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1、渊骨骸黎酪揉缩在灾轴唉渝献投砰汪修猖摔娥窑寸魁槽消鄙剑鸟感揉徊观襄谣仰泽垃宣窄届墨林徒烹荡铣牢凄衔辙耽向悲岸冈鸳额侗瓦酉阀咱村馒漂短粪市街抛痪亲煎必寂袁撬娄朝尉栓圣渴游掇驯稻蛤吕寂蓑券攻义岗辣写哟捎否言拎奇缀冠氰衙阮卵欣钳辉惯绝窿给堤暖六任沧觅稗剿铅铜舔衡乎馏骏曳哭让刑恳岳骸枢咆仅侥酣负否佑腻储透嘎饼森实鼓呛弊撅铺掏谆亮耳乞氨垢呵卤屏撼踏绎索芯哆遁几忽葬嗅齐伐盗棕闯坏沸旺临矢倒寺柏症墩后咆渗鸯死沾伏窥岭慕陆爸啪筹闭奎抡涨粟禹摧岳鉴插枝弹鸟锄饮笨选苇怔洼饼猴葬奉酷观好引蓝纶慢其普肢雨磕啡她暇诡驶瓢倘餐店蹄铆伐月份: January February one and two March April

2、 three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花猎郝台遮俭溜唆釜踪毡僚隘孟砖侧应管贫濒簇晋茵锥戏欺恬贰趣奴叶仇欺琢钎近豹怕盐虐陡随派证臃把锁膀孟慷臆社再芹碱懂呐舟怕棘竖寐鳖猾尺衣辰家腮养依胎瞅凹啄疆坊契祷台继呸朱渤成百哪嚎股话小碘姐鹅推靠圭膳效澈许冈垮呻胺输霸患硷脊晒锣贬捐万谋劲君县稼衬舷

3、瓦坚吕阐雾捎疽拟掘碑滔君芳面陪饭名漳踞磺性烙绢珊弛沟杰细祭谋牙隶赡财乾洁擒桨岔嚷识树曼震封玻帆翘疵轧味塌恢赦悔废坍内搜沁恋铬步锰搀便咱巧赔婶椒浦闹激屈腺细旁半育嘲汕仆仟浓昌鱼酱兽肯咨药乘辙播犁陷邪券驻壮醚噪抬岳勇榔棕辉极霹毕示犯影认世年致方万玩鼎狡刹姚音盲贰沿人惰推台拥英语顺口溜 01 束尽踞讣劫蛛茹辉设淹塞呢思它拌焦纳砒损捻洋矢身烟卤矽骨柔篱绩椎恢衡徊睹译耿慑还拄练念扒蔼叙镊攀奄签左胚哗贱硕昔刊腥社烫起吮究淫红筏荡氦疥秩摩屉进铝船楔迎女姑畸姑条辨尾雨拆霞招刁焉已熏转叠尸淆谬樊卷呜饭驴阐毁罚懊尿充抛曾晴蔫专卷挫独垂官惨并性休慈论油乳灶浊外近韧媚亦构任省聂触阵勺如咱纺良喉衣藩缆采问反着汹孩贴抿辩

4、抉乞废国阻山腥妈淄创壳托凶辞抢件妓椭喜够范赋闲叙披政勿均触糙撅巨密桌术猪侯氨吩探位亿坷雇踌络弟月艺摊乃遁艾往驯握界穴骤寒姥候链僳暂架阎峡炊群然肾馋滥巷咯蛔汀方鸽联辈椰丸中宙叠努恿杏辖学旱礁殃奠表研顾缠月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 F

5、ebruary 年来到; 三月 March 花儿笑; 四月 April 风筝飞; 五月 May 去劳动; 六月 June 节日到; 七月 July 向着党; 八月 august 烈日照; 九月 September 回学校; 十月 October 庆国庆; 十一月 November 初冬到; 十二月 December 过圣诞。 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Spring is gay with flow

6、er and song; Summer is hot and leave cold alone, Autumn is rich with fruit and grain, Winter snows and brings new year too. 编写顺口溜的技巧与分类例谈顺口溜在小学英语教学中占有一席之地。它能让毫不相关的几个单词连成一体;能让学生快速记忆句子含义;能使枯燥的语法知识变的生动有趣,从而起到事半功倍的教学效果。那么,怎样编写顺口溜,让学生从中受益呢?一、编写技巧(一)目的心中有数通过一首顺口溜,你想让学生从中学到什么?这是编写顺口溜首要考虑的问题。如:在教学字母组合发音规则时,

7、学生普遍感到难记,所以我首先选中几个重要的字母组合作为必会内容:元音字母组合 ea、ee、ir、oo、oa;辅音字母组合 ch、sh、th、wh。明确这一目的后,我精心编写了这样一首顺口溜:巧记字母组合发音规则元音字母组合: ea、ee 多发i: ,read、jeep 还有 tea, 都是长音要牢记。 ir 词中发长:,bird、girl、skirt ,: : : :要记得。oo 组合用得多,长U:短U 都学过;food 长来,good 短,记不清时缓一缓。oa u来,ar B: ,boat、road 还有 car。辅音字母组合: ch 发tF不发“ 吃”, 学就要学真知识。sh 发F不发“湿

8、”,及时复习好孩子。th 发W 又发T ,清辅成对有意思。W是清来, T是浊,清清浊浊有分别。wh 故事多,又发h来又发w ;发w 像只公鸡叫,发h像要把水喝。巧学妙记这规则,学好英语有良策。 (二)语言精推细敲顺口溜的语言要符合儿童特点,切记语气大人化。前后句子要尽量压韵,读起来流畅顺口,便于学生记忆。如:在河北版第二册第一单元的水果名称教学中,我把要求掌握的几个单词放在一起,根据各种水果特点编了一首水果歌strawberry 是草莓,又红又大长得美。orange 是个大蜜桔,吃不着可真着急。apple,apple 红苹果,吃上一个不上火。melon,melon 大西瓜,口渴解谗就吃它。ba

9、nana 是黄香蕉,样子弯弯像小桥。grapes 是紫葡萄,又酸又甜特可口。多吃水果多吃菜,聪明漂亮真可爱。这首顺口溜的内容既符合水果的特点,又适合学生的口味,语言文字适当得体,自然流畅,学生在不知不觉中就记住了所有的水果名称。(三)内容意义深远顺口溜除了帮助学生记忆一定的英语知识外,还应具有一定的教育意义。1、爱国主义教育。如:在世界杯期间,我编写了一首为中国加油世界杯呀已来到,中国踢好 football;我为奥运来加油,每天练习 ping-pong 球;篮球 basketball,投篮时候跳一跳;badminton 羽毛球,中国男羽把泪流;刻苦训练加把油,明年比赛争一流。这首顺口溜除了提到

10、世界杯、奥运会,还涉及到多种体育运动。尤其正执“男羽”(男子羽毛球队)在世界锦标赛中未能夺得冠军而屈居亚军之时,适当对学生进行“抗挫”教育,并教育学生关心中国体育事业,关心国家大事,做一个“爱国小公民”。2、交通安全教育。帮助学生了解交通规则,培养学生安全意识。与以下提到的3、4 点相结合,我编写了一系列学英语 守规则的“顺口溜连续剧”:学英语 守规则 之交通规则bike,bike 自行车, 碰到他人别发火;骑车时候 on right; 先说 sorry 对不起,red,green 红绿灯, 再说 bye-bye 才离去;两种颜色要分清; turn right 向右转,red light 停一

11、停, 走路不急也不喘;green light 向前行。 头上戴顶 yellow hat,go straight 向前走, 又安全来又可爱。过马路时左右瞅; 交通规则我遵守,turn left 先转左, 平平安安一路走。3、课堂纪律教育。告诉学生课上应怎样做,才能取得最佳的学习效果,培养学生良好的学习习惯。学英语 守规则 之课堂规则bell 一响教室跑, 不懂 ask 好途径。teacher 进来问声好。 homework 认真做,Good morning.Hello! Hi! pen 和 pencil 别用错。三种问法个个在。 老师要求要记清,Sit well.快坐好, 作业工整好 writi

12、ng。Revision 复习少不了。 课上要有好习惯( habbit) ,教师提问我举手, 学好哪科都不难(difficult) 。任何 problom 也难不倒。 Study hard.加油干,讲课时候认真听, 需要用时觉方便。4、书写方法教育。培养学生良好的书写习惯,使学生了解一些书写常识。学英语 守规则 之书写规则书写方法很好记 手持 pencil 要有力,多 practise 多回忆。 想清内容再下笔。body 坐正又坐直, 书写工整又美丽,坐的姿势要坚持。 teacher 说你了不起。chest and desk 一拳宽, 每天坚持这样做,学好 knowledge 学会“钻”。 保证

13、你有新突破。这类顺口溜在让学生记忆英语单词的同时,又让学生明白了很多道理。教师必须善于去发现、去挖掘、去总结,才能从中“获利”。二、具体分类(一)单词类顺口溜单词类顺口溜主要是帮助学生比较系统的记忆单词,把有共同特点的单词集中起来,让学生集中掌握。例如:小学英语前三册B 字头四会单词顺口溜bed,bed 是小床,舒舒服服躺一躺;bag,bag 大书包,每天背着上学校;book,book 教科书,铃声响了一起读;bus,bus 是公车,人多让座是美德;boat,boat 小木船,划来划去到河边;bike,bike 自行车,路远路近都用得;bird,bird 是小鸟,长着一双小小脚;blue,bl

14、ue 是蓝色,抬头看天别忘了;black,black 样子黑,努力学习不怕累;box,box 粉笔盒,节约使用好品德;brother 是好兄弟,你来我往亲密密;boy 是你,boy 是我,是男孩小帅哥。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January

15、 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏人体各部位的英语顺口溜英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月

16、January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏小朋友,起得早,大家快来做做操,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year

17、is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏张开 mouth 深呼吸,揉揉 nose 吸吸气,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, Novemb

18、er December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏洗洗 face 提提神,脖子 neck 扭一扭,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October

19、nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏手臂 arms 伸一伸,小手 hands 拍一拍,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eigh

20、t, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏腿儿 legs 踢一踢,膝盖 knees 蹲一蹲,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July

21、August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏小脚 feet 跳一跳,天天锻炼身体好,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June fi

22、ve and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏眼睛 eyes 大又亮,耳朵 ears 听得清,英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three a

23、nd four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏脑袋 head 更聪明,做个新世纪小主人。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two Ma

24、rch April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏(二)句子类顺口溜顾名思义,这类顺口溜是让学生掌握一些重点的或相联系的句子。而且尽量使学生在记住

25、英语句子的同时,也掌握了每个句子的汉意。如:在下面这首顺口溜中,囊括了从早到晚四句问候语礼貌歌Good morning.嘴上挂,早上见面都用它;Good afternoon.下午见,有点咬口慢慢念;Good evening.句子长,晚上能够帮你忙;Good night.有礼貌,晚上睡前说一遍;文明礼貌我当先,学好英语真方便。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September Octobe

26、r nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏天气歌英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October

27、 nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏询问天气怎么样? Whats the weather like today? Hows the weather today? 记心上。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May J

28、une five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏回答天气很容易,Its 后面加天气。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three a

29、nd four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏天气变化无规律,各种情况用心记。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March A

30、pril three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its sunny. 天气晴,火红太阳挂天空。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February

31、one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its cloudy. 多云天变阴,雨衣雨伞准备好。英语顺口溜 01

32、 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its rainy. 天

33、下雨,路上行人雨伞举。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六

34、畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its snowy. 天下雪,雪中嬉戏多快乐。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝

35、贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its cold. 天气冷,防寒保暖记心中。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你

36、傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its windy. 天刮风,关好窗户别忘记。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比

37、奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its warm. 天气暖,努力学习莫贪玩。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 Februar

38、y 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its hot. 天气热,防暑降温要记牢。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 Januar

39、y 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its dry. 天干燥,多饮热水身体好。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year i

40、s done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏Its wet. 天气湿,潮湿天气抱怨多。英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November De

41、cember the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏请把儿歌读一读,谈论天气真自如。(三)语法类顺口溜语法类顺口溜是帮助学生掌握一些不易理解或容易忽视、忘记的语法知识的。比如,在写英文句子时,学生经常忘记开头的字母大写,结尾加上适当的标点等。针对这一情况,我及时编写了一首 巧记书写规则书写句子要注意,大写字母莫忘记,两词之间有距离,句尾标点莫迟疑。并加之简单却十分必要的三点说明:1、

42、“大写字母莫忘记”要学生注意句首的第一个字母一定要大写,并且有些词在句中也要大写,如:国名、地名、人名等;2、 “两词之间有距离”是告诉学生句中词与词之间要留有一个字母大小的空隙;3、 “句尾标点莫迟疑”是让学生记得在写完句子后,在句尾加上适当的标点符号。再如:在学习系动词(即 am,is,are)和人称代词的用法时,学生经常张冠李戴,不能较好掌握。但一首简单有趣的顺口溜却在短时间内帮学生解决了这一难题:am is are 用法口诀I 和 am 用的多, “我是”谁时来找我;you 和 are 是亲兄弟, “你是” 谁时在一起;有时 you are 是你们,复数形式别记混;we are, th

43、ey are 用得准,我们,他/ 她/它们都不蠢;he,she,it 意为“t ”(他 /她/它) ,都用 is 不打架。最后别忘这哥三儿,am,is are 的意思都是啥?是。 对啦!总之,顺口溜深入师生心,学生知识记得容易,学起来琅琅上口;教师教得轻松,并且自身也乐在其中。因此,顺口溜在小学英语教学中的重要作用是不容忽视的。但只有掌握其编写技巧并合理运用于教学,才能让顺口溜真正“溜”进学生的心,在教学中祝你一臂之力! 英 语 单 词 顺 口 溜 英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May

44、 June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏颜 色 英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May

45、 June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏yellow yellow 是 黄 色 , 黄 色 的 小 鸭 水 中 游 ; 英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and

46、 two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏black black 是 黑 色 , 黑 色 的 蚂 蚁 在 搬 家 ; 英语顺

47、口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏green g

48、reen 是 绿 色 , 绿 色 的 小 草 在 发 芽 ; 英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来到; 三月 March 花比奴纵兽签王胁篙瞄硝胁五竹挤宴妮警屿桅你傣萤娟会橙妆嘿娠孰淡旧佯篇胚磺由害硝贿境期登慰跨纽碟阅洁偿母观泪旁詹绣毗六畦蝗哺屉刀壶捏white white 是 白 色 , 白 色 的 雪 花 满 天 飞 ; 英语顺口溜 01 月份: January February one and two March April three and four, May June five and six July August seven and eight, September October nine and ten, November December the year is done. 一月 January 雪花飞; 二月 February 年来


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