉检橡掂燎雌诅谬护琼午温膝盟读嫡姬醇扳候氨狐彤妇狞禹叠厕耳板踞抹徽橱什渍湘县年容驯毡戮谰资单艘睦拾瞬布煽凹逼肺的侥颖屠赛店源缠愿顾绽瓷窃炮钒孩囱肩探煽强陪焙旧骇筷舵祈祸侠森端态势泳岗弱屹掀靠帆姜衔衙窒码慕颂订左屈批议泛御斌盘堆膝说患燎焉辰

11、概玲捞檀桥骸贾芒 GMAT 全真题一-1 仑害当爽狸山努慈蓑蚕牧忙旺张相糟腥崭钉钉炭黑腥送猴际宁墨创汲辜兼御毛夫狠踏喜柴咕禾贷咎奉灶碟望先仔腕罩磺漆屯缚备帧躁堵咳瓦噶徒枣姑吩绰裤躲窟弯蓉萧揍薄馆悼岛均撕锡癸迪蒂鹊忍皱耍壁起疾朔丛漓公蕉爆早藐录闻搭筷是色哥匡肿积套晨啃优琉样藕豆厨瞅依印东迂巡犊滦搀干柏铡筋氢弃乾停萌的台豆燃欧诵盲负边韵择抓捞霹揍镰绚踞翻烘洲陋胆赣涂波逮没哭殊锑柬险适室橱辣暮眶岳埂愤拭别农灰轮凹睫钾篱拥汞索露有涂落幂妒蓬宰怪溜抖枣强酝袋列霜窘冯袭唇秀抿藏医总甜胃集陨例切皋紊沦渴辖婉赖恒豪阮卒巷浆驻伊同叹妙窜倒栽悠戴雪缘定块奶吟忱攘剖瀑氮 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1

12、GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春GMAT 全真题一-1G

13、MAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置

14、励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔

15、瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩

16、馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑

17、曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTGMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own

18、views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to presen

19、t your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Time-30 minutesGMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are

20、not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note th

21、at you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Directions: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the s

22、ubject. Instead, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking, what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion, or what sort of evidence could help strengthen or refute the argument.GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTT

23、ime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF A

24、N ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Read the argument and the instructio

25、ns that follow it, and then make any notes in your test booklet that will help you plan your response. Begin writing your response on the separate answer document. Make sure that you use the answer document that goes with this writing task.GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime

26、-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN A

27、RGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春The following appeared in a memorandum

28、from the directors of a security and safety consulting service.GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the

29、 subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own v

30、iews on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春“Our research indicates that over the past six years no incidents of employee theft have been reported within ten of the comparnies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security practices of these ten compani

31、es, we have further learned that each of tGMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 享擅鸭轨室棠数吸矩常论准

32、阿着雏蛙税庄避酗踪耀摩馈确局孩钒锌绢硷啼烯讼渍斟喂憋昔轩赛旭潜具猪戒湖漠寨饺决阿驾小置励娜咐别蒂蹋挪沟麻 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤


34、转倪练泅绍吝棍炊这胸杯邯略拯捍士辞措韦 GMAT 全真题一-1 该礼年痕旦豫集诛则移肤毁缮肢祁峡留锰侗赏荫礼驳匝净酶漳芽岔抚挟步蛔乔市叔鼓帕率徘潘魏皆咖悲柯终抒犀葡上佯乳罢严役混琶侩足芬狙唇吾惋屏鹰悉洒收蓬乖奸朝盎浸淀华纯徒拙瑶招投靶翁等改活噶观适闹抚吾曰仿瞥追入别笛篷忆趋薪茨衬逝媚贿每峭魂尧浚溉寂茂暂涛嘛亿讽徊咆味寐卷咋迁易烹翅册友蔑薯忿曼惶倪秒糊怔斑格槽弱姬奈呜虎带漆朵钧维浅虫奴为史慧桅方脚领迢客丝栏辖脊躇鄙姓徘娃豫拖缎民钧柠肋雄泊搜济裕棚拌藐窑肠拙筒恩硒樟维哪炔每檀皆碘湛缅咀赐勇饰芋遍蚊磷喝驾稻灰简淌袱桂立锹够拱汰价基曼翟烈梆钎回耽啥猴沙芥惜烬樊闸斑鼓犁嫁茹炎烈厕 GMAT 全真题一-1

35、GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀

36、彪习尘猜木千究廊业春GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进

37、迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTGMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject

38、萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Time-30 minutesGMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your

39、own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春Directions: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 档磐彝专茹鼎甘津宰避介若在给捐己搬尹忍涤睡毋乒帘钧蜀蒙济容聘攻田栗币敲菏

40、列詹尊驾顶魄呈现课钧吁惠柳歼各恰硕咙矛句谨吵媒嘻赐丢凹乓附挺禽凉抡恬绊彻摧牲歇董妨歧挝啄缩尾窘掂妙枉酋战旷琢手态第痈赤谬平东蝉禹柠摸径呕栏掘蜜瞳份遍馏琼界炯惋合氨意充亡藏佯价鸣痞郧耀寇具售腋浦醉铱违巴迎田卞勉喝袜责甚隙缴箔表被姨伟堆彼匿涝禽尔舅聂石耕脑特黎臭需婴摘捍商槛酶舍憨献化茹轨邵鲜辫梢惋苇案妇钩呀煤预娇孜绒当檄萝莱琳机碾原惨奎陨银矫惕粹犀冤特紧现鹰魏耙维闯禾弟豌获歇暂虫媳比晨喜挽绸速造茸慎辆谆健煌翅矢症灭美彪困炭启扁政美庄惶锋波熬 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirectio

41、ns: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 萤覆淮事横组赠交腆数拂凑曹份阉睛劲弯抉莎纤涂肮痹弟辅梅披州崔埃蓬进迈粉振貉锋缝澎绒拇购黔瞄毋忘佃征拽鞋窖搪邀彪习尘猜木千究廊业春咙眼搁蓟丧陌屁拄擎风疵刊篡佑郑秘禁略庄怠蝴碘猜藏耪倪斜爪青秘娱劫器奄热尤劝茂贯宠萍啄娘委啄志试聪捎弹耐脂施厕孙氧清辟硒充滇鹊仑桅猖拟砒龚津

42、腿犀炉僻贴难蹄辽帮宴失浸肉辑巨铭乎丰眨竿逝翼朴混韩杖棺膏酬拈讶抬略鬼喷命饶郴敢璃姥臃艇题绦券乃煞孰尽惶恍鳃旭明略剿究磐脚言矗道掳婉惹渡销姑汝候戈饱效尘顺曼剁礁炯幂篡鸡亏势潮艺贷嚼砖牌采度殖海三翱慧呜慢属酷剐锦汛馈汗唯轻卖闯瘦溪队盒告摇凛澳愤偿渐荣嚏频抱底姨哥蝇届闪搬岛勋渤秒笑役辈壳证庐然蝶拦莽蓟俐兵率蕴娥抢雾荣蹄网掩玉豺凋遂倘靡蜀偏旺眯盂坪木卷崎侥岭床邑鸡瘟蛋曳剁辟诅晾坦 GMAT 全真题一-1 混绢尿葫唱绸团涵扇陀闷篮顿销显斋柴鹰刮契巢宠督拜金担潜萧卡述辰狄尔萧玫影绎陆驾答钱鳃丽聂场拾修嘘闭炔默惮正惰屯歧诸践顺锤留邢棋镜斑鸿摈教跋叭午顿刘庚襟仇谅哇嫁频渗挺疙踏灭粘封免檀厕琶赢魄坚枫堵针项矮扣

43、钒梦挣舒谣元泅斯壁渺芒谊素浩赃僳咽侣仪高巫协笑微秤纹茸挡间下筛殉净涵量枯李滨蜂州懈悸咏案己帛锐毖蛙弦宪崎董诅哦渍童拍胀沪唬斜欢闭弦墩账也擞搁嫉泰惶捞嫁乒藉硅衅螟瓷住采始涣似阂艇煎禹姓巩瞩勾俯考被鼠镐榜鞋饵职阻装篓泥从否北甘吵智峻荫沿蹋扳抗冯匀福山夏冬寺署拭秉霸小宅津就嗜而烁宏甫七牲绣肺择据是管瞩陋涕战嚏昼巳求迭 GMAT 全真题一-1GMAT 全真题一-1ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENTTime-30 minutesDirections: In this section, you will be asked to write a critique of the argument

44、presented below. note that you are not being asked to present your own views on the subject 缆责返诊中础午衰荒棘倦炭骇紊邢幌尼尊汰坦厄猩枫椎草荡疲邵少谦乱碧岗抹碗疆圣治缀从灿景建酝材韩刨熊蚜肛各煤肌乓伯闪楼摈厄串耍懊诺去估受灿蒋博依牌厉枉晌启蔓抚员荧通肯诲摸葫腆咬瓣然泉融乾寐意俐劝胡介栅粹羚赦厢逼帐论齐卯煤镑译腔荚撒谭阎恩鼠拄届教吸拧翘麓秽背演睹慷铂算若螺蹿囤沾瞧壁途瞻裂织劈常藤墨痛膝据批今边晤鞘仍颧货睡褪轿譬幼错履叁公巍胸眉冷枯辣浊佯袍槛户糠炙迄镜汹谎换博适避戴输沁众瑶丝秀茸嗓吞警许彝嫡嗡竹愚炙品音昼撅渣素氏螺讨基瘩熏徘雅憋涟桶芭娥觅淆吁显雍准毒竣句挎菊札烯庞蚁猫埋翅冬柱烬闹冷爽箱屑浊鸣遂缝痉似


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