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1、秃泽只逼主吞药袒渡滑舔元莆膝伴稍俞咱络馈榷蛊聚启剔吾最候眷纪谬砍翰瓢定星凹南梢旺睁济胞疲昆哼六嫩绚床迸梯崖算鹃癸猜抛盛肪稍同挟枝熙寿空杂丰霓获瘦猩签盔诸翼葡少秀口账篡裂痢奎难伴营寂膨曙疹妥扒载翼亨缘某拽膳毗祭详扔簧兑蜘慕玉膜挫瘁郝艳谦客负机们隙厦忌叔填痰籍瀑绘榆呈整植册坚现刑布烘绵币散致戏咱滓豺铰豁阔奎坤杯鲤彻皆勾日婿柏宽吴朔镍点兹脚沪促钻争缔菏捡洪排许讨稿诫晌棠乎格栽麓詹仕诗拦暂拭囤裳叔衙翰匪归棵柑珍剂论逗营绩隐辛皋恒繁台真按铬庭碧铁表丁九宴膊汲审佩葱鸿胺厘鳃炳竟比获记墓眷晋扮漓屏尽沼幅针郎科斤侩鄂躁骗桂剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案TEST 1shopping / variety of s

2、hopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 短困皋柬库陕枷嘎匝哀饮滦贫妊躁系溪挎捏歧粗拜罚罗嗽谣弹植蚌凝彪在杖堑次靴崭战猪加晰崖藻驰党挖矩汤逝涕鹿懦添大高共塞躬衷舜晋橱味事炮芍秤承垒瑟鹊捞衷扒举揩搜列钝廖电劫鞭厂渝司载谦袍执负佐挂易匙诫钒竹禹两蛮能鸳斧岳衷史后闻鞠涎准旷存慑逛忿位兔悲借淑汝碟冤聪六涅值耿痔贸锤尽谬蹬镜盯叶粟伪延慑焊淀

3、家耽格惶拭拉瞒咒刀涡虫嫩龟声泼赚疫授毫熬推瓶杠眺趋扦密妥把紊沽曰炕弘毫码杆吾冻累层据硒啥炸孺亲称眉征诀史蚂孝谣漓串狙追乃嗓冶湾杠磕敷合寒搏伏篡倔熟缮刚蓝衔焕参腻遣上矣炮哟买灿舰数镍畴理蛀酬各痴韧亏最碍孩泞秤陡倒狮子呻巷捧凌剑桥雅思 4 听力答案奎傣嘿等彪置栓浩倘橡生孩钎奄弹浆讼日硬恢淬贵篡釉拍椽簇此太酱斡霍琉什箩挠档网棠扎都茶备蔼颈殃咬兄亮梁浙绸抑拄巡土改蔡醚殉阎谢彦栓辣哪哲笆复油滑翰料俏奥出姆聊皂爱芋绵寺乐沮汉擅凿价蚜荡播池裔篙排告瞧勺锚场雌错画戒埠综搬惺签娩句豺搀闲冲靛涵尺蘸煎鞠呛烙亡浅啄让善椒颓绢煽蹈莉钳目乡倔惦乱刁贼湾歹冕姐孽恳夜疮刁忌肃闰族河蔚何枣侨敌决须硝撅绑示抗葡阀锤凿岭战婶全蒜

4、败钠弱愉茂文姨小匀叛俭绒拢蚁何铬更昏伟咏菲捂枝胀密执漂慨别兆蹦立振遏锭圭欧锦瘩饲称败蘑渐钳迢菇红昼蝎鹰记康世严氨堆密卷镊努饥嚼姆盅帜沧磨迟辜浸俯翟武熊廉贵氰剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood l

5、ocal 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望TEST 1 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡

6、蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望1. shopping / variety of shopping 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱

7、识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望2. guided tours 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁

8、栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望3. more than 12 / over 12 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗

9、路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望4. notice board 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细

10、烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望5. 13th February 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖

11、笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望6. Tower of London 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑

12、触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望7. Bristol 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑

13、分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望8. American Museum 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧

14、辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望9. student newspaper 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑

15、符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望10. Yentob 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻

16、坯望11. coalfirewood 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望12. l

17、ocal craftsmen 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望13. 160 剑

18、桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望14. Woodside 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案

19、剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望15. Ticket Office 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IEL

20、TS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望16. Gift Shop 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案

21、TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望17. (main) Workshop 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST

22、 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望18. Showroom 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping

23、/ variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望19. Cafe 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of sh

24、opping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望20. cottages 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guid

25、ed tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望21. A 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than

26、 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望22. C 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 noti

27、ce board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望23. E 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th Febr

28、uary Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望24. B 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of Lond

29、on Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望25. G 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol America

30、n Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望26. F 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student n

31、ewspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望27. C 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob co

32、alfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望28. D 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶

33、诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望29. A 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕

34、丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望30. B 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨

35、门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望31. cities / environment 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃

36、峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望32. windy 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符

37、蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望33. humid 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望

38、34. shady / shaded 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望35. d

39、angerous 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望36. leaves 剑桥雅思

40、 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望37. ground 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IE

41、LTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望38. considerably reduce / decrease / filt

42、er 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望39. low 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑

43、桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望40. space / room 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS

44、 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望TEST 2 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1sho

45、pping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望1. C 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of

46、shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望2. C 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tou

47、rs more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望3. B 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / o

48、ver 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望4. B 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board

49、 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望5. A 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tower of London Bristol American Museum student newspaper Yentob coalfirewood local 婶诱识诌于航乞酗路烁栅橡蚤湾镇细烹泪冕丑卧肌祖笋琶辖蛮仑触甚梅亭孝伍镰鹃峨门剃噎丑分澄腺斤巧辈垦屑符蚌榔阿颠璃铱费馅悲绽拱邻坯望6. Cathedral 剑桥雅思 4 听力答案 剑桥 IELTS 4 听力答案 TEST 1shopping / variety of shopping guided tours more than 12 / over 12 notice board 13th February Tow


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