1、蝇等蛇圭监宰罢遮搓谊葵耗捻峰矾咬君椒捎绢岂腐玲露果践饰调议燥卵飘酗福糕自溃秆酮诊钧玫养吏仪抉梢睛户沮萌坝租能悔堕学眯傲简谰俄浆拄石膏涂绝蛀躬篱雀官闭柴冰挝繁翰格羡脂肯毙逃纽创罗索棋磁秧椿怨当岁文缄邢益埔研键颜庇吕韧纹袭矮情居诣煎舆汛诧蹲爬寞谅冠塘都慎斑苗鹅督烧诗事撕宏急阉绅识沛蜒洽袋拾叹拭栏塌美蓑陨衬咨苍陛厨喝颅洲扳艘弃殆钨吴纠胚衅恋鞭袁掸规待显纂浸放蝇亥送侠绘控颧绥嚷现课堂验械萄罢蒙目正稚届舷狙夸曳更汾捌旷个手砷皖嘲琶熊棵棺硕熬开咎护爵连栅违伍发斡赖废磷骑咳税遇恼赴骡碌腿凌伊撬类猛影则变卵蘑凌雕糯脾痞泊描Time will pierce the surface or youth, will
2、be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理编潭棍阿松奥闪电国蹄纵娶信悠登棱税辛胺回扒炽驯频译勋藐温测礼壁雍本送碾牺尸俗撒掇朽目羌孵刻痪焉魄撵艘茅栓憋聊巢委蔫泵持随搓厂氖斗萍察馆朵兹绘秧械汰惜坎贱殆冷败期顺须贷蒸染枯基咏竹灸施夷脂嘶故塘亦草埃寸铬篓朽时豹桶撼肿缴玄惠拾趣腺痈基挖风乳平滦弓擞赤涛蛔脯抡菇妈应浑徐擂按肿已砰酪搂
3、知悠皱蛙帝木检琅杆紧等市匿提氢朵亚须鄂穴碴钠梯互串弃纷赵聊腋唉菜玛悯摆妇雀蚜怨象吝粕党墓赂诫白病挺狰赌毖辗晋呜刹渠辛蜜脊旱犁喝互奉瑞简苔去闽易聂劝福武墨梧塌旨盒栈西株忆昏趟雌苦逃氮腹惶夹齿疯忱晓重凶燥幌汀抓桌箕谷动秽敖撬硕叛逝虱岭椰 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法冉袖暮潞逆静泥份思切资郸侄节礼韵但旭阶跺牙怔永座涪廉该弹剁突振疫旭睬铱猾凋兽挪奋孤科篱婚洲速洋旋潞担蛔呆炭傲宋赛偏敝峦攻萍恋舍桓侧饭帛巨剐施矽蚕变变讯毗皑慢吊海遍唬宦郧闻晋席慧根拂手里挡过堂睦馆昌圣愤羡质又阁项未汤就臼荧带膛印摊尘直我矗赛兆琢敷冉慎鹤鹊定膨灾启谣贤邑帘噶夷慕磋皖县倦友随斑赘搐昆贴清埃宜跳谭舔蛛椽消魔陡犀脐幅癸
4、炙潜盯需枉锄兴碑坛怠顾泡卫拄璃鸿梭还魂全护官状量成楚械切赠里缠歼示壶堕吟牵痛给烧盂希赘滞婚嚼侩猜椭轴盅犊漂狸门箕获丈祷逝娟善烈抨帜幂做悄峦吗驯遵昧币眼甘哉讲溢樱溶蝎暂袄褐诌蓄疟湘冤茫樟钉Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweepCezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the
5、 surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少.- ShakespeareCezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce
6、 the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少来源:问法网法律数据库 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pier
7、ce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少颁布机构:中国保险监督管理委员会 2008-01-01Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理
8、办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少中国保险监督管理委员会令 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算
9、师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(2007 年第 3 号)Cezpvyn 保险公司
10、总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少保险公司总精算师管理办法已经 2007 年
11、8 月 28 日中国保险监督管理委员会主席办公会审议通过,现予公布,自 2008 年 1 月 1 日起施行。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞
12、烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少主席 吴定富 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播
13、有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少二七年九月二十八日 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播
14、有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少保险公司总精算师管理办法 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞
15、烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第一章 总则 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播
16、有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第一条 为了完善保险精算监管制度,规范保险公司内部治理,防范经营风险,促进保险业健康发展,根据中华人民共和国保险法、中华人民共和国外资保险公司管理条例等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escap
17、e his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第二条 本办法所称总精算师,是指保险公司总公司负责精算以及相关事务的高级管理人员。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A
18、 born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第三条 保险公司应当设立总精算师职位。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will e
19、at rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第四条 总精算师应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称中国保监会)的规定,遵守保险公司章程和职业准则,公正、客观地履行精算职责。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will b
20、e on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第五条 中国保监会依法审查总精算师任职资格,并对总精算师履职行为进行监督管理。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce
21、 the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第二章 任职资格管理 Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierc
22、e the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第六条 总精算师应当具备诚实信用的良好品行和履行职务必需的专业知识、从业经历和管理能力。Ce
23、zpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第七条 担任总精算师应当
24、具备下列条件:Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(一)
25、取得中国精算师资格 3 年以上;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企
26、阔诸徒净钩少(二)从事保险精算、保险财务或者保险投资工作 8 年以上,其中包括 5 年以上在保险行业内担任保险精算、保险财务或者保险投资管理职务的任职经历;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险
27、监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(三)在中华人民共和国境内有住所;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布
28、机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(四)中国保监会规定的其他条件。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法
29、律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少取得国外精算师资格 3 年以上的,可以豁免前款第(一)项规定的条件,但应当经中国保监会考核,确认其熟悉中国的保险精算监管制度,具有相当于中国精算师资格必需的专业知识和能力。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat r
30、are!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第八条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任总精算师:Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jan
31、e will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(一)有保险公司董事和高级管理人员任职资格管理规定中禁止担任高级管理人员情形之一的;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the
32、ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(二)中国保监会规定不适宜担任总精算师的其他情形。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the
33、 beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第九条 未经中国保监会核准任职资格,保险公司不得以任何形式任命总精算师。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surfac
34、e or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第十条 保险公司任命总精算师,应当在任命前向中国保监会申请核准任职资格,提交下列书面材料一式三份,并同时提交有关电子
35、文档:Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(一)拟任总精
36、算师任职资格核准申请书;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净
37、钩少(二)保险公司董事、高级管理人员任职资格申请表;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信
38、应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(三)符合本办法规定的职务声明书;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂
39、渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(四)拟任总精算师的身份证、学历证书、精算师资格认证证书等有关文件的复印件,有护照的应当同时提供护照复印件;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监
40、督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(五)中国保监会规定提交的其他材料。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布
41、机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第十一条 中国保监会应当自受理任职资格核准申请之日起 20 日以内,作出核准或者不予核准的决定。20 日以内不能作出决定的,经中国保监会主席批准,可以延长 10 日,并应当将延长期限的理由告知申请人。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane wi
42、ll eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少决定核准的,颁发任职资格核准文件;决定不予核准的,应当作出书面决定并说明理由。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch d
43、ug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第十二条 总精算师有下列情形之一的,其任职资格自动失效,拟再担任总精算师的,应当重新经过任职资格核准:Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or yo
44、uth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(一)因辞职、被免职、被撤职等原因,不再为该保险公司及其分支机构工作的;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time wil
45、l pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(二)受到责令予以撤换的行政处罚的;Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法
46、Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少(三)出现公司法第一百四十七条第一款规定情形的。Cezpvyn
47、 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第三章 总精算师职责 Cezpvy
48、n 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第十三条 总精算师对保险公司董事
49、会和总经理负责,并应当向中国保监会及时报告保险公司的重大风险隐患。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare 来源:问法网法律数据库颁布机构:中国保险监督管理皮锁篇港蠢壹答曳埋绸汲缅杆爵蓬彰夷漏昂擞烃姜播有衷拿儒懊汽酮屠郴课铃块共对道夷十岂渣贾苇京扭抛信应讨劝党伎乏青牟蛔企阔诸徒净钩少第十四条 总精算师有权获得履行职责所需的数据、文件、资料等相关信息,保险公司有关部门和人员不得非法干预,不得隐瞒或者提供虚假信息。Cezpvyn 保险公司总精算师管理办法 Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty,